
Unlike before, the repairs and rebuilding of the shipgirls began almost immediately after the endbringer battle. Like before her shipgirls showed that they do have the firepower to kill the endbringers, showing how important they are. Both Chen Hai and Tai Yuan of the Dragon Empery were so heavily injured that they needed to be refitted.

Speaking of the Chinese shipgirls, 5 more of them had showed up. 3 destroyers, a light cruiser, and a battlecruiser.

"Dragon Empery destroyer, Lung Wu. I'll pass on the fighting and paperwork stuff, but if you need anything food-related, just leave it to me! So, what's your favorite type of cooking? Grilling, frying, stir-frying, broiling, steaming? You name it, I'll cook it!" the small light blue haired girl said. She has two small horns on her head and a large and long for her body size dragon tail.

"The name's Hu Pen, and I'm a member of the Dragon Empery's Lung Wu-class destroyers! This tiger can handle any task for you, no matter how trivial! ...Heehee~ What'd ya think? Did I come off as having the awesomeness of a tiger?" the small blonde girl who has tiger ears and a tail.

"Fei Yuen of the Dragon Empery's Chang Feng-class destroyers is at your service! And, you're supposed to be my princess? Heheh~ Then, please refer to me as Lady Yuen from now on~ Do so, and I shall protect you and take you on grand adventures!" the small white haired girl said.

"I am Chi An of the Dragon Empery. I am a light cruiser created through an improvement upon the design of the Novara-class cruisers. As for how I came to be... Have you ever heard of the designation, CNT-65? Hehe, I'm actually a lot more knowledgeable than you would expect," the long blue haired shipwoman said who has a lust busty body that is covered in a revealing Chinese dress that has two straps hanging over her breasts where her nipples would be.

"I am Huan Ch'ang, battlecruiser of the Dragon Empery. And you must be the princess I've heard so much about? Now that I've seen you in person... Heehee. Does your mettle measure up to your vaunted name? Very well. Allow me to be the judge of that," the grey haired lust busty shipwoman said who is wearing a see through black body stocking covered be a revealing black Chinese dress. And she's wearing a mask on her face that covers just her face around her eyes.

"Alright you 5 be assigned to your new posts later. Just hang out and stay on the base," Sovereign said to her new shipgirls. (1)

Sovereign is at the dry docks of Meyer Werft in Germany, overseeing the repairs for her shipgirls there. She's sitting at a desk with Recruit her shipwoman secretary reading over the paperwork and explaining it to her so she can either sign it or dismiss it.

"Yes princess," Chi A said leading the other 4 out of the office Sovereign is using.

"The shipments from the states have arrived," Recruit said.

"Good, there is only one endbringer left and she's the smart one," Sovereign said not liking what the last endbringer is and what she does.

"They're still trying to woo you back to the states. There are lots of personal gifts for you," Recruit said.

"As if I need anything but supplies from them at this point. I'm already married to a member of the royal family of Japan and could claim the empty throne of China. Not that I want to, that whole country is a mess and it be my job to fix it," Sovereign said.

"It's the reason why none of the Chinese shipgirls want to go back either, that goes for the Russian shipgirls too," Recruit said.

"Cleaning up that mess just so that the people already in power don't have, to isn't something I want to do," Sovereign said.

"There is also another Meta shipgirl that showed up in a lab," Recruit said.

"Who is it this time?" Sovereign ask.

"Send her in," Recruit said on her radio.

A white and brown haired shipgirl entered the room, wearing shorts and a bikini top and a cap on her head.

"I am Kimberly of the Fletcher class, ready to serve. That should do it for introductions. What's important is that I am your sword – all you need to do is tell me what to cut," Kimberly Meta said.

"I'll send you to be posted with your sisters," Sovereign said.

The Meta shipgirls and the other clone shipgirls have been doing well, once they were with their fleet and sisters again for the most part. Some like Bismarck Zwei Is doing well with her sisters, but with Queen Elizabeth and Queen Elizabeth Meta, they just fight all the time with their other sisters Warspite and Valiant having to hold them back. Which is pretty much normal for the shipgirls who have sisters to fight now and then.

"As you wish, I'll wait to cut," Kimberly Meta said walking out of the room.

"How much did the US sent?" Sovereign ask.

"They sent cargo ships full of material to repair all the ships being rebuild," Recruit said.

Since the death of Leviathan, shipping has once again open up as ships don't have to worry about being sunk anymore. Which the US government has been sending shipments of materials to the dry docks where the shipgirls are being repaired. In hopes of repairing the damaged relationship that was caused by the republicans who block the bill to get her fleet repaired.

"There's one left now. And she's the most dangerous of them. We need everyone ready," Sovereign said.

"Yes the heroes and villains know that too," Recruit said.


Author's Notes -

1 - I would like to see more shipgirls from countries who took part in the war. Like Australia and Canada. Or at least add more shipgirls to the fleets that have low numbers.
