
Sovereign look over the new Northern Parliament shipgirls in front of her. Two of the new shipgirls are 2 battleships and the last 2 are destroyers, with the first two being adult women and the last two looking like young girls. Which Sovereign still doesn't get why that happens, with the size of the warships being the main theme of which shipgirls look young or old, which has plenty of exceptions to that rule.

"I am the first ship of Project 23, Sovetsky Soyuz. Like my sisters, I was a centerpiece of the Northern Parliament's naval strategy. Now my strength is all yours to wield, princess. Your decisions have my support, as always, because I have full confidence in your ability," the oldest looking and also the most busty of the new shipgirls said who has long blue hair like her two sisters.

"You'll be station with your sisters Rossiya and Belorussiya then," Sovereign said seeing that Soyuz is more comfortable exposing her large breasts then Rossiya is but not to the degree that Belorussiya shows off her breasts.

"I'm Poltava, Gangut-class battleship of the Northern Parliament. While Gangut herself may be more famous, my abilities will not disappoint you. Got a work issue, a personal issue, or any issue at all? Just come to me!" the light purple long haired with long pointed teeth, vampire looking shipgirl said. Who is also wearing a skin tight shoulder less bodysuit and a ragged cape to complete the look. With two chuffs with long chains that have pointed blades at the ends.

"Gangut and Sevastopol be happy to see you," Sovereign said as the Northern Parliament are one of the smallest in number of her fleets.

"I'm Ognevoy, Project 30K-class or Ognevoy-class destroyer! I didn't get to fight in the war for a myriad of reasons! Also, I don't like violence! But don't be alarmed, princess! I'll still do what my job demands!" the young looking white haired girl said. She's dressed as a maid, like the maids of the Royal Navy.

"Nice to have you," Sovereign said to the young girl looking shipgirl.

"I'm Svirepy, Storozhevoy-class destroyer. I'm an evolution of the Gnevny class and pack not just nutty firepower, but also... "Sensitive to low temps and prone to catching colds"? Only 'cuz I'm not used to these environs and I ain't got enough rest! Get off my case!" the black haired girl said. Unlike her sister ship Storozhevoy she's dress as a maid also.

"You be with your sister then," Sovereign said seeing she's another wild shipgirl.

"There is also another META shipgirl who escape from a Russian lab," Recruit said.

A shipgirl wearing a black outfit of that Pamiat' Merkuria wears who is a copy of said shipgirl.

"Yoohoo! Nice to meet you, princess... When can I start? Heehee. You clearly don't understand the situation here. If you want the privilege of working with the noble Lady Pamiat' Merkuria, you'll have to earn it!" Pamiat' Merkuria META said.

"I will work on it," Sovereign said. "Now all of you get to the mess hall and get something to eat. I'll send someone to assign you to your posts."

The new shipgirls nodded and left the room.

"We need to be ready for any more trouble that the Russians get up to in creating their own shipgirls and the Chinese," Sovereign said to Recruit.

"Already on it," Recruit said.

"How are the repairs coming along?" Sovereign ask.

"We're at 50% at full strength now," Recruit said.

"And the ones who have been under repair since the first Endbringer battle?" Sovereign asks.

"The last ones should be ready within 2 months," Recruit said.

"Good, and send a message to the US. They're to keep sending materials and send people to help with repairs. One left and unless I have all the fleet ready, I can't say we would be able to survive. I can't pull another HMS Diamond Rock out of nowhere to surprise the last Endbringer," Sovereign said.

"At least we're immune to mind control," Recruit said. (1)

"There is that," Sovereign agreed.


Author's Notes -

1 - The shipgirls being more like androids are completely immune to mind control of any kind.
