
A few days after the destruction of that particular village, chief Tobi was in the confines of his cabin in his boat with his legs resting on the table before his eyes. 

In front of him on the little bed was none other than Cherry.

Since the day he had saved her, she had been in this place, never going out. He did not even allow her look through the window for too long.

She had long been allowed to take her bath and given a change of clothes. Food was always brought to her by the chief's men. 

In the absence of nothing to do, Cherry, being a smart girl had been making efforts to understand the Aztec language, observing their gestures and analyzing the possible meaning of certain words.

Her first attempt at speech was when she used the word, 'thank you' after a meal was brought to her. This was something that chief Tobi quickly noticed this, and since he too was less busy, decided to correct her on her pronunciation.