The Bargain

However, he suddenly heard a voice come from behind him. 

"This was not the plan Chief Tobi, You are late!" 

Everyone turned around, and there he was. Gray staggard in his steps. One step at a time through the ashes on the ground, as he walked forward towards them. 

As he did, everyone else could see it properly. They could see as his throat visible healed. As he continued moving, Chief Tobi rushed to help him. 

"I almost thought you won't do it you know, take my deal."

"What about my sister?" Chief Tobi asked

"She is fine. Just as agreed. I save your sister's life, and you help me find out Vatu's hideout." 

Gray nodded as he fell on the Chief's shoulder. 

"Good! lets go!" Chief Tobi ordered and immediately, they left the location.