Chapter Forty-Eight

She threw herself into an embrace with Leonard, who stumbled backwards a few steps in shock.

"Wha - " he said.

She parted from him. "I heard everything! Thank you so much, Leonard!"

"God, you're overreacting," he said. "It's nothing."

"It really means a lot," she said. "I can't believe this is happening."

"It's about time I came around," he said. "Sorry, Alice."

"I forgive you," she said.

Keanu inhaled. "Well, then there's Mike."

"Mike," Leonard said. "Yeah, he's not exactly on board, guys."

"Have you talked to him about it?" Alice asked.

"I did," Leonard said. "He told me to get out of his house."

"Geez," Alice said. "He really sounds mad."

"Tell me about it," Leonard said. "Though he texted me some time later and apologised. But he also said he wasn't budging on the issue."

"Say," Keanu said. "Do you think you could do one thing for us?"


"Since you still have an in with Mike," he said. "Invite him out to dinner with us. I want to give it another shot. Resolve things with him."

"You don't seriously think he'd say yes to that, do you?" Leonard scoffed.

"Don't tell him we're coming," Keanu said. "And make sure it's a crowded restaurant so he doesn't try anything."

"I can do that," Leonard said. "Leave it to me."

As the week progressed, Leonard kept them updated. He sent them texts often about the situation and they formed a group chat to arrange everything. Mike refused to meet Leonard at first, obviously still salty over how Leonard went back on his word and gave his approval to Keanu and Alice but with much effort, Mike finally agreed to meet Leonard for dinner.

They had to choose a restaurant well. The area they lived in was sparsely populated, much like their old neighbourhood. They found a place about thirty minutes away which was owned by some celebrity chef, and they made a reservation. The food there was great, so it was always packed. But most of all, it was high-end and well guarded because it was located in a hotel, which meant that Mike would never get violent with Keanu.

When that day approached, Alice was so nervous she could hardly eat. But since she didn't want to ruin her gut, she got some roasted chicken delivered and ate everything. As the day turned into night, Keanu told her it was almost time for them to meet Mike. She took deep breaths in and out, and they headed out.

When they left the house, it was pouring mercilessly and they had to rush into the cab. They ended up somewhat drenched, even though they used an umbrella. They arrived at the hotel, and the valet took their umbrellas from them.

Walking to the restaurant, some waiters led them to the private room they had booked and they removed their shoes. They sat there waiting for Mike, and a dizzy feeling hit Alice out of nowhere. She blinked a few times, and it went away. Keanu picked the menu up and placed some orders, and within moments, the sushi arrived. Leonard was also there, and he told them Mike was about to arrive.

When the door slid open and Mike appeared at the door, his expression soured instantly. He scoffed aloud.

"You sure had this well planned," Mike said.

"Come and sit down, Mike," Keanu said.

Mike came in and sat down, still frowning deeply. "If you think you can buy my approval, you're dumber than I thought."

"We don't think that," Keanu said. "We - "

Mike looked at Alice. "You know you could've visited us. I know we aren't on good terms, but your mom and I were very worried."

The light feeling struck her again and she shook her head slightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't think you wanted to see me. You were mad."

"Yeah, but you're our kid. It's not like we stopped loving you."

"If you love me so much, then," she said, a cold fire shooting up her back. "Then why don't you give me your approval already?"

"Alice, you know it doesn't work like that," Mike said. She put her head in her hand, her elbow on the table. "Are you okay? You look pale."

"I'm okay, just a little dizzy, that's all."

"As I was saying, your mom has been so worried about you. We texted you to come over but you didn't want to. Why?"

"If I did, I know what I'd be hearing the entire day. That's not how I want to spend my time."

"We are your parents," Mike said. "I don't think we're asking for much. We want what's best for you." Then he glared at Keanu. "This asshole isn't good for you."

"You know me, Mike," Keanu said. "We've been best friends for a long time, and you know how high my moral standards are."

"I was clearly wrong about that," Mike said.

"You know I would never hurt her."

"Fuck you won't!" Mike said.

"Now that I think about it, you've always been rather slow in understanding. You can't read the atmosphere and you don't know others. You're not a good listener and you have trouble putting yourself in the shoes of others."

"You motherfucker…"

"You're not the brightest person, that's all I can say - "

"God, would you guys just shut up?" Alice said.

"Alice, you don't look great…" Leonard said.

"Geez, thanks for that. I guess I won't try makeup ever again," she said, getting up.

"Where are you going?" Mike asked.

"I need some air," she said, leaving the room.

"Wait," Mike said, following after her. The rest of them joined too.

She stumbled into the back of the hotel, and pushed open a heavy door. It was some place with a dumpster and nobody was around. She had no clue where she was at. It was sheltered, and the floor was partly flooded with rainwater.

"Are you okay?" Mike asked.

"I'm fine."

"She doesn't look fine - " Leonard said.

And that was when everything turned black.