Chapter Forty-Nine

She drifted in and out of consciousness, her body in flight. She felt her head falling back and her hair flying in the air, and she forced her eyes open, her world still spinning. She felt water splashing on her face and there was a terrible coldness to her body. She blinked a few times, her vision blurry before she blacked out again.

When she came to again, there were beeping noises beside her and she had to wait a while before everything focused. She realised she was in the hospital and lying on a bed, her arm hooked up to an IV. She looked around her and saw Keanu getting up from his couch. His hair was wet and his clothes looked damp. He grasped her hand tightly.

"How are you feeling, Alice?" Keanu asked.

"What happened?"

"You fainted. The doctors think it was food poisoning."

"But I didn't even eat - " she said. "Oh wait, I ate roasted chicken earlier that tasted weird."

"I think that was it," he said. "You need to rest."

"Where is Mike and Leonard?"

"They're at our place to get some stuff for us. I'm staying the night to be with you."

"I feel fine now actually. Let's go home."

"No, that's not a question. You're staying until the doctors decide it's okay for you to leave."

"But - "

"Alice, no," he said.

"Fine," she said, resting her head on the bed.

She rested for a while and soon, the nurse came in with a cup of warm water for her. She downed it in one gulp, her throat completely parched. She slept for a little and woke up again when she heard talking.

Mike was passing Keanu a bag and Leonard put another bag on the couch. Keanu thanked Mike and looked at her. Placing the bag on the couch, he came over to her again.

"Keanu," Mike said. "You should shower. You're gonna catch a cold."

"I will," he said. He put the back of his hand on her forehead. "Sorry for waking you up."

"It's okay, it's still early," she said.

He took a jug of water and poured a cup for her. "Here, drink up."

She took it and drank. "Thank you, Keanu."

"Dad, we'll take care of her."

"Alice - " Keanu said.

"I'm really fine, I swear," she said. "Go shower, quick."

He exhaled. "Fine," he said. "I'll be back soon."

She did not see him again that night because she drifted off to sleep. When she woke up, the doctor came to visit her and he told her that she would be discharging today. Keanu thanked the doctor profusely and he asked him to follow him to settle some paperwork. Mike agreed to stay with her and after Keanu left, he came over to sit on the edge of her bed.

"You should've seen Keanu last night, Alice," Mike said.


"You suddenly left the restaurant in such a hurry and we all went after you. He didn't even have the time to put his shoes back on. You were acting weird and when we were at the back of the hotel, you fainted out of nowhere."

"Oh, yeah, now I remember."

"It was like his brain snapped. He flew over to you and picked you up in his arms. Then he ran down the alleyway, out into the heavy rain in his bare feet to take you to this hospital. Luckily, it was nearby."

She smiled. "That sounds like him."

"I didn't expect him to do that. When I saw him like that, I felt such a sense of wonder. You were in his arms, and I felt very relieved, like you were in the safest place possible."

"I was," she said. "I've always felt the safest with him."

"It got me thinking," he said. "I assumed you two were only together to satiate yourselves sexually. But it's clear as day now that it's far more than that."

Mike grabbed her hand.

"He truly loves you, Alice," Mike said. "I see that now."

"I love him, Dad," she said. "And I love you too. It would mean the world to me if I had your approval."

Keanu walked in and approached them. "Hey, everything is settled, we can go."

"Will you give us your approval, dad?" Alice asked.

Keanu glanced at Mike.

"I do," Mike said. "I give you two my approval."

She jumped out of her hospital bed, hugging Mike tightly. "Thank you, Dad!"

"Hey, slow down," Keanu said. "You're still recovering."

She parted from her father and looked at him. "Ah, I'll be fine," she said causally.

"Let's go to the restroom, I'll help you change," Keanu said.

"Geez, it's not like I had a stroke or anything," she laughed. "I'll change myself."

"At least let me be in the same room in case anything happens."

"Fine, fine," she said. "Let's go."

He followed her, but stopped to glance at Mike. "Thanks, Mike," he said. "For the approval."

"I wasn't finished," Mike said. "That approval lasts for a year, and one year only."