12. Interaction (2)

Ring! Ring!

The bell was pressed and Dylan could only stand up and walked to the door.

"You're here?"

"You're not done eating yet?" Lucy asked. "I wanted to go to Anna's room, but I thought about checking yours first."

"Well, Sister Anna is inside. Come in." Dylan moved sideways.

Lucy's eyes widened. "Damn! You're back to calling her as sister again? I thought that you refused to call her that way when you're 15 years old because you feel that it's too childish."

"Why can't I call her sister again?" Dylan arched his eyebrows. He smiled. "Sister said that I can."

Mark watched Dylan changing his face quickly and shook his head. On the outside, this man looked very mature, but he knew very well that Dylan was actually very childish. It was even more so in front of his friends.

He looked at Anna, who was sitting on the sofa and showed a thoughtful look at Dylan.

When they were young, they did play together and this Dylan liked to follow Anna. But after a conflict with Jake, Dylan stopped following Anna and also refused to call her as 'sister' again.

So now…

Did he return to the time before the conflict?

"Tsk, you should be the only one who want to call her sister when you're only a few weeks younger." Lucy laughed. Among the four of them, Anna was actually the oldest, so she was called sister when they were young.

But later on, they just called with name directly.

"Lucy, you're here." Anna smiled brightly when she saw Lucy.

"Come on, let's talk in your apartment and let the two men talked with each other." Lucy proceeded to drag Anna away.

Dylan watched the two of them left and then looked at Mark. "You're going to stay here?"

His tone was calm and indifferent.

Mark could clearly sense the difference from when he talked with Anna not long ago. The corner of his lips curled up slightly. "I don't have the plan to stay here for a long time, but I need to wait somewhere before the two girls finish talking, so I'll borrow your place."

Dylan nodded and then walked to the kitchen.

"You're cooking again?"

"I want to make bread for Sister Anna's breakfast tomorrow."

Mark was stunned when he heard Dylan's sentence. He murmured in a low voice, "You two are not even real siblings but you care for her more than a sibling."

Dylan didn't say anything in this matter and only remarked, "The room on the left is a gym. You can go there to practice if you want to."

"Got it." Mark stood up and directly walked to the gym.


At this time, Lucy had already brought Anna back to Anna's apartment's living room. She sighed deeply. "Usually, I'll drag you to go shopping, but in this situation, let's just play games!"

When they were in bad mood, the best way to solve their depression was to go shopping and buy things.

That was Lucy's method.

The method that caused her to stock up a lot of items that still hadn't been used up until all these years.

Though, Anna had to admit that shopping was fun.

But the pain of having no money afterwards is also true.

Especially now that she had to budget her money carefully if she didn't want to end up becoming a homeless person who had nothing and couldn't even eat.

"Haha, fine~."

The two of them lunged on the couch and started to play with their mobile phone. There were many online games and in this kind of situation, this was truly the best way to pass by time.

Looking at the heavy rain outside will only make them more and more depressed.

"Say, do you want to start a new relationship? I can introduce you to other handsome and strong men from my school." Lucy grinned mischievously.

Anna looked at Lucy speechlessly. "Is your standard for picking men is their strength?"

"Tsk, you don't understand. Having a strong man with muscle carry you is simply the best!" Lucy smirked.

Anna had a blank look on her face before she smashed Lucy's face with a pillow. "Damn you and your dirty mind."

"Bwahahaha!" Lucy laughed. "Don't tell me that you haven't done it with that uh…."

"No. My mom said that you can only have close relationship after marriage." Anna shrugged.

"Your mom is a traditional person, huh?" Lucy clicked her tongue. "But that's good too. You don't have any relationship with that b*stard or anything that tie you down with him anymore."

"Right." Anna nodded, also relieved about this.

She didn't really want to have anything that could remind her of Jake anymore, so not having any relationship with him before would greatly help her.

"Now that we're done talking about this, I'm going to kill you in the game!"

"What? Ah! Stop attacking me."
