IV: New Kid on the Block

Kaizer took his first steps beyond the imposing walls of Queen Hundred's palace, venturing into the eerie, dark expanse of Sanguine City. His eyes were alert, a result of his adaptation to the nocturnal sleep schedule adhered to by all supernatural beings. He chewed on a Bloodberry Pastry, a delicious treat made for the early hours of Sanguine's dawn. The pastry had a golden-brown, flaky crust that crumbled ever so slightly upon each bite, revealing the vivid, crimson-red filling within.

As Kaizer sank his teeth into the pastry, the sweet and tangy aroma of the bloodberry compote enveloped his senses. The filling was a burst of flavor, both sweet and tart, tingling his taste buds with its unique blend. A thin, powdery layer of sugar dusted his lips.

His attire spoke of newfound purpose and identity, the Noble Vampire Academy's uniform that marked his transformation into this mystical realm.

His uniform was a testament to tradition and formality, each element meticulously designed. A sleek black blazer, adorned with subtle, ornate patterns, draped over his frame, the rich darkness of the fabric a stark contrast to his pale complexion. The white button-up shirt beneath it was crisp and pristine, its collar neat and unwrinkled.

The striped tie he wore, a harmonious blend of red and black, added a touch of sophistication to his ensemble. Its hues intertwined with elegance, a nod to the centuries of tradition that underpinned the Vampire Society.

Kaizer's formal shoes, polished to a high shine, completed the outfit. They exuded a quiet confidence.

As Kaizer ventured through the winding streets of Sanguine City on his way to school, his eyes were immediately captivated by the city's unique architectural wonders. The city's buildings rose majestically into the cavernous expanse above, their towering spires and intricate towers reaching towards the dimly lit ceiling as if yearning to touch the very darkness itself. Each structure was crafted from a dark, obsidian-like stone.

The facades of the buildings were a work of art in themselves, adorned with ornate carvings and intricate patterns. It was as though every stone told a story, a visual history of the city's rich culture and traditions. Vampiric symbols and mysterious sigils were etched into the stone, their meanings shrouded in arcane mysticism, hinting at the secrets that lay within.

To combat the perpetual darkness that enveloped Sanguine, the city had seamlessly integrated bioluminescent flora and crystals into its architecture. These natural light sources emitted a soft, ethereal glow, casting a gentle luminescence over the city's streets and alleys. 

Arched bridges and walkways crisscrossed above and below, connecting the various levels of the city. Supported by slender columns and adorned with delicate railings, these structures added an air of grace and elegance to the city's vertical expanse. Citizens moved about with ease, traversing the labyrinthine pathways with a sense of purpose.

Throughout the city, cascading waterfalls emerged from crevices in the cavern walls, providing both beauty and function. These water sources not only nourished the bioluminescent flora but also created a soothing, melodic backdrop to the city's ambient sounds. 

In the grandest of buildings, such as the Vampire Noble Academy, stained glass windows depicted scenes from Sanguine's history and legends. These windows were true masterpieces of artistry, casting kaleidoscopic patterns of colors and shadows when illuminated by the soft glow of bioluminescent crystals.

Hidden courtyards and gardens nestled within the city's structures provided lush oases of greenery. Here, exotic and otherworldly plants flourished, their leaves and flowers emitting a faint, intoxicating fragrance. 

Many buildings featured balconies and terraces that overlooked the labyrinthine streets and alleys below. These elevated vantage points offered breathtaking views of the sprawling metropolis, allowing residents to feel a deep connection to the grandeur of their home. 

As Kaizer navigated the winding streets of Sanguine City, he became acutely aware of the countless eyes upon him. Suspicion and curiosity gleamed in the gaze of mythical beings from various corners of the supernatural city, their reactions as diverse as their species.

A group of Trolls, their hulking frames adorned with moss and stone, gathered around a makeshift market stall. They bartered and haggled with the vendor, their deep voices resonating with earthy tones. Their eyes fixated on Kaizer with a blend of curiosity and skepticism, unsure of the newcomer's intentions.

A gathering of Dark Elves, their lithe forms graceful, engaged in an intricate dance beneath a canopy of enchanted trees. Their graceful movements appeared as though they were weaving spells with every step. Some of the Dark Elves stole glances at Kaizer, their expressions a mix of intrigue and caution, as they continued their mystical dance.

As Kaizer continued his journey through the streets of Sanguine City, his senses were constantly on alert, and he encountered a sight that sent shivers down his spine. Leaning against the shadowy facade of a dimly lit bar, a figure stood partially concealed beneath a hooded cloak.

What first appeared to be a man gradually transformed into something altogether otherworldly. It was a dog-man, a peculiar amalgamation of canine and human features, resembling a German Shepherd. His hood obscured most of his face, but two piercing yellow eyes shone brightly from the depths of the hood's shadow.

The hooded figure watched Kaizer with an intense, unbroken gaze, as though he could see into the very depths of Kaizer's soul.

In one paw, the dog-man held a vial filled with a shimmering red liquid. With a nonchalant flick of his wrist, he tossed the vial into the air, and it danced in the dim light before he effortlessly caught it again. The liquid inside seemed to shift and swirl, casting an eerie, crimson glow across the alley.

Kaizer couldn't tear his eyes away from the mesmerizing display, the allure of the liquid and the enigmatic figure holding it both drawing him in. It was a moment frozen in time, a surreal encounter that left him with a lingering sense of curiosity and unease.

Before he could muster the courage to speak or investigate further, the hooded dog-man simply turned and disappeared into the shadows, leaving Kaizer to contemplate.

Later in his trek through the city, even a frog in a finely tailored suit stood on the edge of a mystical pond, its amphibious nature seemingly incongruous with its formal attire. The frog regarded Kaizer with a comically serious expression, its eyes wide with curiosity. It croaked loudly, catching Kaizer's attention.

Kaizer approached the curious amphibian with a bemused smile. "What brings a well-dressed frog like you to Sanguine City?"

The frog cleared its throat with a dainty cough, adjusting its tiny suit collar. "Well, young student, it's not every day we see a Human like you. You're dressed in the Vampire uniform, you know. Just in case you accidentally put on the wrong one. My name is Sir Reginald, and I must say, you've piqued my interest. What brings you to Sanguine City?"

Kaizer chuckled at the frog's unexpected politeness. "I'm Kaizer, and I've come to attend Vampire Noble Academy. It's my first day."

Sir Reginald nodded sagely, or as sagely as a frog in a suit could. "Ah, a noble pursuit, I see. But I could have guessed that, you know. You'll find our city filled with wonders and mysteries, young one. But do remember, not everything is as it seems in Sanguine City... hell, in all of Sanguine. Keep your wits about you, Kaizer."

Kaizer thanked the frog for the advice, and with a parting nod, he continued on his journey, the memory of their peculiar encounter adding an extra layer of intrigue to the city he was just beginning to explore.

The Vampire Noble Academy loomed before Kaizer like a fortress of ancient secrets, its grand spires and looming towers cast in shadow beneath the eternal twilight of their subterranean world. The boy, now fifteen, stood at the precipice of a new chapter in his life—a chapter defined by knowledge, challenges, and a world beyond Queen Hundred's watchful gaze.

As he walked through the ornate gates, he couldn't help but feel immense anxiety. Here, amidst the high class, he was an anomaly—a Human capable of Shadow Magic, walking amidst Noble Vampires. Kaizer had been prepared to feel alienated, but the reality of his isolation was just now fully settling upon him. He realized that the only person he'd been around for three years was Queen Hundred, and the thought of meeting new Vampires terrified him.

If he were a normal Human, he would be taking the courses intended for Humans, which were devoid of any teachings of magic. He recalled that other Humans who, like him, agreed to serve Sanguine in exchange for protection and relative freedom within the realm, took classes on the opposite side of the enormous school, for the Academy was divided into two sides: Noble and Necessary. The Necessary classes consisted of learning how to create medicine, weapons, technology, clothing, and other assets that were valuable to the Vampire Society.

When they graduated, these ordinary Humans would have the choice to either keep their Humanity and serve as skilled laborers and scholars for the Vampire Society, or be turned into a Mix-blood by forging a Blood Bond with a pure-blood Noble Vampire—that is, if they were lucky enough to establish a connection with one in the first place. By drinking a Noble Vampire's blood, they would be granted access to Vampiric abilities, such as Shadow Magic and Blood Magic. Queen Hundred had mentioned before that Humans being chosen to become Mix-bloods was a rare occurrence, for a Human would have to prove themselves to be worthy enough to be integrated into the Vampire bloodlines. As far as the Vampire Society knew, there was only one Mix-blood in existence, and they had become a member of The Cauldron at a young age.

To Kaizer, this suggested that it really was factors of good luck, personal attributes, and charisma that determined whether a Human was deemed worthy of a Blood Bond, and it had nothing to do with experience or age. He was beginning to understand that Vampires were intuitive creatures, following not only the guidance of their knowledge, but also the guidance of their emotions.

To many Vampires' confusion, Kaizer nonchalantly strolled the halls of the Noble side of the Academy. He found himself on the receiving end of many suspecting glares. It was no secret that Kaizer was the personal pet of Queen Hundred, for the Vampires could smell her scent, an instinctive knowledge innate to all Vampires, covering Kaizer as they passed him.

His first class, "Vampiric History and Culture," led him to a vast, echoing lecture hall. This was a merged class, meaning that all grade levels attended the same lecture. He took a deep breath and found an empty seat in the middle of the room, where he noticed a lot of the First-Year Vampires herding. He felt the weight of their gazes upon him. The teacher, named Professor Juno, a regal Vampire with centuries of wisdom etched in her features, began the lesson with an air of authority.

"Welcome, students," Professor Juno began. "Today, we embark on a journey through the rich history and culture of our kind. For some of you returning to the Academy, this first day will just be a light refresher. I suggest that you first-timers, however, listen like your life depends on it, for I am not one to curve grades."

As she spoke, Professor Juno gestured toward the pews, where each student sat in rows along rectangular wooden desks, each seat adorned with a school-issued textbook in front of it. They were large, leather tomes, complete with a notes section. The books were filled with intricately detailed illustrations and writings.

Kaizer, determined to excel in his studies, prepared a feather quill and a small pot of ink, promptly lifting them out of his schoolbag and setting them down on the desk. He opened his textbook to the notes section, ready to absorb the incoming information.

As the class unfolded, Kaizer found himself immersed in a strange world through listening to the oral artistry that was Professor Juno's lecture. The history of ancient Vampires— reverently called the Elder Vampires— fascinated him deeply. He even learned about a few urban myths concerning the Vampire Clans of ancient times; stories of their conquests, and the legends of their kind were laid bare before him.

Truthfully, there wasn't much to go off of in terms of ancient history, for most of Vampire's oldest history was shrouded in ambiguity and speculation. No Vampire could truly say when or how the first Noble Vampire was made, nor could they explain the origins or current whereabouts of their Elder Vampire ancestors. Apparently.

The students around him whispered amongst themselves, occasionally casting sidelong glances his way. He overheard snippets of conversation about his presence—the Human who dared to willingly step into their world; the Human with the power to control the shadows.

Despite the apprehension, Kaizer's fascination with the subject held firm. He raised his hand to answer a question, feeling a sense of accomplishment as he earned a nod of approval from Professor Juno. As the lecture moved towards the subject of historical figures in Sanguine, Kaizer wrote notes with unperturbed focus:

Kaizer's History Notes - Timekeeping in Sanguine City

'In the early days of Sanguine City, our ancestors devised ingenious ways to keep track of time in the absence of natural daylight. These timekeeping methods, while seemingly simple, play a crucial role in our society.'

'1. Water Clocks (Clepsydras): The Water Clocks, known as Clepsydras, are an essential invention for measuring time. These devices consist of a large container filled with water that steadily drips into a smaller container below. The smaller container bears markings that allow our forebears to gauge the passage of hours and minutes. The steady rhythm of water serves as a reliable timekeeper.'

'2. Observing Nocturnal Life: The natural world of Sanguine operates on a nocturnal schedule, much like our own sleep patterns. Residents often determine the time by observing the behavior of nocturnal creatures and bioluminescent flora. The movement patterns of these organisms provide valuable cues for estimating the hour.'

'3. Luminescent Hourglasses: In public spaces, large hourglasses filled with luminescent sand are utilized. This unique sand glows softly, even in the absence of artificial light sources. By monitoring the gradual descent of the sand from the upper chamber to the lower one, inhabitants can accurately keep track of time.'

'4. Relying on the Subterranean Environment: Sanguine City's underground location offers minimal variation in natural light. As a result, the consistent, dimly lit environment allows for the establishment of routines in accordance with our nocturnal lifestyle. The presence and activity of bioluminescent organisms further help in timekeeping.'

'These inventive methods of timekeeping, although rudimentary by surface-world standards, are highly effective in our society. They enable us to manage our daily lives.'

The bell rang, and as the class came to an end, Kaizer gathered his books, ready to move to his next lesson. In the fleeting moments, he caught the eye of a fellow student, a Vampiress with striking pink hair.

She offered a warm smile, her eyes holding a glimmer of camaraderie. It was a small but meaningful gesture, a spark of connection in the sea of unfamiliar faces.

Once out of the lecture hall, Kaizer shuffled into his second-period class, "Blood Magic Fundamentals," his nerves still tingling from the previous period's experiences. As he took his seat, a sense of foreboding settled over him. He had never even attempted Blood Magic, but he had been aware of its existence. 

The teacher, Professor Baan, a stern-looking male Vampire with a sharp wit, began explaining the basics of manipulating blood as a source of power. The notion sent a shiver down Kaizer's spine. The thought of harming himself secretly excited him, for he had learned to relish in pain during his time with Queen Hundred.

"Today, we'll start with something simple," Professor Baan announced, a hint of sadistic glee in his eyes. "We'll be forming blood constructs to practice fine control."

'Fine control?' Kaizer gulped.

As the class began, Professor Baan, a seasoned practitioner of Blood Magic, took the center stage, his ashen hair flowing down his shoulders. He wore robes adorned with intricate sigils, and his piercing red eyes held the wisdom of countless years of study.

The professor explained the intricacies of Blood Magic and its connection to the elements. With a flourish of his wrist, he revealed an alchemical symbol etched into the surface of each student's desk—one symbol represented Earth 🜃, and the other symbol represented Water 🜄. The combination of these two elements was crucial for the experiment ahead.

Kaizer's curiosity piqued, he watched with fascination as Professor Baan demonstrated the procedure. The professor took a quill, dipped it in ink, and drew the alchemical symbols on his hand, both stacked onto each other to create a unique design. Then, with a small blade, identical to those provided on each desk, he cut his palm open with practiced precision. Crimson blood welled up and dripped onto the symbols. As the blood overflowed onto his palm, a subtle, almost imperceptible energy seemed to ripple through the room.

Professor Baan's voice resonated through the classroom. "In Blood Magic, we form connections with the elements through our life force," he explained. "Through your blood, you can link your essence to the Earth and Water elements, drawing their power to conjure physical structures."

He extended his hand, and to the astonishment of the students, a swirling, pulsating ball of blood began to take shape above his palm. It danced and twirled in a mesmerizing display of power, suspended in mid-air as if defying gravity.

Professor Baan then began to utter an incantation in Sanguimaran, the archaic language of the Elder Vampires, a tongue filled with arcane power and lost wisdom.

"Sanguis Gladius Vessarum!" He finally exclaimed, sealing the spell.

As the final words of the incantation left his lips, the blood ball transformed before their eyes. It solidified into a razor-sharp blood knife, its edge gleaming with a menacing crimson hue.

The classroom clapped. His display was a vivid reminder of the immense potential and complexity of their chosen field, and the students watched in anticipation, eager to create their own works of blood.

"You may use the illusions I provided for you on your desks as reference. Now... Begin!" Professor Baan shouted.

The class dove into the exercise. Students conjured intricate shapes and figures with an ease that left Kaizer in awe. He, on the other hand, stared at his open palm, where a minuscule blob of blood sat, resembling nothing more than a misshapen gummy bear.

A nearby Vampire, with a smirk as sharp as her fangs, and a blood-crafted spear to match, couldn't resist the opportunity to make fun of Kaizer. "Hey, Human," she whispered, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "Need a hand with that? Or do you even have any blood left to manipulate?"

Kaizer sighed, his face reddening. "Yeah, well, you Vampires probably come out of the womb with Blood Magic Ph.D.s. Besides, I like gummy bears."

The Vampire chuckled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Fair point. Maybe next time, you'll make a... blood lollipop?"

Their banter continued, each exchange pushing Kaizer's embarrassment to new heights. He didn't feel inclined to get annoyed at her pokes, however, because she was beautiful. She was a vision of elegance and mischief, with striking silver hair cascading down to her shoulders. Her cherry eyes held a glint of curiosity, and her sharp wit was matched by her playful charm. Despite her teasing, there was a spark of friendliness in her gaze, and her smile was as infectious as her quick sense of humor.

As the class ended, she leaned in closer, a playful grin on her face. "You'll get the hang of it, Human. Until then, keep practicing your blood... gummy bears."

Kaizer chuckled, his embarrassment giving way to a flicker of friendship. "Sure thing, Vampire."

Their laughter echoed through the blood-soaked classroom, a small moment of connection amidst the supernatural absurdity. Although Kaizer would have liked to enjoy the moment fully, he could feel the animosity of the other students oozing around him.

The third period at Vampire Noble Academy brought Kaizer to the "Combat Arts" class, where Vampires honed their supernatural fighting skills. This was uncharted territory for Kaizer, and the tension in the room was palpable. Queen Hundred had taught him how to use Shadow Magic, but he had never used it to fight. Until now, all he had had to worry about was basic shadow manipulation.

The teacher, Professor Elysium, a formidable Vampire with centuries of combat experience, demonstrated the use of Shadow Magic in battle. He summoned shadows that coiled around him like serpents and snapped and hissed at the students. As he moved, they blended seamlessly with his movements. It was a breathtaking display of power.

"Let this give you a spark of inspiration as to how you will use your Shadow Conjuring," Professor Elysium said.

Kaizer watched, his heart pounding, as the teacher called for students to partner up for a sparring session. He hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of the class's eyes on him, but then a friendly Vampire, Leon, extended a hand.

Leon was a striking Vampire with raven-black hair that framed his sharp features. His crimson eyes held an air of confidence, reflecting a charismatic and kind demeanor.

"Come on, Kaizer," Leon urged. "I'll show you the ropes."

Relieved and grateful, Kaizer partnered with Leon. But it became clear that Leon possessed a level of Shadow Magic mastery that Kaizer could only dream of. Their sparring match began, and Kaizer felt like a fish out of water.

Leon's shadows danced around him with finesse, a fluid extension of his will. Kaizer's own attempts at shadow manipulation were clumsy in comparison, resembling nothing more than feeble silhouettes.

The other students watched in amusement as Kaizer stumbled, his shadows dissipating before they could even take form. Leon's movements were swift and graceful, and with each strike, Kaizer found himself on the receiving end of shadow-infused blows.

Despite his best efforts, Kaizer was overwhelmed. Leon's shadows coiled around him, binding him in place. The laughter of the other students echoed in his ears.

"Looks like the Human needs a bit more practice," Leon teased, offering a hand to help Kaizer up.

Kaizer accepted the hand, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Yeah, you could say that."

As the class continued, Kaizer couldn't help but feel a sense of determination. He might have been defeated in his first Combat Arts class, but he had his mind set on learning, improving, and one day standing on equal footing with the Vampires who possessed centuries of knowledge and experience. The ambitiousness of Queen Hundred's expectations for Kaizer weighed on him like an anvil. The path to mastery would be long and challenging, he knew, but Kaizer's first taste of Combat Arts had ignited a spark within him, a burning desire to prove that even a Human could hold their own in the world of shadows.

"Social Diplomacy" was a class in navigating the treacherous waters of Vampire politics; a class that had a reputation for cultivating the shrewdest minds. The room was adorned with ancient banners and ornate furniture, setting the stage for intense debates and negotiations. Upon entering, Kaizer felt the weight of their intricate social hierarchies, his own status as a Human a glaring disadvantage. He felt the crushing stares of his classmates throughout the whole introduction.

The teacher, a spiteful Vampire who was known to be the oldest on campus, addressed the class with a mischievous tone. "I am Professor Cane. Today, we will have a debate on an issue of great significance—Human integration into Vampire Society."

All eyes were on Kaizer. He swallowed hard, sensing that he was about to become the center of attention.

The teacher continued, "Our young Human, Kaizer, will represent the Human perspective. Now, who among you will take the opposing stance?"

A Vampire with sleek, blonde hair stepped forward, her red eyes gleaming with excitement. "I will, Professor."

The debate began, and Kaizer presented his arguments with eloquence and conviction. He spoke of unity, cooperation, and the potential for a brighter future where Humans and Vampires could coexist. But the room was cold, and his words fell on deaf ears. The students scoffed, rolling their crimson eyes and exchanging disdainful glances. Kaizer's Vampiric opponent rebutted with well-rehearsed rhetoric about the dangers of Human influence and the risk of their bloodlines being diluted.

Professor Cane who was supposed to moderate, seemed to take a sadistic pleasure in watching Kaizer flounder. He allowed the students to interrupt and belittle Kaizer, never stepping in to maintain order. As the debate reached its climax, Kaizer found himself cornered, his voice drowned out by the jeers and mockery of his peers. The girl's arguments grew increasingly hostile, and the students rallied behind her with fervor.

Professor Cane, who had remained silent, finally spoke up. "It seems the consensus is clear. Students, raise your hands if you believe Humans should not be integrated into Vampire Society."

Every hand in the room shot up, and Professor Cane nodded in approval. "There you have it, Kaizer. It appears you are outnumbered and outmatched."

Kaizer's heart sank, and he felt a seething anger bubbling within him. It was not the defeat itself that stung but the cruelty and bias with which it had been executed. The entire room had turned on him, even the teacher.

As he left the classroom, he couldn't help but feel the weight of their prejudice pressing down on him. It was a stark reminder that, within these walls, he was not just an outsider but a scapegoat for their disdain.

As Kaizer stepped into fifth period, the "Shadow Mastery" class, he couldn't shake the sense of doom that filled him. The room was cloaked in an eerie half-light, setting an ominous atmosphere that mirrored the depths of Sanguine itself.

Seraphina, the enigmatic teacher, stood before them, her gaze piercing through the darkness. "In this class, we explore the deepest recesses of our being—the Shadow Self. Prepare yourselves for a journey into your own subconscious, a realm where lies and truth converge."

The class gathered in a circle around a mysterious black mirror, and as Seraphina's voice flowed, Kaizer felt himself slipping into a trance. The world around him blurred, and he was transported back in time.

He awoke inside the cabin, bathed in the silvery glow of the full moon, just as he had on that fateful night. The tranquil forest surrounded the cabin, but the sense of impending doom still hung in the air. It was the vacation cabin that his parents rented out, the one they were staying in on that fateful night that changed Kaizer's world forever.

The sound of shattering glass shattered the stillness, and Kaizer's heart raced as he rushed into the living room. There, he saw the horrors that had haunted him for years— his parents, their bodies mangled, were on the floor of the cabin.

He was twelve years old again, reliving the night of his parent's deaths within his memories, and unfortunately, he was not lucid enough to know it was just a vision.

Kaizer's heart sank as he beheld the sight of his parents, not lifeless but grievously wounded and sprawled on the ground. Their labored breaths and pained moans filled the air, casting a shroud of dread over the room.

The door to the cabin was locked and barricaded, and his father clung to a shotgun, his knuckles white as he aimed it at the approaching threat. Meanwhile, Kaizer's mother, her voice trembling with fear, screamed at Kaizer to hide.

His young self was paralyzed with fear, but as he looked toward the window, he saw the malevolent figure responsible for this nightmare—a Common Vampire, its glowing, crimson eyes gleaming with hunger and cruelty, glaring into Kaizer's soul.

Before Kaizer could react, the Vampire crashed through the window with predatory speed and strength. It snatched up both of his injured parents, one in each powerful grip, and with a horrifying swiftness, it retreated, flying off through the window with them.

The screams of his parents and the unmistakable scent of fresh blood were all the young Kaizer needed to propel him into action. Without hesitation, he heaved his father's shotgun off the ground, then followed the blood trail that the Vampire left behind, his heart pounding with fear as he diligently searched the ground for blood droplets. The trail led him to a lonely cavern hidden behind a waterfall.

Following the blood trail through the winding cave tunnels, Kaizer's heart raced as the echoing screams of his parents drew him deeper into the darkness. His footsteps echoed off the walls as he blindly ran through the labyrinthine passages, making frantic left and right turns, desperate to locate their voices.

Finally, he reached a dead end, and to his astonishment, it was a cliff overlooking the underground realm of Sanguine. The view from this precipice was breathtaking and surreal. In the distance, he could see the grandeur of Queen Hundred's palace, its spires reaching for the cavern ceiling. Further beyond, the sprawling Sanguine City came into view, with the imposing, white silhouette of the Academy itself standing proudly against the backdrop of the underground realm.

However, Kaizer's awe was abruptly interrupted as a Common Vampire, different from the one who had taken his parents, snatched him up with chilling speed. Panic surged through him. As the Vampire snatched Kaizer off the cliff, his scrawny body was scooped off his feet, and in the frantic motion, he lost all control. His limbs flailed wildly as he was lifted into the air. In the chaotic ascent, Kaizer's head collided with the edge of the cliff with a sickening thud.

Pain seared through him, and his vision swirled into darkness. Kaizer's world faded to black as unconsciousness claimed him, leaving him at the mercy of the Vampire.