V: Kaizer's Shadow

As Kaizer gradually regained consciousness, he found himself still in the cold grip of the Vampire, soaring above the twisted streets of Sanguine City. Disoriented and uncertain of how much time had passed since he had lost consciousness, he knew one thing for certain – he needed to escape this nightmare.

A glimmer of hope flickered as he noticed the familiar weight on his shoulders. The shotgun, his father's trusted weapon, remained strapped around him. With a surge of determination, he fumbled for it, his fingers trembling as they found purchase on the cold, metallic barrel.

Summoning every ounce of strength and focus, Kaizer swung the shotgun into position, craning his body upward and taking aim. The Vampire, caught off guard by his sudden resurgence, momentarily faltered in its flight. In that precious moment, Kaizer squeezed the trigger, sending a deafening blast echoing through the underground city.

The sound of the gunshot shattered the silence, and the Vampire's grip loosened. It let out a guttural screech of pain and fury before losing its hold on Kaizer. Together, they tumbled through the sky and crashed into a murky, subterranean lake below.

Gasping for air, Kaizer swam to the shore, his heart pounding with both triumph and terror. He left the shotgun to sink, for it weighed him down too much. Once at the shore, he scrambled to his feet. He had to keep running, for when he looked behind him, he saw the Vampire thrashing towards him, dragging its tattered wings through the water. It had not given up its relentless pursuit; if anything, Kaizer had just aggravated it.

As he ran, young Kaizer took in his surroundings at an alarming rate, absorbing everything as he went. The underground realm revealed landscapes that seemed to defy the conventional laws of nature. The ground beneath his feet was a mixture of smooth, obsidian-like rocks and winding, moss-covered pathways. Glowing bioluminescent flora adorned the walls of the caverns, casting an eerie but enchanting light. Stalactites hung from the ceiling, some dripping with iridescent dew, while others glowed softly, creating a surreal, almost dreamlike atmosphere.

Glistening underground streams meandered through the terrain, their crystal-clear waters reflecting the intricate formations of the cavern walls. The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and a faint, metallic tang permeated Kaizer's tongue. He couldn't help but feel the weight of the world around him, the sheer magnitude of this dark place.

Kaizer finally reached the outskirts of the city that he had been flying over moments before. The sprawling, shadowed metropolis was a stark contrast to the eerie tranquility of the caves he had left behind.

Determined and desperate, Kaizer didn't hesitate. He dashed into the cobblestone streets of Sanguine City, his footsteps echoing off the ancient walls. The city's twisting alleyways and towering structures provided both cover and a myriad of potential escape routes.

Just when he thought he might escape, an apparition of Queen Hundred herself manifested in front of him, her regal presence halting him in his tracks. It was a chilling encounter that would forever alter the course of his journey. Yet, something in this memory wasn't in alignment with the real event. In reality, Queen Hundred had found him hiding; here, she was interrupting fate.

Queen Hundred stood there, her presence commanding. Her lips did not move, but her voice echoed in his mind, whispering encouragement.

"Stand up to them, Kaizer. Unleash your power. Harness your Shadow. You are NOT AN ORDINARY HUMAN!"

It was a vision within a vision, and it changed everything. His younger self suddenly found a defiance within himself, born from desperation and a deep-seated mindset of determination that was built during the rigorous years of routine he spent with the Queen. He turned back around and faced the Vampire, his voice filled with courage.

"You won't take me!"

The vision played out, and the 12-year-old Kaizer confronted the Vampire, shadows swirling around him, as if the very essence of darkness answered his call. He fought with a ferocity that belied his age, a power that seemed inexhaustible. The Vampire, taken aback by the sudden change of character, cried out in panic as it weaved to try and evade the barrage of attacks.

Suddenly, a surge of multicolored, crackling energy began to envelop Kaizer, and an unbearable pain gripped his entire being. A piercing screech escaped Kaizer's lips as he collapsed to the ground. Beneath him, a pool of crimson blood formed as he vomited up his inner contents. His wide eyes, now burning with intensity, caught sight of his reflection in the puddle for a split moment, his features illuminated by the alley's torchlight.

Kaizer, wracked with agony, curled into a fetal position, his vision a swirling mix of whites and greys. The tension in his head evolved into a sharp, unbearable pain, and he couldn't contain the searing torment any longer.

He shouted, and even with a child's voice, his words resonated with an ancient, unearthly authority. In Sanguimaran, he cried out a spell that had never graced his ears or any known text:

"𝕬𝖑𝖎𝖚𝖒 𝖕𝖚𝖗𝖎𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖎 𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖔 𝖈𝖑𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖔!"

As these words left his lips, the pain left, and the very ceiling of Sanguine itself seemed to respond. It became blanketed in a mesmerizing confluence of fire and blood, the two elements intermingling in a fiery dance above the dark underworld. Steaming-hot blood droplets rained down from above, showering the cavernous depths of Sanguine. The crimson rain cascaded like fiery tears down Kaizer's cheeks. As if the ceiling had become a portal to an otherworldly realm, three large and enigmatic creatures descended from the strange sea of blood and fire that covered the expanse of Sanguine's ceiling. Their presence was both terrifying and strangely beautiful.

The first creature was a towering colossus, its form an amalgamation of ethereal flames and flowing liquid blood. Its eyes, pools of fiery light, blazed with an intelligence that seemed to transcend time itself. Shimmering tendrils of molten blood coiled around its form.

The second creature appeared as a spectral being, its body seemingly composed of swirling shadows and glistening starlight. Its limbs moved with an eerie grace, and its eyes radiated an ancient wisdom that spoke of ages long past. A trail of silvery mist followed its every move, leaving a haunting impression in its wake.

The third creature was a magnificent fusion of elements, its serpentine body a slithering dance of earth, water, and wind. It exuded an aura of regal authority, as if it were a guardian of something.

As the three enigmatic creatures descended, the first one unleashed their fiery breath, enveloping the entire city in a cataclysmic conflagration of flames. Instinctively, Kaizer flinched, his body recoiling in the face of what seemed like certain annihilation. His eyes clenched shut, and he clung to the ground, bracing for the impending onslaught of searing heat and death.

The inferno raged, and the roar of the flames filled the air. Yet, to Kaizer's astonishment, he felt no searing pain, no scorching heat consuming him. Slowly, he dared to crack open his eyes and peer around cautiously.

When the smoke, ash, and bloody mists cleared, he surveyed his surroundings, and his heart sank. The entirety of Sanguine City lay in ruins, reduced to smoldering ashes. Yet, Kaizer himself lay at the epicenter, unscathed and transformed, a living embodiment of the destructive power he had unleashed.

He looked up, and the three magnificent beings were no longer there in the sky, and the rocky ceiling of Sanguine was no longer absolute, for a titanic hole had opened in it, giving way to a clear sight of the sky that he had almost forgotten existed in the Human world. Kaizer gasped, standing up, gazing in awe at an enchanting, endless sea of stars.

Then, the ground beneath Kaizer's feet rumbled with an increasing and overwhelming intensity. A massive sinkhole yawned open, a dark maw that devoured half of the city in one fell swoop. The debris of buildings, streets, and structures of the underground city disappeared into the abyss, swallowed by the insatiable void.

Kaizer, standing at the edge of the sinkhole, could do nothing but watch in awe and horror as half the city, as well as the Academy itself, was engulfed by the chasm. Yet, what he witnessed below was something that would haunt his dreams for years to come.

Deep within the abyss, he glimpsed another realm, an unearthly and grotesque domain hidden beneath Sanguine. Mounds of lifeless bodies, reaching nearly as high as Sanguine's original floor, littered the nightmarish landscape. These corpses seemed to stretch endlessly into the dark abyss.

Monstrous entities, grotesque and deformed beyond comprehension, roamed amidst the macabre scene. They defied all natural law, with limbs grotesquely misplaced and gaping voids in place of eyes. Their jaws were locked in an eternal scream of torment, a chilling symphony of despair. They all screamed one ominous sentence over and over:

"Where's the baby? Where's the baby? Where's the baby?"

The monstrous beings, each unique in size, shape, and form, moved with a disturbing purpose. They navigated the bleak wasteland using the echoes of their endless screams, their horrific voices guiding them through the darkness. It was a gruesome tableau of horrors as they sifted through the countless mounds of bodies, examining each corpse individually before discarding it and moving on to the next, as if they were searching for something in particular.

Then, he saw it. A figure that had blended into the darkness came into focus as Kaizer strained his eyes.

His gaze locked upon a lone, humanoid-like being among the monstrous entities. It stood out, larger and more imposing than any of the other creatures, its colossal form looming over the desolate land like a looming statue. Yet, despite its human-like shape, there was an undeniable aura of malevolence surrounding it.

As Kaizer stood on the precipice of the vast sinkhole, his eyes were drawn with an almost magnetic pull toward the awe-inspiring presence of the creature. It loomed before him, a colossal and ethereal figure whose form defied mortal comprehension.

Its immense stature dominated the landscape, its body reaching monumental heights that seemed to scrape the very ceiling of the realm, nearly reaching the ground Kaizer himself stood on. Its skin, an unyielding canvas of fiery red, enveloped its entire form in a captivating and vivid hue, creating an arresting contrast against the backdrop of the dark realm's depths.

From its back, a pair of colossal dragon-like wings extended with sinewy grace, their immense membranes stretched wide like a celestial canopy. They created an expansive canopy that enveloped it, casting an intricate pattern of shadows and ethereal light upon her fiery-red form.

At its core, its womanly visage bore an intoxicating allure that merged the enchanting with the enigmatic. Its eyes were closed shut, and its chest slightly rose and fell as it slept within its cocoon of wings.

A cascade of golden hair flowed down from its head, framing its face and descending onto its crimson breasts. Its most striking feature, however, was the scorpion tail that extended from its lower back, its barbed stinger poised in a perpetual state of readiness. 

Suddenly, the creature's eyes, pitch-black voids in its otherwise serene face, snapped open. It was as if it could sense Kaizer's presence peering down from high above. The creature slowly turned its head toward the sinkhole, unfolding its massive wings in a sinister display. As the wings extended, they revealed a gigantic flaming sword of crystallized blood, seemingly lodged within its own chest. Kaizer had the strange feeling that it served as the creature's eternal torment.

There was a foreboding silence in the abyss, as the creature locked its ominous gaze onto Kaizer, its eyes devoid of any discernible emotion. In that haunting moment, Kaizer felt an overwhelming sense of dread, an unspoken understanding that this being held a power beyond comprehension. Then, it spoke.

"Where's my baby?"

The voice of the gargantuan creature was a bone-chilling cacophony of guttural growls, infernal hisses, and deep, resonating roars. It reverberated with a hellish, sinister power, sending shivers down Kaizer's spine and inducing an overwhelming sense of dread in him, far exceeding any fear he'd felt from horror movies he'd seen in his Human life. It spoke in almost a whisper, yet its voice echoed like thunder. Kaizer didn't even want to imagine what it sounded like when angered. He feared for his life as he stared back into the monster's void eyes, his body paralyzed.

Each syllable it uttered seemed to carry the weight of countless tortured souls. Yet, within the depths of the creature's ominous voice, there was an eerie and enchanting beauty that defied explanation. Like a delicate, ghostly whisper beneath the surface, there was a faint tone reminiscent of a woman's melancholy song. This haunting, spectral melody weaved through the growls and roars, like a hidden gem within a cavern of darkness. It repeated itself again, but this time there was a feint hint of unexplainable desperation in her words.

"Where is my baby?"

Suddenly, Kaizer returned to the classroom, gasping for breath, his heart pounding. He caught his breath quickly. But he was no longer the same. The cruelty of his classmates, their harsh treatment, no longer seemed unjust when he thought about it. It was a necessary crucible, he thought.

The sights and sounds of that grotesque realm etched into his mind, leaving him with a profound sense of dread and an understanding that the world he had known was far more complex and terrifying than he could have ever imagined, and a little bullying seemed trivial now.

As he left the classroom, he wore a different expression—a cold and resolute understanding that he had no real understanding of himself or the reality he lived in.

Kaizer entered the classroom for his sixth-period class, "Vampire Physiology." This was a subject he had been particularly intrigued by, and today, he was in for a pleasant surprise.

The teacher, Professor Edmund, was an elderly Human with a warm smile and an air of kindness about him. He bore no fangs, no crimson eyes, and yet he held a position as an Elite in the Vampire society— a fact that baffled Kaizer.

The class began with Professor Edmund's soothing voice, explaining the intricacies of Vampire physiology. He spoke of their heightened senses, regenerative abilities, and their unique metabolic processes. Kaizer listened with close attention, hanging on every word. As the lesson continued, Professor Edmund's passion for the subject shone through. He wasn't here to instill fear or superiority; instead, he aimed to foster understanding.

Kaizer, now somehow feeling lighter, a sense of fearlessness pervading his attitude, found himself engaging in the discussion. He asked questions, voiced his thoughts, and even shared his own experiences in Sanguine. It was a heartwarming moment—a feeling of belonging he had never expected to find. He no longer had any care for the stares he received from his classmates, and he even dared to make solid eye contact with many of them.

'I'm a student here, whether they like it or not,' Kaizer thought to himself. 'If they don't like me, then they can kill me. But they won't— I am no ordinary human. Killing me would mean their death at the hands of Queen Hundred.'

After the class ended, Kaizer approached Professor Edmund, his curiosity getting the better of him. "Professor Edmund, I must admit, I'm surprised to see a Human teaching a class to Vampires. How did you become an Elite?"

Professor Edmund chuckled softly. "Ah, young Kaizer, it's simpler than you think. I dedicated my life to the study of Vampire physiology, and over the years, I gained the respect of the Vampire community. It's not about what you are but what you can contribute, my boy."

As Kaizer left the classroom, he felt a glimmer of hope. So there were those who believed in unity and coexistence. Professor Edmund's class had offered a respite from the dreariness of his reality, a glimpse into a future where Vampires and Humans could understand and respect each other.

In seventh period "Art of Deception," Kaizer was met with an array of faces, for this was another merged class. Knowing that he was in the same room as Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Years, Kaizer scanned the lecture hall, for there was one face in particular he was hoping to see.

As he found his seat and settled in, Kaizer couldn't help but search for the pink-haired Vampire from first-period. She had left an impression on him that morning, a lasting one that had him intrigued.

His gaze settled on an exquisite figure that exuded an otherworldly allure. Alas, it was her.

Her presence was magnetic. Her figure was the embodiment of womanly physique, with curves that effortlessly commanded attention. Her attire was equally captivating – she wore a form-fitting, crimson skirt that accentuated her slender waist and shapely hips. The fabric seemed to caress her every curve, leaving just enough to the imagination.

She was talking with a group of Vampires standing by her, and they all listened attentively every time she spoke. It was obvious that she was a popular figure in the Academy.

She must have felt Kaizer's longing eyes, for she subtly turned and made direct eye contact with him from across the room, but it only lasted a second before she turned away again. Kaizer wondered if he had imagined it, for she had never stopped talking to her friends, even as her gaze glided across his.

As his Human hormones stirred within him, Kaizer felt a flush of warmth in his cheeks. He quickly noticed that he was getting flustered and told himself to focus. The lesson was about to begin, and he needed to redirect his attention.

Today's lesson was about partnering up for a Deception experiment. In the back of his mind, there was a tiny hope that he found himself partnered with the pink-haired girl.

As fate would have it, the pairings were decided by a raffle. The names were drawn randomly, and Kaizer was paired with a fellow Vampire, Lucas, a smooth-talking student with an air of charm. Across the room, he could see his crush paired with another classmate, their heads bent together in discussion.

Kaizer and Lucas got to work, brainstorming ideas for their Deception project. While Lucas was friendly and had a wealth of ideas, Kaizer couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment that he wasn't partnered with the pink-haired Vampiress. Now, he was frequently exchanging glances with her across the room, and he could swear he saw a similar longing in her eyes.

Their respective projects took shape, each pair focusing on their unique ideas. Lucas and Kaizer created a clever illusion of floating books and levitating ink pens.

As the class concluded, they presented their Deceptions to their classmates. Kaizer and Lucas's project only got a few claps, and it was quickly forgotten because the pink-haired girl and her partner's project stole the show, surpassing every other pair's efforts.

As she stood before the class, her striking pink hair framing her delicate features, she exuded an air of confidence and charm that immediately drew everyone's attention. Her voice filled the room as she introduced herself before presenting her and her partner's illusion project in the Art of Deception class.

"Hello, everyone," she began, her words carrying a sophisticated taste. "I'm Darcia, and this," she gestured to her partner beside her, "is Zephyr."

Zephyr, her partner, silently nodded in acknowledgment.

"Darcia…" Kaizer muttered to himself, testing the name, a smirk of admiration creeping across his lips.

Darcia's voice, despite her vibrant appearance with bright pink hair, defied expectations. It held a depth and richness that surprised Kaizer. Her voice was far from girly or soft; it resonated with a regal authority, echoing the tone of nobility. It possessed a maturity and power that seemed to emanate from the depths of her being.

Her voice bore a resemblance to the royal, goddess-like tone that Queen Hundred had mastered over the centuries. It was a voice that commanded attention and respect, a voice that left an indelible impression on anyone who had the privilege of hearing it.

With a playful glint in her eye, Darcia continued with unwavering confidence, "Today, we shall unveil an illusion of grandeur, a masquerade ball fit for nobility. Prepare yourselves to be transported to a world of elegance, for our presentation will leave an indelible mark on your senses."

Her words hung in the air, and Kaizer, along with the rest of the class, was captivated by the promise of the illusion to come. Darcia's introduction left no doubt that this would be a presentation to remember, and Kaizer found himself more enchanted than ever by the pink-haired Third-Year.

Their project was a grand masquerade ball, complete with an opulent ballroom and elegantly dressed dancers. The illusion was so convincing that it felt as if they had been taken to a bygone era of glamour and mystery.

As the music played and the dancers twirled, the illusionist pair seamlessly blended real-world props and their magical talents to create a captivating spectacle. The phantom guests wore elaborate masks and ornate period costumes, moving gracefully through the illusionary ballroom.

Kaizer couldn't help but be impressed by Darcia's creativity, and he could see the same admiration in her eyes when they exchanged glances once more. When the performance ended, the entire classroom clapped and cheered. As they left the classroom, Kaizer couldn't shake the feeling that his path would eventually cross with Darcia, and next time, he hoped he would have the chance to speak to her.

Kaizer walked into his eighth-period class, "Blood-Bonding." By this point, he had grown accustomed to the peculiarities of Vampire education, but this class promised to be unlike any other.

The classroom was dimly lit, its walls adorned with mystic symbols and drawings that piqued Kaizer's curiosity. He took his seat, aware that this class delved into the deepest and most intimate aspects of Vampire culture.

Professor Seraphine, with an air of mischief and a twinkle in her eye, entered the room with a strong stride. Her gaze swept over the assembled students as she spoke. "Welcome, dear students, to 'Blood Bonding.' Today, we explore the most profound connections within our society. Are you ready?"

Kaizer leaned forward, captivated by the professor's presence and the promise of knowledge. Professor Seraphine continued, her tone taking on a more serious note. "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. By partaking in an intimate act known as 'blood-bonding,' Vampires establish connections that transcend the ordinary. This class isn't just about developing these connections by means of blood consumption—that is only the lowest level of blood-bonding practice. Instead, this class will primarily revolve around the conceiving and raising of Vampiric children, for it is the pinnacle of a Blood Bond and significantly impacts our magical systems."

As the professor delved into the intricacies of blood-bonding, she explained that it was a process far more profound than simply sharing blood. It involved the intimate act of sexual intercourse and impregnation, which served to bind two Vampires together on a deeper level, physically and spiritually. These bonds created offspring who inherited a blend of their parents' bloodline abilities and magical affinities, as well as psychological temperaments, often carrying the potential for both great power and great curses.

Kaizer listened attentively, writing in his textbook:

'Offspring of Blood Bonds often play crucial roles in the Vampire community, affecting the balance of power and magic within their society.'

With every word he put on paper, he felt more and more accomplished, and he imagined Queen Hundred somehow watching him while he did this. He kept writing:

'Every Vampire is only able to form a Blood Bond with one other Vampire, regardless of type. If this rule was broken, there would be drastic physical, psychological, and magical consequences to those who are bonded; therefore, monogamy is a part of the natural order of Vampire society.'

As the class continued, Professor Seraphine shared tales of famous blood-bonded pairs and their offspring, highlighting both the extraordinary abilities and unique challenges they faced.

"One of the most famous—if not the most famous—blood-bonded couples in Vampire history was Lady Gertrude and Lord Drako, two Noble Vampires who, truly, were alive not that long ago—they died 98 years ago, to be exact, and we near closer to the first century anniversary of that tragic event."

"Lady Gertrude was a Noble Vampire, a member of the Noble House Ashkin, and Drako was a member and descendant of the House of Cazarum. Their union gave rise to an offspring named Alessia, whose abilities were the stuff of legends within the Vampire community."

"Lady Gertrude possessed the rare ability to manipulate time to a limited extent, allowing her to glimpse into the future or rewind moments in her past for brief periods. Lord Drako, on the other hand, had control over elemental magic, particularly water and wind. Together, their Blood Bond created a unique fusion of their powers within Alessia."

At this point, Kaizer had stopped writing and was fully invested in the lecture, his eyes shimmering with intrigue.

"Alessia inherited her mother's temporal manipulation skills, but with a twist. While Lady Gertrude could merely glimpse into the future, Alessia had the extraordinary ability to alter it in subtle ways. She could nudge events toward more favorable outcomes, though her influence was limited to minor changes."

"From her father, Alessia gained the power to conjure waters and control the winds. This blend of elemental abilities allowed her to create devastating floods and gusts of wind with a mere thought. It was said that she could engulf entire battlefields in hurricanes or summon powerful tornadoes to her aid."

"However, such potent abilities came with a price. Alessia's bloodline was also cursed with an insatiable thirst for power, bestowed to her by the Cazarum bloodline, for they were known for their ruthless conquering. Her lust for power led her to pursue conquest and dominance within the Vampire hierarchy. This quest for total control was her downfall, for she killed her own parents in order to steal more of their rich blood for her own consumption. And they were not her only victims. They were just the catalyst that led to her tragic fate. Before that even happened, she had made it a routine habit to kill unsuspecting Noble Vampires and drink from them."

"Due to this overconsumption of different Vampire blood cells, bonding her to numerous Vampires' DNA, she mutated into an unrecognizable monolith of a beast that went down in history as The Scorpion, a monstrous entity of pure destruction. It took all of the Noble Houses banding together as one—a once-in-history occurrence—to kill the monster. The battle was not won without great sacrifice, for hundreds of thousands of citizens were annihilated by The Scorpion. Her legacy became a cautionary tale, illustrating both the potential and the dangers of Blood Bonds."

"Alessia's story serves as a reminder that even the most extraordinary abilities can be a double-edged sword, and the consequences of Blood Bonds reach far beyond the mere blending of powers; Blood Bonds have psychological, physical, and even subatomic effects on Vampires as well, clearly shown in the morphing of the very atoms of Alessia's body and the shaping of her existence into, practically, a brand new creature."

And seemingly on cue, the bell rang, signaling the end of the class. Kaizer left the room with a newfound appreciation for the depth and complexity of Vampire culture. He reflected on how the acts of consuming Vampire blood and conceiving children with Vampires had such far-reaching consequences within this supernatural world.

As he ventured further into his studies at Sanguine Noble Academy, Kaizer realized that every aspect of Vampire life was intertwined with magic, history, and the intricate web of bloodlines. It was a world filled with surprises and challenges, and he was determined to navigate it with an open mind and a thirst for knowledge.

Throughout the day, Kaizer felt the weight of countless eyes upon him, whispers of curiosity and skepticism trailing in his wake. He was the only Human in a sea of immortality, an oddity to be studied.

But amidst the isolation, an unexpected ally had emerged, he remembered. He couldn't let himself forget. In "Blood Magic Fundamentals," Kaizer had fumbled with a complex spell that he wanted to try from a Blood Magic spell-book, releasing a cascade of sparks that sent an unassuming Vampire's notes up in flames.

The Vampire, a boy with unruly golden blonde hair and an irreverent grin, approached Kaizer after class. "You really know how to make an entrance, don't you?"

Kaizer flushed with embarrassment but couldn't help but smile. "Sorry about that. I'm still getting the hang of this."

The Vampire extended a hand. "Name's Lucius. Lucius of Noble House Vain. And I have to say, you're the first human I've seen here who can actually keep up… and by the way, what was with the flames anyway? I've never seen that happen when someone's using Blood Magic. Sorry, I-I don't mean to be rude. I'm just saying that it was really cool— er, I mean— unique." He corrected himself, realizing that he was complimenting Kaizer for making a mistake.

The compliment had felt strange to Kaizer, who had spent years in the solitary care of Queen Hundred, and believed that he would never receive a compliment from a Vampire. Kaizer also had noticed that he didn't speak in a pompous, overtly powerful manner like many Vampires he'd met did. His speech was simple, and young-spirited, and Kaizer wondered if he had spent any time around Humans before.

Eighth period — Hand-To-Hand Combat. Kaizer stepped into the intimidating arena that they called a class. The room buzzed with energy as students gathered for what was known to be the most physically demanding class in the curriculum. Vampires of all shapes and sizes, each exuding an aura of strength and power, filled the space.

Professor Ignatius, a burly vampire with a stern expression and battle-hardened features, greeted the class. His voice rumbled like thunder as he explained the importance of mastering hand-to-hand combat in a world where physical prowess was highly esteemed.

The day's lesson was a tournament-style bout, a trial by fire for the newcomers. Kaizer watched as pairs of students were called into the makeshift arena, a circle marked on the floor with chalk. The battles were intense, showcasing the diverse fighting styles of the Vampire students.

Kaizer felt a mixture of excitement and anxiety as his name was called, and he stepped into the ring. His opponent, the Vampire named Leon, was well-known in the class for his strength and agility. The odds seemed stacked against Kaizer. As per tradition, Leon took his shirt off.

Leon, a remarkable presence, possessed a chiseled body. His physique was nothing short of perfection, sculpted with powerful muscles that rippled beneath his skin, accentuating every sinew and curve.

He had broad shoulders and a well-defined chest. His arms, adorned with sinewy veins, hinted at the remarkable physical prowess he had achieved over time. Leon's abdomen, a landscape of taut, well-defined muscles, led the gaze downward to a V-shaped waist.

Yet, amidst this striking physicality, it was the scars that adorned his body that truly set him apart. Scars, like marks of honor, crisscrossed various places on his skin, each one telling a story of battles fought and challenges overcome. These battle-worn marks, rather than detracting from his allure, only enhanced it.

An audible awe, tinged with admiration, rippled through the Vampiresses in the class as they beheld Leon's awe-inspiring physique.

Kaizer then decided to take off his shirt as well. He was well aware of the attention it would draw, but he had nothing to hide. His physique had been meticulously honed through Queen Hundred's relentless and brutal training regimens, resulting in well-toned muscles that were almost on par with Leon's.

With a confident and determined expression, Kaizer revealed his impressive physique to the class. His chest, shoulders, and arms boasted well-defined, cut muscles, a testament to his dedication and hard work. It was a physique that subtly surprised the whole class, including Leon, who couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the unexpected reveal.

A quiet murmur washed over the class. However, Leon, always up for friendly banter, couldn't resist grinning and making a snarky comment to Kaizer.

"Well, well, Kaizer," Leon remarked with a smirk. "Didn't know you had it in you. Perhaps Queen Hundred's preparing you to be her groom!"

With a grin, Kaizer couldn't resist a witty comeback. "Well, Leon," he replied coolly, "you know what they say about competition—it's fierce, just like my training sessions at the royal palace. But hey, if Queen Hundred wants a hot groom, I'll be sure to send her your way. You seem like you haven't blood-bonded in a long time. Are you lonely, Leon?"

The class erupted in laughter. Coach Ignatius sneered, shaking his head.

Before the banter could continue, he intervened with a booming voice, "Enough chatter! You two, begin sparring! Now!" The class immediately snapped to attention, ready to watch the Shadow Duel.

The duel began with Leon lunging forward with blinding speed, his fists a blur of motion. Kaizer barely managed to dodge the initial onslaught, his Human reflexes pushed to their limits. He knew that in hand-to-hand combat, he couldn't rely on supernatural abilities— but neither could Leon; it was all about skill, strategy, and timing.

With each passing minute, Kaizer's heart pounded in his chest as he tried to match Leon's movements. The Vampire's strength was undeniable, and the fight was brutal. Kaizer's face was battered and bruised, and his body ached from the relentless onslaught.

Kaizer fought back with every ounce of strength he possessed, but it was clear that he was outmatched. Leon's blows were too quick and devastating, and Kaizer's resilience could only take so much punishment. In the end, a powerful kick to the chest sent Kaizer sprawling to the ground.

As the room fell silent, Kaizer struggled to his feet, bloodied and battered. He knew he couldn't continue the fight, and Professor Ignatius called an end to the match. Kaizer was sent to the infirmary, his body a canvas of pain and injuries. Kaizer's defeat served as a stark reminder that despite his determination, he was still just a Human in a Vampire's world.

In the dimly lit hallway of the Vampire Noble Academy, Kaizer stood, nursing his wounded pride after a humiliating defeat. It was there that he found himself in the embrace of the tall nurse with curly, blonde hair and an hourglass figure. Her beauty was striking, and as she enveloped him in her enormous breasts, Kaizer felt an unusual mix of comfort and vulnerability.

"Luna," she introduced herself with a warm smile, her voice a soothing melody. "I'm here to make you feel better, dear." Luna gently released Kaizer from her embrace, her eyes filled with empathy as she continued, "You're such a cute Human, perfect for a special role here at the Academy."

As they conversed, Luna couldn't help but share a poignant memory from her own academy days, her tone turning somber. "You know, during our time at the academy, Queen Hundred faced a heartbreaking loss. Her closest friend, a Human named Luna as well, tragically perished in a perilous mission. Her friend was killed by a supernatural beast hunter, despite her being Human. Hundred was never quite the same after that, but she channeled her grief into becoming the powerful leader she is today." Kaizer listened intently, realizing that there was more depth to Queen Hundred's character than he had ever imagined.

Kaizer thanked the nurse for sharing, and she replied with a cheerful smile.

But not all encounters were as pleasant as the one with Luna. As Kaizer returned to his dorm room that evening, still carrying a chip on his shoulder from his embarrassing loss, he found himself face to face with a Human student named Valeria, whose judgmental eyes twisted with disdain.

"You don't belong here, Human," Valeria hissed, her eyes gleaming with envy. She habitually adjusted her striped, blue tie, a mark of her Necessary status. "Don't think for a second that you can disrupt their world. You'll always be a nobody to them, just like the rest of us, so don't bother trying. You're just another walking blood bag to them. The only reason they let us attend here is because we'll serve them like dogs when we graduate, and you know it."

Kaizer's resolve wavered, but he met her icy stare with defiance. With a potent self awareness, he chose his next words consciously.

"I've got better things to do than talk to you, Human. You're on the wrong side of the dormitory. I could literally choke you out with your own shadow right now if I wanted to but today, I'm feeling generous. So run back to whatever hole you slithered out of while you still have the chance. I may not kill you, but whose to say the others won't? With the pitiful way you're talking, it sounds to me like you're the one who doesn't belong here."

"Shut. Up," Valeria seethed angrily.

Kaizer scoffed, laughing. "Why so offended? All I'm saying is, you better learn your place before something bad happens to you. But then again, you're just Necessary at best. You'd honestly be doing the kingdom a greater service than anything you could achieve on your own by crumpling over and dying. There's plenty more of your kind that we can breed, ones that are easier on the eyes. Goodnight, Necessary."

And with that, he silently entered his dorm room, leaving the girl standing there with a broken and fearful expression, tears swelling at the corners of her eyes.

As he settled into his dorm room, the weight of the day's experiences pressed upon him, and Kaizer couldn't help but wonder if he was too harsh. He quickly dismissed the idea, however, and inhaled, trying to fill himself with the conviction he lacked.

"This is what it means to be a Vampire." He told himself proudly, at first, but then he examined his obviously Human hand, and frowned. "Right?"