XXV: Blood Oath

Kaizer, now accompanied by Gertrude, emerged from the cabin in the woods, the weight of secrets and revelations heavy upon him. Together, they made their way towards the Subterranean Bazaar, where they were set to rendezvous with their allies, Lucius, Alaric, and Darcia.

As they arrived at the bustling Bazaar, a message arrived in the form of an Avian Sylvari, confirming the success of their mission to retrieve the journal. With a sense of urgency, they quickly located their comrades amidst the labyrinthine stalls and tunnels of the underground market.

"Lucius!" Kaizer called from a bustling crowds, seeing his friend standing near a stall selling bloody desserts. A smile of relief was on his face. "I got your message! Where's Alaric and Darcia?"

Lucius, seeing Kaizer approaching, waved, but he didn't smile back. He gestured to his left, where Darcia was standing, her eyes pointed straight at the ground, her pained expression foreboding the painful truth they were about to tell him.

Darcia's tearful visage, glistening in the faint underground light, stood out like a delicate lily in a field of thorns. Her eyes, once bright and full of life, now bore the heavy weight of sorrow as she tried to meet Kaizer's gaze.

"Darcia? Are you okay? What happened?" Kaizer inquired, his voice carrying the weight of genuine concern.

Darcia's response was laden with sorrow, her words a somber dirge. "I'm sorry, Kaizer… Alaric, he… he's gone. Queen Hundred wasn't so kind as to spare him when she figured out he wasn't you."

The words she uttered remained suspended in the air like an ominous cloud, casting a pall over the group. Her voice trembled, as if it carried the weight of the world's cruelest burdens. She delivered the devastating news like a messenger of doom, and it struck Kaizer's heart with the force of a thunderclap, sending it plummeting into an abyss of despair as the vivid image of Alaric's tragic fate formed in his mind. It was as if he could hear the anguished echoes of that dreadful moment, feel the icy grip of hopelessness, and see the merciless hand of Queen Hundred descending upon his dear friend. His imagination conjured a tormenting scene that shook him to his core.

In anguish, Kaizer's voice cracked, and he cried out in disbelief, his words a piercing lament that cut through the bustling market. Passersby turned their heads, their curiosity piqued by the raw, unfiltered emotion that emanated from the young Half-Vampire. He felt exposed, as if his very soul had been laid bare for the world to witness, but he didn't care.

His trembling hands covered his face, shielding him from the harsh reality of Alaric's fate. In that vulnerable moment, it was Gertrude and Lucius who offered solace. Their touch on his shoulders was a lifeline, a reminder that he was not alone in his grief.

But as the storm of sorrow raged within him, Kaizer's resolve was forged anew, like a blade tempered in the fires of vengeance. When he lowered his hands from his face, his eyes, once brimming with tears, now blazed with an unsettling fury.

In his mind's eye, he pictured the downfall of his enemies, a vision of chaos and ruin that would consume them all. It was a reckoning that would leave a mark on Sanguine, a reckoning fueled by the burning desire for justice. The pain, the loss, and the unrelenting anger converged into a singular purpose. In a voice that resonated with the gravity of his oath, Kaizer made a solemn vow. His voice, raw with emotion, echoed within the underground confines.

"Alaric's sacrifice, like Thalia and Justice's, won't be in vain. I won't let their deaths be for nothing," Kaizer declared, his eyes aflame. His words carried the weight of an age-old adage: blood for blood, eye for an eye. But Kaizer's intentions went beyond mere retribution. His vision was a tempest, a storm that would sweep away the foundations of Queen Hundred's kingdom.

"She'll pay," Kaizer snarled, each word dripping with venom. His gaze bore into an imaginary Queen Hundred, her throne now teetering on the precipice of destruction. But his wrath didn't end with the Queen alone; it extended to the very institutions that had conspired against him.

"The Noble Houses, the Elites, and the Cauldron," he seethed. "They'll all suffer. And even then," he continued, his tone laced with the weight of his past anguish, "it'll only be a fraction of the pain they've caused me."

Kaizer locked eyes with Darcia, his question hanging heavy in the air. "You have the journal?"

Darcia responded with a silent nod, her hand slipping into her cleavage to retrieve the small, cryptic journal. It was a gesture laden with trust and responsibility as she handed it over to Kaizer, accompanied by a tote she'd unwrapped from around her shoulder.

As Kaizer accepted the journal, his grip tightened, and his jaw clenched in determination. He could feel the gravity of its secrets beneath his fingers. With deliberate care, he secured it within the tote, shielding its enigmatic contents from prying eyes.

Kaizer's gaze remained fixed on the horizon as he reached inside the tote, his fingers curling around the hilt of the kris knife concealed within. Without preamble, he instructed Lucius, "Hold this, please," handing over the bag to his friend.

Without hesitation, Kaizer brought the blade to his own palm, slicing it open with a swift, deliberate motion. His crimson blood welled up, flowing freely from the fresh wound and tracing a vivid path down his wrist and forearm.

As the rich red liquid dripped from his hand, Kaizer spoke his solemn oath, the words heavy with meaning. "I swear in the name of Cratos, Grant Anderson, and Alessia of Noble House Ashkin, that I will bring Queen Hundred to her knees someday."

The weight of his vow hung in the air, a testament to his unwavering determination and the fierce purpose that drove him forward.

Turning his gaze towards his companions, Kaizer's eyes reflected a fierce anger. "Let's go," he urged them, his voice ringing with righteous malice. "Back to the Black Forest. I want to read this thoroughly."

Together with his newfound allies, he prepared to confront the looming darkness, to shatter the chains that had bound Sanguine for far too long. And as they took their next steps into the unknown, Kaizer's grief echoed in his heart like a battle cry, a clarion call that heralded the beginning of a new, tumultuous chapter.