XXVI: The Blood of the Covenant

Back at Gertrude's cozy cabin in the heart of the Black Forest, Kaizer, Lucius, Darcia, and Gertrude gathered around a wooden table, their faces filled with curiosity as Kaizer prepared to reveal the truth he had unearthed during his absence.

Kaizer's gaze shifted from Lucius to Darcia, and he began to speak with a newfound sense of self-assuredness. "So, guys," he started, his voice carrying a blend of mystery and revelation. "I've learned a lot in the time I was gone. I know who I am now—what I am."

Lucius leaned forward, his interest piqued, and Darcia raised her eyebrows, her eyes locked on Kaizer with rapt attention.

"I am the direct offspring of Alessia," Kaizer continued, his words carrying a heavy weight. "The Scorpion is my mother. My father was Grant Anderson, a man who protected the Overworld from the darkness of Sanguine for centuries. I am a Half-Vampire, possessing the abilities of both Vampires and the Daemon, Cratos. And on top of that, I can use Time Magic. And I'm immortal!"

Lucius and Darcia exchanged dumbfounded looks. Despite the gravity of the situation, Kaizer couldn't help but smirk at their reactions.

With his newfound clarity, Kaizer proceeded to share the rest of the story, recounting how Grant Anderson had forged a pact with the God of War, his separation from his parents, and the harrowing reasons behind Alessia's cannibalistic acts, as well as the Blood Curse that resulted from it; And the reason why nearly a century passed before Kaizer returned to Sanguine at merely 12 years old—a result of the time-splicing of the Barrier. Lucius and Darcia remained silent throughout his tale, their eyes locked on Kaizer, absorbing every detail.

When he had finished, Lucius crossed his arms, his thoughts racing to reconcile the new knowledge with his old perceptions. "I always knew there was somethin' different about you," he admitted, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and understanding. "I could just never place it. Well, what do you know…"

Darcia, ever the irreverent spirit, chimed in with a hint of humor, "I'm glad your mom was a cannibal." Her tone carried a newfound lightness, and the look she shared with Kaizer seemed to hold a hint of something deeper, as if this revelation had brought them closer in unexpected ways.

Kaizer couldn't resist adding a playful touch to the already astonishing revelations. With a warm smile, he turned to Gertrude and introduced her, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Oh, yeah," he said, enjoying the shock value of his words. "And this is my grandma. Say hi, grandma."

Gertrude, who had been a silent presence until now, revealed herself with grace and warmth. She waved at Lucius and Darcia, her smile as genuine as her words. "Hello, I am Lady Gertrude," she greeted them, her eyes reflecting kindness and sincerity. "I'm just here for support, I truly am not much more than a mother at heart."

Lucius and Darcia's jaws dropped, their expressions transitioning from astonishment to pure disbelief. Lady Gertrude was far more than just a supportive grandmother; she was a celebrated historical figure in Vampire Society, hailing from one of the most prestigious Noble Houses and being the first Vampire in history to possess time-manipulation abilities.

The weight of these revelations settled in the air, leaving the group in a momentary silence as they tried to process the newfound layers of complexity in Kaizer's identity and the significance of Gertrude's presence.

Kaizer, his heart pounding with anticipation, set his black tote on the rustic wooden table in Gertrude's cabin. He reached inside and retrieved his father's journal, the tome of knowledge that held the potential to guide them in their quest to confront Queen Hundred. As he opened the journal, his initial exploration had missed a crucial detail—a helpful index. Now, with newfound determination, he turned to this index, his fingers scanning the entries.

His eyes darted across words and phrases like 'Beast Compendium, Page 117,' 'Potion Recipes, Page 201,' and other intriguing tidbits. But then, like a beacon, he found the entry that promised guidance for their mission. His eyes locked onto the words that would potentially hold the key to defeating a Queen Vampire, and he silently mouthed them to himself, signaling the group's next steps.

"How To Kill A Queen Vampire, page 365."

With anticipation mounting, Kaizer promptly turned the pages of the journal, his fingers flipping through the worn, yellowed pages until he reached the desired entry on page 365. He read the title aloud before delving into the text, his allies gathered around, hanging on his every word.

"A Queen Vampire cannot be killed the same way that Common and Noble Vampires are killed. Killing a regular Vampire only requires strength and magical ability—but to kill the Queen, there are requirements to be met before it can even be attempted."

"The first requirement is a silver blade consecrated with Holy Water. The second is an incantation, which is to be recited upon stabbing the Queen Vampire in her heart. This act will result in the blade being set aflame with Bloodfire—an ancient, elemental magic that has been long forgotten. This is why no one has ever been able to kill the Vampire Queen, for unlike the Elder Vampires, who possessed only Blood Magic, she is a being of shadow, and the light of flame is required to extinguish her. I do not possess Blood Magic, but Cratos has made it possible through the birth of my child, for the elemental magic coursing through my veins has become one with Alessia's magic, within him." Kaizer continued to recite, his gaze unwavering.

"Lastly, the blade must be removed, allowing the flames to fully consume the Queen's heart. Her heart will burn, along with all of the blood in her body, and the Queen Vampire will be reduced to ash in moments. I have the mysterious Shadowpaw to thank for all of this knowledge. It seems I will never figure out that mangy dog-man, I tell you."

The mention of Bloodfire Magic prompted Gertrude's expression of recognition. "Bloodfire Magic. I see," she said. "It's a sacred magic that has been forbidden for millenia due to its threat to Vampire Society."

Lucius, on the other hand, was quick to connect the dots. "Wait, wait," he interjected, pointing at Kaizer. "You remember the first day we met? When you accidentally set my notes on fire in Blood Magic Fundamentals! You were accidentally using Bloodfire Magic! I always wondered how you did that."

Kaizer, now recalling that moment, couldn't help but smirk. "How could I forget? Neither of us knew at the time, but now we have an explanation. Crazy how everything comes back around, huh?"

Gertrude nodded knowingly. "Precisely. It's as if life follows the philosophy of the Ouroboros organization—the snake shall eat its own tail."

The revelation of Kaizer's connection to Bloodfire Magic added a new layer of significance to their mission, and they couldn't ignore the sense of destiny that seemed to be guiding them forward.

As Kaizer finished reading the passage, the weight of the task ahead hung heavily in the room, the group now aware of the daunting requirements to confront and defeat Queen Hundred.

Kaizer's resolve shone brightly in his determined eyes as he took a deep breath. His voice was unwavering as he spoke, "This time, there is no plan. I will simply confront Queen Hundred myself. But don't think I've lost sight of the main goal—breaking my mother's curse. Although I want to kill Queen Hundred more than anything right now, I think I should only fight her if it's truly necessary, if she stands in our way. After we save my mother—if she hasn't tried to stop me yet—I'll just make an appearance at the palace. I know she'll be furious, ready to fight."

"Are you sure… you can really do it?" Lucius asked carefully, obviously trying not to make it seem like he underestimated his friend. "It's just…I wouldn't be able to bear it if she killed you, Kaizer."

Kaizer was silent. He looked at Lucius, then to Darcia and Gertrude, and back to Lucius.

"Honestly… I don't know. I don't know if I'll even be able to get close to her. She's beyond powerful. The only thing that's been driving me this far is my anger. Practically speaking, I don't even know how to fully harness my Daemigod powers yet—I just recently found out I had Cratos's Blessing."

His friends nodded in agreement, fully understanding the gravity of their mission and the personal stakes involved. They were ready to support Kaizer in whatever path he chose, knowing that the challenges ahead would test their determination and unity like never before.

Darcia suddenly spoke up. "How about a Blood Bond?"

Gertrude and Lucius gasped, and Kaizer's eyes widened slightly in surprise. "A Blood Bond? Isn't that like a… couple thing? Isn't it something you only do with the person you're in love with?"

Darcia went quiet for a moment, her gaze shifting away, her pale Vampiric cheeks blushing a scarlet red. "But… if you blood-bonded with me… you would be connected to my blood as well, and I yours. The magical energy in my blood should supply you more than enough extra power to pull it off. It's not like we have to go through the whole blood-bonding process—We don't have to, only if you want to." She shifted uncomfortably, as if she was getting nervous just thinking about the implications of her words. "We'll just drink each other's blood, that's it."

A brief yet pregnant silence filled the room as Kaizer pondered Darcia's proposal. He couldn't deny the practicality of her idea, and after a deep breath, he exhaled and made his decision.

"Okay," Kaizer said resolutely, "I'm up for it, if you're up for it, Darcia."

Darcia nodded, her cheeks still flushed. "I am. Whatever will help you in your goal."

A moment of understanding passed among them, unspoken words connecting them in ways beyond their immediate mission. Kaizer couldn't help but feel the significance of Darcia's presence in his life, a connection that had initially gone relatively unnoticed but now held great importance.

"So... wanna do it now?" Kaizer asked, breaking the silence.

Darcia nodded, her composure returning. "Yes. I'm ready."

Gertrude pointed to a door in the cabin, one that Kaizer had never stepped into. "There's my bedroom."

Kaizer nodded, understanding the importance of privacy in Vampire culture when it came to blood-bonding. Even the simple act of two Vampires consuming each other's blood, the lowest level of bonding that could be attained—was a deeply intimate matter that was to be done in privacy.

"We'll be back," Kaizer said, his anxiety running laps in his head, as he and Darcia made their way to Gertrude's bedroom, entering and shutting the door behind them.

The room itself was a vision of opulence, adorned with rich red curtains, plush, dark velvet furnishings, and the heady scent of vanilla and roses that filled the air. Red candles, their flames flickering hypnotically, were spread throughout, casting an intimate and romantic glow.

Gertrude's bed was a grand piece of furniture that dominated the room with its presence. It was a four-poster bed, made from dark, polished mahogany, and intricately carved with elegant patterns that showcased the craftsmanship of a bygone era.

The posts that supported the canopy of the bed were tall and imposing, each one adorned with decorative finials. Rich, blood-red velvet curtains hung from the canopy, cascading down to envelop the bed in a cocoon of luxury and privacy.

The mattress itself was plush and inviting, covered in soft, satin sheets that shimmered in the dim candlelight. A mountain of plump pillows with ornate lace-edged pillowcases was piled at the head of the bed, offering a sumptuous place to rest one's head. The overall effect was one of opulence and regal charm, befitting a room of a Vampire Noble.

As Kaizer turned toward Darcia, their eyes locked in a mixture of timidity and eager anticipation. He began to speak, his voice wavering, "Uh... sorry, I—I've never done this bef—"

But Darcia silenced his words with confidence, leaning forward to press her soft, inviting lips against his. Kaizer responded, his initial hesitation giving way to a burgeoning passion that ignited between them. Their kiss deepened, tongues entwining in a passionate dance. Kaizer's strong, trembling hands found their place on Darcia's curvaceous waist, drawing her closer as their breaths quickened.

The room seemed to blur around them as they kissed fervently, each lost in the moment. Darcia's fingertips brushed against the sensitive nape of Kaizer's neck, sending pleasurable shivers down his spine. Their lips, hungry and eager, met with an intensity that grew with every passing second.

Finally, Darcia pulled away, a sultry and confident smile gracing her lips, her breath coming in heavy, excited pants. Kaizer, too, felt his breaths uneven and labored as he gazed into her eyes, a medley of emotions reflecting within their depths.

"You're a good kisser," Darcia breathed seductively, her voice a sensual melody that sent electrifying shivers down Kaizer's spine.

"Really? I just practice with a mirror," Kaizer cracked.

Darcia laughed, leaning in once more, capturing his lips in another fiery kiss. This time, their passion burned even more intensely, and their fangs grazed each other's lips, drawing forth a trickle of blood. Kaizer mirrored her actions, biting down gently on her lower lip, mingling their blood in a passionate exchange that deepened their connection further. Darcia let out a whimper of ecstasy and pain as he bit down, and their fingers intertwined, locking them in a shared moment of intimacy as they savored the tantalizing taste of each other's blood.

Their passionate embrace carried them onto Gertrude's bed, where they continued to kiss with an intensity that bordered on the sublime. As their lips melded together, something extraordinary began to happen.

With each kiss, a profound connection formed between them, and it was as if a floodgate had opened, allowing a torrent of memories, thoughts, and emotions to pour from one soul to another. Every moment they had ever experienced, every thought they had ever had, and every emotion they had ever felt, was laid bare.

In that moment of pure vulnerability, they shared their entire existence with each other. Childhood memories, hidden fears, secret desires, and the rawest of emotions flowed freely between them. Their minds intertwined, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences that transcended words.

It was a connection that reached beyond the physical, a deep merging of souls that revealed their true selves to each other. As they kissed and held each other, they became more than two individuals; they became one, united by a bond that was both beautiful and overwhelming.

As they lay together on the bed, basking in the aftermath of their intense connection, Kaizer and Darcia gazed into each other's eyes. They said nothing, for they didn't need to. There was a newfound depth of understanding between them, an intimacy that transcended any physical encounter they'd ever shared. When they looked into each other's souls, they could vividly hear each other's thoughts and feel each other's emotions. Their minds intertwined, sharing every intimate detail within themselves.

They couldn't help but laugh, their shared memories revealing the secrets they had both kept hidden for so long. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring them together, using their quest to defeat Queen Hundred as the backdrop for their true feelings to emerge.

In that profound connection, the desire to confront the Vampire Queen no longer burned as brightly in their hearts. What they had found between each other was a love so deep that it eclipsed any other goal or ambition. It was a love that had been silently brewing beneath the surface, waiting for the right moment to reveal itself.

"So… are you going to explain your little visit with Shadowpaw right before I came to your room?" Darcia asked, her eyes reflecting amusement and love.

"Oh, yeahh… I got bored." Kaizer said casually, aware that she knew that that wasn't really the case.

Darcia laughed, planting a kiss on his forehead. "It's okay. I understand, I just felt like teasing you."

"And I guess you're not going to explain Queen Hundred being your mom?"

"Nope." She laughed.

And as they held each other, their laughter filling the room, they knew that this newfound love was a force to be reckoned with—one that would guide them through the trials and tribulations that lay ahead, fueled by their unbreakable mental and emotional bond.

Kaizer and Darcia re-entered the living room, their footsteps echoing softly in the dimly lit space. The room, adorned with antique furniture and heavy velvet curtains that swayed gently in an unfelt breeze, invited them in as if to say, "Welcome back!"

In the center of the room, they found Lucius and Gertrude engrossed in the weathered photo album. The album itself was a relic, its pages yellowed with age, but the memories it held were timeless. Lucius and Gertrude were huddled together, peering at the images of a baby Kaizer with wide-eyed fascination.

Darcia, intrigued by the sight, walked over to join them. As she flipped through the pages, her eyes sparkled with joy at the sight of baby Kaizer's chubby cheeks and innocent smile.

"You were so cute as a baby, Kai," Darcia said, her voice filled with warmth as she gazed at the photographs.

Kaizer blushed, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "Yeah, well, it only went downhill from there, so—"

"Oh, nonsense!" Gertrude interjected, her tone firm yet affectionate. She swiped her hand as if to dismiss Kaizer's self-deprecating joke. "I mean it when I say you've grown into a young, handsome Half-Vampire, and I'm speaking objectively—not because I'm your grandmother." The four of them shared a hearty laugh, a moment of lightheartedness before the gravity of their mission loomed large.

Lucius chimed in, a mischievous smirk on his face as he exchanged glances with Kaizer and Darcia. "You two have fun in there? We almost thought you'd never come out."

"Shut up," both Kaizer and Darcia replied in unison, their cheeks aflame with embarrassment.

Lucius chuckled. "I'm just pulling your leg. So, Kaizer, what should we do now?"

Kaizer swung his tote bag around his shoulders, a determined look in his eyes. "I have to go to the edge of the Black Forest. That's where the Barrier is located, and I think we all need to be making physical contact when I cross it. I've come to realize that I'm the link that connects the worlds, due to my time-manipulation powers — which I still don't grasp the full extent of yet, but whatever. When me, Thalia, and Justice saved a little girl from the Forgotten Labyrinth, I was able to take her across the Barrier by simply just holding her hand. So, it should work with you guys too. I don't see a reason why it wouldn't."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Time is of the essence," Gertrude declared, closing the cherished photo album.

Kaizer nodded resolutely. "Right. Let's head there now, but be on high alert. Queen Hundred is out there, looking for me as we speak."

With determination etched on their faces, they left the living room behind, ready to face the challenges that awaited them in the shadowy depths of the Underworld.