15: Beware My power

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗15: Beware My power

"Ahh!" Anthony's eyes turned red giving a glow, his his hair stood straight in the air a red energy circling around him. He pulled on the sand restraints shattering them with ease. "Simple." Anthony said fixing his sword into his scabbard.

"Uhm... what is this energy... Uhm... I guess I would just have to deal with you first," The soul walker raised his sword lodging it deep in the floor, two rock clenched fists emerging from his sides. "Kill him!" The rock fist flew fast to Anthony.

Anthony gave a sly smirk as the rock fists reached him, he threw a balled fist at it destroying the rock fist with ease. "Simple."

"You are getting annoying!" The soul walker grumbled a dozen fist emerging behind him immediately lunging for Anthony.

Anthony launched into the air a gale of wind behind him. With every step he took the floor shattered into grit, "I might not be talented..."

The rock fist bore down on Anthony in coordination. "Simple," Anthony planted a fist into the floor below. The floor shatters giving an explosion of wind that made the rock fists crumble to dust. "Or special..." Anthony increased in pace charging the soul walker.

"Shit!" The soul walker sent another wave of rock fist for Anthony again.

Anthony scoffed "what desperation..." Anthony launched into the air flying above all the fists at once, now he was a few feet away from the soul walker.

"...Had led me to great power!" Anthony swung his leg for the soul walker's face.

The soul walker sees this coming, he immediately dislodges his sword raising it to block.

Crack! Anthony's leg broke through the sword planting itself on the soul walker's face.

"Ahhh!" The soul walker stumbled back a few feet.

Anthony doesn't waste time as he caught the soul walker's wrist in his strong grasp pulling him close and planting a knee on his chest "I will end you..."

The soul walker coughed groaning in pain, "you damn brat..."

Before he could finish his sentence Anthony planted his knee on the soul walker's shoulder amputating his hand out.

"Ahhhhh!" The soul walker recoiled a few feet away writhing in pain. He was so wrong, the power that recided in Anthony was more than special, it was superior.

Anthony wrapped his hands around the hilt of his sword swinging it for the soul walker's head.

Anthony's attack cuts through, sending it's head flying off it's body and down to the ground. "This is what power feels like," Anthony said breathing heavily.

The soul walker's eyes goggled in a death stare as his world turned upside down, he had too many regrets in life and painful enough didn't have enough time to accomplish his dreams... A tear drop rolled down his eyes, his world dimming itself.

Anthony's body went back to normal his wounds disappearing, now all he could feel were the aches.

Anthony's heart jumped within him, he revelled in his victory feeling proud of it, his power rise and the demon...

He droped his head realizing what he did "hehe!" He laughed out taking joy in his triumph. "Finally, I am one step closer to defeating Undomno."


"Tiran... Kravint... Miran!"

Her eyes finally wielded open. She was in a poorly lit cave on her back lying flat. "What the fuck happened to me," she managed to force out from her mouth. She scanned her environment to see only one person sitting in front of a corpse, he had red hair and could only be Anthony.

She rose to her feet slowly groaning, her body numb. "Hey weak bones!" She called out to him placing her hands on her waist "you wanna get out of this cave or stare at a mangled bone corpse."

Anthony rose to his feet groggily "I don't think I..." He fell face flat drained of all his energy. "I can't go on." He exhaled softly finding it hard to hold up his heavy eye lashes.

Fiona took her sword fixing it back into it's scabbard, she cracked her knuckles, walked up to Anthony, picked him up and hoisted him unto her shoulder, he was heavy and boiling hot. "Shit dude, did you jump into a boiling larva pit?"

"No, I don't think so," Anthony answered staring down at the rocky mountain floor as she walked at a slow pace for the tunnels

He perceived the tenseness between them, "Fiona I'm sorry,"

She gasped shocked to hear him say, "Sorry for what slime throat!" She snarled.

Anthony remained calm staring at his hair falling before his face "after I defeated the soul walker, I checked on you if you were alive... When I touched you, I saw all your memories... I always thought you were such a hot headed knucklehead that has nothing special to fight for, but now I see you have all to..."

"The reason you keep staring at me is because I remind you of your sister,"

Fiona cuts in "I also saw your memories."

Anthony exhaled softly "I guess we are equally plagued by the same."

"It's a curse we all have to carry, all of us... Till the very end."

"Where might we be going?" Anthony dimmed his eyes unable to hold it up again.

"Our crystals, then we go home."


Anthony's eyes shot open. He was finally able to recover some of his strength now, he narrowed his eyes scanning through the vicinity, he was lyed back to the floor, the ceiling of the cave was high and filled with many blue crystals shining down their low blue glow.

He heard a distant cracking noise followed by moans of a woman. He sat himself up groaning as his body was defiant to do so. Anthony tilted his head around "Tsk! All of me is hurting" .

He finally catches glimpse of Fiona pounding down on a large pink glowing crystal with the hilt of her sword.

"Damnit why do this stuff have to be bloody hard to break!" She snarled increasing the force in her strike.

Anthony could see many blue crystals lying on the floor waiting to be picked, he furrowed his eyes unable to get why she had chosen the pink crystals which she had to pound all day.

"Hey! Why don't we take the blue crystals, that would save us the stress," Anthony said.

Fiona paused for a while before resuming her pounding "idiot! Take the poisonous stuff and run back, you will be rotten flesh before we leave this forest!" She yelled out rudely.

"How are we going to escape when we're done, it would be too stressful to just head back the same way," Anthony placed a hand over his chin and thought.

"There... Is another... Exit," she managed to say under her heavy breathing. She continued further "at the end of... The tunnel."

Anthony smiled glad to hear her say, he was more than unprepared to go back the threacherous way they scaled to reach here. "Do you need help?" Anthony was concerned, he felt guilty for letting her carry him and after do all the labour for their crystals, that would be inhumane of him.

"Ahhhhh!" Fiona raised her sword high giving a great battle cry as she let her gripped sword plummet hilt first smashing the crystal rock on contact to a dozen smaller pieces. Fiona turned to him her face filled with sweat "do... I look like I need your sympathy fool." She raised her hand and pointed at herself giving a smile that showed total dominance "your big sister's got you covered."

Anthony froze dazed by her, she assumed herself as his sister that meant... Anthony's cheek reddened a grin arching across his face. He gave a thumbs up gesture.

Fiona bent down and picked two crystals from the floor, she tossed one into the air for Anthony which he caught with ease. She walked over to him and said "the exit shouldn't be far from here according to what my brother told me."

Anthony nodded both of them starting to walk down the trail at a steady pace.

"What do you see as a goal to..." Anthony froze refraining the question in his mind not wanting to provoke Fiona. He finally spoke after a short while of retrospection of his thought "why do you fight demon's?"

Fiona shrugged "I guess, I just want to make a safe world for my loved ones to live in... I don't want to loose any other family to the demons anymore," she clenched her fist flushed with emotions "that's why I must defeat all demons!" She turned to Anthony smiling afterwards "so what's your own share of the death apple?"

Anthony nodded "I guess I wanted to avenge my family, but now with all I have learned from Kiraya and others. I see now that I must bring the demise of all the demons." His grin deepens "don't take me wrong I only want to give them a peaceful path to hell to atone for their sins. Hehehehe!"

"You're even more cuckoo than I am," Fiona joked. "Pig fart I guess you'll be my rival then."

Her face turned serious all of a sudden stunning Anthony "I have memories of my mother when she would tell me stories of beast even more threat fucking vile than demons, a threat that even gods feared, they called them devil incarnate or popularly in those times Dohoma." She smiled perceiving Anthony's alarmed look "don't worry no one is even sure if it's a tale or just plain shit that's real life so don't hop your toad ass and stress will ya."

Anthony huffed out turning his gaze forward, he saw a bright light and nothing after "is that it?"

Fiona smiled "there's only one damn way to find out where that bright chicken sack wall leads us." Fiona cracked her knuckles.

She broke into a sprint for the bright light and disappeared after crossing it.

"What the hell," Anthony heard himself say. His whole body begged to go forward but his mind seemed reluctant.

"Ahhhhh!" After a while of contemplating he finally broke into a sprint for the light, every step he took sending chills that made his head feel light. With every step the light also got brighter and all that ran through his mind was... Shit... Hell... Shit... Am I gonna die.

"Talk about the white light in the end of the tunnel!" He muttered launching into the white light.

"Aww!" Anthony gasped as he felt the thick waves of water pour all over him drenching him in seconds, he also found it hard to breath and see as his body reacted violently to his new environment.

He took another step forward coming out of the rain of water and into much more calmer conditions.

Anthony brushed off the rain water off his face and he could swear he felt a shift in his face. His eyes began squinting and adjusting to the light. Finally he had a veiw again, much better and rewarding the sun was at it's peak, he closed his eyes as he felt the warmth of it rays upon his entire body.

He turned back to see the Aura rain wall, he had made it out alive.

"Yes!" His heart grew warm as he acknowledged he passed his test. He almost felt like crying but didn't.

"Fion..." Before he could complete he realizes she wasn't there... Probably just like him she appeared through where she came through at first. He smiled "thank you Fiona," he said taking his first step mind filled with thought of Kiraya.

"Ehn?" As he took his first step he noticed the squeezing and jump in his trouser, even his long sleeved had gotten somewhat shorter. "What!" Anthony said scanning through his whole self, his hair was now longer, reaching up to his waist. His heart palpitated "what the hell?"
