16: The Meeting

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 16: 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕸𝖊𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌

"Four months! That's too long!" Anthony sat on the mat still finding it hard to believe.

Senior Kiraya gave a jovial laughter, he was glistening and tender as usual. He answers "the demon forest works a different time than the outside world. An hour there could be said to be exactly a month here."

"Four months aye, that's too long, I feel like everything in me had a growth sprout." Anthony took a moment to case through his entire body "I feel... Stronger, taller, my hair is longer and I feel like my Aura energy increased."

"That's good because the next training for you will need a lot of Aura," Senior Kiraya met himself with Anthony's stare that clearly read he cringed for more. "I will teach you Harlo Techniques."

Anthony wanted to dance chant happily but got forced back to his seat by his thoughts. He gave a confused look "what is Harlo Techniques?"

Senior Kiraya chuckled "Harlo Techniques are the fighting skills of a man and his sword... It is when you and your sword are at peace, understand each other and most of all feel one another. It would be another topic for another day but for now, enjoy this free day of zero training."

Anthony bowed his head "thank you Senior." His stomach gave a low rumbling noise, he patted it softly wanting ward off the feeling he got from it's emptiness "I do feel hungry though."

"Then let me dish out your favourite stewed corn and beef cakes," Senior Kiraya rose to his feet walking to the door that led to the kitchen. He stopped as he reached the door turning back to Anthony, "I almost forgot to tell you sorry for forgetting and excluding your main objective in the demon forest. I really thought you would die, never return, end up arriving a hundred years later, thank goodness you're back safe if not I wouldn't have forgiven you for not asking me to tell you," he said frantically.

Anthony snarled "that's just shit, if not for Fiona I would never have probably survived."

Senior Kiraya gave a contented look before pushing open the Kitchen's wooden door. "While I am in the kitchen, get your crystal and sword ready." Not waiting for a reply he walked into the kitchen slamming the door.

Anthony nodded rising slowly to his feet, he felt slightly stiff and tender everywhere. If not for the pills Senior Kiraya had given him he wouldn't be able to recover as much as he did in such little time.

He walked across the room and to a distinct door he remembered as his. He wrapped his hand around the knob twisted and pushed the door open walking into a large room made entirely of brown furnished wood, a large bed in the midst of the room, a small furnished wooden wardrobe his sword and gem on it.

Anthony looked around his room he could hardly believe Senior Kiraya's neatness, he was forgetful but remembered to be tidy. After arriving home a day ago he met his room sparkling clean, the floors, the bed made, absolutely no cob webs.

For some reason Anthony had fallen into a deep sleep when he arrived until a hour ago when he woke up in his bed and was briefed by Senior Kiraya.

Anthony walked to his wardrobe slowly picking up his swords cold hilt and the gem which was warm. "Uhm?" He glared at the gem anxiously.

He turned away walking to the exit, as he was about to leave a thought crossed his mind freezing him in place. He could never be accepted as a demon hunter if anyone were to know he was part demon, they would probably behead him for it, is existence was going against everything the demon hunters fought for, if he was in their shoes he probably would do the same. "I have to keep this to myself," he said with a jittering voice.

"Anthony k! Food is prepared!"

"Tsk!" Anthony gasped as waves of fear washed over him. Reluctantly he pushed open the door walking out with a petrified look on his face.

Senior Kiraya sat before the large wooden table bearing a dozen salvers and a lot of glass plates in it with different varieties of food in it that gave a scent which made Anthony's stomach grumble.

Senior Kiraya scratched his head giving a tedious look "why do you look like that? Aren't you happy I served you food?" He looked down at the table for a while, "is it too small? Maybe I should just destroy the entire table and food, would that make you feel better."

"No-no-no, it's not that," Anthony said with a bewildered look across his face. "This is nice," he bowed his head "thank you! I am also curious about the sword and gem."

Senior Kiraya was pleased, a smile formed on his face but... "What sword and gem are you referring to?"

"You clearly said I should get the gem I got from the demon forest and my sword!" Anthony snarled raising his sword and gem for Senior Kiraya to veiw.

"Oh," Senior Kiraya turned to his side grabbing a brown sack "why didn't you say do earlier, bring it over."

Anthy was crestfallen, this was the most annoying person he had ever met, so carefree of the world yet so passively annoying.

Senior Kiraya opened up the sack wide open as Anthony came near. It was similar to that of the Western Kingdom, a dark void swirling in the midst of the sack.

He met himself with Senior Kiraya's stare, for the first time he just noticed how lifeless his grey eyes were which made Senior Kiraya's stare cold and disheartening.

"Anthony k put your sword and the gem in the sack, don't let go of either if you do you might never get it back," Senior Kiraya could sense Anthony's nervousness, his palpitating heart and his heavy breathing. "Pull out your sword when you feel it," Senior Kiraya gave an assuring smile to encourage Anthony.

What did he mean by feel it? He took more glances into the swirling void in the sack, it made him feel uneasy.

"Ugh!" Anthony put both hands into the sack slowly. He stopped as the void reached up to his elbow. He could already sense the difference in this void, it felt wet like jelly that gave a cold chill up his hands to his spine.

Anthony's eyes grew wide open as he sensed the gem begin to dissolve from his grip "the gem is..." Just as he was about to go on a full fledged panic, he met himself with Senior Kiraya's stare and a slight nod that relieved him a little of his fear.

After a while of sticking his hand in his sack he instinctively pulls out his hands with his sword in it rasing it to veiw point scanning through it to find differences, it looked more refined, the colour was improved and it's weight felt just right."

"What just happened?" Anthony turned to Senior Kiraya who was already at the end of the room folding the sack and keeping it there in a small basket.

"It made you and your sword even and your Aura concentration between you and it stronger."

Anthony placed his sword away from the the table "I need to have some food," he sat at the table rubbing his clammy hands together as he tasted all the delicacies on the table with his eyes.

Knock! Knock!

"What the hell!" Anthony's look fell, just when he was about to have his first taste of food in a long time. "How the hell did someone come here at this essential moment?"

"That would be our guest, this snack is partially made for them," Senior Kiraya stated knowing clearly the thought in Anthony's mind.

Anthony felt sickened, he rose to his feet taking slow steps to the wooden door. He wrapped his hand around the cold hilt twisting it and pulling it open.

"What the hell!"

A man who dressed in total black shirt and trousers a hilt strapped to his waist stood in front of him. The man had short black beards, yellow long flowing hair and his complexion was white.

"What the hell, a young boy opening the door for the mighty changer, how disrespectful," The man scorned patting his sword, he licked his lips "I should cut you down but I have found forgiveness in my heart, but only..." He brought his face closer to Anthony's "get me a cute woman, beautiful shape and a stunning smile."

Anthony was disgusted, whoever this guy, He deserved to die a disgraceful death "not happening..."

"Hey!" someone behind the man interrupted before Anthony could finish, it sounded clearly female and an impatient.

"Senior Enzo what's the hold up I don't have a bloody year to age out here pervert!" The female sounded more possessive.

"Senior Enzo?" Anthony was stunned, "so... You are a demon hunter Senior rank."

"I don't have time for this crap virgin eye saint my heartless goddess doesn't either. Do out of my way before I show you my true face!" He threatened.

Anthony reluctantly left an opening wide enough for Senior Enzo to pass.

"Nice choice Virgin eye saint, nice choice," Senior Enzo smiled walking in at a slow pace to show his dominance.

"Can I ask a question?"

Senior Enzo smile arched even more "how can a glorious man resist a question that would add more spectacular lights to him? Ask your question."

"Uhm? Is your true face as ugly as your normal face?" Anthony asked with a devoid expression that stunned Senior Enzo.

"How dare you! Insolent mouse" Senior Enzo scorned self absorbed, "I am majestic, handsome, alluring..."

"Haha! Senior pervert Enzo he is right about your face, it is very unattractive," the female stepped in giggling as she made fun of her Senior.

Anthony gasped as the female was Fiona, she looked different, her hair long reaching down to her legs, her face looked smooth and succulent, her golden iris popping even more and adding greatly to her beauty. She wore a black coloured gown with flower designs on it, she looked beautiful in it and with her smile Anthony could swear she was a goddess.

"Anthony!" She yelped catching gaze of him, she leaned close giving him a warm embrace.

Anthony was dazed, he only stood frozen as she hugged him his cheek reddening in shame. This was the first time a girl other than his sister or mother hugged him.

She seperated herself wrapping a hand around his, "you look older than we last saw," she scanned through Anthony "your hair is longer."

Anthony's cheek reddened even more. He felt embarrassed by her comments and even more as he was short on words to reply her. His girl talking skills were highly garbage, his endurance to complements from girls was also garbage, he couldn't help but blush "you look... Ugh... Beautiful... Like ugh... A princess."

"Thank you."

Senior Enzo growled "Kiraya mi where are you?" He scanned through the room.


Senior Enzo turned his gaze around, Senior Kiraya had been behind him the whole time, 'how was that even possible'. "Hehehehe Kiraya I knew you were there."

Senior Kiraya laughed out "no need to tell lies woman magnet, let's feast on the snack I have served down."

Senior Enzo's mouth fell gape as his eyes met with the table filled with different varieties of food all appealing to his eyes and nose, but much more important... "You call this a snack! Are you trying to fatten me up... I see you're trying to spoil my good looks, because you are second to me."

Senior Kiraya laughed again "Enzo mi don't be delusional we both know you are ugly and your eyes being triangle contributed to that."

"Damn you Kiraya!"


"Momomomomom! Too delicious!" Senior Enzo licked his lips,he turned his gaze to Senior Kiraya sitting opposite him at the empty table "too bad I only taste this dishes when you're around."

Senior Kiraya nodded "yes, too bad."

"Maybe... You could teach me how to make just one of it?" He gave a hand gesture at Senior Kiraya "please..."

Senior Kiraya winked "no, if you want to learn meet my mum."

"But she's dead!" Senior Enzo barked out slamming both hands to the table "I have asked for this same favour over ten times and you keep replying me the same, I even searched for your mother for a week on time until you told me she was dead! I see what you're trying to do, with your majestic angel cooking you want to win more girls than me, you want to have more wives than me... Ugh... I will make sure to surpass you and..."

"What about the urgent matter you said you were here for?" Senior Kiraya interrupted.

"You're trying to change the topic aren't you Kiraya mi," Senior Enzo rolled a balled fist hitting hard on the table. "Damn, I will let you of just this time," he sat down calming himself "next time I promise to fight you and show that I am superior, then I will have all the girls attention."

Senior Kiraya's face instantly became void of emotions "humm... Woman magnet did you say something?"

Senior Enzo's eyes twitched, 'how can he be so annoying, he seems to anger me in every way but not intentionally and that stupid student of his.'

"We're done," Anthony said as he walked out the kitchen door with Fiona.

They sat at the table beside their Seniors joining a somnolent silence.

"Woman magnet shall we begin?"

"Yes," he placed his palm face down to the table and recited "manamemanazomamaji! Garmit!" As he completed a bright light shine from his palm a pot emerging.

He withdrawed his hand as the light faded away.

Anthony was eyes glued to the pot, he couldn't help but wonder what lyed within that held so much importance.

"Months ago, I encountered strange things in this forest and I managed to capture them in the void pot, I brought them here for questioning," Enzo held the handle if the pot's lid and pried it open. "Garmit!"

'Was he referring to the pot as a person with actual name?' Anthony stared wide eyed, he couldn't see the substance in the pot since he was sitting so he was left in the suspense like anybody else.


Anthony fell back in shock as a demon's head popped out of the pot.

"What the hell! Who the fuck are you staring at?" The demon snarled twisting his head 360 degrees round taking glances of his enemies.

"How did..." Anthony paused as he noticed he was the only one scared of this scenario, how disgraceful. He sat himself up head down and avoiding eye contact.

Senior Enzo smiled placing a hand on his cheek "awww! I ask the question and you reply, who sent you?"

The demon growled shaking it's head violently "I can't use my demon powers," it whispered as it's movements became subtle once more.

"Sorry about that," Senior Enzo grabbed the hair of the demon roughly "who sent you?"

"Like I would say filthy humans! You will all perish if you keep us here!" The demon chuckled "I promise he..."

"Blah, words insult," Enzo curts wrapping his hands around the demon's head. "Die!" The demon's head shattered as Enzo forced his hands on it sending blood everywhere.

"Ahhhhh!!!" The demon screamed as he lost his sight "why does it hurt so much, I can't regenerate... Damn! Ahhhhh!"

Anthony brushed the blood off his face, "why isn't he..."

"The pot drains all their energy and makes them ten times weaker than humans, so the pain it's experiencing is unimaginable," Senior Kiraya explained.

"Hahaha!" Enzo withdrawed his sword and swings it for the demons neck beheading it. Not long after the demon's head crumbled to dust.

"Garmit, next," Senior Enzo said licking his lips.

The next demon's head emerged from the pot, this one looked less confident than the other. "Please I'll tell you everything."

"Shhhh, I know," Senior Enzo thrusted his hand into the demon's eyes faster than it could react.

"Ahhhhh!" The demon cried out in pain as blood gushed out, "damn! Ahhhh."

"Now who are you after? The red haired boy?"

"Yes, yes... We were sent to kill him!" The demon grunted and shook it's head in pain.

Senior Enzo withdrawed his fingers from the demon's eyes. He caught glimpse of Anthony who looked a bit panic stricken. He turned his attention to the demon "who sent you?"

As the demon heard this it froze up for a while before shaking it's head "I can't..."

"Die then!" Senior Enzo beheaded the demon with one swing of his sword.

"Garmit next."

The last demon appeared face already drenched by tears "please, don't hurt me."

"I won't if you tell me who sent you,"Senior Enzo watched as the demon went quiet, 'shit, this is the last demon, if he doesn't speak we won't ever know.'

"Why is he scared?" Anthony asked.

"The demons in the pot can see the demise of the ones out of it, they see through their eyes and feel the pain exacted on the ones outside the pot," Senior Kiraya answered.

"I was sent by pla..." He froze before he could complete "plague... Ahhhhh!" His face turned pale as he writhed in pain, his eyes became completely white and lifeless. Suddenly his head began to melt into liquid and his screams tripled and ended as he turned entirely into liquid.

"What happened?" Fiona asked with a puzzled look.

Senior Enzo ignores putting the lid back on the pot reciting a few words that made the pot disappear. "Senior Kiraya."

Senior Kiraya stood up "Fiona, Anthony go somewhere else we have something to discuss."

Both of them stood up and left the room quietly.

Not wasting time Senior Enzo spoke up first "a plague member is after that boy."

"Yes, we will have to report this back to Vindacurve," Senior Kiraya added.

"Plague 7 members, this is a golden opportunity to kill a member, we can't let it slide."

"Anthony k, you might be the key to accomplishing a great rest in the war between demons and hunters."
