30: The Demon of Fatal Impediment

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 30: The Demon of Fatal Impediment

Anthony catches a glimpse of a tentacle lunging down at him from above, he swings and slices the tentacle. "Damn!" Anthony senses another tentacle attacking from behind, he turned around and swung for it.

His sword sparks if the tentacle as it was far too thick to be severed. It wraps itself around Anthony's right arm tightly squeezing it until his bones gave a cracking sound.

Anthony raises his sword high ready to plunge it down for the tentacle when he felt another wrap around his sword and arm pulling and restraining his movements.

"Tsk!" Anthony groans pulling hard on the tentacles in an attempt to break free but it wouldn't bulge.

"What disappointment," Kaan shook his head as his sagging belly split open down the middle blood and human body parts spewing out. Out if his belly were metal snake like tentacles that curved up around themselves swimming in the remains of the blood in his stomach "stay still while I consume your flesh."

Anthony gulped giving a frightened look, never had his eyes set upon such monstrosity, the blood, the body parts, the stench of the dead was all too much. Anthony was disgusted "damn!"


Suddenly the tentacles that restrained Anthony began to pull him towards Kaan. Anthony tries to resist but all is futile as Kaan's Tentacles had a good grip on him and were as thick as metal.

"What the hell!" Anthony increases his force of struggle, he couldn't help but replay an imaginative horror of getting consumed by Kaan's belly of a million snakes.

Kaan laughed "it's useless to resist, It's too late, because I stole all your will to keep going."

Anthony froze stung by Kaan's words, "that's impossible."

Kaan placed a hand on his bald head "idiot! Once any part of my tentacles get touches a human, I reduces their will and compares that strength to that of a infant child! So you might be stronger than me but you don't have the will to boost your strength."

Truly this Demon wasn't decieving him, he was stained from the Demon's tentacle blood earlier but, if he was able to regain his will he would surely behead the demon.

Anthony bit hard on his lip, "my greatest will can't be suppressed!" Anthony yelled at the top of his voice. If he couldn't motivate him then all his fight from day one was nothing, that meant he lied to himself... "My will to fufil my mother's dying wish!" Anthony's eyes goggled as a wave of heat and flames began to enamate around him "Ahhhhh! My will to destroy all demons!"

With all his might Anthony pulled on the tentacles that held him breaking them in an instant. Anthony placed his sword by his waist exhaled and said "Dragon tooth Technique 2!" Anthony lunged forward with a gale of wind following behind him.

Dozens of tentacles made by Kaan tied themselves around the chairs and stools of the bar taking them into the air and hurling them for Anthony.

Anthony's sword caught on fire as he met the first stool cutting through it, the next came from his side which he sees coming dodging it in time.

Anthony leaps into the air maneuvering himself dodging a table. He swings his sword and with one outburst of fire burns a dozen stools and table.

"Tsk!" Anthony grunted as a tentacle hit him from the side, he swings for it cutting it down.

Anthony he watched Kaan send all his tentacles flying through the air for him shattering and knocking down everything in it's way, he was clearly going all out.

Anthony placed his sword on his shoulder as he summoned all his strength within him. He huffed out and sprang into the air, the flames around his sword rising high.

He met the first tentacle cutting it down and sending a crescent beam of fire that burns down a few. He ducks as two tentacles came for his head, the tentacles were gradually getting thicker and the more he cut them down the less confident he felt... He had to finish this here and now unless... This battle might escape into the city of Nonagon and endanger the people and that would be breaking his promise.

Anthony bit on his lips launching for Kaan again twice as fast blocking and cutting multiple tentacles at once. He ducked as he sees a dozen tables hurled for him. He cuts two tentacles that came for his side. Anthony's eyes glowed red as a huge flame formed behind him.

Anthony stamped his feet into the wooden floor shattering it, he lunged for Kaan cutting down the tentacles that came his way with ease.

Anthony reaches Kaan in an instant. Kaan streches his hands for Anthony turning them into a dozen tentacles that flew towards Anthony.

Anthony slashes his sword and cuting Kaan's hands amputating it.

"Fuck!" Kaan panics unable to defend himself.

Anthony raised his sword high for his final attack "Vanquishing flames!" Anthony slashes down the flames around his sword rising even more as he ran his sword through the beefy demons neck. He cuts through the two necks of the demon sending both plunging down.

Kaan's mouth fell gape in shock, never had he seen such will in his life, this was a true Hunter.

Kaan burst into tears, he had never seen such power... A power that pushed him to his peak. Kaan smiled revelling the moment.

Kaan's two heads hit the shattered wooden floor of the bar one instantly fading into dust.

"You have two heads, but..." Anthony fixed his sword back into his scabbard "only one is real."

Kaan gave a low chuckle "you have given me the greatest gift demon hunter." Kaan began to cry. "When I was young I was alone because of my fat stature, I kept on slowing everyone and because of that..." Kaan's tears increases as half of his face turned to dust "I was alone... I became a demon in search of fun but it was much of a hassle than I expected, I made myself another head to keep me company but it had no intelligence... All was a bore until now... When I battled you I felt an uneasiness I felt fear..." The last tear drop was shed from his eyes as all that remained was a small section of his nose and his mouth. "Demon hunter loneliness has hunted me till the very end... But I can rest assured... Knowing.... You... Were... My... Only... Friend."

With that the last of Kaan crumbled to dust. Anthony exhaled softly, he could grasp it now, demons were still humans, victims, they still had feelings and thoughts. Clouded with thirst for blood and selfishness, by beheading them he appeased humanity and the humanity within their cursed flesh. That was the true meaning of a demon hunter.


It was now moments after Kaan's defeat, Anthony was at the table releasing the woman from her restraints.

He slid her off the table and into his arms. Her skin was cold, she shivered, her breathing was also heavy probably from the tensed suffering she had been through.

"What's your name?" Anthony asked her with a warming voice.

She raised her head and stares him in the eye for a while before replying with a shaky tone "Clancy."

"I am Anthony, Veken of the Western Kingdom," Anthony wrapped his hand around her's, feeling her soft clammy hand "let's leave this place."
