31: King of Monsters

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 31: King of Monsters

The Sheriff withdrew a cigarette from his pocket putting It in his mouth and lighting it afterwards. Stupid Hunter! He snarled within himself pulling out the cigarette and puffing out white wisps of smoke.

He just witnessed the Hunter rush into the old shack, which was sure to bring his certain end. "Hope this gift would make things interesting... For her."

The Sheriff puts his cigarette back into his mouth, he was spiteful about the idea of being a slave to a cause he never supported. After he was cursed to be Demon he wandered the land until he arrived at Nonagon, acquired a Sheriff Job when he stopped a criminal that threatened the peace of Nonagon, he even settled to live not on human flesh but animal flesh which tasted like crap and only occasionally he would eat the criminals he captured.

All that changed days ago when she arrived.

"Grrr! Miserable scum!" The Sheriff snarled revolted by his current status. If only the Hunter Organization had sent a group Mohimo's as we requested, then maybe the coming disaster would have been averted. I kept trying to mislead that fool so as to save his ass but no, he insisted on playing hero. At most when the Association hears of a Veken being mutilated and disembodied they would heed my request.

Huggh? The Sheriff heard the sound of footprints approaching him. He turns to a see a man green haired, short green cape, a sword in his hand enamating a green glow.

That bloodlust? I can almost picture him cutting me to pieces?

"You fucking Demon!" The Hunter's eyes glowed green "I'll kill your ass!"


The Sheriff's hand instinctively found his hilt, his breathing was already frantic and his body felt rigid. The thought of fighting this Hunter petrified him, he needed to negotiate. "Your friend will need your help..."

"Like hell I care about that slug!" The Hunter snarled.

The Sheriff felt a lump on his throat as he heard James say, "I'm on your side," this time he sounded more desperate to be accepted.

James shook his head "good for you."

The Sheriff gulped hard establishing within him, this guy was not negotiable with, it was either a battle or death. "If you really won't listen them I won't hesitate to strike you down..." The Sheriff hesitated as he saw a smile arch on the Hunter's face.


The Hunter broke into a sprint racing for the Sheriff. The Sheriff quickly withdrew his sword keeping his guard up, if this was going to be a fight he could at least make it difficult.

The Hunter reaches the Sheriff swinging his sword to take off his head. The Sheriff raised his sword parrying the blow with his sword.

The Hunter threw a knee catching the Sheriff off guard planting it across his chest.

"Ahhh!" The Sheriff stumbles back almost loosing his footing.

The Hunter swings his sword for the Sheriff who ducks letting the blade miss him by an inch.

"Die!!!" The Sheriff swung his sword abrasively aimed to disembody the Hunter leg's. The Hunter sees this in time receding back a few feet letting the sword graze his trousers.

"Pathetic!" The Hunter throws a knee too fast for the Sheriff to react. His knee connects with the Sheriff's face sending him stumbling back. "Caught by the same trick twice!" The Hunter swung his sword again for the Sheriff's throat.

The Sheriff blocks the blow barely with his sword. "Shut the hell up!" The Sheriff brought his hand to his mouth biting down on his thumb with all his might. He tears his thumb apart from his hand separating it entirely "Ahhh!!!" The Demon shrieked as it spat it's thumb at The Hunter's face.

The Hunter slashes his sword through the thumb splitting it in two halves.


Too fast for the Hunter to react the thumb shattered like glass giving an explosion of fire around the vicinity. "Ahhhh!!!" The Hunter shreaked as the flames scorched his skin.

"Hugh!Hugh!Huff!" The Sheriff struggled to catch his breath. Yes, Just as he thought, concealing his cursed powers till the last moment would catch the Hunter off guard.

The Sheriff's eyes fell to his hand, the stump where he bit out his thumb regenerated slowly, another fucking effect of not eating human flesh.

At least the battle was...

The Sheriff crowed his neck to the burning flames, there was an uneasiness in the air, the smell of burnt flesh had quickly sufficed into nothingness. The Sheriff narrowed his eyes. Within the smoke and the scorching flames was a man, his cloths maimed and charred, his face bruised but not scorched by the flame, his eyes was oozing with bloodlust.

The Sheriff felt lightheaded at the sight of it, he was so agitated that he almost lost his footing. "What are... You?" The Sheriff managed to mutter under the tense atmosphere.

The Hunter grinned showing his sharp roles of teeth "I am James King of Monsters." James gave a low chuckle that dazes the Sheriff even more, "you weak excuse of a warm up, is that raw pig's blood you're running on, no wonder you're so weak."

"I just want to live a peaceful life with those I love!" The Sheriff yelled tears welling up in his eyes.

"Like I give a damn!" James rolled his eyes.

The Sheriff bit his lips, just as expected this guy was totally a one faced killer, I... Am... Dead.


Kiss me! Embrace me! Touch me! I need more pleasure! Give me more! Faster! Come on! Is that all you've got! If so...


The blood rained down drenching the bed and her naked body. The man was on top of her without clothing, his head leaned over to kiss her or that's what would have been the right description if he still had his head on.

Crunch! Crunch!

The blood oozed out of her mouth which was full from eating. She chewed the bones of the man's decapitated skull up before swallowing, afterwards licking the blood and flesh that were in-between her teeth. If you can't satisfy me in bed then I'll have your head for dinner.

She gave a slutful grin "look how you've wet me all over bad boy!"

She pushed over the headless corpse off of her sitting upright "you're lucky I imposed a diet on myself, don't worry yourself about cleaning me up I'll use the showers," she gave another slutful grin as she got off the bed and to her feet "quit staring at my ass You're making me feel embarrassed."

She crowed her neck to the door with a sign that read bathroom, "that's a spoil sport, I feel like going out breezy today. "Suddenly all the blood on her naked body began to disappear like a body sucking up it's sweat.

She walks to the other door which read 'passway', "I'll get myself some cloths outside of this room, I am also leaving the brothel had enough for dinner," she turned to the floor before the bathroom which was oozing with blood. "Thirty men can't even satisfy my desires."

She pushed open the door and walked bare bottom into a passage filled with many men and women.

The crowd all gasped in shock and amazements to see her flaunting herself.

"Don't you hear this types of iniquities are bad!" She spread open her arms, all of a sudden everyone that was there fell to their knees one by one holding their heads and shrieking in agony. After a short while, their bodies began to swell up like balloons, blood oozing out of their eyes, ears and every opening in their body. A short while after they ducked their heads barfing out blood and their inner organs before dropping limp on the ground, they were all dead.

"No man should ever stare at the naked body of a girl that's not his wife," the woman ran her hand through her long white hair, "after I get a change of cloths maybe I'll have some fun..."

... Destroying Nonagon would be thrilling.


James stood tall before the Sheriff, nothing was more satisfying than watching his enemy tremble in fear. "I have no more time for this warm up."

The Sheriff sighed, he was going to die in a few moments from now. This was rather a much disappointing manner he had imagined it to happen, but who was he to rewrite his fate. "Sorry Nonagon, this is where we part..."


An omnious presence swept the environment dazing James and the Sheriff.

James eyes bulged, his legs shook and his body rattled from the omnious energy he felt. This smell, this presence, could it be a demon? No, this scent was above comprehension. The presence of the being was almost everywhere. It was too hard to discern where it was at his level, but he estimated, it was close.

The Sheriff bent over as his mouth fell wide open, he was sweating profusely and his mouth filled with drool that fell straight to the ground. "Your... Friend... The demon," the Sheriff managed to mutter under his tensed breath.

James crowed his head to the Shack, staring at it for a moment. "Consider yourself lucky, if we meet next time I won't be this merciful," James spoke defiantly cursing the words as the came out of his mouth. He despised the idea of leaving the Sheriff alive, but if what he sensed was right he would need every ounce of Aura he had left to win this battle...

James broke into a sprint running across to the old shack. And maybe I might need your useless assist... Anthony.
