32: The Massacre begins

Chapter 32 : The Massacre begins

Anthony walked with Clancy by his side, she was still jittering from the horror inflicted on her by Kaan.

Something still felt off to Anthony, the shack was overwhelming with demon energy everywhere. Could there be another demon? Anthony narrowed his eyes. Probably? Ever since he set foot into Nonagon he felt a weird thrill down his legs, he had just assumed it was him being nervous about being in a different environment but now, he was sure of that awful Aura. It was in Nonagon but where?


Anthony tilted his veiw to catch glimpse of a man standing at the broken door, he had long green flowing hair the strands of green ends were purple, his complexion was fair, his sword was purple enamating wisps of green smoke with similar sparks, he wore the Western uniform which was covered with grit and a lot of tears and burns. The man glares at Anthony with his clear green iris giving a feirce look. Anthony could sense the hunters level, it was higher than he's by two steps, the thought of it stimulated goose bumps.

The Green hunter sighs as the green energy suffices "what weak bastards," he locks his intensified glare on Anthony slowly approaching him.

"Shit!" Anthony felt his body shudder, his breathing grow cold and his heart heavy. Was this truly it! His presence was enigmatic and suppressing. Compared to all the male recruits Anthony trained with this presence was far stronger... The presence of James (The Lethal Hunter).


Anthony stood before James as he gave an omnious presence, he couldn't help but think, "James mi you came to help!" Anthony's fear instantly transformed into a fully fledged joyousness, "thank you!"

James hesitated, "shut the hell up fool!" He snarled. "I didn't come here to help a weakling and surely not to assist you! Weaklings don't matter, they are preferably seen as corpse than people, that's why..." Jame's sword began to fume with green smoke "I will end you where you stand!"

Boom! James launched for Anthony with an incredible speed breaking the bar's wooden floor with every step, the gale of wind behind him flipping every table and stool, the extreme blood lust from him could be sensed yards away, surely he had lost his mind.

"Damn! James..." Anthony raised his sword as James reached him, maybe this time James was really after vengeance, if that were true Anthony needed to be light on his feet.

James lowered his sword with all his might for Anthony's shoulder. Anthony sees this and blocks the attack, the force of the wind and sparks of green exploding everywhere.

"Tsk!" Anthony sees a knee from his left coming fast for him. Before he could react the knee connects with his gut making him stumble back, before he regains his footing James sends an elbow planting it on Anthony gut sending a reverberating pain through his body.

"Weak!" James throws a kick to Anthony's face sending him into the air a few feet high and crashing several feet away.

"Ahhhh!" Anthony groaned his mouth giving way to an outflow of blood.

The speed gap was too lengthy, at this rate, James might finally get his wish to kill Anthony.

James sighs turning his gaze away from Anthony "don't ever try to block my path, next time I won't be so merciful."

"What is that... Supposed to mean!" Anthony groaned as he slowly got up to his feet his whole body shaking for rest.

"Hey!" Anthony yelled out with all his might to James who paid no attention to him, but to something else.

James' lustful glare was now on Clancy, "Just keep still and let me drive my sword through your rotten corpse!"

The girl burst into tears shivering in fear as she froze up getting the message. "Help!" She screamed at the top of her voice.

James frowns even more "where I am going to send you has no help! Vile beast!" James raced for her at his top speed sword at his side and ready to strike.

Anthony was dumbfounded by this. Why would James attack a human? Anthony had no time to give it much thought, all that ran through his mind was to save her before the insane driven James got to her.

Anthony clenched strongly to the hilt of his sword, he takes in a deep breath huffing out hard. He bent his legs in a crouching position and broke into a sprint, racing to James at his full speed.

Before long, Anthony realizes his inability to catch up. James was faster and more agile than he was, at this rate Clancy would die before he...

Anthony bit on his lip unsure of what to do. "James stop! She's not a demon! James!" He yelled out desperately but doesn't get a reply from him. "Dragon tooth!" With no further options left, Anthony stamps his foot into the wooden floor of the bar, his sword lit with a red flame as multiple sun burning fire balls formed behind him. "Technique 3! Larva shot!"

Boom! The balls of fire launched across the room soaring to James and burning everything in it's path.

James turns sharply swinging his sword quickly cutting through all the fire balls at once. He wasted no time in resuming his pursue.

"James stop!" Anthony called out increasing his pace in running. Shit! James was out of range, there was no way of stopping him now! Anthony bit on his lips as he thought of James killing the girl.

"Quit running moron!" James raises his sword as he reaches Clancy, he could see the petrified look on her face, he sensed her shivering breath from where he stood and couldn't help but grin about it. "Die you Scum!" James swings his sword down to behead Clancy with all his might.

Whoosh! A gale of wind blew past knocking down some chairs and tables in the bar, a rain of blood sent into the air, followed by the horrid scream of Clancy.

Anthony froze as his brain couldn't comprehend what his eyes just witnessed "J... Jam... Ja... James..." He stammered as he came to a stop.

Hehehehe! James stared down in disdain, the attack had come faster than he could react. He attempted to behead her but just as his sword reached her neck it stopped in it's tracks, her neck was far too thick for his sword to cut through.

Worst of all she had caught his wrist, wrapping her hand tightly around it and clenching hard till she could hear his bones give a split cracking noise.

"Ahhhh!" James shrieked as Clancy threw a fist at his chest sending a loud piercing noise as blood gushed out from his mouth. "Shit!" She had him arm locked and her strength was incomparable to his. The punch she landed on him made his ears ring loudly and his body shudder from the excruciating pain.

"Finally..." James groaned forming a tough look on his face. "A good... Challenge." James redirected his sword thrusting it towards Clancy's right eye.

Clancy sees his attack coming, she counters throwing a direct kick that connects with James jaw sending him flying dozens of feet away breaking through a wooden table and crashing down on the floor.

James coughed out more blood as he felt his bones rattle and a sharp agony through his spine and jaw, "damn!" Just as he sensed earlier, the strength of the demon was outstanding.


Anthony felt overwhelmed by the omnious energy that Clancy gave off, it made his body tremble. "What... What the hell... Are you?"

Clancy's hair grew to her waist turning white, her face went pale, three large horns protudes from her head. She gave a wide grin "I am Hellhold Rank 3…" she walks up to a wooden chair and sits in it. "You have lost your voice hunter."

Anthony shook his head vigorously, 'Hellhold Rank? Was that similar to the Monster rank and Plague rank? Was it even a higher rank? I think I've heard about it long before? Anthony was plagued with questions. "How did you hide your presence? And what the hell is Hellhold Rank."

Clancy chuckles, "Hellhold Rank is the highest of all Demon Ranks, we are the creator of the Monster Ranked and Plague Ranked, and every other demon below!"

Anthony gasped, 'she was... The real deal...'

"Undomno?" Anthony snarled.

Clancy gave a resentful grin "Undomno, one of my faithful slaves! From your tone I can sense you want vengeance! But You're..."

"Shut the hell up!" Anthony barked out flaring up "I will end you! Cursed being!" Anthony charged for Clancy his sword giving out a large wave of flames.

Clancy shook her head "fool! Compared to the demons you beheaded," Clancy stamped her foot on the bar's floor a mighty gale of wind rising and blowing Anthony, James and everything in the bar Into the air, the force of the wind shattering the walls into tiny bits of wood.

Just by the slightest piece of her strength the bar fell apart.

"Compared to the demons you beheaded... I am a god!"
