The Beach Day

With a thoughtful look, she finally spoke up, "Nina, I'm grateful for the opportunity, but I'm also puzzled. How did you manage to recommend me to Prince Alejandro? I'd like to understand what happened back there."

Nina, understanding Emma's curiosity, smiled and reassured her, "Emma, I promise to explain everything. But first let's head back to our flat, shall we?."

"Sure," Emma agreed, but her mind buzzed with questions.

As Nina bid farewell to her friends, Emma couldn't help but notice the friendly glance from one of the guys. Intrigued, she asked, "Who's he?"

Nina chuckled, "Mario. Cute, isn't he? Maybe you've found a potential new dating companion."

Exhausted, Emma maintained her focus on reaching their flat, yearning for the comfort of rest. She glanced at her new room, not overly spacious but welcoming.