Two Soda Bottles

Bright decided to buy two soft drink bottles from the stall.

As Bright approached Emma, he carried two refreshing soft drink bottles in hand.

He moved stealthily, sneaking up behind her as she engrossed herself in the pages of a history book under the shade of a tree.

With a mischievous grin, he gently pressed the cool bottles against her warm cheeks.

"Oh my God, Bright!!!" Emma exclaimed, playfully delivering a light punch to his chest, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Bright, in response, let out a dramatic groan, feigning injury and clutching his chest as if genuinely hurt.

The playful banter echoed amid the vibrant laughter of friends and the distant sounds of waves crashing on the shore.

The beach held an air of joy, with friends reveling in the warmth of the sun and the soothing rhythm of the ocean.

Bright decided to join Emma, settling down beside her with a pair of soda bottles in hand.