
Mikrel skidded to a stop on the water while freezing a platform of ice for him to stand on. He looked up too late, as a massive frozen boulder sailed right at him, sinking him into the sea.

He managed to destroy the boulder and stopped his descent. Then, produced an air bubble around him and began making his way back to the surface. However, a figure dove down straight into the water, aiming for him.

The prince instinctively placed both of his arms up in defense, with several barriers of ice manifesting in front of him. In vain, as Helio crashed through them all, pressing the compressed ball of hot air into Mikrel's arms and causing a massive underwater explosion.

The prince flew even further into the sea, crashing at the bottom. He looked around his surroundings, seeing deep underwater fish and wreckage. Then started to manifest a bubble of air to breathe, but failed, as a sudden, dome of ice enclosed him, with intense pressure.

He looked up through the dark murky water, seeing Helio floating above it. Hazel glowing eyes, filled with rage and looking at him with only one motive.

The intent to kill.

Mikrel grunted as he started to feel his body crumple. The pressure inside the dome, built up as waves of water swirled inside. "Don't think, that I'm someone you can defeat this easily!" He yelled in desperation.

Before his body could be damaged any further, he rushed to the dome's wall and melted a small way out. The water inside the ice dome, froze in response, turning into large whips of iced water as it escaped out with him. To his despair, it started reaching for his legs, trying to pull him back.

He dodged the first lunge, then rocketed towards Helio. "Boreas's Armour." He said as he kept flying straight at Helio, letting an armour of ice manifest over his body and boosting his attributes underwater. He followed up by raising his hand to prepare for another attack. "Shark Kingdom!"

Thousands of ice sharks of all species manifested in hordes around him, scaring the marine life and inhabitants. Making their way towards the Nova with haste.

Helio raised his hand in response. "Frost: Orca Rey."

Hundreds of thousands of orca whales made out of ice manifested, guarding him in formation. Then several lines broke from the group, racing into combat with the sharks. Violently ripping each other apart.

Mikrel was stunned but didn't hesitate to charge at him, seeing an opening through the sea fight. Helio welcomed the charge with one arm up, smirking as their air bubbles, merged.

An ice shark charged Helio from behind but was quickly eaten up by one of the orcas. Mikrel gritted his teeth but didn't hesitate to follow up by manifesting spikes of ice, behind Helio and outside of the air bubble. Launching near the speed of sound, but melted regardless, the moment they entered his domain.

With each strike Mikrel threw, Helio blocked it, then countered, until the prince tried to break the stalemate with a roundhouse kick, aiming for his head. He ducked down in swift motion and with twisters boosting his fists forward gave him a few blows to the chest, then followed up with an uppercut, sending him straight through the water and into the sky.

The Nova didn't hesitate to race after him, shooting out of the water, as it started to freeze. He crossed his hands together and raised them high above his head, then smashed Mikrel back down into the frozen sea.

Cracking the ice up as the prince crashed into it and echoing shockwaves through the night. Mikrel laid in the crater of ice, unable to move due to shattered bones and joints. Yet he still yelled out at the top of his lungs, in a last-ditch effort. "Frozen Titan!"

A gigantic ice golem, over 100 feet tall, rose out of the sea. Its fingers and claws were made out of frozen mud from the ground, which shocked Helio, but gave him several new ideas. It lunged at the Nova at a speed, completely unnatural for something that big.

Helio rolled, dodging in midair, then flew up higher with one palm facing the giant. "Frost: Aqua Látigo."

A whip of warm water, layered with millions of spikes, emerged from the sea. Freezing, as it whipped around the giant, from head to toe. Then like a chainsaw, revved up and sawed away at the giant, dropping it to its knees as tons of ice crumbled down, crashing into the frozen sea. Some knocking Mikrel down, just as he had just stood back up, on his feet.

Helio descended over Mikrel, gripping his fist in front of him, as the ice responded to his request and restrained him in a pillar above the ice. The Nova grimaced as a chill breezed through his body, with frost creeping up on his cheek.

He knew he didn't have much time. "You'll no longer harm anyone else." He said while tightening his grip.

Mikrel struggled to free himself from his prison. Cracking the ice, little by little. He glared back at Helio. "Let me go or I will kill you slowly! Your planet will never escape our clutches. All of you are done for!"

Helio raised his right hand, with his palm facing the sky. "You underestimate us... You have no idea, what we're capable of do you? For example, do you know what happens when you pour large amounts of molten salt, over boiling hot water?"

Mikrel's eyes grew wide, as the sea started to rumble. Massive sheets of ice cracked kilometre-long lines and crashed into each other. Causing violent quakes all around him. A gigantic sphere of boiling salt water, a third of the size of the sea gathered and evaporated, within a bigger sphere of ice, high above them.

Helio smirked. "You see, I've always wanted to do this experiment myself."

Mikrel panicked, struggling with all of his might to get free, then started emitting a signal, with a blaring siren to call his siblings to his aid.

The steam and salt separated, condensing into spheres of their own with incredible pressure. Helio superheated the salt until it became molten and had the steam sphere orbit it at sonic speed. Both floated within the massive sphere of ice, laced with large amounts of frozen salt.

The prince looked down below feeling sudden, intense heat. Dead fish and underwater life began to float up around him, lifeless, like a premonition. However, the pillar restraining him remained frozen.

The steam rolling off the sea, choked him, as he spoke. "I won't go out like this!"

He summoned thousands of whips of water aiming for Helio out of the water, tipped with drills made of ice. However, Helio shook his head and effortlessly blocked each of them. Then looked him dead in the eye.

"Adios." He said, as he dropped his hand forward, clutching it, as it bared down on Mikrel.

"Frost: Xiuhcoatl Juicio!"

Mikrel broke out of his restraints and started to escape, however, it was too late. Looking up at the looming ball of death, he let out a final cry and flung both of his hands forward towards it.

"I am Mikrel! The King of Frost-"

The gigantic bomb cut him off as it dragged him down, melting instantly as it plunged into the boiling sea. The sea rumbled, letting out large amounts of smoke into the air.

Less than a few seconds later, the entire sea erupted into the sky, with a deafening blast. Receding shores and exploding water, rubble, and steam, everywhere.

Helio panted, floating with the last bit of energy he had left. The frost on his body increased as his nails started to crack. He shivered, as he reached out with his senses, relieved to find no signs of Mikrel's vitals below.

His transformation flickered off, as his eyes and hair went back to normal. Letting in the fatigue and making him fall asleep, as he dropped out of the sky.

Just as he was about to hit the steaming water, Saphyra swooped down and picked him up, while dropping out of camouflage. Her soles, blasted jet thrusters to keep her afloat.

The jolt in movement woke him up. "Oh, it's you." He said, looking up at Saphyra.

She smiled. "You did well. I'm glad it went differently this time."

Outside of London...

Komorra's crashed spaceship rumbled as the last explosions went off. Thousands of soldiers and combat drones laid dead & smashed apart, all around the two sisters. While Nirro and Komorra stared each other down.

"Something is off about you," Nirro observed.

Komorra smiled. "Oh, so you've noticed?." She said, taking a step and seemingly disappearing in front of Nirro, then reappeared behind her kicking her in the gut.

The princess was sent flying through the ship and crashing into a medbay. She slowly got up, gathering her bearings. That strike took away more life out of her than she expected coming from her younger sister.

Lights flickered on and off as she looked up, seeing a pair of feet standing before her. Instinctively she raised her hand forward. "Repel!"

Komorra lunged at her but appeared to be slowed down by a force, as the air around them started to crack. She grinned maliciously. "Not enough," she said as the air shattered, letting off sparks while Komorra broke her way through and socked Nirro in the gut, crashing her through the rest of the ship.

She barrel rolled outside, into the grass, as Komorra appeared in a blur in front of her. Then walked up to her sister and looked down at her in disgust. "I don't know why you're daddy's favourite. You're pathetic."

She kicked Nirro in the gut. Forcing her to gasp for air and groan, as she held her stomach. "He forbade us from touching you. Like we listened when he wasn't there, huh lil sis?" Komorra asked, kicking her harder this time and sending her rolling several meters away.

Nirro quickly got up, tired from the abuse, and braced herself. "'Lil sis'? Know your place Komorra! I may have switched sides, but I was still the 100th in line." The air started to crack around her, with the ground around them shaking violently, with rocks beginning to rise.

Komorra smiled. "Don't rush, I didn't overstep baby sis. I'm glad we could have this reunion here. Torturing you in that prison, wasn't that fun, since you got used to it."

She waved a hand over her face, as it morphed into another much more sleek and sinister face. Her hair colour changed to blood red, with black eyeliner and lips following suit. She was beautiful but had the most ominous aura emanating from her.

Nirro's expression turned to dread, with her knees starting to give way. "Why... Why are you here, Tasaria?"

Tasaria laughed out loud. "That's the expression I've been waiting for!" She said, with a hand covering her face and the other holding her side, as she laughed hysterically. "Oh my... When Alcra sent out the expedition and didn't invite me, I was so distraught..." She continued, as she wiped a tear and began walking up closer to Nirro.

"So when I saw her sneaking around to send a second force without father knowing, I knew I had to sneak in somehow." She gave Nirro a disturbing grin, as she uttered her next words. "So I just killed Komorra and took her place. Easy right?"

Nirro looked at her in horror and disgust, while Tasaria sighed and shook her head. "Nope, Alcra caught me just before we took off, but instead of kicking me off the expedition, she gave me a separate mission... Guess what?"

Nirro started to back away in fear, as the distance between them, got smaller and smaller. "That's right, to bring you home my little princess. It's time for you to get back in your cage." Her sister said, with the most sinister grin, she had ever seen from her.

Then her expression suddenly turned serious as she reached her hand forth. "I'm going to make sure you're properly punished before I take you back. What did you think you were going to do? Protecting this planet? You thought you were going to live happily ever after?"

Blue fire burst out her fists. "Don't dream of ever being free. No one is going to save you."

A tear dropped down Nirro's cheek. She knew, there was no hope for her, and no hope for Earth. Even if Tobi came back on time, they would still need to use their trump card to even stand a chance. She was at her wits end, as Tasaria leaped to strike her down.

'Maybe this was the end...'

The thought crashed out of her mind, as fast as the truck that appeared and rammed Tasaria flying back. A figure landed in front of her, but she was still too stunned and scared to speak.

"Looks like you're in a pickle Nirro." The figure looked back at her and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Sarah... But how?" Nirro asked, bewildered.

Sarah shook her head and looked forward as Tasaria recovered quickly and flew back to them. "It's a long story, but let's just say the Hatcher Plan worked."

Nirro's eyes grew wide. "The Hatcher Plan? No way, that must mean-"

Sarah cut her off. "Yes that's right, like I said, it's a long story, but for now, to make sure it fully succeeds, we need to defeat her together, right here. Right now."

Nirro looked at Tasaria, still frozen in fear. "We can't win, she's the 70th in line. She's way too strong... I don't want to go back, Sarah."

Sarah looked back at her, seeing her tremble, then placed one hand on her shoulder. "I know how you feel. Listen, everything is going to be alright. We can win, but I need you to trust me with your core."

Nirro looked at Sarah surprised. "My core?"

Sarah nodded. "That's right we'll defeat her together. I won't let her take you."

Nirro pondered for a moment then nodded, preparing her core.

"What do you bitches think you're doing? Were you the one who threw that truck at me?" Tasaria spoke angrily, as her jaw reformed back to normal. Her hair was all ruffled up, accompanied with her arm, twisted horrifically, but slowly repairing itself.

Sarah gave her a deadly glare. "Hello Tasaria."

Tasaria was a little taken aback. "Have we met before? Why do you look like Nirro and have fragments of her energy?"

Sarah stepped forward, sizing her up. "No not in this time, but in another, you were the cause of a major tragedy that I cannot allow to happen. I go by Sarah and with Nirro's help, we'll be eliminating you shortly."

Tasaria started to laugh. "Are you talking about that trash princess? Ohh you gotta be kidding me." Her laughter echoed throughout the field.

Sarah shook her head. "Nirro's perfect, she's better than all of you combined and has been a great older sister to me. It seems like you don't appreciate your family much. Which was why you have never noticed how priceless she truly is."

Tasaria's smirk turned into a frown, as Sarah looked her dead in the eye. "It's true, no matter how many times I've run the simulations, you could never be on Nirro's level."

Flames crushed the ground, beneath Tasaria's feet, as the grass caught fire. She chuckled, as she raised a fiery fist to her chest. "You should have just told me, you wanted to die. I was already planning to help you with that."

Sarah smiled. "Oh please, who comes to battle planning for their own death?" As those words left her mouth, Nirro shut down and her core opened up. Sarah grabbed it and swallowed it in one gulp, then immediately moved Nirros's body somewhere safe.

Tasaria growled. "Merging? So that's your trump card?"

Sarah opened her eyes. There were multiple rings within her pupils, her hair inked jet black, with small streaks of silver. Black and white veins glowed, coursing through her body.

A crater emerged under her from the weight of her newfound power. Electricity crackled hazardously, as outbursts of energy, emitted from her in even intervals.

Sarah took a deep breath, then spoke up. "Invader you've made a grave mistake."

"Huh?" Tasaria was confused.

Sarah grinned, as she pointed one finger at her. "I, Sora, Earth's greatest hero, will take you on!"