
"Thunder Raeiqa!" Osei yelled, as a massive streak of lightning struck down at Ataron, who instinctively raised a barrier made out of blue flames around himself. The lightning continued splitting around the barrier for a moment, then stopped, followed by a series of thunder, ringing through the skies.

Ataron smiled seeing Osei's stunned expression. Hundreds of blue fireballs manifested around him, then launched at Osei at sonic speed.

Osei zipped around dodging them with little difficulty and blurred with electricity, trailing behind him. Then countered the remaining barrage with his own volleys. Lighting up the sky all around them, as they stood some distance apart, glaring each other down.

"What's the point of risking your life for this planet anyway? Your hands are stained with the blood of millions. Do you think atonement will bring you closer to God? To defeat us?" He asked, curiously.

Osei unsheathed his sword, slowly closing the distance. "I was powerless back then... However now I am free... to do whatever I can, and to stop you from unleashing another tragedy on this world.

Osei leaped at him, unleashing a flurry of strikes and stabs at Ataron, trying to overpower him quickly. However, Ataron countered each strike, unsheathing his sword with quicker reflexes, than Osei had anticipated.

He caught Osei with a left hook, after parrying his last strike. Sending him staggering back, as blue fire dissipated off of him.

He quickly recovered himself, looking up at the last second, to raise his arm, as Ataron threw his full might into an uppercut, sending him hurdling into the sky. Then he flew and caught up with him, following up with a high-speed kick, vertically sending Osei flying hundreds of kilometers into a hill, forming a crater.

He coughed blood and tried to gain a hold of his surroundings. Osei could feel multiple bones broken and his body already reaching its limit. If it wasn't for the new and improved armor, he knew he would have been done for. Sarah had given Tobi, Osei, and Kalista, suits, similar to the Nova gear, with Tobi's cells, to double their growth.

His instincts immediately told him to raise his guard. Forcing him to form a dense electric barrier, with strikes of lightning in front of him. At the same moment, Ataron appeared in front of him grinning, with a blue sphere of fire hovering above his left palm.

"Byza Fire." He said as the sphere cut in and dispersed Osei's barrier with ease. Then he crushed the ball, setting his hands on fire, and punched Osei, deep into his gut.

Flames exploded around Osei, completely vaporizing the hills behind him in an instant. He coughed up more blood, falling into the crumbling mountain rubble and clinging to his stomach.

His transformation flickered out, as Ataron descended near him. "Don't whimper, I missed your vital organs on purpose. You should be able to survive that." He said walking over and crouching beside him, smoke still trailing out of Osei's mouth. "I want to see what Atlas does to you, once I bring you back."

Osei glared at Ataron, but he couldn't fight his fading consciousness. Suddenly Ataron stood up, looking off in the distance. "There's no way... No... They managed to kill two of my siblings."

His expression switched to anger, as he looked towards the direction of Stresci and Aku's direction. Rings of fire crushed the ground, sending Osei rolling over.

"Unforgivable! I planned on taking their lifespans myself, in due time." He said out loud to himself.

He turned his attention back to Osei, still fighting to stay awake, noticing him reach for his medicine booster. "No, you can stay put." He said, shaking his head, as two cool bars of fire wrapped around Osei, locking his arms and legs and completely immobilizing him. "I'm going to go kill all of your little friends, have some fun with the humans that live here, and then I'll come play with you some more."

Osei growled. "No, you won't! I won't let you!"

Dozens of lightning bolts rained down on Ataron, blocked on moments of impact with barriers of fire, several meters above the prince's head. Osei continued to struggle out of his restraints, but they showed no signs of tear, even with millions of volts running through them.

Suddenly there was a sharp lash of heat, emitted from one of the bars restraining him. Forcing Osei to go quiet.

Ataron smirked. "That's better." He then looked off into the distance. "I can sense that a few of your friends are wounded, but still alive, after killing my siblings... They don't seem to be leaving that area anytime soon. Hmm, maybe, I can save a trip." He wondered as he raised his right hand out, steadily flying up a few hundred meters.

A massive sphere of blue fire manifested, then condensed over once, after growing larger than him.

Osei watched, wide-eyed as the intense heat, razed the ground around him. "Stop it!"

Ataron started to laugh. "Why should I? What are you going to do? Last prince of Rennaya! You and your family failed your people. Just like you did on Haldwyn and it's exactly what is going to happen again to this planet!" He looked at him in disgust, then smiled maliciously.

"Don't you remember? The weak don't deserve to speak."

Osei's blood pressure skyrocketed, as a faint snap went off deep within him, leaving him in a trance, while he remembered the first time Ataron had spoke those words to him. A myriad of emotions coursed over him. Thoughts of giving up, wanting to kill him, and the subtle thought in the back of his mind, that he and his family had truly ruined the Rennayan legacy.

'It all ends with me... But it also begins here,' he thought to himself as he sealed his resolve. A string of electricity quietly, snaked away from his finger, then into his belt, pulling out the booster. Injecting him with it, as the nanites went to work, repairing a small portion of the damage, he had received so far.

Ataron noticed the moving string and immediately tightened up his hold on him, heating the restraints. However, it was too late.

Osei took deep breaths, closing his eyes, then opened them, as they glowed brighter, looking straight at Ataron. Lightning strikes fell like rain, starting with several, then hundreds, then thousands.

Ataron was unfazed, ecstatic to see him struggle, even more. "Aww don't tell me I struck a nerve. Hmm, then what would your expression be like, once I let this go?"

The blue sphere he had finished building up, launched at sonic speed, leaving cloud rings behind it. However, in seconds, Osei appeared like lightning, in front of it, as his sword returned to his hand mid-flight. Streaks of silver glowed, evenly along his hair as static electricity crackled more intensely around him. He cut down, splitting the sphere, as it sailed past him in two halves. Erupting in a parallel explosion, behind him.

He looked over at Ataron, while an electric forcefield manifested around him protecting him from the blast. Osei swung down once more in Ataron's direction, splitting the sky with a trail of lightning.

Ataron raised one hand as several flame barriers manifested in the air, protecting him from the attack. Yet he smiled, knowing something had changed, as the lightning shattered through his last barrier, singing his arm and leaving a burning cut.

He was ecstatic, swinging his arm back to his side as it repaired itself and unsheathed his sword. Just in time for a sword strike from Osei, sendingshockwaves throughout the land below them. "Looks like you've still got some fire in your eyes, don't you?"

Osei snarled and broke the contact by pushing Ataron back. Then he swung as fast he could aiming for Ataron's neck. Lightning struck down helping him carry the blade forth.

Ataron ducked back at the last second, then flipped and burned large quantities of fire through his feet, to escape back down to the Earth. He looked behind him. Several hills and mountains were sliced clean in half, crumbling down in rock avalanches. He turned his attention back to Osei stopping in midair as they stared each other down.

Osei, looked down at him, preparing himself. "Trust me, that fire will be the last flames you'll ever see."

Nate and Tai vs Arcah...

Nate charged at Arcah, with his fists covered in gloves of magma. A barrier of sand rose in front of him, blocking his strike. Followed by a large fist of rubble swinging at him from the left.

"Watch out!" Tai yelled, floating above them and supporting him with volleys of fire.

"Erupt: Kanga Warrior," Nate whispered.

Out of a geyser below, a huge kangaroo made out of magma and lava shot up like lightning. Completely obliterating the fist targeting Nate into smithereens.

Arcah was shocked but continued to attack Nate by gathering iron, nickel, and other tough metals into spikes, surrounding him. The Kangaroo hopped onto a rock platform, Nate made for him and launched right back at Arcah, socking him back to the ground below.

Splitting up the ground, with seismic waves across the plain. Scaring animals of the night, as they rushed to safety.

The Kangaroo landed into the crater clearing, hopping near where the prince had just stood up. His face reformed, revealing an expression full of anger.

The Warrior hopped around, sizing him up from different angles, then charged at him, as he raised his hand, anxiously enclosing it in a dome of steel and trapping it without success.

For within a second, it broke through, unleashing a fury of blows he could not keep up with, until he found the chance to create a hammer of iron above it, splattering it apart everywhere.

Arcah paused to take a breath. He was battered and burnt. With his blood splattered artistically all around him. However, within seconds, his body began repairing itself.

Nate appeared in a blur behind Arcah, with his sword in hand aiming for Arcah's neck. Arcah felt the movement and didn't hesitate to explode, the ground beneath his feet, kicking up dust and sand everywhere. Blinding Nate, as he swung at Arcah's last known position.

Using the distraction, Arcah ducked down, twisting around in his spot, giving Nate a low roundhouse kick to his guta and sent him flying back. He then looked up at Tai, while raising barriers of sand above his head, blocking the fireballs the Nova continued to rain.

"Enough games!" He yelled out, annoyed, as he shifted the sand to produce glass from the collisions above him. Then shattered them into thousands of shards, launching them at Tai.

Tai outmaneuvered them all, but looked to his left, noticing quick movement, as a titanic arm of sand reached for him. He raised his right hand towards it. "Ignite: Huángdì de Huõyàn."

An orange ball of fire rotated at Mach speed, hovering in front of his palm, then shattered forth, exploding a beam of incredibly hot flames. The beam tunneled through the arm destroying it. However, the tip of the arm that almost reached him, burst into sand and enveloped Tai's arm then crushed it.

He screamed out in pain and blasted himself away to a safe distance. Then reached for his last booster and injected it, immediately, as sand started swirling around him once more.

Arcah laughed, while floating on footholds of sand, while Tai cursed and closed his eyes realizing this was it. However, the sand dropped to the ground.

He opened his eyes looking over at Arcah who was dodging blows, coming from Nate, but failed to escape a few. Allowing his face to crunch up, bleeding with burning blood from Nate's strikes.

A massive stone wall, separated Nate from him, as Arcah turned to retreat. Nate recomposed himself, as he willed the wall before him to crumble down.

Arcah flew high up above them, raising his hands. "Ancient Titan!" He yelled, as cities in the distance, started to feel tremors.

A crevice opened up in front of them, with a massive hand reaching out and pulling itself out. Revealing a gigantic replica of Arcah, over 60 meters tall rising out of the ground, letting out a deafening roar.

It had gold and diamond eyes and strange ominous crystals all over its body. Nate and Tai, braced the winds, from its movements, as Arcah yelled out to them. "I don't forgive those, who transgress against me. Rejoice, there are only a handful of people who have seen my greatest creation... Now die!"

Nate shook his head and sighed, unfazed by Arcah's words. He reached his hand back. "Create: Hephaestus's Forge."

A forge manifested behind him, cooking up an obsidian black and red spear. The hilt fit itself nicely in Nate's hand. The forge steamed, as he pulled his brand-new spear out. It was mesmerizing, with a magma-like black & red contrast, woven around it. Lava flowed within.

The Titan roared once more, then reached down to crush them, while Nate leaped up at it, throwing the spear forward at sonic speed. "Erupt: Olympus' Wrath."

The spear blew away the arm like it was just passing by. Hitting the golem flat in the chest, with an immense shockwave. Then the golem erupted out of its mouth and crumbled into a miniature volcano, leaving Arcah stunned.

"It's not over yet, Arcah!" Nate yelled, forcing him to look back.

He had both of his hands apart closing it around an invisible sphere between them. Nate looked back at Tai, who nodded back, preparing his own attack. Then Nate lent him as much energy as he could muster and pull from the Earth. Knowing, they would need each other to end this.

Nate cupped his hands together completely. "Erupt: Cage of the Underworld!"

The lava from the golem, quickly whipped around Arcah, into an everlasting hollow dome. Leaving him with only enough time, to raise a makeshift dome within it to protect himself.

They could hear him screaming at the top of his lungs, however, they persisted. Nate focused, as the dome of lava rose higher into the sky, as pillars of lava that he summoned from below, showered it with even more layers.

"Ignite: Chún Huǒ!" A beam of white hot fire raced out of Tai's palms. Orange veins flickered lightly all over his body, as he poured every last bit of strength he had, into it.

Instead of colliding with the dome, the dome made way for it to enter, raising the temperature within further, as they cooked the contents inside.

"Combo Series: Tartarus' Prisoner!" They yelled in unison, as Nate condensed the dome further, imploding it from within.

Incinerating Arcah, as they let it crash down into the crevice the giant came from, with a massive explosion. The two looked at each celebrating their win, then fell out of the sky, exhausted.