A meeting of monsters

Back at home, a meeting was being held between three monsters in Scarlet's castle. The banshee, the harpy and the hound. 

All three did not like each other but all three had intersecting interests. 

The banshee was smiling, the harpy was neutral and the hound was irritated. 

The stupid banshee was calling Severus brother to irk him and it was working because he was vexed. He was so angry that he was maintaining silence even though he had been the one to call for the meeting. 

Lanta was the first to get to her feet. 

"Well, this has been boring. I will see you guys around." she spread her wings, ready to fly off the roof of the London castle where they had convened. 

"Park your claws harpy." An unhappy Severus told her. 

"Oooh, you are talking about her feet." the banshee squealed and laughed. 

Lanta glared at Severus and her fingers changed shape, her nails elongated into very sharp claws that could slice something apart easily.