Sleep over money

She could not have been any more prouder than she was at the moment at the way the eco resort turned out. It was no wonder thousands were booking tickets after the pictures the grey star's communication ministry had posted on star net. 

The property was large, some buildings on land and others above the water. It offered multiple amenities like spas, restaurants, gyms, indoor swimming pool for those who did not want to swim in the ocean. A mini library and even, to Scarlet's scandalized ears, an underground pleasure house. 

"I am definitely taking Justin's name and picture down now." She told Lancaster when he mentioned it. 

It was not on the list of amenities she approved of. 

"Why did you include it?" she asked him. 

Lancaster blushed profusely and turned his face away from her. Nervously, he scratched his ears and looked at her with an unlikely shyness.