Su Chen Falls into a Trap.

The next day, faint sunlight filtered through the gaps in the curtains, illuminating the dim room. In a half-conscious state, Su Chen felt a faint movement beside his ear and slowly opened his eyes. To his shock, he saw Su Xian'er lying right next to him, their faces mere centimeters apart.

When Su Xian'er saw Su Chen wake up, her face, which was originally pale, turned instantly red. "What the hell, Su Xian'er? What are you doing?" exclaimed a startled Su Chen, who had a bad feeling about this. Upon seeing Su Chen awaken, a hint of panic crossed Su Xian'er's seductive face.

She wondered: How did he wake up? Was the sedative fake? Why did it wear off so quickly? Su Xian'er was momentarily flustered, brushing her hair back with her hand. Then, with a swift and elegant motion, she raised her seemingly delicate hand and struck Su Chen's neck with precision and force. All of a sudden, Su Chen felt the world spinning before everything went black, and he lost consciousness.

Su Xian'er easily picked up Su Chen with one hand and laid him flat on the bed. She looked petite and fragile, with a voluptuous figure that seemed vulnerable to the elements. But in reality, she was an incredibly strong and aggressive girl, lifting Su Chen's tall frame as easily as an eagle grasping a chick. As Su Xian'er calmed herself, she looked at the unconscious Su Chen with immense regret. Initially, she wanted to discuss something with him. However, upon seeing him asleep, she couldn't resist her impulses.

At first, she just wanted to take a closer look, but she became more and more captivated, gazing at him until he woke up. Su Xian'er, whose face had lost color from shock, gradually regained her composure. The scene was oddly intimate; Su Chen lay unconscious on the bed, while Su Xian'er, attempting to entice him, wore a semi-transparent nightgown. It was an ambiguous setting between a man and a woman, and if someone saw them, it would undoubtedly lead to misunderstandings.

Rubbing Su Chen's face, Su Xian'er could feel a warmth emanating from him, causing a strange sensation to flow throughout her body, making her feel hot. Staring at Su Chen's handsome face, she hummed in delight, her eyes shining with joy. She thought: I might as well make the most of this situation. Swallowing, she wondered: Should I kiss him? No, that seems a bit criminal, doesn't it? But I'm really curious about how kissing feels. Lust, once unleashed, grows uncontrollably like a boulder rolling down a mountain.

Taking a deep breath, she began to lean in slowly, her eyes fixed on Su Chen. If he suddenly woke up, she would immediately look away and pretend to admire the view, as if nothing had happened.

Slowly drawing near, Su Chen remained unconscious, given the severe blow he had received earlier. He was entirely unaware that his first kiss was about to be stolen by this mischievous younger sister. After a while, Su Xian'er stood up and left the room.

A moment later, a persistent knocking sound resonated. The incessant knocking eventually roused the groggy Su Chen, whose neck throbbed in pain, making his head spin. The annoying, relentless knocking continued. Su Chen, without even thinking, knew who it must be. "What is it?" he called out. As soon as Su Chen spoke, the knocking ceased.

The door to the room swung open, and Su Xian'er, flaunting her impeccable figure, gracefully walked over to Su Chen's bedside. She looked at him with a mix of aloofness and pride. "Come with me," she instructed. Shocked, Su Chen responded, "Are you kidding? You want me to go out with you? Has the sun risen from the west?" He got up cautiously. Seeing Su Chen's wary expression, Su Xian'er internally felt quite bitter. However, on the surface, she gently cooed, "It's a command from father. You're to accompany me on an errand." Her eyes hinted at a trap, "Just fall into my scheme, dear brother Su."

Catching a glimpse of Su Xian'er's smirk, Su Chen felt it was the smile of a witch. Surely, something significant was about to unfold. "I won't go!" Su Chen declared righteously, "Even if my father said so, I'm not the obedient son he wishes I was." He laughed at the very thought of it. He found it hard to believe his father would make such a request. Most of all, he couldn't believe that Su Xian'er would want to hang out with him; perhaps she just wanted to torment him. Suddenly, memories of earlier events flooded back. Enraged, Su Chen blurted, "Have you lost your mind, Su Xian'er? What were you doing in my bed earlier? Were you trying to take advantage of me?"

At his words, a fleeting unease appeared in Su Xian'er's eyes, but she quickly feigned indifference, retorting disdainfully, "You must be the one going crazy, Su Chen. Why would I ever get into your bed? What a joke!" In her mind, she reasoned that she could always deny saying any of this later on.

For his part, Su Chen had also never imagined such a scenario before, but now he couldn't help but suspect given Su Xian'er's drastic change. "In my memory, I distinctly recall you being on my bed. How do you explain that?" He felt the need to clear up the matter, or it would continue to nag at him. Plus, this seemed to be crucial for the unfolding narrative. Of course, Su Xian'er wasn't about to tell the truth.

At this moment, she seemed noticeably flustered. However, in her previous life, she dominated both the business and political worlds, being the queen of the powerful Su family. How could she possibly be at a loss?

Su Xian'er took the initiative, exclaiming, "Damn it, are you a pervert? I can't believe you're this kind of person, Su Chen." She continued, "You even dream about me, what are you trying to do?" Su Chen was taken aback, thinking, "Did I really dream of Su Xian'er? No way... but it feels very likely now." He felt utterly embarrassed, wondering how he could possibly dream of Su Xian'er.

Hesitating to admit, Su Chen spoke up, but his words got stuck in his throat. When he looked up, he found Su Xian'er standing in front of him, her figure accentuated by her extremely short sleepwear, showcasing her toned and long legs, as well as her fair skin. He thought, "Damn, she's really something." Lost in his thoughts, Su Chen was puzzled. Even though they had their differences, they had been living together for years. He knew Su Xian'er to be a conservative person, but her current attire suggested otherwise. It was truly bizarre. "You pervert, where are you looking?" Su Xian'er acted flustered, deliberately putting on a coquettish act, clearly trying to provoke Su Chen. However, her over-the-top performance made Su Chen even more suspicious. She was definitely plotting something, using her stockings and seduction to trap him. Su Chen wasn't worried about his reputation since he was the antagonist in this narrative. His real concern was that Su Xian'er might find an excuse to overpower him. After so many years together, he knew her all too well. While she appeared fragile and elicited protective instincts in others, she was actually fierce. Su Chen even speculated that she could knock out a bull with a single punch.

Seeing Su Chen's reluctance, Su Xian'er's mood darkened immediately, her face turning cold and distant. She sternly said, "Stop wasting time, get dressed, and come with me." She warned, "Or you'll know the consequences!" Leaving behind these words, Su Xian'er exited the room. Su Chen, indifferent to her demand, just laid back down to sleep.

By noon, Su Chen followed Su Xian'er to a detached villa. He wondered about the meaning of this. Of course, he didn't come because he was cowed. He was just worried that Su Xian'er might be in trouble. That's right, he thought, "Hey, what's this place? Are you going to give me this villa?"

A bewitchingly beautiful girl blinked her large, expressive eyes and said sincerely, "Hmm. If you want it, I can give it to you."

The saying goes that hell is empty and the devils are here on Earth. Are you kidding me? Su Chen felt utterly bewildered by this woman at the moment.

He asked loudly, "Why did you bring me here?"

Su Xian'er replied with conviction, "I've decided to move out. After all, as I've grown older, it's time to venture out on my own."

"I knew you had ulterior motives, bringing me out for no apparent reason," Su Chen retorted, unenthusiastic about the idea of cohabiting with Su Xian'er. "What's so great about home? Both our parents are traveling, it's deserted. It only makes sense to live with a beautiful woman like me." Su Xian'er frowned slightly, clearly unhappy with Su Chen's response.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm honestly not 'brave' enough to be interested in a beauty like you." Su Chen decisively declined. There's no way he wanted to share a house with Su Xian'er. Firstly, he feared she might fall for him, which could potentially derail the plot. Isn't cohabitation between a man and a woman a recipe for romance? Secondly, he worried about his own self-control, especially given Su Xian'er's beauty; denying any attraction would be insincere.

Su Xian'er clenched her fists. She initially wanted to resort to violence but remembered a love guide's advice: girls shouldn't be overly aggressive. Changing her tone, she pleaded, "Don't be like this. You can't possibly feel at ease leaving me alone, right? I risk being followed by stalkers when I come home at night. I'm your sister, after all. Besides, I can't even muster the strength to open a beverage bottle. How can you trust me to live on my own?" A moment ago, Su Xian'er exuded the authoritative presence of a queen; now, she portrayed a playful, childlike innocence. Su Chen's lips quivered. This was a joke, right? The more she insisted, the less he wanted to live with her. What menacing face could be hiding behind her pretentious mask?

Seeing Su Chen still reluctant, Su Xian'er snorted coldly, "It doesn't matter if you agree. I've already convinced our father. You're staying here."

"You've got to be kidding. Even if you earn a fortune for the company, Dad wouldn't just sell me out like this," he retorted. Pulling out his phone, Su Chen dialed a number. A moment later, a stern voice resonated from the other end: "What do you want, boy?"

"Dad, you're not serious, right? You actually want me to live with Su Xian'er?" Su Chen inquired directly. Su Xian'er shot him a furious look, and he worried that he might end up hospitalized midway through the call.

"Yes. She's a girl living alone, and both your mother and I are concerned. Your grandfather feels the same way," came the response. "By the way, if you disagree, your bank account will be frozen until you get married." Without waiting for a response, the call ended abruptly.

Su Chen was left flabbergasted. If they froze his bank account, how would he maintain his status as a wealthy young master? If that happened, wouldn't his mission be doomed to failure? He couldn't afford to restart. He noticed that the story became increasingly unpredictable with each attempt.

Glancing at the smug woman beside him, he thought, Wait and see. Living with me, I'll make sure you regret it. From now on, I'll feed you sugar every day, ensuring you cough continuously.