Cohabitation Routine

Inside the villa, Su Chen was surprised to discover that everything he needed for his daily life had been prepared in advance, including clothes, towels, and toothpaste. Everything was available!

Clearly, this was all premeditated. Filled with anger but unable to voice it, Su Chen could only grumble to himself. Such meticulous planning was terrifying. "Hey, Su Chen, what are you daydreaming about? Want some water?" Su Chen looked up, almost reflexively taking the glass of water handed to him by Su Xian'er. Strangely, he hadn't felt thirsty before, but upon seeing the water, his throat suddenly felt parched. He chuckled, "I didn't expect the little witch to be so considerate." After saying this, Su Chen gulped down the water.

Referring to Su Xian'er as a "little witch" was taboo; every time he used this term, she would become furious. But now, Su Chen wanted to provoke her. "How am I considerate? I just did what I should," Su Xian'er replied, her voice becoming softer and her head lowering. Su Chen licked his lips and was startled by a sweet taste. He recognized it but couldn't quite place it. Suddenly, a bold idea crossed his mind. He glanced at Su Xian'er, who was blushing beside him, her luscious lips tempting. Should he mention it or not? As one of the protagonists in the novel, her appearance was truly stunning. Although she was vicious on the inside, her exterior was pure and innocent. Especially her eyes, which at first glance appeared naive, but on closer examination, had a hint of seduction.

At that moment, Su Xian'er clenched her fists, her eyes reflecting her panic. Had Su Chen, with his sharp mind, figured out that she had just kissed him? In the eyes of the young generation, Su Xian'er was always the most intimidating woman. To this day, no one dared to confess their feelings to her. If Lin Qingyan was the aloof ice queen, then Su Xian'er was the one who people didn't even have the courage to approach. But now, with Su Chen's gaze fixed on her, her heartbeat sped up, pounding loudly, reminiscent of a frightened deer. To hide her nervousness, she glared at Su Chen fiercely, "Su Chen! What are you thinking, staring at me like that?"

Despite her innocent appearance, Su Chen had a deeply ingrained impression of her, which felt oddly oppressive. "It's a man's nature. You look so beautiful; I just got lost in the moment," Su Chen said with a smile. In his mind, he taunted her, waiting for her retort. From his past interactions, he knew Su Xian'er hated such frivolous flattery from men and would surely lash out. This would further tarnish his image in her eyes.

While Su Chen was quietly pleased with himself, he failed to notice that the usually aloof Su Xian'er's beautiful face was now flushed red. Those captivating eyes gave Su Chen a somewhat resentful glance. "He actually complimented my beauty!" Although she typically despised others praising her beauty, she couldn't help but feel elated being complimented by Su Chen.

"Why did he only tease me? What about the follow-up actions? Why isn't he continuing? Is he doing this on purpose? What does he mean by this? Does he want me to take the initiative?" In her current state of confusion and the more she thought about it, the more she was at a loss, her body heating up at certain indescribable thoughts.

"You wait here; I'm going to take a bath," Su Xian'er abruptly stood up, feeling the need to calm herself down. Otherwise, she might not be able to resist her inner impulses and could possibly throw herself at Su Chen. She had barely taken a few steps when she suddenly turned back, gazing at Su Chen with a bright smile, asking softly, "Would you like to join?" "No thanks," Su Chen replied, visibly uncomfortable. Su Xian'er huffed and turned away. Su Chen found the situation peculiar.

"Why are these female characters behaving so oddly?" Yet, there was no system notification about a mission failure. This means everything is still progressing as per the original plot, with only minor alterations. He deduced that Su Xian'er might be thinking of a new scheme to torment him. "I must be patient," he thought, sensing he might have stumbled upon the truth. "A witch is always a witch, a cunning female antagonist. She's too scheming; she's definitely up to something."

Meanwhile, in the luxurious bathroom, Su Xian'er finished her bath. Even wrapped in a white towel, her perfect figure was still on display, especially her stunning and enchanting face. Her cheeks were flushed, looking dewy and bewitching. She was the epitome of beauty. A smirk formed on her lips as she looked in the mirror, seeing her undeniable beauty. Su Xian'er initially thought of dressing up, but a wicked idea formed in her mind, making her smile even brighter. "If men are naturally drawn to beauty, I can tempt him with my wet allure; I bet he won't be able to resist. In movies, characters usually nosebleed in such scenarios. I wonder if he will react the same way."

Su Xian'er was getting a bit excited. Wrapped only in a towel with her dark wet hair hanging down, she opened a small crack in the bathroom door and called out, "Su Chen, I forgot to take my clothes! Can you get them for me quickly?" Upon hearing this, Su Chen was taken aback. What was happening? Wasn't the trope of a pretty girl forgetting her clothes after a bath reserved for main characters? Why was it happening to him, a supposed side villain? Highly cautious, Su Chen reluctantly replied, "Hold on, I'll get them for you." His emotions were in turmoil. What was this little witch up to now?

Admittedly, Su Chen wasn't entirely sure where her clothes were. He made his way to Su Xian'er's bedroom and grabbed a set for her. It was undeniable; there was a sweet, milky scent to her clothes. For Su Chen, who considered himself an eternal bachelor, maintaining composure in such a situation was incredibly challenging. When he reached the bathroom door, which was slightly ajar, he remained wary. "Su Xian'er, I've brought your clothes," he announced. Su Xian'er replied, "Su Chen, bring them in. It's inconvenient for me to come out right now." Su Chen thought to himself, 'Inconvenient? And she wants me to go in? What the hell is she trying to pull? What game is Su Xian'er playing now?'

However, being the supposed antagonist, it would seem off-character if he hesitated when an attractive woman invited him in. Su Xian'er was entirely prepared for Su Chen's entrance. Her plan was to feign a twisted ankle and show off her seductive side. But when she caught sight of Su Chen, her previously flushed face froze. For some inexplicable reason, upon seeing him in that scenario, she was genuinely taken aback. Her heart raced, and she felt utterly lost. Her legs, usually long and sturdy, suddenly felt weak. Unable to support herself, she began to slide down the adjacent wall.

Su Chen was dumbfounded, but as he saw Su Xian'er about to fall, he instinctively rushed to her aid, catching her before she hit the ground. "Are you alright?" As Su Chen held onto Su Xian'er, their skins touched, and he felt a soft warmth. "I'm fine," she murmured. Su Xian'er, whose face was usually intimidatingly gorgeous, was now thoroughly flushed.

Her skin was incredibly dewy and radiant, reminiscent of a ripe apple, irresistibly tempting and bewitching. At the moment, Su Xian'er was utterly embarrassed. She didn't know how to explain herself. Surely, she couldn't admit that she lost her balance because she was taken aback by Su Chen's good looks.

"Brother, it wasn't on purpose, I just lost my balance!" Su Xian'er put on an innocent face, but a slight smile crept to the corner of her mouth. Given the circumstances, she decided to be even more direct. At this moment, Su Xian'er looked tantalizingly seductive. However, Su Chen quickly realized what was happening. Had he been tricked? "Xian'er, I'll leave first," without waiting for a reply, he turned and dashed out of the room.

Once back in the living room, Su Chen took large gulps of water, trying to calm his racing heart. He muttered to himself, "Su Chen, it's Su Xian'er! Don't get fooled. After all these years, don't you understand her yet? She's a cunning woman. Recall her past actions. Even though she looks delicate and incredibly tempting now, it's all an act. She's surely plotting something. If you fall for it, the Su family might really end up in her grasp." Su Chen quickly tried to mentally prepare himself, determined not to fall into any trap. He considered the Su family his own, and even if it cost him his life, he wouldn't hand it over to people with ulterior motives.

Meanwhile, Su Xian'er, back in her room, sprawled unreservedly on her bed. Her face was still flushed, but the corners of her mouth turned up in a sly, triumphant smile. "Silly brother must be captivated by me now," she thought confidently. She could clearly sense the change in his gaze earlier. "Is my body really that captivating?" Su Xian'er glanced at her near-perfect figure, seemingly quite pleased with what she saw. "Humph! Su Chen is such a naughty boy," she thought with a smirk. But his allure was undeniable. "I really like him," she whispered, hugging a pillow to her chest. "What should I do? Living together was initially to make him fall for me, but now I'm the one losing control." In this instant, Su Xian'er looked like an infatuated young girl. However, upon thinking about Su Chen's impending marriage to Lin Qingyan, her expression changed instantly.

Lin Qingyan, this despicable woman, dared to steal my brother from me. What could she be thinking? She must be after the wealth of my Su family. For the sake of the Su family and myself, I cannot lose. After calming down for a bit, Su Xian'er returned to the living room, now dressed differently. She wore a white short-sleeved top, coupled with denim shorts that seemed a tad too short, showcasing her straight and long beautiful legs.

When Su Chen saw Su Xian'er emerge, he felt slightly embarrassed, especially recalling the earlier situation. After all, it was just a mere glance, what's the big deal? He had seen her many times before, even bathed her when they were kids. With that in mind, Su Chen felt more confident.

"Hey, Su Xian'er, is it appropriate to wear those shorts?" Su Chen said, feeling a bit dizzy from the sight of her pale, long legs constantly moving before his eyes. "Too long?" Su Xian'er immediately responded. Su Chen quickly retorted, "No! I just meant..." Su Xian'er angrily interrupted, "What do you mean? How I dress is up to me. Humph!" She glared at Su Chen, visibly upset.

Does he think my legs don't look good? I'm so mad! When Lin Qingyan wears a skirt, he practically drools. Seeing Su Xian'er clenching her fists in anger, Su Chen could only sigh and say, "Fine, wear whatever you want." She huffed and sat down on the sofa next to him, carelessly placing her feet right in front of Su Chen, showing off her smooth thighs. It was a perfect display of a woman's beauty. Su Chen, suppressing his inner desires, distanced himself.

This was just pure temptation. Unfortunately, Su Xian'er noticed his small gesture, her eyebrows furrowed in anger. "Su Chen, do you despise me this much? If you move any further away, believe it or not, I'll tie you up and make you sleep here tonight!" Su Chen thought: Oh my God, she's getting angry. With no other choice, Su Chen reluctantly moved back to his original seat. I should stand my ground, he thought. But this woman is just too aggressive. In the past, when Su Xian'er didn't see eye to eye with him, Su Chen would freely argue with her.

Because Su Long would protect him, Su Xian'er didn't dare to act. After all, she mainly wanted the vast wealth of the Su family. But now, her attitude seems to have changed significantly. She seems to be trying to please him. If Su Chen retaliates now, his cheap father surely won't help him.

Living harmoniously between the two of them seemed to have always been the old man's wish. Su Chen couldn't help but marvel, thinking this woman was truly 'outstanding' and incredibly intelligent. In the original story, everyone believed that Lin Qingyan was the new generation's business queen. However, few knew that Su Xian'er's cunning and skills were even more formidable. Even Qin Yu, the protagonist, had to admit defeat in front of her.

As Su Chen was lost in his thoughts, he suddenly felt something pressing against his thigh. Looking down, he exclaimed, "Su Xian'er, what are you doing?" At that moment, Su Xian'er was resting her head on his thigh, her slender legs casually stretched out at the other end of the sofa. The sight was breathtakingly beautiful. Su Xian'er looked up, and as Su Chen gazed back down, their eyes met. Her long eyelashes quivered slightly, as if anticipating something, her eyes shimmering and enchantingly beautiful. Su Chen's heart raced, a voice in his head urging him to lean down just a bit more.

Replying with an assertive tone, Su Xian'er said, "I was busy today, and I'm a bit tired." Su Chen retorted, "If you're tired, why rest on my legs? Isn't there a sofa right there?" Su Xian'er, raising an eyebrow in evident displeasure, retorted, "I want to rest on your legs. This house is mine, and everything inside belongs to me. I can do whatever I want." Taken aback, Su Chen thought, "Gosh! How can she talk so dangerously now? What does she mean by doing whatever she wants?" He dared not move and sat upright, maintaining his composure.

Su Xian'er, with a slightly husky yet seductive voice, teased, "Su Chen, did you have any naughty thoughts just now, like wanting to kiss me?" He hastily replied, "No, I didn't." Though he wished to utter harsh words, he didn't dare. "If you want to kiss, it's not entirely out of the question. If you're longing for it, it's okay," she teased. "I'll be waiting in the room." With that, Su Xian'er got up and murmured to herself as she walked back to her room.

Seeing her really return to her room, Su Chen heaved a sigh of relief. A ridiculous idea popped into his head, "Should I really follow her in and give it a try?" He immediately dismissed the thought. Su Xian'er was certainly up to no good. He thought, "If I go in now, it would surely be the end of me." The so-called three great illusions in life include her giving you an extra glance in a crowd.