The Underworld Queen Makes Her Entrance.

At that moment, Su Chen was feeling incredibly smug on the inside. Yet, his face was red with rage, and he menacingly said to Qin Luoyi, "You little wench, are you seeking death? This outfit of mine is custom-made and costs close to a million. Either you pay up, or you kneel down and apologize to me." With Su Chen's outburst, the attention of the surrounding people quickly turned towards them. After all, Su Chen was too attention-grabbing.

Qin Luoyi's face displayed a mix of panic, astonishment, and bewilderment. Of course, Su Chen noticed every bit of her reaction, and it filled him with joy. He thought, "She's truly from the Qin family, just like Qin Yu. Her acting is spot on. This is exactly what I wanted. She's a woman who never gives up until she reaches her goal. She really wanted to spill that drink on me, and now that she has, she's acting so surprised. There's not a hint of any slip-up. Perfect!" This way, he could continue playing the role of the villain as per the script.

He thought to himself, "Rest assured, the beautiful Miss Qin Luoyi. Although I'm using you today, it won't be in vain. If there's a chance in the future, I'll surely help you." Indeed, after Su Chen's future demise, Qin Luoyi would play a pivotal role in his plans against Qin Yu. Internally, he was ecstatic, but on the surface, he continued to appear irate. As for Qin Luoyi, she was genuinely taken aback and completely perplexed. She wondered how things could have turned out so coincidentally. She had been so careful, fearing that she would spill the drink on Su Chen. She had tried to avoid him, but the result was just as it had been in her previous life; the drink was spilled on Su Chen.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Su. I truly didn't do it on purpose," Qin Luoyi hastily apologized to Su Chen, bowing her head slightly, fearing others might see through her. In his heart, Su Chen didn't really care. After all, it was just a stained outfit. In the real world, even if his clothes had a hole, he would still wear them out. However, now he needed to perfectly play the villain role. Su Chen wasn't going to let things slide so easily. "If you want me to forgive you, it's not impossible. Accompany me out tonight for some fun," Su Chen said with a teasing smile.

His beaming eyes annoyed those who saw him. He epitomized the terrifying nature of a spoiled young master. Qin Luoyi, such a gentle and adorable girl - any normal person wouldn't want to see her upset. Even if someone genuinely liked her, shouldn't they win her over with sincerity? At the very least, they should act behind the scenes.

At that moment, our young master Su deliberately chose to display his malevolent and overbearing side. Although everyone felt that Qin Luoyi was being treated unfairly and harbored deep resentment towards Su Chen, no one dared to speak out due to their social statuses. Unknown to them, Qin Luoyi was filled with joy at this development.

"Perfect," Qin Luoyi thought to herself. In reality, she remembered every detail of what happened that night, and it seemed that Su Chen's initial words were different from what she remembered, otherwise, she would have thrown water on him earlier. Being alone with Su Chen was something she had been looking forward to since her rebirth. She was more than willing to accept his invitation.

However, an out-of-place voice suddenly rang out, catching everyone, including Qin Luoyi who was about to accept Su Chen's offer, off guard. "Hold on! It's just a piece of clothing. Even if it's expensive, how can it be compared to a person's worth? Moreover, wouldn't it be petty for a young master from the Su family to make such a fuss over it? Or is it that this is the only suit young master Su owns?" Amidst Su Chen's angry gaze, Qin Yu appeared, a carefree and unrestrained smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth..

The protagonist arrived just in time to save the heroine, an age-old storyline. With the plot progressing smoothly, Su Chen was ecstatic inside. He was about to be put in his place. The plot was back on track. That's right, Qin Yu's confident and arrogant grin had returned. This storyline was vital, it was more than just being humiliated. Su Chen was about to offend Wang Bingbing, signaling the beginning of a war between the Wang and Su families. The news would eventually draw other families into the grand upheaval. Many were anxious about the dominant position of the Su family.

Externally, Su Chen remained cold and distant. He glared at Qin Yu, saying, "Are you trying to meddle in things that don't concern you? Do you dare to offend me, Su Chen? Are you not afraid of death?" Qin Yu replied with a confident smile, "Young master Su's memory seems to be failing him. Have you forgotten me already?" Su Chen feigned surprise, "Oh, you're that Qin Yu from last night's banquet? I hardly remember the event." Upon hearing this, Qin Yu's expression darkened significantly.

The banquet from the previous night had deeply embarrassed him, to the point where he couldn't even sleep. But to Su Chen, the event seemed trivial, dealing a massive blow to Qin Yu's ego. However, seeing Qin Yu fall silent, Su Chen grew incredibly anxious and worried.

What the hell was going on? This dialogue was exactly how it was written in the story, with no mistakes at all! What was Qin Yu hesitating about? He should seize the opportunity to stand tall and win the heroine's heart. Su Chen was well-versed in his conversation with Qin Yu. This was a pivotal moment in the plot, and he had to handle it with utmost seriousness.

Su Chen never expected that Qin Yu would also run into problems. At this moment, Qin Yu realized he needed to follow through with the plan, ready to stand up for Qin Luoyi. "The lady didn't do it on purpose. If you need any compensation, I can help her!" Qin Yu confidently stated, "Though I may not be as wealthy as Young Master Su, compensating for a piece of clothing is no issue at all." Qin Yu carried himself with a relaxed demeanor. Furthermore, having learned from past experiences, Qin Yu was now dressed in formal attire. Combined with his outstanding looks, he was instantly eye-catching. Qin Yu's image had already been deeply embedded in the public's mind, and this transformation was simply too drastic. Many were astounded by the aura he suddenly exuded, nodding in silent approval of the current Qin Yu.

Of course, there needed to be a comparison. At this moment, Su Chen seemed petty. A suit costing hundreds of thousands, for Young Master Su, was perhaps less valuable than a pair of socks to an ordinary person. Everyone thought that if they were in Su Chen's shoes, they would behave like a gentleman. How could he act so disgracefully now, tarnishing the reputation of their circle? Su Chen was fully aware of the disdain and disgust from those around him, but this was exactly the outcome he wanted. As the antagonist, garnering hatred was a necessary part of his role. Without hesitation, Su Chen mocked, "You want to compensate? No offense, but can you afford it?" Everyone was thinking the same. Even if Qin Yu's previous attire didn't suggest he was wealthy, would he even be willing to pay? However, Su Chen, familiar with the storyline, knew very well that the protagonist Qin Yu, not just hundreds of thousands but even billions, was financially robust. Overseas, Qin Yu was a formidable presence; many big shots had to give him face. This was the very foundation and confidence Qin Yu had to put Su Chen in his place.

Upon hearing Su Chen's mockery, a triumphant smile appeared on Qin Yu's face. Su Chen was indeed just a spoilt brat. How naive! A look of disdain appeared on Qin Yu's face, clearly growing more confident about the achievements he'd attain in the future. Just then, a chilling, hair-raising voice echoed, "What are all of you gathering here for?" As the words resounded, everyone present held their breath. Qin Luoyi's eyebrows slightly furrowed. Su Chen obviously knew who had arrived and turned to look. He saw a woman wearing a traditional qipao, her face as cold as frost, but her figure was gracefully curvaceous. As she walked in high heels, the sound they made on the ceramic tiles sent shivers down everyone's spine. Her overpowering aura made it difficult for anyone to look at her directly. She was the owner of this auction house, Wang Bingbing, notoriously known as the terrifying "Queen of the Underworld."