
When Su Chen turned his head, he saw the icy and indifferent eyes of Wang Bingbing, which were filled with murderous intent. This overwhelming pressure was palpable. Though he had met Wang Bingbing before, Su Chen was still taken aback by her presence.

Having gone through 33 plot developments as an antagonist, he had internally created his beauty rating standards. After all, he had been exposed to so many beauties that nobody could rival his expertise in this aspect. He analyzed women from various aspects such as facial beauty, physique, and skin. For example, Su Xian'er scored a nine. Su Chen believed that the most perfect woman only exists in people's fantasies. If temperament was taken into account, Su Chen might have rated Su Xian'er lower. Lin Qingyan also scored a nine, not just for her beauty, but also for her remarkable business acumen. Marrying such a woman would be like bringing home a gold mine.

As for Wang Bingbing, Su Chen rated her 8.5. While her beauty was on par with the others, he felt there was room for improvement in her physique. But Su Chen did not let her appearance distract him. He sensed that something was off. Wasn't it too early for Wang Bingbing to make her appearance?

As Wang Bingbing's gaze settled on Su Chen, her stern face showed a subtle change. Her beautiful almond eyes seemed to mist over, suggesting deep emotions. They scanned over Su Chen's carefree visage. She seemed to want to fixate on him but knew that doing so would arouse suspicion. Breaking the brief silence, Wang Bingbing spoke, her cold demeanor and tone making the room's temperature drop significantly. "Can someone explain?" Those present were either of high status or extremely wealthy. No one dared to respond. Many held their breath, watching eagerly.

Attention was now on Su Chen. Causing a scene in the auction house was deemed foolhardy. The consequences of invoking Wang Bingbing's wrath would be dire. But given Su Chen's powerful background, no one dared to interfere, fearing the repercussions of taking sides. The protagonist needed to step in. Qin Yu, with a carefree smile, started explaining, but Wang Bingbing cut him off. "Who are you? Do you think you have the right to speak here?" Su Chen was taken aback. Why was Wang Bingbing berating Qin Yu when she had asked for an explanation? He sensed impending doom. Qin Yu, too, was perplexed and fearful. He could sense a strange murderous intent in her eyes.

For Wang Bingbing, her cold demeanor was nothing unusual to the audience, but Qin Yu was baffled. He had expected Wang Bingbing to exploit the situation against Su Chen, but instead, she chastised him. Wang Bingbing didn't even glance at Qin Yu but turned to Qin Luoyi, asking for an explanation. Hurriedly, Qin Luoyi said, "I accidentally spilled water on Su Chen. It's all my fault."

During their conversation, Qin Luoyi suddenly turned to Su Chen and said, "Young Master Su, I wish to go out with you tonight!" After speaking, she lowered her head, fearing others would see her blushing face. All the aristocrats present were stunned, especially since Wang Bingbing had intervened. Why wasn't anyone pointing out how Su Chen had been taking advantage of his status?

Qin Yu was even more puzzled. This wasn't the plan! Hadn't they agreed to frame Su Chen, putting all the blame on him for causing disruptions and using his status to bully others? Why was Qin Luoyi saying such things, taking the blame upon herself? This change made it difficult for him to continue with his original plan to frame Su Chen. The most shocked of all was Su Chen. What was going on? Weren't Qin Yu and him close? Why wasn't she following the script?

Qin Luoyi was supposed to act pitiful in front of Wang Bingbing, making the young lady confront Su Chen. The plan was for Qin Luoyi to push all the blame onto Su Chen, and for Qin Yu to gather witnesses from the audience. But now, it seemed as if Qin Luoyi was admitting her own mistakes. How was he supposed to take advantage of this situation now?

Frustrated, Su Chen felt like banging his head against a wall. Had all these female protagonists gone mad? None of them were acting as expected. Now, even if he couldn't rely on Qin Yu, he had to offend Wang Bingbing, who was the main target for his mockery. Su Chen knew he had to be the villain everyone would hate. With this realization, he felt he had to finish the story's mission on his own. Turning to Qin Luoyi, Su Chen looked at her with a lecherous gaze, full of greed. "Little girl, do you even understand the situation?

If you go out with me tonight, you'll be so worn out tomorrow you'll barely walk." He continued confidently, "I'm telling you this because I'm sure you won't refuse me. Tonight, you're all mine." His words shocked everyone present, leaving them speechless. Many looked at him as if he had lost his mind.

"My god! The illustrious Su family produced such a foolish heir. It seems the Su family's luck has run out," many whispered among themselves. "Stop it!" As expected, Wang Bingbing's cold voice rang out, reprimanding him. Nearby, Fang Han was trembling with fear, shooting Su Chen a warning look. Everyone thought, "Has Su Chen gone mad? Wang Bingbing, the powerful and terrifying woman, is right here. Why provoke her?"

Meanwhile, Qin Yu felt a wave of relief. To him, Su Chen was still the same foolish young master, making their plan almost foolproof. He could already envision himself as the king of the city.

Qin Luoyi clenched her fists. Even though she knew Su Chen was putting on an act, she was still anxious. Not for herself, but for Su Chen, knowing well the kind of ruthless person Wang Bingbing was. Everyone eagerly anticipated Wang Bingbing's response. Surprisingly, she said softly, "Young Master Su, I will pay for the dress." Her tone was gentle, nothing like her fearsome reputation. Wang Bingbing's inner thoughts were clear: "You wretched Qin Luoyi, I know what you're planning. You want to be with my 'darling.'

That will never happen. In our past life, I made the mistake of letting Su Chen prefer you. This time, I'll be his favorite." A chilling smile spread across Wang Bingbing's face, sending shivers down everyone's spine. They all knew Wang Bingbing's unpredictable temper, and her eerie smile likely hinted at a deeper, more terrifying threat. What happened next, however, was even more shocking.

Su Chen sneered, "Wang Bingbing, do you think everything's settled just by compensating with money? You can't even manage your own people properly, you're truly incompetent."

"If you're genuinely apologetic, why don't you come out with this young master tonight? I guarantee it'll be an experience you'll both crave and dread."

Threatening Wang Bingbing? Upon hearing Su Chen's audacious words, everyone present believed he had lost his mind. Fang Han was rendered speechless. His entire body shivered in fear. Had Su Chen lost his will to live? Did he understand the gravity of what he was saying? How could he dare to speak to Wang Bingbing in such a manner? After all, she was an empress in her own right. Fang Han could already foresee the consequences – a bitter feud that wouldn't end until one side was defeated.