Qin Yu's Suspicion

Zhao Menghan said, "Now, in Su Chen's eyes, I have become his confidante." "Furthermore, I've observed that Su Chen's relationship with Su Xian'er isn't as the rumors suggest."

"Find a way to create a rift between them," Qin Yu mused, feeling he might have underestimated Su Chen.

Or perhaps he underestimated the Su family. The family that rose to become the strongest in the capital wasn't as weak as he imagined. Naturally, this made Qin Yu's animosity towards the Su family even more intense.

He's now eager to see Su Chen's family destroyed. "Should we kill Su Chen now?" Zhao Menghan suddenly proposed. If Qin Yu agreed, she would act immediately, disregarding any consequences or hidden forces, and take Su Chen's life on the spot. In truth, Zhao Menghan was reminding Qin Yu of Su Chen's importance, lest Qin Yu, in desperation, truly harm Su Chen.

"Heh!" Qin Yu sneered coldly. "He's just a wastrel. Killing him would be as easy as turning my hand. We're in no rush now, Zhao Menghan. Continue your investigations. I want to know who was involved in that incident from years ago!" One of the main reasons for Qin Yu's return was to avenge his father's death. "Whoever they are, they will die by my hand," he said, clenching his fist.

"Go on then. We can't have Su Chen becoming suspicious. You're my trump card now, and we can't afford any mistakes," Qin Yu ordered. After he spoke, Zhao Menghan immediately left the room. She couldn't bear to stay near Qin Yu any longer, feeling nauseated by his presence.

Qin Yu pulled out his phone, revealing a set of documents. Indeed, he wasn't willing to trust Zhao Menghan entirely. He had secretly dispatched someone to investigate everything about her. After all, Zhao Menghan had hidden grievances with him, as her father died at Qin Yu's hands. Therefore, he was extremely cautious. Even if Zhao Menghan showed the slightest inconsistency, he wouldn't trust her.

The information was comprehensive, yet there were no issues. This suggested that Zhao Menghan was innocent. She had only interacted with Su Chen. After some thought, Qin Yu didn't believe that Su Chen had the capability to win Zhao Menghan over. He had also investigated Su Chen again, confirming that Su Chen was, indeed, useless. However, he didn't think the recent events were mere coincidences.

There must be some invisible hand manipulating everything behind the scenes. Was it really Su Long on the surface? Or perhaps an old fox from the Su family? Could someone from the Qin family be involved? Regardless, he was determined to uncover the puppet master.

Qin Yu realized he couldn't proceed with his original plan. While there was still a chance to win over Lin Qingyan, Wang Bingbing was out of reach. Even though she was a vital piece of the puzzle, Qin Yu decisively gave up on her. There was something off about her, and her abilities were not weak. At least for now, Qin Yu couldn't be certain he could control her.

However, he thought of a better target — the Zhang family. The Zhangs are a major business dynasty, controlling vast amounts of the nation's economy in entertainment and real estate. Although China prioritizes power, the Zhang family, backed by their immense wealth, has become one of the top ten families. Moreover, the Zhangs are significant business partners with the Su family. If he could control the Zhang family, it would be a substantial blow to the Sus. Lately, from Su Chen's engagement banquet to the Wang family's auction dinner, he felt humiliated, becoming the joke of the entire elite circle. This time, he must show his strength in a brand-new way.

Su Chen lay in bed, contemplating the direction of the unfolding story. Zhang Li's appearance marks the beginning of a new chapter. This woman isn't a minor character; by any standard, she's tough to deal with. Zhang Li is in her early thirties and is close friends with his mother, Chen Qing. When Su Chen encounters her, he should technically address her as "aunt." This woman is incredibly formidable. Starting from a common background, she gradually gained significant power within one of the top ten families, the Zhangs.

She holds significant influence within the family. Additionally, she established her own entertainment company, from which many of today's big-screen stars hail. For some reason, whenever Su Chen thinks of this woman, he's filled with such anger that he trembles all over, feeling a cold chill, even though it's the height of summer. He recalls the first time he was transported into this narrative. His consciousness took over a newly born baby's body. Zhang Li, more than a decade older than Su Chen, used to be their neighbor, living in the same courtyard. Su Chen has a vivid image of this woman's character—a true violent nature.

As a child, his parents were often busy, and Zhang Li would help care for him. At just three years old, she treated him like a plaything, tossing and turning him at her whim. Su Chen remembered that at three, even though he was conscious, he lacked the ability to resist. Zhang Li, with a face full of curiosity, examined him from head to toe, remarking, "Kid, why do you seem different from others? You have a bit of an arrogant vibe. Most kids would cry, why don't you?" Su Chen merely rolled his eyes in response. "Ignorant woman, ever heard of Detective Conan? I may have a child's body, but I possess an adult's soul. Why would I cry?"

Zhang Li's face turned fierce. "If you don't cry, I have ways to make you." She threatened, "If you don't cry, I might just have to attack your 'little brother'." Zhang Li recalled seeing a doctor do something similar to another boy, causing him to cry instantly. Regardless, young Su Chen could not muster a tear, leaving him at the mercy of that malicious woman's flick. From that point on, the mere sight of Zhang Li pained Su Chen, forever casting a dark shadow over him.