The Witchy Little Sister Punches the Sandbag to Bits

Thinking of those tragic memories, Su Chen felt a shiver down his spine. During that time, Su Chen had become Zhang Li's personal plaything. This situation persisted until his mission failed. After reentering the storyline, his family moved away from the courtyard. Although Su Chen escaped the torment of Zhang Li, the emotional scars remained, indelible. Reflecting on it now, the sudden failure of that mission seemed oddly abrupt. Before things even properly began, the plot collapsed out of the blue.

As Su Chen pondered deeply, he recalled that the only person by his side at that time was the female lead, Su Xian'er. This suggested that the mission failed possibly due to an issue with Su Xian'er. As he was lost in thought, the room's door suddenly swung open, and Su Xian'er's long, pale legs appeared before his eyes, moving with a captivating sway. Normally, any man would be exhilarated by the sight of such a beautiful woman, but Su Chen felt only coldness and an inexplicable fear.

"Su Chen, let's practice some boxing together," Su Xian'er said, stretching out her cute, pink fists. She felt the need to vent the anger brewing within her, especially after hearing Su Chen's remarks which had upset her deeply. Moreover, though her plan to get closer to Su Chen didn't come to fruition, the seed of desire had been planted in her heart. It felt like a feather, constantly stirring her restless emotions.

She feared that if she didn't release her pent-up frustrations soon, she might lash out at Su Chen. And as Zhang Li once said, pent-up feelings could be harmful in the long run. Hearing Su Xian'er's proposition, Su Chen instinctively frowned, fear rising within him. "If you want to practice, go by yourself. Why do you need me?" He didn't want to, not in the slightest. The idea of practicing boxing with Su Xian'er seemed suicidal. He would refuse no matter what.

However, Su Xian'er glared at him resentfully, "Stop talking nonsense and come with me. You're the only one at home right now." She thought to herself, 'What is he thinking? Doesn't he realize how attractive I am? Why wouldn't he want to spend time with me?' "Alright, alright," Su Chen finally conceded. Despite his reluctance, he couldn't refuse this little witch; she was simply too intimidating. He had no choice but to follow her to the villa's gym.

The room was equipped with various fitness equipment and, even though it was labeled a 'gym,' its vast 300 square meters resembled more than half a basketball court. At the center stood a small boxing ring. Seeing this, Su Chen had a bad premonition. 'She doesn't want to spar with me, does she?' This seemed premeditated. Panicking, Su Chen quickly accessed his points shop. With 500 points at his disposal, he immediately purchased the legendary strength-enhancing potion for 100 points. As someone who greatly valued education and poetic wisdom, he didn't advocate for resolving issues through violence. But this situation was too perilous; he had to rely on the potion.

After consuming it, he felt a surge of power coursing through his veins. Not only did the potion enhance his physique, but it also provided an impeccable boost in strength. Given his deep understanding of martial arts, Su Chen believed he could defeat Su Xian'er. He imagined rendering her incapacitated for days on end. However, as he reveled in his confidence, Su Xian'er spoke up. "Just watch from the side for now. I'll practice on the punching bag.

After all, it's not suitable for us to spar." She felt an inexplicable irritation every time she looked at Su Chen today, perhaps influenced by Zhao Menghan or maybe provoked by their earlier interaction. Hearing that he wouldn't have to spar, Su Chen sighed in relief. Even though he felt he had a good chance of defeating Su Xian'er now, he had to remember his role as the secondary male character. Su Xian'er, with her pride and arrogance, could only be tamed through defeat. In the original story, Qin Yu gradually won her over this way. Su Chen feared that defeating her now might make her fall for him, which would only complicate matters.

He suddenly realized a horrifying fact. He had seen Qin Yu fight before and, in his eyes, Qin Yu was average at best; he could easily defeat him in just a few moves. So why couldn't Qin Yu defeat Su Xian'er? This meant that Su Xian'er's strength in this version of the story was greater than in the original. What could be the reason for this change? Lost in his thoughts, Su Xian'er suddenly stretched out her delicate, soft hands, perfect for caressing, and said, "Put the boxing gloves on me."

Her hands appeared delicate and soft to the touch, as if they lacked any strength at all. However, Su Chen knew that this was merely an illusion. Even an iron rod would be effortlessly snapped in half by her— snap. Startled, Su Chen quickly put the boxing gloves on her without needing any prompt from Su Xian'er. The gloves even had a cute Crayon Shin-chan pattern on them, making them look more like toys. "Tie my hair up too," Su Xian'er said, still unsatisfied. She turned, presenting her long, flowing hair; it would be inconvenient during boxing.

Su Chen rolled his eyes, "I'm not good at it. What if you get mad?" "You can do it," she said. "Hurry up and stop talking," Su Xian'er said, clashing her gloved fists together. Su Chen did know how to tie hair, but he hesitated. Tying a girl's hair seemed too intimate for a guy. Such acts were meant for the male lead, not him. Nevertheless, Su Chen eventually proceeded, gathering Su Xian'er's hair in his hands, the softness and fragrance overwhelming him. He tied her hair into twin ponytails, revealing her clear, sparkling ears. She looked enchanting, especially her beautiful and charming face, which epitomized beauty.

With her hair now tied up, she looked like a heroine from ancient tales. Struck by her appearance, Su Chen exclaimed, "You look so beautiful!" However, Su Xian'er was inspecting her reflection, discontented with her youthful look; she believed a more mature appearance would be more appealing. Lost in thought, she barely registered Su Chen's comment. Angrily, she shot him a glare, "What did you just mumble, Su Chen?" Misunderstanding his compliment for an insult, she thought he was criticizing her appearance. Furious, she thought, "I've done so much for you, even letting you take advantage of me. And now you dare to insult me?"

She felt like exploding with rage but managed to contain herself. She approached the boxing ring, where a heavy, 200-pound punching bag hung. It was superior in quality, even better than those used by professional boxers. Despite its imposing size, Su Xian'er appeared determined to use it as a vent for her anger. It looked a bit comical, given the contrast between her dainty 168 cm frame and the massive sandbag. Su Chen, familiar with her capabilities, backed away cautiously, puzzled about what had angered her. But part of him was amused, as he fancied himself the antagonist to her protagonist.

As these thoughts raced through his mind, Su Xian'er launched a powerful punch at the sandbag. A resounding thud echoed. Her small form remained steady as her fists pummeled the bag with force, each blow resonating like thunder. Su Chen watched in awe, realizing the devastation those fists could wreak on a person.

Hell is empty, and the devils are here on earth! Su Chen now understands why Su Xian'er, this woman, invited him to watch her practice boxing. This is a blatant threat! With the permission of Su Long and Chen Qing, Su Xian'er was warning Su Chen: if he dared to be disobedient, he would end up like the sandbag. What a wicked woman; I knew she wouldn't be so kind. After all, I even massaged her stomach last night. However, this level of threat doesn't work on me anymore. Jokingly, he had taken a strength-enhancing potion, greatly boosting his power. Su Chen felt immensely confident.

Perhaps after relaxing, Su Chen felt everything was perfect. He glanced at her well-defined physique. Unspoken, Su Xian'er, in her casual home wear, appeared both relaxed yet statuesque, especially with her occasional movements, as if she was trying to catch one's attention. At this moment, Su Xian'er was sweaty, clearly giving it her all. Without showing any emotions, Su Chen shifted his gaze away. Su Xian'er's figure was too hot to handle.

She stopped punching, walked over, and started drinking milk. She's quite picky, demanding only the best - a real "princess." Suddenly, Su Xian'er looked up and cheerfully asked, "Brother, do you want some milk?" Su Chen was startled and incredulously asked, "Can I?" "Of course," she replied, rolling her eyes and handing over half of her milk. But deep inside, she held a touch of anticipation.

The world suddenly seemed dull to Su Chen. He didn't take the milk; he didn't want to drink it. He was frustrated. It must be said, Su Xian'er is genuinely beautiful. Who would have thought she'd end up with someone like Qin Yu? Even after spending so much time with Su Xian'er, Su Chen was still enchanted by her, as she perfectly fits the image of the most beautiful girl. But while Su Chen was lost in thought, Su Xian'er suddenly threw another punch at the sandbag. This time, the sandbag wasn't so lucky. It burst open, spilling sand everywhere.

Su Chen was utterly shocked. Only a bullet from a handgun could inflict such damage. Yet now, Su Xian'er, who looked like a delicate beauty, had blown it up. Is this some sci-fi movie? His mischievous thoughts about Su Xian'er vanished instantly. Earlier, he had even thought of making her do all the heavy work for him. What was he thinking? Even his strength potion seemed worthless. If she hit him, he couldn't even imagine the consequences. Frozen in place, Su Chen didn't dare move. Meanwhile, Su Xian'er seemed quite annoyed.

She felt that her hints to Su Chen had been obvious. However, this "silly brother" had rejected her. Glancing at the burst sandbag and then at Su Chen, she appeared a bit dissatisfied. "The quality of this sandbag is so bad. I didn't even use full strength. I need a better one, or I won't be able to practice," she complained. Su Chen commented, "You're right; only the best suits a fairy like you." Su Xian'er retorted, "Don't laugh at your sister, it's not nice!"

Thinking of her punch, Su Chen quickly complimented her, "Beautiful!" She replied, "Isn't that obvious?" and gave him a playful pout, looking incredibly cute. She glanced at Su Chen, her cheeks flushing, and appeared quite unnerved. "What did he mean by praising me like that? He better not have any naughty ideas," she thought. She had many things on her mind, even baby names. But wait! "What am I thinking?" she wondered. Su Xian'er quickly regained her composure and coldly said, "Su Chen, stop with the flattery, I don't like it."

Yeah, right.