The Female Lead Wants to Kill the Male Lead?

Picking up the cup, Zhang Li astutely noticed Su Chen's eyes sneaking glances her way. At the same time, she detected a faint herbal scent in the water, extremely subtle. If one wasn't paying close attention, it would be impossible to notice.

Zhang Li's heightened sensitivity to herbs comes from her knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, having studied it for a time. She truly had a deeper understanding in this aspect. At this moment, Zhang Li felt indescribable emotions inside her. Of course, mostly, she felt anger.

"You scoundrel, you really dared to drug me," she thought. "Do you have a death wish?" But then a thought crossed her mind, "Could it be that this young man is slowly being captivated by my charm?"

Zhang Li lifted the cup to her lips, but then promptly set it down without taking a sip. She feigned curiosity, remarking, "There's something off about the taste of this water."

"Zhang Li, are you okay?" Su Chen inquired with concern.

"I'm fine, nothing major," she replied. Zhang Li then said with a laugh, "Young Master Su, did you come to see me today because you're ready to invest?" She sighed, "If I don't secure an investment soon, my company will go bankrupt, and I'll have no choice but to accept my fate."

Su Chen thought to himself,

["Damn, have you gone mad? If you give up now, what will happen to me? You're meant to be the future business goddess, the right-hand woman of Qin Yu. Who will torment me then?"]

["Typical, beautiful women lack brains. Thinking of giving up so easily, no wonder she's smitten with someone like Qin Yu."]

["I used to think you were the smartest person, but now, you seem quite foolish,"] Su Chen mused. ["But maybe that's a good thing; at least when Qin Yu claims you, I'll find some solace."]

Upon hearing Su Chen's words, Zhang Li wished nothing more than to punch him squarely in the face. "Who the hell are you mocking?" she thought. However, regarding Qin Yu, she was somewhat amused.

["However, Qin Yu is quite unlucky. While the power within the jade pendant can make him stronger, the consequence is that unless he cultivates to the highest realm, he cannot break free from his unmanly state."]

This brought a smile to her face, "Thank goodness, it seems I'm not that brain-dead. At least, the future me isn't so pathetic."

[Hehe, but the words Zhang Li said to Qin Yu back then really disgusted me.]

[From now on, I am yours, my company is also yours, and everything I have is yours.]

[Hehe, I was also shocked at the time. Normally, she's such a cool and aloof woman, yet she turned into that kind of person.]

With a loud smack, Zhang Li slammed her hand on the table. "Su Chen, you jerk, what nonsense are you spouting? Will I really become like that in the future?" Her outburst made Su Chen halt his train of thought. He looked up, concerned, "Zhang Li, are you okay?"

["Heh, it seems the drug is taking effect; I'm genuinely looking forward to this,"] Su Chen thought with anticipation. However, as one minute, three minutes, and then five minutes passed, Zhang Li showed no reaction and remained seated comfortably in her chair, leaving Su Chen utterly baffled. "What's going on?" he wondered.

Could this thing be fake? After all, it doesn't seem to have any effect at all. Su Chen began to worry a bit, especially since he had to rely on the Heart of Desire to secure investments.

Growing increasingly impatient, Su Chen said, "You seem so busy you don't even have time to drink water. Let me get you a glass." Without waiting for Zhang Li's response, he picked up the glass and hurried out. Su Chen thought there might be a mistake, so he took a cautious sniff and indeed detected a scent! This meant that there shouldn't be an issue with the drink.

In the end, Su Chen decided to take a sip. He knew how to counteract the effects, and besides, with his enhanced body resisting the drug's potency, there shouldn't be any problems. The taste had a subtle sweetness. Pretty good.

["Damn, what kind of lousy formula is this? It seems fake with no effect at all. What a rip-off,"] Su Chen internally grumbled.

["It's over, if the formula doesn't work, I might really have to give her that 100 billion."]

But as he cursed, Su Chen suddenly noticed that his body did seem to undergo a change. He felt a bit feverish. This indicated that the Heart of Desire truly worked. While the effects weren't overtly apparent, it was indeed effective.

["But why did Zhang Li show no reaction after drinking it? It's really strange."] Su Chen pondered, ["Perhaps her desires are too strong, so this small dose seems ineffective."]

Thinking this, a dejected Su Chen returned to the office.

Upon entering, he saw Zhang Li, her face adorned with a mysterious and intriguing smile.

Su Chen was taken aback, waves of unease surging in his heart. Could she have realized that he had spiked her drink?

Zhang Li confronted him, "What did you put in my water?" Su Chen, gazing at Zhang Li's somewhat angered face, deeply regretted his actions. "Why isn't Qin Yu here right now?" he lamented internally, thinking that with Qin Yu's presence, he could have had an ally.

"Um, I just thought you looked really tired and wanted to give you something to boost your energy," Su Chen said awkwardly. Such drugs were indeed shady, especially now that he had been caught red-handed.

Zhang Li, with hands on her hips, said, "I studied traditional medicine for a while, so don't even try to deceive me." However, she added, "But if it's from you, I'm more at ease because I trust that you wouldn't want to harm me."

Huh? What did she mean by that? He pondered, "I'm the antagonist here. How could the lead female character trust me this much? What's going on?" However, Su Chen quickly found solace in a thought. The more Zhang Li trusted him now, the angrier she would be when she found out about his true intentions later on. Yes, that must be it.

Zhang Li laughed, "As a young woman, I face immense pressure every day. With so many people watching me closely, I need to be careful. Normally, I wouldn't eat or drink anything given to me by outsiders."

"There are countless scenarios like that in TV shows and movies," Zhang Li commented. Su Chen was puzzled, feeling like Zhang Li was insinuating something.

Seeing Su Chen's embarrassed expression, Zhang Li suddenly became amused and teased, "You should be careful out there. The world is a dangerous place, especially for the heir of the Su family." Su Chen retorted, slightly annoyed, "What's there to worry about? I'm a man; I don't have those kinds of concerns." She smirked, "There are people who like men, you know." Su Chen exclaimed, "Hey, watch your words!"

"Enough of that," Zhang Li said, genuinely curious, "tell me how you plan to attract investors." Without hesitation, Su Chen explained, "It's a great product. I just wanted to test it out earlier, and it indeed proved to be very useful. It's a fantastic solution to boost men's vitality, even for those who have lost their masculine functionality. This medicine is key to our investment."

Upon hearing this, a blush crept up Zhang Li's face. Even though she was mostly aware of the medicine's effects, hearing it from Su Chen made her feel somewhat shy. Of course, Su Chen didn't notice her reaction. He confidently said, "With this medicine, investors will naturally be drawn to us."

"Who?" Zhang Li was still a bit skeptical. While she understood that the medicine would be valuable to many powerful individuals, the idea of obtaining a 100-billion investment solely based on it seemed a tad unrealistic.

Setting aside the vast amount of money in question, due to the pressure from the Zhang family, there was hardly anyone in the entire capital willing to invest. "Rest assured," Su Chen chuckled, "our target this time is someone who isn't intimidated by the Zhang family's influence. According to reliable information I have, the head of the Qin family, Qin Long, is currently in great need of this treasure."

"How did you come to know this?" Zhang Li asked. Su Chen rolled his eyes. Naturally, he couldn't tell her that he possessed the 'Wind's Mysterious Gate.' divination ability, which allowed him insights into both the cosmos and terrestrial matters. He mused internally,

["Fortune truly favors me. Who would've thought that the ideal candidate would be Qin Long? This is good. In the end, it's using the Qin family's money for the investment, so it doesn't concern me in the long run."]

Zhang Li also rolled her eyes, realizing that Su Chen had a cunning side she hadn't anticipated. It seemed that Qin Yu was truly the individual Su Chen detested the most. With that in mind, if she could defeat Qin Yu, then Su Chen would undoubtedly hold her in high regard.

Su Chen drove Zhang Li to the Qin residence. He had planned this move in advance. His intention was to enter the Qin household ostentatiously, giving Qin Yu the impression that he was about to collaborate with the Qin family. The Qin family was always the force Qin Yu loathed the most, especially Qin Long, who was a thorn in his eye. In the original story, even though Su Chen met his demise relatively early on, Qin Long's end was particularly tragic. Therefore, Su Chen's aim was to put pressure on Qin Yu, hoping he'd act swiftly to eliminate him. Su Chen had now come to realize that the changes in these female protagonists were quite significant.

To prevent unforeseen complications from arising over time, Su Chen decided to take the initiative.

Upon arriving at the Qin family's mansion, under the guidance of the servants, Su Chen and Zhang Li entered the courtyard. Su Chen couldn't help but admire the advantages of being an antagonist. Although they didn't have the protagonist's commanding presence, at least they weren't stopped when entering high-end places. Before entering, Su Chen specifically prepped Zhang Li mentally, emphasizing that she should listen to him no matter what. At the very least, they needed to present themselves as if they shared a romantic relationship.

Soon, the two arrived at Qin Long's study. Qin Long, in his fifties, still appeared to be in the prime of his life. However, Su Chen was well aware that Qin Long wasn't truly 'safe and sound'. In this context, 'safe and sound' can generally be understood as being 'firm or tough'.

"May I know the purpose of your visit, President Zhang?" Upon seeing the two, Qin Long paid no attention to Su Chen. His cloudy eyes fixated on Zhang Li, who was dressed in a V-neck professional attire, almost drooling as he stared at her. Su Chen, familiar with the storyline, recognized that this lustful demeanor was a trait inherited within the Qin family. Not just Qin Long, but Qin Yu also exhibited this trait. Of course, this characteristic was just a narrative tool, intended to justify the future actions of Qin Yu.

Zhang Li, seemingly accustomed to such lecherous gazes, said, "Mr. Qin, I hope you can invest in my company." "I assure you that our company can quickly earn back your investment."

After a moment, Qin Long laughed, "President Zhang, I have indeed researched your company, and to be honest, it's impressive. However, your family has decreed that anyone investing in your company would be opposing the Zhang family. Although I'm not afraid of the Zhangs, I also don't want to invite unnecessary trouble."

Saying this, Qin Long revealed a look of genuine regret.

Su Chen could tell that these were his true feelings. He thought to himself,

["Qin Long must really want to use the opportunity of investment as leverage over Zhang Li. Alas, he's self-aware enough not to act on it."]

Knowing it was his cue, Su Chen spoke earnestly, "Mr. Qin, won't you consider it? This is a guaranteed profitable venture." At this, Qin Long turned his attention to Su Chen. To be honest, he held little regard for Su Chen. If it wasn't for Su Chen's status as the heir to the Su family, Qin Long wouldn't even let someone like him into the courtyard. Su Chen was acutely aware of this animosity. With a silent, disdainful laugh, he thought, "You old fool, do you think your fate will be any better? Your future demise will be even more tragic than mine."

While he felt this disdain internally, Su Chen maintained his composure and said, "I have access to a pharmacy that specializes in tonics for health. It's something valuable I've acquired at a significant cost." He continued, "Would Mr. Qin be interested?"

"A pharmacy?" Qin Long laughed heartily, "While our Qin family might not be as affluent as your Su family, I believe there's hardly any medicine that I can't obtain."

Su Chen didn't respond immediately. Instead, he turned to Zhang Li and said, "Wait outside for now. Your husband has some business to discuss." He placed special emphasis on the word "husband", letting it carry more weight in the conversation.

He was clearly trying to take advantage of the situation.

However, Zhang Li was taken aback at that moment. She hadn't expected Su Chen to be so brazen.

Seeing her reaction, Su Chen took it a step further and reached out to caress Zhang Li's face. The atmosphere between them became incredibly intimate. Su Chen thought to himself,

["Foolish woman, what are you spacing out for? Just smile and follow my lead and leave!"]

["No wonder with this level of intelligence, you get easily deceived by Qin Yu."]

"You're the fool," she thought defiantly. "Your whole family is. How dare you insult me." Zhang Li was deeply resentful inside, but for the sake of the investment, she decided to hold her tongue.

"Oh dear, don't be like this. I'll leave right now," she remarked. Zhang Li flashed a smile, and as she turned, she cast a flirtatious glance back at Su Chen.

Witnessing this exchange, Qin Long's brows furrowed, his eyes filled with jealousy.

Su Chen then took out the prepared medicine, and instantly, a fragrant aroma filled the room. He also sprinkled some of the powder into a cup of water and handed it to Qin Long. "This is a remarkable product," he began. "It can greatly enhance one's desires, especially in men." He added, "It should greatly assist Mr. Qin in resolving a problem that's been troubling you for years."

"What do you mean?" Qin Long asked, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion, but deep down he was immensely shocked.

He hadn't expected that Su Chen would know his secret.

Su Chen continued, "Mr. Qin, please rest assured. I am currently in your territory. If there's any issue, you can deal with me as you see fit." After much hesitation, Qin Long finally took a sip.

Almost immediately, he seemed revitalized. He abruptly stood up, his face filled with astonishment and elation. "What is this?" he exclaimed.

Su Chen smirked, "Are you relieved now? If you choose to help Zhang Li with her investment, I can gift you the formula." He added, "You should be aware that Zhang Li's company project is impeccable. Financially, you don't need to worry. It won't be long before you recoup your investment."

Suppressing his inner turmoil, Qin Long asked with curiosity, "I wonder what the relationship between Young Master Su and Zhang Li is? You're going to great lengths to help her. And an investment of 100 billion doesn't seem like much to you, so why don't you invest yourself?"

Su Chen recognized that Qin Long was now extremely eager for the formula. Essentially, the deal was almost done.

"I still have commitments to the Su family. Withdrawing such a large sum abruptly, I fear some might harbor ill intentions," Su Chen reasoned. "As for my relationship with Zhang Li, isn't it obvious?" He asked, "Have you noticed the perpetual smile on her face?" After saying this, Su Chen gave a meaningful look.

"Indeed, Zhang Li's smile is quite sweet," Qin Long replied. Shifting in his seat, it seemed as though mentioning Zhang Li made his previous position uncomfortable.

"Her sweet smile has much to do with my diabetes," Su Chen stated solemnly.

Unable to contain himself any longer, Qin Long responded, "Very well, Young Master Su is indeed straightforward. The Zhang family is quite inferior compared to you."

"Our collaboration is settled then," Qin Long declared.

Su Chen responded with a slight smile, "In that case, may our partnership be pleasant." He had purposely provoked Qin Long's desires earlier on.

He was well aware that the other party couldn't resist such a feeling. Moreover, the formula itself could fetch a hefty price, and if used appropriately, could gain even more connections and status. Su Chen had no regrets about giving away the formula; at least it meant there was now a connection between the two of them.

Upon hearing rumors, Qin Yu would certainly make a move. As for Qin Long, he too had his own cunning plans.

Being an old fox, after a brief interaction, he realized that Su Chen was definitely not as the rumors portrayed. If relations could be maintained, it would be more beneficial than offending the Zhang family.

Afterwards, Su Chen and Zhang Li left the grand courtyard of the Qin family.

Walking along a picturesque path in the park, Su Chen glanced at the captivating Zhang Li beside him. A famous quote suddenly came to mind:

["I wish her beautiful path was adorned with white frost every day."]

"What does 'white frost' mean?" Zhang Li blurted out.

"What?" Su Chen's expression changed drastically as he stared intently at Zhang Li.

What's going on? How does she know what I'm thinking?

Unhurriedly, Zhang Li said, "I just wanted to ask, did you give all those medicines to Qin Long?"

Her attention had been slightly diverted earlier, and she hadn't noticed whether Su Chen had spoken his thoughts aloud or not, so she had instinctively responded.

Su Chen dismissed it, thinking he might have misheard.

"I gave him all the pills. I don't need such things," he replied. "However, I haven't given him the formula yet. Once you sign the contract with him, you can hand it over."

While speaking, Su Chen took out the formula from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Li.

[Finally, it's over. Now Zhang Li and Qin Yu will embark on their romantic journey of a happy life together.]

[These women are so unreliable; luckily, I've managed to compensate for their shortcomings.]

[Whether you choose to delete the video or not is up to you. I hope you give it to Lin Qingyan so that the marriage can be called off.] Su Chen thought, feeling secretly pleased.

"By the way, what do you think of Qin Yu?" Zhang Li suddenly asked.

Su Chen was elated.

As expected!

She's the female protagonist!

It seems she's taken an interest in Qin Yu, drawn to his inexplicable aura. Truly worthy of a male lead – just a slight smile and he can attract a multitude of admirers.

Although Su Chen found the things Qin Yu said to be distasteful, he couldn't deny the fact that Qin Yu was indeed the protagonist.

"I don't like him. He's always against me," Su Chen expressed his disdain.

There's a saying that love extends to everything related to the beloved.

Since Zhang Li had feelings for Qin Yu, Su Chen took this opportunity to make Zhang Li grow resentful towards himself.

Zhang Li nodded and said, "In that case, to repay your kindness, let me take care of him for you."

Su Chen was taken aback.

"Forget it, I'll handle this myself," Su Chen managed to muster a smile.

Wait a minute!

Sister, what on earth are you up to?

The female lead actually wants to get rid of the male lead? Is this some kind of joke? If this happens, the plot would totally fall apart. You mustn't act rashly!

Zhang Li was secretly delighted.

For some reason, seeing Su Chen in distress brought her inexplicable joy.