Shopping for Clothes?

"For such a person of unknown origin, we should be cautious. I believe there's no need for him to remain in this world," Zhang Li said with a righteous tone.

Su Chen hurriedly declined, "Let it be, this is my business, and I'll handle it. You better focus on managing your company." What a joke. It's not easy for me to stir up Qin Yu's emotions. If you were to take action against him, wouldn't all my efforts go to waste?

Zhang Li nodded without pressing further. Su Chen exhaled in relief.

["That scared me to death. If Qin Yu were to die, how would I continue the story? It'd be all for naught."]

["Qin Yu is so foolish, can't he put in a bit more effort?"]

["Oh dear, Sister Zhang Li, you must persevere. In the future, you are supposed to be Qin Yu's woman, to adore him in every sense."]

["Moreover, while you help Qin Yu strategize and accumulate wealth, you also help him with other women. You entirely have the image of a dutiful wife and loving mother. Why has there been such a drastic change now? But it's okay; I'll help you fall in love with Qin Yu again."]

At that moment, Zhang Li, who was walking ahead, suddenly froze. She was so furious that she almost turned around and spilled everything. A dutiful wife and loving mother? What the hell? Will I truly become what Su Chen described in the future? Am I, Zhang Li, really that terrible? That I would have to fawn over Qin Yu just because he's a man? Am I desperate for love or something, as if nobody wants me? The more Zhang Li thought about it, the angrier she became. Throughout the capital, the number of men wanting to marry her could form a line from the second ring road to the fourth.

She's actually going to cater to someone like Qin Yu in the future? Zhang Li absolutely couldn't believe that she would become such a person in the future. Even if that were the case, she suspected that Qin Yu had hatched some sly scheme or trick.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Right now, she wished she could gather a group to teach Qin Yu a lesson. Yet, due to Su Chen's involvement, she finally chose to let it go.

However, she still needed an outlet for her anger. And Su Chen became the target of her ire.

'You think I'm a sycophant? I'll turn you into mine.' "Su Chen, what do you think of my outfit?"

"Huh? It looks great, really nice. You look quite sexy, just like an 18-year-old girl," Su Chen replied honestly.

Even though he held a deep grudge against Zhang Li, especially considering what she had done to him in the past, he couldn't deny that Zhang Li, with her complexion as white as lamb fat and her seductive attire, looked incredibly beautiful.

In essence, she was the perfect blend of beauty and allure, making one's appetite grow.

A faint blush crept over Zhang Li's face. "You sure have a way with words," she teased.

Zhang Li, with a playful look, said to Su Chen, "I've always felt that I don't have enough clothes. Today, I'm free and in a good mood, so you'll accompany me shopping." "There's no choice. Some people complain about my outdated style, so I have to make a change."

Su Chen was taken aback.

"Who could possibly say such a thing? Sister Zhang Li, you're naturally beautiful. Forget about wearing clothes, I refuse to believe anyone would say your outfits aren't stunning."

"Really? I guess it must've been some little rascal who said that. After hearing your words of comfort, I do feel much more at ease."

"Cough cough, why would you use such words? That's not nice."

Zhang Li gave Su Chen a sidelong glance, chuckled, and walked away without giving him further attention. Su Chen touched his nose, feeling a bit puzzled. There seemed to be a hint of a conspiracy in the air.

Damn, could Zhang Li have some ability to read my inner thoughts? I've had this eerie feeling around her several times. But on reflection, it probably wasn't that. Perhaps being the female lead, she's just exceptionally clever.

["I'm so done! This was supposed to be my rest time. I helped you secure such a large investment, and now you want me to go shopping with you?"]

["What are you ladies up to? Can't you bother Qin Yu instead of always coming to me? What's the deal?"]

["If I remember correctly, Qin Yu should be meeting Lin Qingyan now. Lately, Lin's family business has been collaborating with the company behind Qin Yu."]

["I wonder how Qin Yu is progressing with that. Please, I hope he's doing well."]

However, now wasn't the time to ponder on such things. Dealing with the troubles Zhang Li brought was the priority. Once they reached the mall, Zhang Li, intentionally or not, didn't walk ahead of him. Instead, she walked by his side, effectively closing the distance between them.

["Can you stay a bit away from me? What if people get the wrong idea?"]

"Some people just enjoy being annoying," Zhang Li said with a glare of dissatisfaction. "Su Chen, in your opinion, what kind of clothes would suit me?"

"I'm not sure, but I think you'd look good in anything."

Are you an idiot? There's no way going practically naked would look good. Besides, you're not dressing for me. Why ask my opinion? Zhang Li gave him a dismissive glance and then directly entered a nearby store. However, while Su Chen was busy with Zhang Li, the main character, Qin Yu, was planning his next move.

Especially his grand scheme involving Lin Qingyan.

After all, in his view, the best way to penetrate the Su family's defenses was to get to Lin Qingyan. The Lin Group is rooted in the traditional real estate industry. But this time, Qin Yu, despite his bruised and battered body, was fully prepared and made his way to the Lin Group's biggest real estate hub.

It was also the location Lin Qingyan was inspecting today. Timing it just right, Qin Yu arrived at the Lin Group's sales building. The typical passive skill of the male lead in feel-good stories was instantly activated. Wherever he went, there would always be someone looking down on him.

It couldn't be helped; the male lead's attire and appearance were simply hate magnets. Upon arriving at the Lin Group's sales department, Qin Yu was initially looked down upon by the attractive female sales staff.

This ruckus eventually drew the attention of the sales building's manager. However, in the end, the manager also believed that Qin Yu was the kind of person who couldn't afford a house. This led to a serious conflict in no time.

Qin Yu was driven out of the sales building and was now in a standoff with a group of security guards, poised for a possible skirmish. Naturally, this caught the attention of Lin Qingyan, who had come for an inspection. From her vantage point on the second floor, she observed everything unfolding below.

Upon seeing Lin Qingyan, Qin Yu knew his plan had been successful. He couldn't help but reveal a sly smile, what some might describe as a "crooked grin." The confidence in his demeanor was unmistakable.

At this moment, Lin Qingyan internally scoffed. Honestly, she didn't understand how Qin Yu could muster such an expression; it seemed absurd to her. As someone who had been reborn, Lin Qingyan was well-aware of Qin Yu's schemes.

In her past life, her company faced significant challenges during this period. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't navigate them successfully. It felt as though a shadowy hand was manipulating everything. Previously, she believed these adversities were strategies by the Su family to force her into marrying Su Chen. However, upon investigation, she realized that all of it was orchestrated by Qin Yu.

His altercation with the manager was merely a tactic to draw her attention, a ploy she had long since recognized. Yet, she understood the importance of maintaining appearances. After all, now wasn't the time to confront and reprimand Qin Yu.

Lin Qingyan glanced at the secretary beside her and asked, "Who is this manager? What are our store's guidelines?"

"The manager seems to be your relative, someone from your uncle's generation," the secretary replied.

Lin Qingyan nodded in acknowledgment. She remembered that in her previous life, after this incident had come to light, she had fired this particular uncle. Later, she regretted the decision upon learning the truth. All of this was a scheme by Qin Yu, and it wasn't fair to place the blame on her uncle.

"Miss Lin, what should we do now?" the secretary inquired.

Lin Qingyan gestured dismissively, "It's fine. Let my uncle take a break and find a replacement for him."

"Wait, Miss Lin, aren't you going to meet with Qin Yu? I've heard that he's quite influential."

Lin Qingyan frowned, a clear look of disdain in her eyes, "Am I close to him?"

"No, I was just mentioning it offhand," the secretary responded, her face slightly pale. She had been with Lin Qingyan for quite some time and knew that the expression Lin Qingyan just displayed indicated her annoyance. Still, the secretary didn't quite understand. To her, Qin Yu appeared pleasant and exuded confidence, a stark contrast to Su Chen, who seemed much inferior in every aspect. Su Chen was an impulsive, thoughtless young master. Though there was no concrete evidence, rumors about his mistreatment of countless young women were widespread. Such a man deserved disdain. Yet, in the secretary's eyes, the divine and untouchable Lin Qingyan was set to marry someone like Su Chen.

"After a while, please organize the recent financial reports. I want to check if there are any issues," Lin Qingyan instructed.

"Alright," she responded. After giving her instructions, Lin Qingyan proceeded to descend the stairs. She didn't want to interact with Qin Yu because she found him repulsive and was unwilling to waste time on such matters. At the moment, her primary focus was on expanding her company, especially to outdo that despicable Su Xian'er.

She had recently received news that Su Xian'er was now living with Su Chen. This bit of information frustrated her, but she couldn't rashly confront Su Chen. As she was deep in thought, Qin Yu approached her directly. "Qingyan, I didn't expect to see you here," he remarked.

Lin Qingyan frowned, surprised by his persistence, and replied indifferently, "Are you here to buy a house?"

Qin Yu laughed, "Of course. Why don't you show me around? I heard that the penthouse here is still unsold." He spoke with utmost confidence.

However, Lin Qingyan's face remained expressionless, without even a hint of a smile. She asked, "Do you think I perceive you as someone who can't afford our penthouse? If you want to purchase it, just do so. Don't loiter around here causing unnecessary problems. I particularly dislike people who bring trouble upon themselves when they can easily avoid it."

Leaving him with that cold remark, Lin Qingyan turned to leave. Qin Yu hurried after her, pleading, "Is there some misunderstanding between us? I genuinely don't understand why you seem to dislike me so much."

"What do you mean by that?" Lin Qingyan halted and slightly furrowed her brows. "I think we could be friends, and you can share any problems with me," Qin Yu suggested, growing somewhat agitated.

He had never believed that any woman could resist his charms. Such confidence stemmed from his self-perception as a great warrior. Lin Qingyan was a woman he greatly admired, yet her actions had evidently touched a raw nerve for him.

Lin Qingyan scoffed, "I've heard those words before, from Su Chen."

"That spoiled rich kid? He's nothing but worthless. He's not even fit to compare to me," Qin Yu retorted. He had never detested someone as much as he did Su Chen at that moment, and his loathing had reached terrifying depths.

Hearing Qin Yu's insults towards Su Chen, Lin Qingyan felt anger bubble within, but she kept her emotions in check. She responded, "How is he not fit to compare with you? The Su family's wealth and status are Su Chen's foundation. It's an inherent advantage he has, one that neither of us possesses." In truth, Lin Qingyan made these remarks intending to dent Qin Yu's confidence.

To Qin Yu, however, her words sounded like complaints about Su Chen coercing her into submission. He thought, "How could a woman I admire be tainted by someone as worthless as Su Chen?" "I will help you deal with the Su Chen problem," he proclaimed.

"What are you planning to do? I'd advise you to mind your own business," Lin Qingyan replied. She was genuinely concerned that Qin Yu, in his desperation, might harm Su Chen. However, to Qin Yu, her words were oddly comforting, fueling myriad imaginations within his heart.

She had seemed concerned about me initially, but it turns out she was just worried about herself getting hurt, especially considering she had to deal with a powerhouse like the Su family. Everything was Su Chen's fault. If Qin Yu could eliminate Su Chen, he believed he could have Lin Qingyan all to himself. "I understand your concerns, but rest assured, I don't even consider the Su family a threat," he declared with confidence before striding away.

Qin Yu was always like this, believing the world revolved around him, with everything centered on his own perspective. Lin Qingyan paid him no mind. Shortly after, she approached the uncle who had offended Qin Yu and both headed to her office.

"Qingyan," he began, "I realize my mistake. I wrongly assessed him, never imagining he'd be someone wealthy."

"Uncle, my purpose in seeking you out wasn't about that. I just feel you're no longer suitable for the manager's position," Lin Qingyan remarked calmly.

He gasped in surprise, "Are you really going to fire me? The rumors are true then, Lin Qingyan doesn't care about family ties." Accepting his fate due to his error, he said, "Alright, I'll pack my things."

Lin Qingyan gently clarified, "I'm not firing you. Instead, I need your assistance."

"Qingyan, what do you mean?" The middle-aged man, even at fifty, was utterly baffled.

"I recall, uncle, that you were once involved with the underworld and even served as a soldier," Lin Qingyan began, her tone turning cold.

"That's why I hope you can exact revenge on your own. I too think Qin Yu deserves a beating. Gather some men and make sure to be thorough."

"Although our Lin family is riddled with issues due to certain members, it doesn't mean we can allow others to tarnish our name so easily," she concluded.

The middle-aged man's face changed dramatically. Could it be that Lin Qingyan already knew about the misdeeds of certain individuals within the company? This was a clear warning to them. She was signaling that if anyone dared to bully the Lin family, she would deal with them. At the same time, she was cautioning those within the Lin family with malicious intentions to tread carefully. Lin Qingyan truly lived up to her formidable reputation. With someone like her at the helm, the Lin family was bound to rise to greater heights.

Elsewhere, Zhang Li revealed an entirely different side to Su Chen. Her beautiful oval face, combined with her cascading dark hair, was incredibly charming. To be honest, this was the first time Su Chen had seen Zhang Li let her hair down. Even in the original story, Zhang Li always had her hair tied up. Now, she was wearing a white dress that delicately highlighted her collarbone, radiating an enchanting allure. Su Chen couldn't take his eyes off her; she exuded a refreshing beauty that made it hard to guess her age. She could be a mature 25 or a youthful 30. Elegant, graceful, and serene, words couldn't sufficiently describe her beauty.

Spinning around in front of a mirror, Zhang Li remarked, "It looks good, but it's a bit tight, almost bursting at the seams."

A female attendant nearby commented enviously, "Ma'am, it's not that the dress is too small; it's just that you're too well-endowed. I'm so envious!"

Zhang Li glanced down and said, "It's a bit inconvenient. I can't even see my shoes when I'm at work."

Uncertain, Zhang Li finally turned her gaze to Su Chen, who was beside her.

Su Chen blurted out, "You look stunning."

Zhang Li smirked internally, thinking, 'Look at him, he's almost drooling.'

"Alright, we're taking this one," she said. Following that, it was as if Zhang Li was under a spell. She sought Su Chen's opinion on everything she considered purchasing, including her lingerie. It was then that Su Chen discovered that Zhang Li had a bust size of 36D. The description was indeed apt.

There was a phrase in the original story to describe Zhang Li's popularity: "Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi's fan base combined couldn't compare to Zhang Li's." Su Chen wondered why Zhang Li had suddenly changed her dressing style. Then, as if a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, it dawned on him. Zhang Li must have met someone she fancied.


In recent times, the only men who had appeared before her were him and Qin Yu. Eliminating the unlikely option, Su Chen concluded that Zhang Li must have fallen for Qin Yu. "Damn, this is great news; the plot is finally getting back on track," he thought. However, it seemed a bit premature for Zhang Li's storyline to evolve in this direction.

Armed with this crucial piece of information, Su Chen contentedly carried a bunch of shopping bags, following Zhang Li as they left the mall.

However, when the two reached the parking lot, they suddenly saw a large group of people surrounding Qin Yu. Bystanders nearby didn't even dare to retrieve their vehicles and left immediately.

There were over a dozen of them! Each one was armed with a knife and appeared extremely muscular and strong.

"Qin Yu?"

Su Chen observed the situation from a distance, his mind a whirl of confusion, struggling to understand what was happening. He then turned his gaze to Zhang Li beside him.

"Sis, who are these people?"

"They don't seem like the usual gangsters, but there's a hint of the underworld about them. Moreover, each one seems extraordinary, seemingly more formidable than the special forces bodyguards from major families. They're definitely not ordinary people," Zhang Li stated gravely.

Internally, Su Chen couldn't help but mock her observations.

["Seriously? I could see that myself. I was asking if you were the one who called them here. Are you trying to play coy with me?"]

Zhang Li shot Su Chen a fierce glare, her chest heaving with anger, looking as though she might explode at any moment.