The Useless Protagonist

At this moment, Qin Yu was already severely injured, unable to muster even a tenth of his strength. Furthermore, he hadn't yet fully harnessed the power of the jade pendant. Even if he was highly skilled, there was no way he could fend off the onslaught from so many attackers at once.

In an instant, slashes from blades tore through his clothes, and deep gashes continuously bled. Qin Yu gasped heavily for air, looking utterly defeated, a far cry from his earlier confidence and vigor. Even Su Chen couldn't bear to watch any longer.

Damn it! This was just too brutal. How could the main character be treated like this? Who on earth had Qin Yu provoked? For a protagonist who seemingly had no actual abilities, he sure seemed to be a magnet for trouble. Su Chen couldn't help but shout, wishing for a different main character. He truly couldn't stand watching any longer.

After a while, Qin Yu was on the brink of death, collapsing to the ground. However, it seemed those attackers chose not to deliver a fatal blow. After seeing Qin Yu barely alive, they quickly departed. At the same time, Qin Yu spotted Su Chen, who had been observing from a corner, and instantly blamed everything on him. Su Chen, however, looked utterly innocent. Perhaps this was for the best, as it could make Qin Yu harbor even more resentment towards him.

Su Chen wore a smug expression on his face, as if he wanted to shout aloud: "How's that? I did all of this. I'm the one who arranged for someone to teach you a lesson. What can you do about it?" He perfectly embodied the image of a pampered young master.

Just when Su Chen thought it was all over, Zhang Li suddenly said coldly, "Su Chen, isn't he your arch-enemy? Why don't you take advantage of his injury to give him a good lesson? This isn't like your usual style!" She added, "Or do you want me to help?" After saying this, Zhang Li stepped hard on her high heels, producing a sharp noise. Su Chen raised an eyebrow, finding it hard to imagine the consequences if those heels were to land on Qin Yu. In such novels, if the male lead suffers a grievous injury, how would the plot evolve?

Of course, Su Chen couldn't let such a thing happen. "No need," he said, "I'll handle it." He then approached the severely injured Qin Yu who lay on the ground. Su Chen was genuinely concerned; after all, if a villain were to harm the main character, the plot would essentially collapse. However, if he didn't act, judging by Zhang Li's demeanor, she might seriously harm Qin Yu, leading to an even greater disruption in the plotline.

Taking a deep breath, Su Chen stepped forward, fiercely pressing his foot onto Qin Yu's face and rubbing it with vigor.

While pressing his foot down, Su Chen taunted loudly, "You think you, a piece of trash, can compete with me for a woman? You're practically courting death." He laughed heartily, "Such a stupid protagonist. I'm starting to get scared. If you don't bother me soon, who knows whose hands you'll die by? You're utterly useless."

Suddenly, a voice in his mind chimed in, [Congratulations, host. Task completed. Reward: 300 points.]

"What?" Su Chen was taken aback. "What's going on? Have I fulfilled some plot requirement?" It didn't make sense. He was currently dominating over Qin Yu; why would he get a reward? "What exactly does this mean?" Su Chen was puzzled. The current plot seemed to be in disarray, yet he still received a reward.

At that moment, he noticed Zhang Li's calm gaze fixed on him. An idea dawned on him.

["Perhaps Zhang Li is heartbroken seeing Qin Yu injured and holds a deep grudge against me,"] he mused. ["Yes, that must be it! Hahaha, fortune indeed favors the diligent."]

Seeing Su Chen once again misunderstand her intentions, Zhang Li was seething with anger. However, she chose to hold her tongue and not voice her frustration.

"It would be best if you killed him," Zhang Li said casually, leaving Su Chen even more perplexed. He internally lamented, "The mind of a woman is truly inscrutable; it's frightening."

Having momentarily resolved the situation with Zhang Li, Su Chen felt a pang of regret. Progressing with Zhang Li's storyline was proving to be incredibly challenging. He wondered why he always encountered such strange phenomena. While other female characters might simply not align with their designated roles, Zhang Li seemed to see right through him, causing the plot to completely fall apart. Still, he was relieved to have successfully obtained the system reward of 300 points. However, those 300 points seemed insufficient, and he knew he'd have to accumulate more.

Upon returning home, Su Chen grew more and more irritated. "This can't go on," he thought, frustrated. For the protagonist, his capabilities were disappointingly weak. He was easily defeated and couldn't stand to see himself this way.

At that moment, Su Chen approached Zhao Menghan and hastily removed a jade pendant that he had worn for a long time from his neck. He handed it over to her, saying, "I'm giving this to you." Zhao Menghan quickly reached out to accept it, her face registering surprise. A flurry of emotions swiftly passed across her face: joy, excitement, elation, and regret.

Zhao Menghan, being someone who had reincarnated, certainly recognized the value of the item. It was the Kunlun Jade Pendant, rumored to conceal the practices of ancient alchemists. She hadn't expected Su Chen to hand it to her so casually.

Zhao Menghan's heart, which was already close to melting, was deeply touched by the gesture. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her heart raced uncontrollably. After all, Su Chen was just as kind-hearted as she remembered. With his wisdom, he must have known the significance of the pendant, yet he entrusted it to her so easily. This display of trust and esteem moved Zhao Menghan immensely.

Doing her best to hold back her tears, Zhao Menghan emotionally said to Su Chen, "Thank you, Young Master Su. But this jade pendant is too precious. I can't accept it; please take it back." Saying this, she firmly handed the pendant back to him. In her previous life, she had accepted the Kunlun Jade Pendant and gave it to Qin Yu, which led to a dramatic increase in his power. If she possessed the pendant now, Zhao Menghan believed she could become the most powerful being in the world. However, the present Zhao Menghan no longer harbored such ambitions. She had long ceased to care about such things. Now, all she wanted was to live a good life with Su Chen. Yet, Su Chen seemed distracted by something or someone beside him.

Zhao Menghan, with her delicate and lovely appearance, felt immensely grateful.

Unexpectedly, you still know the strategy of playing hard to get. Truly characteristic of Zhao Menghan.

Even though he had been overtly challenging Qin Yu these past days, as long as Zhao Menghan, an incredibly dangerous woman, was by his side, Qin Yu could always be updated on his every move. After all, she was a female assassin who was utterly loyal to Qin Yu. Su Chen, tired from the days of pretense, disregarded Zhao Menghan's feelings this time. He forcefully stuffed the jade pendant into her clothes, saying, "I told you to keep it, so keep it. And don't dare defy my orders, or you know the consequences."

Su Chen continued to portray the image of a malicious antagonist. He wasn't about to treat Zhao Menghan gently. He believed he needed to treat her harshly and cruelly so she would harbor resentment. Yet, Zhao Menghan felt even more moved by his actions. She nodded slightly and said, "Thank you for your generosity, young master." With a slight arch of her brow, considering her understanding of Su Chen, she believed he was probably the same as he was in their previous lives: showing a tough exterior but having different intentions deep down.

In private, he's incredibly gentle and understanding, constantly considering her feelings and needs. He fully recognizes the value of the jade pendant, yet he pretended not to care and casually handed it to her. It's truly wonderful.

Seeing the joy that spread across Zhao Menghan's face, especially when thinking that Su Xian'er did not receive any gifts from Su Chen, was priceless. Zhao Menghan let the jade pendant nestle deep within her clothes without removing it. Su Chen exhaled a long sigh of relief.

Thankfully, he had successfully given away the pendant. If Zhao Menghan were to give the pendant to Qin Yu, Qin Yu's power would undoubtedly skyrocket. He wouldn't be so easily wounded as he currently was, and the plot would progress more favorably.

Su Chen chuckled to himself. Given what he knew about this proud woman, Zhao Menghan, and based on the affectionate words and liberties he took earlier, she probably despised him now. Excellent, everything was unfolding as planned. Su Chen felt an immense sense of pride in his cleverness.

However, what he didn't realize was that as soon as she turned away, Zhao Menghan cherished the jade pendant, regarding it as even more precious than her life. There's no way she would give it to Qin Yu.