The Villain Caught in a Difficult Position

After a bustling day, it's undoubtedly time for a relaxing hot bath. Soaking himself in the tub, the warm water seeped into every pore, as if cleansing away the grime and weariness of the day. Now free from the pesky female leads, he finally had some moments of tranquility to ponder deeper philosophical questions about life.

For instance, this novel world seemed akin to the ancient supervisory offices—like a human-made hell, terrifying in every aspect. "Why do I always receive task failure alerts? What's so unusual about it?" Su Chen clearly remembered that in his 33 past experiences, he never made any mistakes, and everything always progressed smoothly. Except for this time. Yet, in the end, it still showed that the mission had failed.

He started to contemplate what he should do once all the tasks were completed and he returned to the real world. Should he continue being a diligent and dedicated corporate drone? Or should he step out, laughing heartily with the billions he'd earned from the system, and bask in the city's pleasures every day? Without burdens like mortgages and wedding gifts, it seemed that as long as he avoided Old Wang, he'd be on the winning side of life.

Lying in the bathtub for a while, he felt the familiar rumble of hunger from his stomach. After thoroughly indulging in his future musings, Su Chen emerged from the bathroom. Just as he thought of ordering takeout, he was surprised to find a graceful and exquisite figure in the kitchen. Especially in such a setting, from a distance, it was an appetite-enhancing sight.

Walking in, he noticed that Zhao Menghan had changed her outfit. She was now in a black professional dress, wearing black-rimmed glasses, and had a pair of black high heels on. If the old Zhao Menghan exuded the grace of a well-bred young lady, now she radiated an irresistible allure.

Her slender waist was fully and perfectly displayed. And in the unique setting of the kitchen, it was enough to send one's blood racing. Anyone with lesser self-control might have been sent over the moon already. Only Su Chen could hold himself back because he knew that her intentions were anything but pure.

Clearing his throat, Su Chen asked, "Zhao Menghan, what are you up to?" With a playful glance and smile, Zhao Menghan responded, "Young Master, since I've chosen to follow you, I must perform the duties of a maidservant—like cooking for you!" As she spoke, she skillfully took up a kitchen knife, wielding it with an ease that belied its deadly potential. In an instant, her terrifyingly proficient knife skills were on full display. A bass fish was skillfully filleted in less than a minute, with not a trace of meat left on its skeleton.

A chill ran down Su Chen's spine, and he instinctively took a step back. "Good heavens," he thought. "Such knife skills, if used on a person, would be terrifying." But still, there was a pang of sadness in his heart. "You're a female assassin. Instead of plotting against me, you're cooking?"

A sudden realization hit Su Chen. He couldn't believe that Zhao Menghan would be so benevolent. The food must be poisoned, probably with some slow-acting toxin. If that was the case, he would soon be under this woman's control.

How could Zhao Menghan possibly be so kind as to cook? She had previously mentioned in the plot that she couldn't cook. Su Chen believed he had figured out Zhao Menghan's scheme and couldn't help but chuckle.

Ten minutes later, the dishes were served. Braised fish, chicken stewed with mushrooms, and minced pork with eggplant. All of these were Su Chen's favorite dishes. He looked somewhat exasperated, not expecting her to be so crafty, knowing in detail his culinary preferences.

After tasting a few bites, Su Chen found the flavors to be exceptionally delicious. It's worth noting that Su Chen came from a wealthy background, so even dishes prepared by Michelin-starred chefs might have a hard time whetting his appetite. Yet the dishes Zhao Menghan had prepared were so delectable. Eventually, he tasted each dish. But the results deeply disappointed him. To his surprise, not a single dish was drugged. What did this mean? What was Zhao Menghan up to?

"I'm done eating!" Su Chen declared irritably. Beside him, panic was evident in Zhao Menghan's eyes as she quickly knelt down, gingerly asking, "Young Master, what's the matter? Did I do something wrong?" Su Chen had to exert great self-control to avoid looking at her.

'You are Qin Yu's top agent, aren't you? Don't you have any idea? Couldn't you have slipped in some slow-acting poison for me?' Su Chen exclaimed. Although he didn't want to eat, he had no choice since he was genuinely famished. He could only eat in silence.

Seeing Su Chen remain silent, Zhao Menghan grew increasingly anxious. She glanced at Su Chen's legs and swallowed hard. After a while, Su Chen felt full. Looking down at Zhao Menghan still on her knees, a smirk played on Su Chen's lips. He intended to elicit hatred from Zhao Menghan in such a manner.

Su Chen believed the reason behind the recent changes in Zhao Menghan was because her enmity wasn't strong enough. The current Zhao Menghan didn't detest him to the core, unlike her character in the original narrative. Su Chen looked at her, her eyes brimming with tears. "Why are you dressed like this? I don't recall asking you to change," he remarked.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Menghan's face flushed with embarrassment, resembling a girl who's grown fond of a boy over time. "I thought you'd like this outfit, that's why I wore it," she responded.

Su Chen was momentarily taken aback. "Goodness! Anyone would love such an outfit, but you shouldn't have worn it for me," he thought.

With a stern and principled tone, Su Chen said, "I'm sorry, but I don't like the way you're dressed." As he spoke, his face showed evident disapproval. At this moment, Zhao Menghan, a woman who typically kills without blinking, became incredibly anxious, her delicate body slightly trembling.

She stood up again, head lowered, looking as if she was on the verge of an outburst. Su Chen was slightly pleased, thinking that his reaction would certainly anger Zhao Menghan. After all, she had dressed in such a seductive manner to please him. But he, the notorious and dissatisfied scion, was still not content, almost as if expecting her to offer herself to him.

Zhao Menghan was no ordinary woman; she was a central figure, a cold-blooded female assassin. Confronted with such trivial demands, even if she couldn't kill him now, she should at least be upset. However, to Su Chen's surprise, Zhao Menghan simply lowered her head and said in a soft voice, "Alright, maybe I'm wearing too much. I'll go change into something else."

Stunned, Su Chen quickly responded, "What did you say?" He hadn't expected Zhao Menghan's response at all and was taken aback, drawing in a sharp breath. "Young master, let's go to the room," she suggested.

Suspecting that Zhao Menghan was plotting something, Su Chen instinctively reached out and pinched her.

However, she merely let out a few soft gasps, her pretty face turning an even deeper shade of red. There were no signs of resistance or anger, resembling a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Su Chen felt dizzy. "Zhao Menghan, have you gone mad or taken the wrong medicine?" he wondered. At this rate, he feared that she might even be willing to share a bed with him.

Yet Zhao Menghan simply let Su Chen do as he pleased. After all, deep down, she knew that he didn't truly intend to harm her. Moreover, even if Su Chen did have any such intentions, she seemed to be willing.

With the situation unfolding as it was, Su Chen found himself in a predicament. If he didn't make a move soon, he would completely betray his role as the antagonist.