Encountering the Miserable Girl Again

Su Chen was extremely flustered at the moment. After touching for a bit, he made no further moves. In the past, he had done things that went against the villainous character he was supposed to play.

This wasn't as simple as reenacting the plot. There were serious consequences, with the system meting out severe punishments to certain crucial aspects of him. It took Su Chen tens of thousands of points just to recover back to a normal state. He didn't dare to act recklessly now.

However, at this moment, Zhao Menghan's face looked frightened and extremely shy. Yet, deep within her eyes, there was an unmistakable anticipation. Even though Zhao Menghan was fully aware of Su Chen's nature — which was acting tough outside but soft inside — she was sure he wouldn't do such a thing. Yet, Zhao Menghan believed that no matter how soft Su Chen seemed, she could make him firm. After all, she had been looking forward to such an opportunity for a long time.

Zhao Menghan spoke again, her voice gentle, "Young Master, do you not like my current attire?" "Then I'll go and change now." As she finished her words, her face turned bright red, her eyes filled with immense anticipation.

Su Chen felt dizzy. "You are Zhao Menghan," he thought. Being well-acquainted with the story, Su Chen knew very well how proud a woman Zhao Menghan was.

Even in the original story, Qin Yu was not allowed to get close to her. In his previous life, no matter how cunning he was, he couldn't touch Zhao Menghan even the slightest bit. But in this life, not only did he make such intimate moves, he was even so proactive.

Honestly, he truly liked Zhao Menghan. He had once let loose his desires, but the consequences were too dire. And the current situation was even worse. Zhao Menghan was, after all, one of the main heroines in the story. Furthermore, she was a main heroine with significant screen time from beginning to end. If she was really harmed by him, the antagonist, Su Chen couldn't even begin to imagine the horrifying punishment that awaited him.

Ugh, these leading ladies, they really keep one on their toes — each one of them is so unpredictable. Whatever. He won't fuss about it now. After all, he wasn't a naive youngster in need of a basic education. Adhering to the saying "stay calm amidst temptations," Su Chen decided to remain composed throughout the night.

Just then, the sound of a key perfectly fitting into the door lock and turning echoed. "Brother, I'm back." A gentle yet slightly husky voice called out. Su Xian'er had returned from the company. "Bro, I specifically bought your favorite food this morning. I'll make it for you in a bit."

Upon entering, Su Xian'er saw Su Chen. Her face, which usually had an icy expression, was devoid of any frostiness. Instead, there was a surprising hint of appeasement in her demeanor. Su Chen looked at his younger sister, who, on normal days, would wish him dead and buried and treated him with sheer coldness. Yet now, she appeared gentle and amiable.

Speechless, Su Chen found it all too baffling, especially considering Zhao Menghan's recent behavior. He nearly blurted out his frustrations. "No need," he said, "I've already eaten."

"Eh? You've eaten already?" Su Xian'er seemed taken aback. She knew Su Chen very well and was certain he wasn't the type to cook. He'd always prefer ordering takeout over making food himself. Moreover, Su Xian'er had ensured that delivery was banned. How did Su Chen manage to eat then?

Just as Su Xian'er's curiosity peaked, she spotted a familiar silhouette. Zhao Menghan!

Seeing this enticingly dressed and enchanting young girl, Su Xian'er flew into a rage. She had almost forgotten about this woman, a threat placed by Qin Yu. In their past life, this woman had always been scheming against her naive older brother. Now, why was she cooking for him? Su Xian'er sensed something unusual in the air.

Zhao Menghan noticed the hostile look in Su Xian'er's eyes. She was well aware that in their past life, Su Xian'er hardly considered her a threat. But now, the animosity was evident, indicating that something was amiss. However, Zhao Menghan thought to herself, 'Unfortunately for Su Xian'er, she's still a young girl. She's nowhere near my level if she intends to challenge me.'

At that moment, Su Chen sensed the growing tension between the two. He immediately recognized that something was off. However, before he could say anything, Su Xian'er voiced her discontent, "Who allowed you to cook? Let me tell you, from now on, you're forbidden to. Su Chen can only eat what I prepare."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Menghan's anger flared up. She was acutely aware of the deep affection Su Xian'er held for Su Chen. In their previous life, Su Xian'er had been a major force in the defeat of Qin Yu. But this did not mean Zhao Menghan would back down easily. Retorting, she said, "But the young master seems to really enjoy the dishes I make."

Hearing Zhao Menghan's rebuttal, Su Xian'er grew even more agitated, coldly huffing, "I am his sister, so you should listen to me."

Zhao Menghan defiantly responded, "Sorry, I only serve the young master."

The two women confronted each other with fierce determination, neither willing to back down. Su Chen, observing the tension between them, couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously amiss.

In their past life's storyline, Su Xian'er and Zhao Menghan never had such a conversation. One could say that their interactions were quite limited. However, now, the way the two of them argued over Su Chen seemed like jealous women competing for attention.

At this moment, Su Chen was utterly confused. He couldn't grasp the situation at hand. 'This can't be right,' he thought. 'It must be an illusion. How could the two main female characters, who should be vying for the male lead's attention, be fighting over me, a mere antagonist?' Unable to make sense of it, Su Chen shook his head, dismissing these thoughts as mere hallucinations.

"Su Xian'er, she's mine. You better not bully her recklessly," Su Chen said, defending Zhao Menghan. After all, it was in line with his character setting to offend Su Xian'er in favor of Zhao Menghan! Plus, he deemed Su Xian'er to be too dangerous. There was always a possibility that she could drug and incapacitate him one day, something he believed Zhao Menghan would never do.

Su Xian'er gave Su Chen a glance, expressing her displeasure with a cold huff. However, she didn't believe Su Chen truly had feelings for Zhao Menghan. She made up her mind to ensure Zhao Menghan stepped back, convinced that Su Chen could only belong to her. With that, Su Xian'er headed straight to her room.

As for Su Chen, he reclined on the sofa, pretending to sleep. He intentionally left some time for Zhao Menghan to go out and deliver a jade pendant to Qin Yu, as he knew it was something of utmost importance to Qin Yu.

Given Zhao Menghan's loyalty to Qin Yu, she would undoubtedly feel compelled to deliver the jade pendant. However, Su Chen noticed that Zhao Menghan showed no signs of leaving. "Woman, what are you trying to do? Can't you be a bit more assertive?" Su Chen said, visibly irritated.

He then sneaked a glance at Zhao Menghan, who was squatting beside him, dressed in a maid outfit. Su Chen was left speechless. He had initially thought that after resolving matters with Zhang Li, he could enjoy some peace and quiet for a while. However, he never expected that the two women in his home would prove even more challenging than Zhang Li.

This extravagant lifestyle was all too easy to get immersed in, and Su Chen felt that such indulgence shouldn't be allowed. He had to maintain his character as a spoiled antagonist, destined to be bested by Qin Yu. With these thoughts in mind, Su Chen stood up and pulled out his phone.

Zhao Menghan noticed Su Chen's actions and curiously looked at his phone, her lips parting as if she wanted to speak but hesitated. Su Chen directly dialed his close friend, Fang Han. "Xiao Han, do we have any plans for today?" Su Chen asked. "Of course! I'll show you a good time today. Meet me at Peach Blossom Spring!" replied Fang Han. Thinking about the impending events, Su Chen chuckled, "Pick me up right away."

After gathering his things, Su Chen prepared to head out. The Peach Blossom Spring was a renowned place, often referred to in tales as a bar. In online stories, it was a hotspot for dramatic confrontations, often the place where the male lead would come to the female lead's rescue. Su Chen faintly recalled that he still had two scenes to act out in that bar, where he would be bested.

Just thinking about it made him happy. As he saw Su Chen leave, a joyful smile appeared on Zhao Menghan's face, but there was also a peculiar glint in her eyes. "Young master, be careful when you're outside," she said.

Upon hearing her words, a chill ran down Su Chen's spine. He thought to himself, "Something feels off about that statement." But now that he had left, she should be delivering the jade pendant to Qin Yu. Perfect, this was like killing two birds with one stone.

Moreover, during this 'Peach Blossom Spring' episode, a very crucial character makes her appearance. The plot was straightforward: Su Chen, accompanied by Fang Han, arrived for some fun and eventually bumped into one of the female leads. The 'Queen of Kyoto's Underworld', Chen Yuxin. Known for regularly mingling with the upper echelons of the government, she held the title of 'Iron Lady', especially proficient at dealing with corrupt officials. Due to her unique position, few in Kyoto had actually met her. Chen Yuxin's role in the original story was indeed significant.

The moment Su Chen saw Chen Yuxin, he was instantly captivated by her unparalleled beauty. So much so, that he slyly tried to drug her when she wasn't looking. However, just as Su Chen was about to succeed, Qin Yu, the male lead, made a dramatic entrance. Not only did he give Su Chen a good thrashing, but Su Chen also completely offended Chen Yuxin.

By offending Chen Yuxin, Su Chen had in essence angered the Chen family, one of the few powerful clans in Kyoto capable of standing toe-to-toe with the Su family. As a result of this incident, retaliation from the Chen family soon followed. One could say that this event was the biggest disaster Su Chen had ever brought upon himself.

The entire Su family had to pay a tremendous price to ensure Su Chen's life was spared from the clutches of the Chen family. By nine in the evening, one could say that the splendid nightlife had just begun. Peach Blossom Spring, especially, was located in the most bustling part of Kyoto, and was a favorite haunt for the young scions of influential families.

"Welcome, Young Master Su, Young Master Fang!" Su Chen felt the privileges of being a top-tier rich young master as soon as he reached the entrance. No matter where he went, he was instantly recognizable. As they entered, the booming music was deafening. Here, both the elite professionals and the influential upper-class found unique pleasures. Su Chen's arrival virtually set the entire bar on fire.

A large group of dandies naturally gathered around; after all, Su Chen was the most radiant among them. "Young Master Su!" Although some might have held grudges internally, on the surface, they still maintained a cheerful demeanor. Of course, every circle has its distinct norms. Su Chen and Fang Han casually found a spot to sit.

Soon after, a few hostesses appeared to offer their services. The women chosen to serve Su Chen and Fang Han were undoubtedly stunning. At least in terms of their figures, they were perfectly proportioned. Some even wore cheongsams, perfectly showcasing their curvaceous bodies.

In places like bars, you can encounter all sorts of people. Especially after drinking in the glitzy atmosphere, it's easy for one to lose their inhibitions and act out of character. However, Su Chen wasn't focused on these people; his gaze was sweeping across the bar, searching for a familiar figure.

Suddenly, a stunning beauty with an amazing figure entered Su Chen's line of sight. She had raven-black hair cascading down her back, a harmonious physique, and a notably perky posterior. Her face was as delicate as an egg, and her demeanor radiated elegance.

She had the grace of a well-bred young lady. For the wolves in such a place, a woman like her was a tantalizing lamb. Su Chen finally broke into a smile because this woman was the target of his current mission.

Chen Yuxin.

She was a name that echoed throughout Kyoto's underworld, known as the terrifying queen. For a traditional woman like her to appear in such a hedonistic setting felt out of place. Those who frequented this place were either wealthy or of high status. They were discerning, and they knew that for Chen Yuxin to boldly appear amidst the wolves, she must have a strong backing.

Everyone was aware that this incredibly beautiful and poised woman, though appearing as delicate as fruit waiting to be picked, was in fact a rose with thorns.

Extremely dangerous.

In the original story, Su Chen was the one who dared to challenge her.

While there were alluring hostesses available on the side, Su Chen deliberately chose to offend Miss Chen of the Chen family. The queen of the underworld. But of course, the climax of the story was yet to come; this was merely the appetizer.

Suddenly, Fang Han patted Su Chen on the shoulder, remarking, "You better be careful. Why would Lin Qingyan be so kind to you without any reason?" He continued, "I've done my research. Lin Qingyan's company is advancing rapidly, especially in its expansion in the overseas market. In no time, the entire Lin family will undergo a significant transformation."

Hearing this, Su Chen was elated. He hadn't expected to receive such crucial news during this outing. According to the original story, during this period, Lin Qingyan's company should be facing severe losses. Although not on the verge of bankruptcy, for an enterprise as vast as the Lin's, it was barely sustainable. Yet, currently, Lin Qingyan's company wasn't experiencing any business crisis. This indicated that his parents were surely assisting from behind the scenes. It confirmed the reason for Lin Qingyan's changed attitude towards him, and it wasn't for the reasons he had initially thought.

Seeing Su Chen deep in thought, Fang Han assumed his words had struck a chord. "The Zhao Menghan I introduced to you isn't bad, right? She's a gem I saved especially for you," Fang Han said. Su Chen mused inwardly, "What do you know? I only have eyes for Qingyan. Do you even know what true love is? I believe Qingyan has fallen for my charm." Internally, Su Chen scoffed at Fang Han's words. "The Zhao Menghan you introduced is unreliable. Look at Lin Qingyan; she smiles at me and is with me only for my family's wealth."

"Look at that Zhao Menghan; I really can't figure out her intentions," Su Chen remarked. Fang Han was immediately flustered by Su Chen's words, exclaiming, "Su Chen, have you lost your mind? Don't I know your lady-charming techniques inside out?" This was precisely the reaction Su Chen was waiting for.

With a chuckle, he withdrew his hands from the fluffy sofa. "Well then, let me show you what real lady-charming skills look like," Su Chen confidently boasted. Pointing towards the bar counter, he added, "See that beauty over there? I bet I can have her join us for a drink in less than three minutes."

Even though the bar's dim lighting obscured the woman's features, one could still discern that she was strikingly beautiful. Her sultry figure was impossible to overlook. However, her extravagant attire and opulent aura made many of the wealthy young masters hesitate to approach her.

Fang Han, noticing this, urgently interjected, "Forget it! She looks somewhat dangerous." But Su Chen dismissed his concern with disdain, retorting, "What's there to fear? I am the heir of the Su family. Who would dare show me any disrespect? Today, I'll have her join me for a drink."

Everything was under Su Chen's control. The plan was to feign anger, allowing him to make a further move. Ignoring Fang Han's pleas, Su Chen slowly approached the bar. As he neared, a familiar silhouette evoked a cherished memory in his mind, a scene of pure whiteness.

With nostalgia, he greeted the woman, "Hello, let's get acquainted. I am the heir of the Su family." For such an elite playboy, it was customary to announce one's prestigious background. Chen Yuxin turned her head, her eyes, deep as autumn waters, veiled with a misty layer.

She remained silent, merely gazing at Su Chen, her eyes seemingly conveying a myriad of emotions. Naturally, Chen Yuxin's appearance matched everyone's speculations—she was breathtakingly beautiful, rivaling the goddesses of the capital city. What stood out the most, however, was her unique aura; it was simultaneously chilling and immensely captivating.

But Su Chen was well aware that this radiant exterior was merely superficial. After that night, he realized that Chen Yuxin was, in truth, a woman burdened with hardships. Both Su Chen and Chen Yuxin had become the center of attention in the room.

"People say Su Chen has been pursuing Lin Qingyan for a long time without success. With such mediocre flirting skills, he's a disgrace to our kind. So pathetic!" some murmured. Approaching a divinely beautiful woman like Chen Yuxin so recklessly was clearly asking for rejection.

Yet, what they didn't know was that Su Chen was actually anticipating Chen Yuxin's rejection. Once she declined, he planned to forcibly invite her for a drink, further amplifying her aversion towards him. In all honesty, Chen Yuxin was the female protagonist he was most confident about.

In the original story, after this incident, a disgruntled Su Chen meticulously planned a kidnapping. For reasons unknown, that day seemed cursed for Chen Yuxin as she encountered one peril after another. Her food was poisoned, and her residence almost burned down in a massive fire. Yet, with Su Chen's intervention, she survived every ordeal.

Su Chen had assumed that after saving her life multiple times, her feelings towards him might change. Much to his astonishment, the very next day, the Chen family began an aggressive assault on the Su family. This reinforced his belief: Chen Yuxin was indeed the female lead he could trust the most.

Chen Yuxin's gaze also settled on Su Chen. Initially, she thought some random pest was trying to hit on her. To her surprise, it turned out to be the very man she had been longing for.

Chen Yuxin had indescribable feelings towards Su Chen. Initially, she harbored intense animosity against him, viewing him as the spoiled, wastrel heir of the Su family. Her disdain was so intense, especially after the drug incident, that she even contemplated killing him.

However, during the kidnapping episode, she realized that Su Chen was a man of many hidden talents. His proficiency in medical arts, driving skills, and martial prowess were all beyond anything she had ever encountered. Later on, her investigations revealed that the drug incident was not as she had initially believed.

Reflecting on her time with Su Chen, even though it was a mere three days, those moments stood out as some of the happiest days of her life. However, when her father later inquired about their relationship and if Su Chen had done anything untoward, her pride prevented her from admitting her growing affection for him. Instead, she claimed to despise Su Chen and expressed a desire never to see him again.

To her shock and dismay, a few days after this conversation, her father informed her of Su Chen's demise.