I haven't drugged you yet, so why did you faint?

As Fang Han left, he also dispersed the wealthy young onlookers nearby. Given Fang Han's status, they wouldn't have cared. However, with Su Chen backing them up, these people didn't dare utter another word. Su Chen, on the other hand, was extremely frustrated at the moment.

Bringing Chen Yuxin back to stay overnight was out of the question. She could only resent him. Su Chen unconsciously began to ponder over the awkward encounter, wondering if she might fall in love with him after spending the night.

Yet, seeing Su Chen's lack of response, Chen Yuxin didn't seem overly concerned. After looking around, she suddenly lowered her voice and said to Su Chen, "There are too many people here. How about we get a private room to have a drink? When there are fewer people around, we can do more." As she spoke, Chen Yuxin eagerly grabbed Su Chen's hand, seemingly pleading for his agreement.

However, upon seeing Chen Yuxin's actions, Su Chen became even more bewildered. What was she up to? The thought of taking her to a private room wasn't even worth considering.

Su Chen couldn't possibly leave everyone's sight. His plan was to drug Chen Yuxin in front of everyone and take her away. Only then would Qin Yu receive the news and come to rescue the heroine. A classic case of a hero saving a damsel in distress! Su Chen believed that even though Qin Yu had left, he must still have informants inside the bar, waiting for Su Chen to act out of line. By then, not only could he play the hero to save the beauty, but he would also win her heart.

It was like he was rightly slapping himself in the face. This was truly a foolish move! It must be the case, especially with Chen Yuxin, the main female character.

She must hate him deep down. However, through her brilliant performance, she managed to hide all of that. The reason was simple: to seduce Su Chen into making a move on her. When he does, Su Chen will have to face the furious backlash of the Chen family.

Furthermore, due to the hero-saving-the-damsel situation, Chen Yuxin would introduce Qin Yu to her family, leading to Qin Yu gaining the approval of the Chen household. This way, they could rightfully be together.

Having figured out the intentions of the main male and female characters, Su Chen immediately said with a smile, "My beauty, if you want to go somewhere private, of course, we can. But now is not the time. Once you're drunk, I'll naturally take you there."

In saying this, Su Chen was already hinting at Chen Yuxin. He would certainly take her to a private room later, but now wasn't the right time. Su Chen muttered to himself for a bit and then took Chen Yuxin's hand, passing another strong drink in front of her. Yet, Chen Yuxin still wore a radiant smile.

She showed no signs of displeasure and seemed to be enjoying herself. Thinking that if he didn't take advantage of the situation, he'd be a fool, Su Chen carefully felt the smoothness of Chen Yuxin's hand. It was hard to imagine the level of comfort he'd feel from physical contact with her. Seeing the unaffected Chen Yuxin, Su Chen couldn't help but feel delighted.

Even the so-called "pure and untainted" Chen Yuxin was willing to make such a sacrifice.

How could I not play along?

Su Chen wasn't concerned about the kidnapping incident that was to come; it would be best if Chen Yuxin wanted to kill him right now. With that thought in mind, Su Chen no longer held back.

He wrapped his arms around Chen Yuxin's soft slender waist. Moreover, he attempted to lift her clothing, intending to provoke her. As the designated villain, in such a tricky situation, there was no need for him to pretend to be a gentleman.

It must be said, Chen Yuxin, having grown up in the military, had an incredible figure. The feeling of holding her was off the charts. Now wasn't the time to go against his character. If he didn't take the opportunity, he'd be a fool. Plus, it was a chance to get back at the protagonist for all the times he'd been humiliated.


The bystanders, who were previously displeased with Su Chen, now looked on with evident envy. "Su Chen truly is something else, managing to win over a woman like that so easily." "Haha, who is Su Chen? Just his presence alone is enough to make beauties willingly embrace him." "Looks like Su Chen is going to have the time of his life tonight."

These bootlickers, despite their inner jealousy, outwardly praised Su Chen with great enthusiasm. At that moment, a few individuals in the crowd looked particularly displeased.

Leading them was an older man. This man was named Chen Kai and was from the Chen family, specifically tasked with ensuring Chen Yuxin's safety.

At this moment, witnessing the scene of Su Chen holding Chen Yuxin, Chen Kai's face turned purple with rage. Had Chen Yuxin not given explicit orders forbidding them from intervening, Chen Kai would have already rushed forward to tear apart the mouths of those speaking so brazenly. How dare these idiots not recognize the status of this woman? They were clearly a bunch of fools.

Wait a second.

How could Su Chen, that bastard, dare to make a move? Chen Kai, upon seeing Su Chen's inappropriate hands roaming on Chen Yuxin, was filled with rising fury. Chen Yuxin was a girl he had watched grow up. He wanted to intervene and stop Su Chen but didn't dare go against Chen Yuxin's instructions. All he could do was channel his anger into his eyes, glaring fiercely at Su Chen.

Meanwhile, Su Chen had taken note of Chen Kai. At this moment, he became even more convinced that there was some conspiracy behind all this. Everything was a trap set by Chen Yuxin to ensnare him. Even though he recognized this inevitability, the mere thought of Chen Yuxin plotting against him was unsettling.

Su Chen was deeply unhappy. Revenge brewed within his heart. He started to forcefully pour drinks for Chen Yuxin. "Come on, drink up quickly," he urged. While speaking, Su Chen aggressively poured alcohol down Chen Yuxin's throat, brazenly taking advantage of her in the process. Touching here, brushing against there, his behavior was unmistakably lecherous, angering anyone who would witness it.

Surprisingly, Chen Yuxin did not resist at all and seemed very cooperative, as if unaware of being taken advantage of. Undeniably, Chen Yuxin was exceptionally enchanting and radiated allure. Coupled with her curvaceous figure, she was absolutely captivating. But Su Chen was unperturbed. After all, if she was trying to entrap him, he was just playing along — portraying a rich young master so entranced by her that he loses all sense of propriety.

Su Chen's hands continually roamed over Chen Yuxin's most tempting areas. He noticed many envious and jealous gazes from people in the bar. Although Su Chen was somewhat reluctant, he recognized it was time to get down to business, implying it was time to drug Chen Yuxin.

Administering a drug is a technique in itself. One must gauge the right amount, ensuring Chen Yuxin remains slightly conscious, so she could potentially find a chance for rescue. It's a delicate matter that requires precision. However, Su Chen believed he had mastered it perfectly and anticipated no issues whatsoever. As these thoughts crossed his mind, he reached into his pocket, intending to take out the prepared sedative.

But just as his hand touched the inside of his pocket, Chen Yuxin's body went limp, and she collapsed onto him. This stunning beauty, with her radiant allure, now lay unconscious in Su Chen's arms, her eyes tightly shut. "What's going on?" Su Chen held Chen Yuxin, looking utterly bewildered. He couldn't fathom the situation. "I haven't even drugged her yet. Why did she faint? What's happening?"

For a moment, Su Chen was lost in confusion. "Is she being too cooperative?" A sudden realization hit him. Perhaps the storyline this time had become more straightforward. Reflecting on previous women protagonists, they all seemed very proactive, providing him with opportunities to commit his crime. Just like the current situation with Chen Yuxin, he didn't even need to drug her; she had fainted right in front of him.

Now, all he had to do was carry her away under the watchful eyes of everyone present. With Chen Kai there to guard, his success seemed impossible. If he failed, he'd be mercilessly humiliated in front of everyone. Having figured everything out, Su Chen boldly lifted Chen Yuxin's petite frame and left the scene amidst the stares of everyone. He even laughed loudly, fearlessly displaying his ruffian-like demeanor for all to see.

After Su Chen's departure, several individuals immediately gathered around Chen Kai. "Old Chen, are we just going to watch that beast Su Chen take the young lady away?" one exclaimed. Another chimed in, "Right, the young lady might be in danger!" Chen Kai coldly snorted, "It's the young lady's orders. Are you suggesting we defy them?" He continued, "If the young lady said so, she must have her reasons. Don't worry. We just need to carry out the tasks she assigned us." The group nodded in agreement and quickly followed suit.

Elsewhere, after returning home, Fang Han was plagued with a lingering sense of unease. Especially when recalling the events at the bar, he felt something was amiss. Yet, he couldn't pinpoint exactly what troubled him. Therefore, he specifically decided to investigate Chen Yuxin further.

A notification tone sounded from the phone. Fang Han knew the results were in, but for some reason, he felt even more anxious. Picking it up, his eyes widened in shock: Chen Yuxin was actually the young mistress of the Chen family, the notorious queen of the Righteous Path. This revelation struck him like a bolt from the blue. Fang Han collapsed onto the sofa, his face ashen. He realized that this all seemed like a conspiracy, a plot shrouding Su Chen. Desperately, he tried to call and warn Su Chen, but couldn't get through no matter how hard he tried. "Young master," a voice reported, "bad news from the bar: Young Master Su has gotten that woman drunk and carried her away."

Meanwhile, in a villa, Qin Yu suddenly felt a weight on his heart, as if he sensed something bad was about to happen. He had wanted to leave the bar because he felt something was off. Chen Yuxin seemed different from what was documented, just like Zhang Li and the others before her. Qin Yu, not wanting to be humiliated any further, chose to leave promptly. Just then, he received a phone call. Glancing at the caller ID, he recognized it as one of his subordinates from the bar and hesitated for a moment.

Qin Yu picked up the call, suspecting that the caller might not bring good news. However, from the caller, he received a piece of information that was both infuriating and immensely satisfying. Su Chen had actually drugged Chen Yuxin and carried her out of the hotel. It was clear what Su Chen intended to do with her.

On hearing this news, Qin Yu was ecstatic. Without any hesitation, he quickly got into his car and headed to the designated location. He knew very well who Chen Yuxin was. The audacity of Su Chen to drug her felt like an effortless gift to Qin Yu. Everyone knew how dearly the Chen family cherished Chen Yuxin. If anything happened to her, it would undoubtedly spell doom for Su Chen.