Amateur Acting

In Kyoto, at a luxurious hotel, Su Chen stared at the unparalleled beauty lying unconscious on the bed. With just a slight impulse, he could immediately take advantage of her. Any normal person would find it difficult to resist such a temptation.

Of course, Su Chen was no exception. However, in his previous reincarnation, he had tasted this temptation once and had suffered the consequences. He certainly wasn't going to risk it again now. Having learned from the lessons of his past life, Su Chen proceeded with utmost caution.

All he needed to do now was wait for Qin Yu and his men to arrive. Truthfully, such setbacks had happened frequently in his previous life, and by all accounts, Su Chen should have been accustomed to them. Yet, in this life, he encountered many bewildering events, and now, more than ever, he needed something predictable to happen to stabilize his increasingly volatile emotions.

As Su Chen lay on the bed, he glanced at the woman beside him, her face flushed red like a ripe apple waiting to be plucked. In all honesty, his heart wavered once again. But he knew that acting on his impulses would be meaningless. After a momentary pleasure, he would be tormented endlessly by the system.

Looking at the beautiful face of Chen Yuxin beside him, Su Chen felt a touch of gratitude in his heart. At least, there were still such melodramatic plots waiting for him. Even though he hadn't been slapped in the face before, the storyline this time remained consistent and did not deviate.

Everything had become much simpler for Su Chen. Now, all he needed to do was wait patiently for Qin Yu's arrival. As these thoughts crossed his mind, Su Chen leaned his head closer to Chen Yuxin.

Doing so would make it easier for her to launch a surprise attack on him. Su Chen's primary goal was to be knocked unconscious, with Chen Yuxin striking him hard using an ashtray, rendering him completely unconscious. Only then could Chen Yuxin, the female protagonist, maintain her purity and honor.

This would also buy time for the male lead, Qin Yu, to mount a rescue. Just as Su Chen anticipated, upon hearing the news that Chen Yuxin had been drugged by Su Chen, Qin Yu immediately rushed to the bar. After extensive undercover investigations, he finally located the hotel where Su Chen was. He even prepared cameras, aiming to ruin Su Chen's reputation.

The ideal outcome for him would be not only winning Chen Yuxin's heart but also causing trouble for the Su family through the Chen family. If the Chen family took action, other families would inevitably not stand idly by. Together, they would bring about the downfall of the Su family. Then, Qin Yu would make Su Chen experience the greatest agony in the world.

However, just as Qin Yu was about to step into the hotel, several figures suddenly appeared behind him. Although Qin Yu's body sensed the impending danger, his still-recovering state made it impossible to respond in time. With a muffled thud, Qin Yu was struck hard on the back of his head. He collapsed onto the ground, motionless.

At this moment, several men in black stood by, watching the unconscious Qin Yu.

"Chen Kai, this man seems to want to save the young miss. Why did you knock him out?" one of them asked. Chen Kai replied with a hint of disdain, "Do you really think the young miss needs someone like him to rescue her? What a joke." He continued, "All we need to do is follow the young miss's wishes. Everything else is irrelevant."

Chen Kai wasn't exactly sure what Chen Yuxin was thinking. However, he could only adhere to Chen Yuxin's orders, which meant he absolutely couldn't allow this man named Qin Yu to enter the hotel. But Chen Kai was still curious. Why would their young miss meet with Su Chen, this notorious young master, at the hotel? A terrifying thought suddenly crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed it.

On the other side, Su Chen, who had been lying next to Chen Yuxin for a long time without her making a move, was utterly perplexed. "What's going on? Just finish me off already! Did she genuinely get drunk?" Su Chen curiously glanced at the evenly breathing woman on the bed and rolled his eyes in frustration. "Her acting skills are terrible," he realized. Chen Yuxin was completely sober, meaning the whole situation was an act.

Su Chen slowly moved closer to the head of the bed, quickly narrowing the distance between them. Chen Yuxin's breathing became more rapid, indicating she was pretending to sleep.

To Su Chen's delight, it seemed that Chen Yuxin was trying to trap him. Otherwise, why would she feign sleep? Could it be she was intentionally giving him a chance?

With this in mind, Su Chen began waiting for Chen Yuxin to make her move. However, after a short while, everything remained calm, and Su Chen grew anxious. He couldn't understand what Chen Yuxin was up to. She was clearly pretending to sleep, so why wasn't she taking action? At this rate, Qin Yu would arrive soon.

Su Chen decided to feign sleep himself and wait for Qin Yu's arrival. Yet, more time passed, and there was still no sign of Qin Yu. Grabbing his phone, Su Chen checked the time. It was already half an hour past the time Qin Yu should have shown up under normal circumstances. Half an hour! Although it seemed short for Su Chen, it was significant.

"Qin Yu is such a useless protagonist," Su Chen thought. "Did he get scared? Such a coward, not even daring to make a move." Now, Su Chen was utterly frustrated. If Qin Yu didn't come, how would they resolve the current situation?

At that moment, only the breathing sounds of the two people filled the room. Su Chen was incredibly vexed. Why wouldn't Qin Yu appear? After all, Su Chen had brazenly taken Chen Yuxin, a stunning beauty, in front of everyone. Qin Yu should have gotten the news.

After a while, the room's stillness persisted.

Unable to restrain himself any longer, Su Chen fixed his gaze on the seemingly sleeping Chen Yuxin and said, "Stop pretending. I can tell you're not really asleep."

In response, Chen Yuxin turned over, facing away from him. Su Chen was left dumbfounded. "What kind of intelligence is this? How could she ever be considered the queen of the righteous path?" He warned, "If you don't get up, I'm leaving."

After dropping that line, Su Chen made to depart. Hearing this, Chen Yuxin could no longer maintain her act. Instantly, she opened her vibrant eyes. Like a frightened girl, she lunged into Su Chen's embrace, cooing, "You can't leave; I'm scared!"

The way Chen Yuxin looked at him for protection gave Su Chen a headache. Had she really grasped the situation? He thought, "I intended to take advantage of you, and yet you're looking at me with such trust. What does this mean?"

Without beating around the bush, Su Chen confronted her, "Chen Yuxin, what are you playing at? Was pretending to be drunk part of some scheme?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Yuxin's frustration grew. She had painstakingly devised a plan, aiming for a deep connection with Su Chen that night. This idea was something she'd gleaned from books. Chen Yuxin had absolute confidence in her beauty and believed in her strategy's success. Yet, she hadn't anticipated Su Chen's rejection.

Strangely, this rejection made Chen Yuxin even happier because it seemed to confirm that deep down, Su Chen was genuinely kind-hearted, just like the boy she had been longing for in her memories.