Differential Treatment

The people present looked awkwardly at Yang Yuxin. However, they had no choice; she was the highest-ranking official here, so they had no option but to comply. "Yang Yuxin, what are you trying to imply? I'm also a suspect! Do you think you can win my heart this way? Impossible," Su Chen exclaimed, almost driven to the point of madness.

Why are you two sisters behaving so absurdly? He initially thought the plot involving Yang Yuxin was set in stone, but these two sisters seemed utterly clueless, constantly altering the storyline. It truly exemplified the saying, "A friend might help you once, but only women can mess things up multiple times." Now, the narrative had completely collapsed.

Su Chen genuinely couldn't understand the turn of events, uncertain about the motives of these female protagonists. He was utterly perplexed. Not knowing how to continue, he suddenly remembered Chen Yuxin. Looking expectantly at this seemingly unimportant queen of righteousness, he noticed that her gaze, filled with affection, had never left him. Su Chen instantly felt a sense of resignation.

"You're only a suspect for now, and you can't be compared with someone like Zhao Long, who's a major criminal suspect. Moreover, considering your status as the young master of the Su family, we wouldn't dare offend you," Yang Yuxin said, realizing she might have gone too far, which likely aroused Su Chen's suspicions. Although Su Chen found her explanation a bit far-fetched, it was the only plausible reason he could think of—they still feared the power of the Su family. Still, he couldn't help but harbor some doubts in his heart.

"Yuxin, let me go with you. Having one more person can better take care of Su Chen," said Yang Danxuan, immediately taking hold of Su Chen's arm. "Honestly, you're clearly hurt, yet you didn't say a thing."

Chen Yuxin also stepped forward, gingerly examining Su Chen's injuries. Only after ensuring they weren't serious did she let out a sigh of relief. Su Chen twitched his lips slightly, not uttering any words, and then boarded the ambulance along with the Yang sisters and Chen Yuxin.

[What are these women trying to do? There's really no need for all this.]

[I'm speechless, especially regarding Yang Yuxin. You're the woman I had such high hopes for, and now you've been subdued by my charm.]

Inside the ambulance, Su Chen's thoughts were running wild, trying to make sense of the perplexing situation he found himself in. Meanwhile, in the best hospital in the capital, in one of its rooms, was the male lead, Qin Yu's loyal subordinate, Lai En. He had initially breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that Qin Yu had been successfully rescued. However, three full days had passed, and Qin Yu had yet to regain consciousness.

Lai En was growing increasingly anxious. If news of Qin Yu's injuries were to get out, it would undoubtedly create a massive uproar. Many well-laid plans would be thrown into disarray. Lai En was baffled; he had witnessed Qin Yu's formidable abilities first-hand. It was precisely because of Qin Yu's talents that Lai En chose to follow him. Yet, ever since returning to Hua Xia, Qin Yu had suffered repeated injuries. This left Lai En curious about how many more extraordinary individuals the ancient nation of China had hidden within its boundaries.

"What's going on, doctor? Why hasn't our lord awakened yet?" Lai En was becoming increasingly anxious. If Qin Yu did not wake up soon, the outside world would be thrown into chaos.

Qin Yu's condition is dire," said the primary physician, shaking his head with an expression of regret. "I have done my best, but my abilities are limited, and this is all I can do."

Lai En felt utterly desolate. The doctor who operated on Qin Yu was the best in the hospital and had a nationwide reputation. But even with such credentials, he couldn't completely heal Qin Yu?

"If we could get Dr. Zhang Yuyan, she would surely be able to treat him. Unfortunately, she did not come," the physician remarked. Mentioning Zhang Yuyan left Lai En perplexed. Qin Yu had made it clear that in any crisis, seeking his aunt Zhang Yuyan would definitely resolve the problem. But when she heard of Qin Yu's name, she chose not to assist in the treatment, which was unexpected for Lai En. He knew that this wasn't the time to dwell on these matters.

"How severe are our lord's injuries? When will he wake up?"

"Waking up is not a major concern. Qin Yu's body has fully recovered, even stronger than before. You should be assured about that," replied the doctor. "However..."

The doctor suddenly paused, not continuing his sentence. This made Lai En beside him grow impatient. He detested it when someone would stop mid-sentence, especially doctors.

"However, what? Please, speak clearly."

"However, due to severe nerve damage in certain parts of the body, it's challenging to fully recover some crucial components. I had to make some surgical excisions to barely save his life."

"You removed something? What exactly did you remove?" Lai En was at a loss, unsure what the doctor was hinting at with his vague words.

If this were not in his own country, Lai En would have wanted to strike down this doctor with a single blow. "It concerns the part that males care about the most," the doctor hinted, clearing his throat to give Lai En a clear indication. "What? You're saying you've turned our lord into a eunuch?" Lai En was livid, his voice noticeably louder.

He couldn't even begin to fathom what kind of reaction Qin Yu would have upon hearing this news. He feared the entire hospital might be destroyed in retaliation.

"No, no, he hasn't fully become a eunuch. Mr. Qin Yu's body is unique. With some treatment over time, he should regain sensation," the doctor hurriedly explained. "It's just... it will be shorter."

Lai En was at a loss for words. While the reduction in length was hard to accept, it was certainly better than becoming a eunuch. "How long will the treatment take?"

"A minimum of three years. However, given Qin Yu's constitution, it might be quicker than anticipated. But remember, he must not be agitated, or there's no guarantee of recovery."

During their conversation, there were sounds from within the room, indicating that Qin Yu had awakened. Lai En rushed into the patient's room, his face breaking into a smile. "My lord, you've finally awakened. Much has happened during this time." Lai En was deeply concerned about how Qin Yu would take the news.

"Find out who dared to harm me," Qin Yu's face was seething with rage. The humiliation he faced that day fueled his fury. "And Chen Yuxin, she dared to poison me. I'll do whatever it takes to make her pay the price."

"Yes," Lai En didn't argue with Qin Yu, even though he was well aware of the immense risks involved.

He didn't decline, fearing that Qin Yu would be severely agitated by any refusal. "By the way, how is Su Chen doing now? Did the plan I arranged with Zhao Long work out?" Qin Yu hadn't forgotten the person he loathed the most.

This was the person he despised with every fiber of his being, the one he most wanted dead. "Of course," Lai En believed this news would definitely please Qin Yu. "Not only did the Yang family get involved, but Chen Yuxin was implicated as well. Now, the old head of the Chen family is furious, causing the whole of Kyoto to tremble."

"Well done," Qin Yu laughed heartily. He had been waiting for this moment for a very long time. He had endured Su Chen's incompetence for such a long time, all for this very moment. Originally, in his plans, he didn't intend to strike at the Su family so soon, but Su Chen's appearance made it intolerable for him any longer.

"Send out the orders immediately. If the Chen and Yang families make a move against Su Chen, the capital we control can enter the China market," Qin Yu said, a long-missed smile gracing his face.

"My lord, there seems to be a hiccup. The Su family hasn't faced any attacks at all," Lai En was taken aback, not expecting the plan to falter. Many in the market were eyeing this tumultuous situation, but the peculiar thing was that neither the Chen nor Yang families showed any signs of movement.

At that moment, there was a commotion outside the hospital room. It seemed like the entire hospital was bustling. "Lai En, go see what's going on," Qin Yu felt an uneasy premonition and hurriedly instructed Lai En to investigate.

Lai En, already inclined to do so, didn't hesitate and rushed out.

Upon stepping outside, it was evident that the entire hospital was in chaos. This was the VIP ward, and Lai En surmised that some prominent figure might be in trouble. Shortly after, all the prominent chief doctors from the hospital rushed over in quick succession.

Could it be Yang Yuxin? With a curious gaze, Lai En looked over, but when he recognized the person on the bed, he was completely stunned. It was Su Chen.

Moreover, by his side, Yang Yuxin, Yang Danxuan, and Chen Yuxin were all gathered, their faces full of concern as they looked at Su Chen, who appeared flushed. Lai En was a bit flabbergasted. What was going on? Had even Yang Danxuan come?

He thought Su Chen might have suffered serious injuries, but at a glance, there was no sign of such trauma. Inside the room, Su Chen was forcibly held down on the bed by the doctors, each with anxious expressions on their faces. They acted cautiously, fearing any complications. Various advanced scanning devices were brought in to examine Su Chen.

Su Chen was at a loss for words. His physique was extraordinary, and injuries of this caliber should have healed by now. Was there really a need for such exaggeration?

The dean of Kyoto Hospital, considered a significant figure even in Kyoto, had few who dared to offend him. But moments ago, seeing Su Chen being carried in on a stretcher, accompanied by Yang Danxuan and Yang Yuxin, had rattled him. However, the person he feared most was Chen Yuxin.

Being affiliated with officialdom, he knew all too well the formidable influence this woman held. Hence, without any hesitation, he immediately ordered every available resource to be used for examination. Yet, the outcome was that there was not a single issue with Su Chen, and he was in fact a hundred times healthier than the average person.

"How is Su Chen doing?" Chen Yuxin asked the dean intently.

"Um, there's no major issue, he's just..." The dean struggled to articulate his words upon seeing Chen Yuxin's intense gaze.

"Is there a significant problem? Use the best medicine you have immediately for his treatment." Chen Yuxin was visibly startled. She hoped there would be no lingering issues for Su Chen, especially concerning his back. After all, it still had its uses.

"Miss Chen, there's actually no serious matter. Su Chen has fully recovered," the dean managed to find his voice, finally conveying his innermost thoughts.

"I heard that you have the best doctor in the country here," Chen Yuxin's tone was calm, but her intention was crystal clear.

"Understood, I'll immediately fetch Dr. Zhang Yuyan for you," the dean said, although reluctant, he rushed off personally. To the official figures, the person standing before them was almost akin to a devil. She was the most powerful of all.

Lai En, standing nearby, overheard their conversation and was utterly flabbergasted.

What was happening? Such a commotion for what seemed to be a minor injury? Lai En was deeply puzzled, especially seeing how all these women were so concerned about Su Chen. The scene before him was as shocking as seeing a ghost.

Lai En had previously investigated Su Chen and concluded that he was merely a good-for-nothing young master. Yet, he was being treated with such high regard, especially by Yang Danxuan. Lai En shuddered to think how devastated Qin Yu would be if he witnessed this scene. He felt this matter should be kept a secret. If Qin Yu were to find out, it might be the end of everything. Eventually, Lai En returned to Qin Yu's room.

"What happened?"

Seeing the elated expression on Qin Yu's face, Lai En shook his head, "Nothing major."

Qin Yu nodded, his joy almost uncontrollable. "I never realized Aunt Yuyan was so skilled. Now, I don't feel any discomfort in my body, and in fact, my strength seems to have greatly increased."

Qin Yu was delighted. He hadn't seen his dreamy aunt for a long time. He never believed that his good-for-nothing uncle was worthy of such a goddess-like aunt. Moreover, Qin Yu knew that they weren't truly a couple, and they rarely communicated with each other. Thinking about this made him excited, feeling as if his entire body's energy was surging.

However, Qin Yu quickly noticed something odd; he felt no sensation in his lower body. Looking down, he was confronted with a sight that was hard for him to accept. Overwhelmed with shock, he felt a complete blankness in his mind, then suddenly vomited a large amount of blood, staining most of the white bedsheet.

"My lord, are you alright?" Lai En exclaimed in horror, shouting, "Someone! Help!"

Yet, after waiting for some time, no medical staff appeared. Lai En didn't need to think to understand the situation – they must all be in Su Chen's room. Qin Yu clenched his fists, his veins bulging with anger, resentment seeping from every pore.

"What happened?" Qin Yu, struggling to contain his rage, coldly stared at Lai En, hoping for a reasonable explanation.

Lai En, visibly anxious, replied, "We went to Dr. Zhang Yuyan, but she said she didn't have time to treat you."

"What?" Qin Yu couldn't hold back his anger any longer and roared in disbelief. Zhang Yuyan was his aunt. Although not related by blood, she had always taken care of him since childhood. Furthermore, Zhang Yuyan was a top figure in Chinese medicine, having inherited the knowledge of a thousand-year-old medical sage. Much of Qin Yu's confidence came from his trust in Zhang Yuyan. He believed that no matter what injuries he suffered, as long as Zhang Yuyan was there, everything would be fine.

However, now he was being told that Zhang Yuyan refused to treat him. This behavior infuriated Qin Yu even more than the injury itself.