Yang Yuxin, Whose Home Was Robbed

Resentment welled up in Qin Yu's heart. He couldn't bring himself to believe that Zhang Yuyan, his beloved aunt, would refuse to treat him. "Are you sure you asked her?" Qin Yu still couldn't accept this. He wasn't ready to face such a reality.

"I asked several times, and Dr. Zhang Yuyan said she was too busy," Lai En replied. Deep down, Lai En was somewhat fearful of Qin Yu. Seeing Qin Yu now, filled with rage, he felt extremely apprehensive.

Suddenly, Qin Yu spat out another mouthful of fresh blood. After this ordeal, he eventually came to terms with the situation. However, Qin Yu discovered a silver lining. His cultivation level had ascended to a higher plane. The power within him continued to increase, and his body had fully recovered. The despair in Qin Yu's heart was alleviated significantly. He had possessed this level of power three years ago, but it hadn't increased since. Now that it had broken through, Qin Yu was naturally elated.

Yet the lingering weakness in his lower half caused Qin Yu to clench his fists tightly, veins throbbing on his forehead. "Aunt Yuyan, why didn't you help me this time?" Although his power had increased, anger still dominated his emotions. If Zhang Yuyan had come to heal him, the outcome would have been perfect. But now, he was seething with anger. "I must inform the old man about this and demand an explanation from Zhang Yuyan." Qin Yu's master was, in fact, Zhang Yuyan's senior brother.

While they were considered senior and junior siblings in the sect, their ages differed greatly. Zhang Yuyan was only slightly older than Qin Yu. This was one of the reasons why Qin Yu was always preoccupied with thoughts of his aunt.

As Qin Yu tried to regain his composure and pride, he couldn't quell the anger burning inside him. He immediately picked up the phone and dialed. A gentle yet slightly husky voice of a mature woman answered from the other end. "Qin Yu, I just found out you're in Kyoto. Have you adjusted? How are your injuries?"

Hearing Zhang Yuyan's genuine concern, a rare tenderness flashed across Qin Yu's face, and his previously intense anger vanished. Qin Yu quickly replied, "Of course, I'm fine. I'm doing well here, just sustained a minor injury. I didn't want to bother you about it."

Even though his current situation was quite dire, especially concerning the injury to his lower body, he couldn't possibly tell Zhang Yuyan. In Qin Yu's eyes, Zhang Yuyan epitomized the gentle and kind-hearted perfect woman. When he was still naive, Zhang Yuyan's mature image had deeply imprinted on his mind. This was also why he was so fond of Yang Danxuan. Their characters were strikingly similar.

He believed that his aunt still cared deeply for him. Especially after hearing her words of concern earlier, it reminded him of his childhood. The entire family disparaged him, yet Zhang Yuyan, his aunt by marriage, showed genuine concern for him. She was the only one who truly respected him. Now that he had returned, he not only aimed to become the strongest in Kyoto but also sought to properly repay his aunt's kindness.

In Qin Yu's eyes, Zhang Yuyan represented perfection. He believed that the reason Zhang Yuyan didn't come to treat him was because she was held up by some matters. Moreover, she probably didn't realize the severity of his injuries.

For some reason, Qin Yu felt somewhat relieved that Zhang Yuyan wasn't aware of his lower body injury. Zhang Yuyan advised with great concern, "Qin Yu, you must be careful. Kyoto isn't like other places. It's the heart of the nation, filled with major powers and influential families. You need to be on your guard; these people are not to be trifled with." Hearing Zhang Yuyan's concern brought immense comfort to Qin Yu's heart. He responded with a cold chuckle, "Don't worry, Aunt. I, Qin Yu, have never been afraid of anyone. To me, these powerful families are nothing."

"By the way, Aunt, how is my little sister Qin Lan doing?" Memories of his childhood came flooding back to Qin Yu, particularly of the young girl who often followed him around. Time had flown by, and he was genuinely looking forward to seeing her again. Zhang Yuyan hesitated momentarily before answering, "She has been very busy recently, deeply engrossed in her studies." Lost in thoughts of Qin Lan, Qin Yu failed to notice the odd tone in Zhang Yuyan's voice. "Don't worry, Aunt. I promise to repay your kindness when I return to the country."

However, Zhang Yuyan didn't continue on this topic. After exchanging a few pleasantries, she hung up. Meanwhile, in an apartment adjacent to Kyoto Hospital, Zhang Yuyan's demeanor changed drastically. She let out a cold laugh, starkly contrasting her tone during the call with Qin Yu. She was already informed about Qin Yu's situation. As one of the top doctors in the country, healing him would be an effortless task for her.

However, she had no intention of intervening. Thinking about what Qin Yu had just said, she felt an immense sense of disdain in her heart, "Qin Yu, Qin Yu, you must understand that all of this is for your own good. As for Qin Lan, that young girl never wants to see you again. If it were up to me, I wouldn't want to meet you either. You shameless and audacious womanizer, I hope you can change." Zhang Yuyan's mature face was full of contempt.

On the other hand, Qin Yu was brimming with joy. He was certain that Zhang Yuyan was just too busy and didn't harbor any feelings of disgust towards him. It wasn't that he cared about Zhang Yuyan's feelings more than his injuries. It was just that he believed he had a way to heal. "My dear aunt, wait for me. I will make you experience what your husband never could provide." Zhang Yuyan was the epitome of perfection in his mind.

Lai En, who was beside him, could only sigh at Qin Yu's demeanor. He was unsure whether following Qin Yu had been the right decision. After a while, Lai En chose to leave. Perhaps driven by curiosity, he eventually arrived at Su Chen's ward. What he saw next took him by surprise. Inside the ward was a mature woman, around 27 or 28, whose shapely figure couldn't be concealed by the loose white gown she wore. She was examining Su Chen. Astonishingly, she was none other than Zhang Yuyan, the very woman Qin Yu couldn't stop thinking about.

Lai En was taken aback. He couldn't comprehend how Zhang Yuyan had just mentioned on the phone that she didn't have time to treat Qin Yu, yet now she was present in Su Chen's ward. Furthermore, Su Chen had only suffered a minor injury, a mere scratch, and yet Zhang Yuyan had chosen to attend to him. Meanwhile, Qin Yu was at death's door, but Zhang Yuyan had shown no intention of visiting him.

What's more, peering through the window, Lai En spotted Yang Danxuan, the woman whom Qin Yu constantly yearned for. At that moment, she was peeling an orange and feeding its segments to Su Chen. Taking all this into account, Lai En felt that Qin Yu was truly pitiable. If Qin Yu found out that the two women he cared for most were now beside Su Chen, who was in dire straits, he would likely lose his mind. After careful consideration, Lai En decided not to disclose this situation to Qin Yu.

Lai En left. Inside the ward, Su Chen watched as Zhang Yuyan attentively examined him, leaving him speechless. Of course, he was familiar with Zhang Yuyan, the female lead whom Qin Yu, the main male character, ardently pursued. By all rights, she shouldn't be taking care of him, a supposed supporting antagonist. "Su Chen, just get some rest.

There's nothing seriously wrong with your body. In fact, it's quite remarkable," Zhang Yuyan's gentle voice echoed. "What's so remarkable?" Su Chen inquired suddenly. Zhang Yuyan, seemingly caught off guard by the question, blushed. She clarified, "It means you have a strong back!" Su Chen was momentarily stunned, realizing he had perhaps read too much into it, as he gazed at the serene beauty before him.

Zhang Yuyan, with a gentle smile, said, "Rest well for now; I'll be heading out." "I'll come to see you again later," she added. With a puzzled look in his eyes, Su Chen watched as Zhang Yuyan left the ward.

Why would we need to see each other again? he thought to himself. Su Chen was at a loss, thinking about how she would just leave and yet promise to see him again later. We've only just met for the first time, haven't we?

While Su Chen was still feeling upset, Yang Danxuan promptly stuffed another slice of orange into his mouth. Even though he was quite willing, it seemed like Yang Danxuan didn't care at all. Observing the knowledgeable, gentle, and cultured Yang Danxuan in front of him, Su Chen grew curious about what she was up to. Could it be that Yang Danxuan has feelings for me? After pondering for a moment, that seemed to be the only explanation.

However, something felt off. Su Chen was certain he had never showcased any commendable qualities, so he wondered how these female characters could possibly fall for him. Thus, the notion of them being attracted to him seemed far-fetched. "Su Chen, would you like more fruit?" Yang Danxuan suddenly brought her face close to his. She felt incredibly comfortable being with Su Chen, something she had longed for.

"Miss Yang," Su Chen began, his eyes drifting over her form before swallowing hard, "I have a very important question to ask you." "Do you like me?" he asked, voicing a doubt that had been lingering in his heart for a long time.

Yang Danxuan blinked and with a teasing smile said, "Do you think I'd be fond of you?"

Her playful demeanor made it impossible to discern her true intentions.

Although she appeared calm on the surface, deep inside she was incredibly flustered and embarrassingly shy. She thought to herself, What if Su Chen suddenly makes a move on me? Should I reject him? She was sure she couldn't, but if she accepted, she wasn't mentally prepared either.

Therefore, Yang Danxuan could neither admit nor deny; she wanted Su Chen to decide for himself. At the same time, Yang Danxuan's heart was overflowing with joy because she never imagined Su Chen would say such things. Did I really show my feelings that obviously? If Su Chen is asking this, does it mean he's falling for me too? Does it mean I stand a chance now? What do you like about me?

Su Chen was at a loss for words when faced with this profound question from Yang Danxuan. Such a query was quite a blow to his pride. Su Chen immediately felt a surge of defiance.

["If you want to know about my strengths, you can ask Yang Yuxin. She knows."] Yang Yuxin, who was discussing a case with a police officer, suddenly heard this statement. She was immediately puzzled. "What does he mean by 'she knows'? How would I know about his strengths?" Then, for some reason, a scene from a restaurant flashed through Yang Yuxin's mind. Her face turned beet red as she thought, "Is he referring to that particular strength?"

["If it weren't too long, I'd certainly tell you the story about the little brother."] Having been educated by Su Chen from a young age, Yang Yuxin obviously understood what he meant. "What did my sister and Su Chen do in that room?" At this point, Yang Yuxin was no longer paying attention to the police officer briefing her, her mind completely preoccupied.

The despicable Yang Danxuan, how dare you take advantage of my absence to secretly seduce Su Chen! What sisterly love? Pah!