The Reborn's Identity Comes to Light

While Su Chen was lost in his thoughts, a familiar voice suddenly echoed from the doorway. His initially elevated emotions plummeted instantly, and he couldn't help but tremble slightly, thinking of it as an omen.

"Su Chen, are you okay? I heard you were injured," Zhang Li's voice reached Su Chen's ears even before she entered the sickroom. Shortly after, she eagerly approached Su Chen's bedside. Initially, Zhang Li was diligently working at her company when she received news of Su Chen's injury. While she was genuinely concerned about Su Chen's well-being, she also realized that Su Chen wasn't as straightforward as he appeared.

True to her suspicions, after hearing Su Chen's inner thoughts, her internal anxieties were put to rest. Honestly, she didn't particularly want to see Su Chen. The mere thought of him made her feel odd, and meeting him might complicate things even more. Yet, she couldn't resist the inner urge and decided to visit him.

However, upon hearing Zhang Li's greeting, Su Chen became irritable. Mostly because Zhang Li was proving to be quite challenging. Despite being the female lead and having been kissed by him, she showed no sign of anger. He wondered what kind of narrative was this.

Deep down, Su Chen now wished to minimize his interactions with Zhang Li, fearing the plot might take an unforeseen twist. "Why would anything be wrong with me? What do you want?" Su Chen displayed impatience, especially towards Zhang Li, who seemed to have lost her initial interest in the male lead. His current strategy was to resort to sarcastic retorts.

"I had to check on you, of course. You're a major shareholder now. How could I not look after you properly?" Zhang Li's every gesture and word were filled with allure. "Don't spout nonsense. I haven't invested in your company. It was the Qin family that did."

Zhang Li chuckled, saying, "You might not know this, but the Qin family has attributed everything to you. Basically, Qin Long is very grateful for your medicine." Su Chen was exasperated; with this development, wasn't he essentially making money? He was well aware of how formidable the future growth of Zhang Li's company would be. If things continued this way, it implied he would be making a fortune, which didn't align with the villain's persona.

"I have no interest in your company's shares. Cash them out for me," Su Chen snapped. Zhang Li blinked in surprise, "You really want to cash out? Don't try to deceive me." Su Chen responded firmly, "Of course I want to cash out. I don't want to waste time in your company." Zhang Li shook her head, "That won't work. The company has no income right now. But I'll offer you another form of compensation." Wrapping her arms around Su Chen's neck, she planted a kiss on his cheek, saying, "Be good, here's a reward kiss for you."

[Heh, only kissing one side? What kind of skill is that?]

"Get lost!"

Zhang Li playfully tapped Su Chen's head with her delicate hand. That gesture alone took all her restraint; any more would have been too much. Su Chen was speechless. She had taken the initiative to kiss him, only to hit him afterward.

"By the way, why hasn't Su Xian come to see me?" Su Chen wanted to inquire about Su Xian's current situation from Zhang Li, given their close relationship. However, he suspected that Su Xian was probably in a challenging situation by now. Zhang Li expressed her surprise, "You're quite well-informed." She hadn't expected Su Chen to receive the news so swiftly. Since Su Chen had saved both Chen Yuxin and the Yang sisters, the two prominent families had now extended their olive branches to him.

If these three major families were to collaborate, it would bring upheaval to the entire Kyoto. Naturally, the Su family would reap the most benefits from this collaboration. The most crucial point here is that Su Chen has now become the focal point of attention for all the significant families.

Everyone seems to have noticed that Su Chen's recent actions are not in line with the behavior of a spoiled young master. "Damn, I didn't expect this outcome," Su Chen expressed his frustration. Yet, deep inside, he was gleefully amused.

Indeed, Su Chen had not seen Su Xian's arrival and had already made his guess. That workaholic younger sister of his must be swamped with challenges. Even though the Su family's strength surpasses other families, facing attacks from so many clans simultaneously is almost insurmountable. Su Chen suspects that when the time comes, Qin Yu will make his move.

With a massive amount of funds, he'd help Su Xian turn the tides, ultimately winning her over and seizing all of the Su family's assets, including the capital that Su Chen was so proud of.

"What's there to be mad about?" Zhang Li was momentarily confused. The Su family had gained such valuable resources; why would that be infuriating? However, she quickly pieced it together. She nearly forgot that Su Chen had been putting on a façade all this while.

He probably assumed the Su family would face significant repercussions. Little did he know that Chen Yuxin had already done her investigation. Zhao Long was actually working under Qin Yu, intending to set a trap for Su Chen. Realizing this, Zhang Li couldn't contain her elation.

It's fortunate that she could hear Su Chen's inner thoughts. Otherwise, the mere idea of marrying someone as despicable as Qin Yu made her sick.

"Damn it, it's just the Chen family and Yang family. Do they really think I'm afraid?" Su Chen's expression contorted with rage as he turned to Zhang Li. "Sister, call my father. I want to make these people pay the ultimate price."

[Heh, I just want to disgust you, Zhang Li. You kissed me earlier. Now, hearing me talk like this, doesn't it make you feel sick?]

[I want to disgust you. This way, you'll eventually join Qin Yu.]

Zhang Li rolled her eyes, thinking, "How long are you going to keep up this act, Su Chen? Have you developed a taste for drama?" An amusing thought flashed through her mind: if Su Chen ever took up acting, he might become a hit.

"The Su family is not in any danger. On the contrary, both the Chen and Yang families have chosen to collaborate with you. As for Xian'er's absence, she's busy. However, she trusts you a lot, believing nothing bad could happen to you. In her eyes, you're the most capable person." Zhang Li decided to be direct with Su Chen. With such clarity, she wondered how he would continue his performance. She was curious though; Su Xian'er's recent attitude towards Su Chen had shifted remarkably. Could she, too, hear Su Chen's inner voice?

"It's all good?" Just as Su Chen was about to celebrate internally, he felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over him. As he was about to ask Zhang Li what she meant, the door to the hospital room opened again. Su Chen had lost count of the number of interruptions that day, and none of them were good news.

As expected, he looked up to see Lin Qingyan, dressed in a low-cut V-neck OL outfit, walking in with high heels. She rushed towards Su Chen with a panicked expression, her figure prominently displayed. Su Chen felt his heart racing at the sight. Indeed, girls shouldn't run recklessly; it can be quite a spectacle.

"Qingyan, why are you here?" Su Chen was genuinely surprised. What was going on? Lin Qingyan wasn't supposed to be in this part, was she? Even so, she shouldn't be visiting him. Lin Qingyan was a shrewd businesswoman. Although Su Chen was unaware of any promises made to her by Su Long, the Su family was currently in a precarious situation, besieged by both the Chen and Yang families. It would make sense for her to break off their engagement now. Was this a scenario that could only happen in dreams?

But it didn't matter. Since Lin Qingyan was here, he had to play his role perfectly. "Qingyan, I never expected you to be the one who cared about me the most."

"I heard about what happened. Of course, I had to come and see you. Don't overthink it," Lin Qingyan responded, checking on Su Chen with concern. She even lifted his clothes, her actions reminiscent of Yang Danxuan's earlier. Upon realizing his injuries were only superficial, Lin Qingyan sighed with relief. When she first heard the news, she was terrified. Being one of those who had been reincarnated, Lin Qingyan was well aware that Su Chen would one day face an onslaught from both the Chen and Yang families. Hence, she had been busily strengthening her company's position.

The events seemingly happened ahead of schedule, taking Lin Qingyan by surprise when she received the news. She hadn't expected Qin Yu to take action so early. However, she later learned that the Chen family's investigation had yielded results, and it was Su Chen who had saved both Chen Yuxin and the Yang sisters, even getting injured in the process.

Lin Qingyan was relieved that the events didn't transpire as they had in her previous life, but she was also growing anxious. Why was Su Chen with them, especially with Yang Yuxin? A strong sense of crisis suddenly overwhelmed her.

"I didn't expect Su Chen to be so brave. Despite the roaring flames, he managed to rescue three people," Zhang Li said, deciding to let Lin Qingyan see Su Chen in his flustered state.

"Rescue?" Su Chen was confused, sensing something was amiss. Zhang Li's playful smile made him feel even more uneasy, suspecting something bad had transpired.

"Are you still pretending, Su Chen? Both Chen Yuxin and Yang Danxuan said the same thing – that you were the one who saved them," Zhang Li added fuel to the fire. Although she wasn't inherently competitive, in front of Lin Qingyan, she wanted to appear more knowledgeable about Su Chen.

Confusion clouded Su Chen's mind. He hadn't saved anyone. In fact, he was the one who had been carried out.

"Are you worried about Zhao Long?" Lin Qingyan, knowing Su Chen to be a kind-hearted individual, thought he might be concerned about his subordinates. She quickly explained, "Chen Yuxin has investigated Zhao Long. He's actually from a mercenary group trying to frame you this way."

Chen Yuxin had investigated?

What the heck? If you're so capable, why don't you investigate me, the notorious wastrel endangering the public? Su Chen was at a loss for words. He had never imagined that Zhao Long's identity would be uncovered.

What on earth is Qin Yu up to? He remembered that Qin Yu had a skilled female hacker under him. In his previous life, no matter how hard he investigated, there were never any conclusive results. Su Chen was utterly frustrated; it seemed like the storyline was about to collapse again. He felt completely powerless.

Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task. You've been awarded 1000 points, with a current total of 1300 points.

Wow! Taking off! The system actually indicated that the task was completed. This meant that, in some unknown way, Qin Yu had firmly slapped him in the face. It also meant that not only had the plot not collapsed, but it had also succeeded. Of course, the points now held little significance for Su Chen in this novel world, bound by a set of rules. While he had tried to break free, he never could. However, luckily, these points could be saved for use in the real world. Moreover, they served as a reminder to Su Chen of whether or not he had completed his tasks.

Su Chen had truly lost hope. No matter what he did, it seemed like the plot never played out normally. Thankfully, the system's prompt restored his confidence.

Su Chen glanced at Lin Qingyan. With a plan forming in his mind and Lin Qingyan present, he couldn't miss any opportunity to turn the tables. In the book, Lin Qingyan was the character who had embarrassed Su Chen the most.

"I understand, Qingyan. Have you eaten? Are you hungry? Let's go get some food. I haven't eaten either," Su Chen said. After uttering those words, he felt like retching.

What defines a top actor? This is it. Right now, Su Chen wishes he could stretch his face out for a slap.

Reject me, why don't you? There's no reason you'd accept such despicable behavior from someone like me.


"What are you saying? Don't be like this...."

Lin Qingyan playfully brushed her hair aside and looked at Su Chen, "I said yes because I'm a bit hungry."

Damn it! Su Chen couldn't believe what he was hearing from Lin Qingyan.

How could you agree? You shouldn't have! Miss, you should be slapping me hard across the face! However, it was a relief since it had been like this before, but in the end, the task was still shown as completed. With that thought, Su Chen felt much more at ease.

Zhang Li, noticing Su Chen's performance, chuckled, "Since it's about having a meal, let's go together. I'm hungry too."

This annoyed Su Chen.

Having Zhang Li join them would ruin the mood. Even though he didn't want Lin Qingyan to fall for him, being on friendly terms like Yang Yuxin would be acceptable. Resignedly, Su Chen shook his head and left with the two of them. Lying in the hospital bed, he felt utterly ridiculous.

Elsewhere, Yang Danxuan returned home in a huff. She had just picked up a plush toy to cuddle with, not even warmed by her embrace yet, when her female assistant hurried over. "Danxuan, there's a call for you."

"I don't want to take it. Hang up," Yang Danxuan was not in the mood.

She didn't want to deal with all these matters. Moreover, it was just something related to the entertainment industry, which she didn't care for.

She was constantly pondering how to face Su Chen.

"Ah," the female assistant was taken aback.

This was the first time she had seen Yang Danxuan in a foul mood. Yang Danxuan didn't want to make things difficult for her assistant and quickly adjusted her emotions.

"Who called?"

Taking a deep breath, the assistant quickly replied, "It was Miss Chen Yuxin. That's why I was in such a rush."

Yang Danxuan's brow furrowed, her fingertip resting between her eyebrows in slight irritation.

"Give me the phone."

"Alright." The assistant handed over the phone with a sense of relief and then departed.

She knew well enough that there were certain conversations she shouldn't overhear. Yang Danxuan wasn't particularly close to Chen Yuxin. In fact, Chen Yuxin had called Yang Danxuan's non-private number. After pondering for a moment, Yang Danxuan dialed Chen Yuxin's number.

"Speak. What could possibly prompt you to call me? If you're trying to get me to leave Su Chen, then we have nothing to discuss."

Yang Danxuan's tone was icy, a stark contrast to the gentle image many held of her.

"It seems I guessed right, Yang Danxuan. You're a reincarnator, aren't you?"