Why Won't You Hit Me?

Su Chen headed out to dine with the two unparalleled beauties by his side. Along the way, he noticed many people giving them cold glances. He wasn't exactly sure where the current plot of the story stood. According to the original work, there were few events concerning him in the upcoming plot; mostly, he would reappear to ridicule the protagonist once the latter gained fame. Thus, he had stopped worrying about how the story would progress.

However, having Lin Qingyan by his side made him feel a bit uneasy. Lin Qingyan, as the primary female lead of the novel, was no longer frolicking with the protagonist but was instead acting coy around the antagonist. How did the story end up this way? Su Chen truly wasn't used to this since, in the past, it was mostly unrequited love on his part.

They didn't go to a particularly lavish restaurant; they just picked a nearby eatery at random. After ordering, Su Chen's thoughts began to wander. Given the current situation, what should he do? He was seated between the two leading ladies. Should he be the lucky guy sandwiched between them? Although Su Chen had considered it, seeing how the story had already gone astray, it didn't seem to matter much anymore.

However, thinking of the system's notification about the task completion, he dared not take actions that would violate the original plotline. As for how to progress the story, the answer was to maintain his established character. At this point, Su Chen didn't want to concern himself too much with the plot's intricacies; he just wanted to stay in character, regardless of how the female leads behaved. After all, the proverbial saying went: "The rice is cooking, and the person is on the bed; do as you please."

"Qingyan, be careful with the soup; the dish was just served!"

"I specifically ordered this dish for you because it's your favorite," Su Chen remarked.

Lin Qingyan nodded and beamed with a radiant smile. The warmth of her expression captivated everyone present. Such a smile left the onlookers in awe, truly worthy of the title 'The First Goddess of Kyoto'.

Have you lost your mind? Su Chen thought to himself, feeling the need to get the storyline back on track. He realized he had to take action to make Lin Qingyan dislike him. Internally, he resigned himself to the idea that as long as he stayed true to his character, whatever the female leads decided to do was up to them.

With these thoughts, Su Chen reached out and pinched Lin Qingyan's delicate ear. "Your ears are really beautiful," he said. Even though he didn't spell it out, his intentions were clear. Su Chen was well-aware that Lin Qingyan's most sensitive spot was her ears, a truth he learned through countless experiences. So, he believed that by suddenly pinching her ear like that, she would undoubtedly get furious.

Lin Qingyan trembled slightly, her legs drawing together. What's happening? Why is he suddenly touching me? Could it be that Su Chen has developed feelings for me? His subtle move left Lin Qingyan flustered. She dared not move or say anything, her cheeks turning a shade of red as she bashfully looked downward.

Meanwhile, Su Chen had already leaned in closer, mentally preparing himself, come on, hit me. Do what a main female lead should do. In reality, Su Chen's role in the story wasn't this extensive, and he usually appeared only after long intervals.

However, strange things always seem to occur, and Su Chen noticed them, especially the early appearances of many of the female protagonists.

He certainly didn't believe that there would be any change in their feelings towards him. From the beginning, he hadn't approached these female leads the same way he had in the previous 33 cycles, attempting to win their affections. The determination and willpower of these female characters were robust. Even in past lives, Su Chen had to put forth immense effort just to gain a smidgeon of their fondness.

Thus, Su Chen felt the need to remind Lin Qingyan of all the reasons she should despise him. He had even prepared in advance what he planned to say next. If Lin Qingyan dared to resist, he was ready to instantly put on a menacing face to threaten her.

[Lin Qingyan, you're so full of yourself, but sooner or later, you'll be mine. What's wrong with me touching you now?]

[Let me tell you, after we're married, not only will I touch your ears, I might even bite.]

Lin Qingyan remained motionless, keeping her head down and continuing to eat without glancing at Su Chen. There wasn't even the slightest hint of objection. Su Chen was baffled, thinking, "I've gone this far, why haven't you slapped me? What the hell are you thinking?" Although he had anticipated that Lin Qingyan might react this way, he genuinely couldn't understand why she did. He pondered where things had gone wrong.

Su Chen's hand remained where it was, freely resting atop hers. After a long moment, with Lin Qingyan still not making any move, Su Chen finally relented. Withdrawing his hand, he said, "I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself for a moment." Lin Qingyan looked up at Su Chen, her face flushed, "It's okay. I know I'm not perfect for you right now, but rest assured, I'll strive to be better. By the time we get married, I'll undoubtedly have improved."

I've had enough! Who said I wanted to marry you? What do you mean by saying that? Why does it feel like you're acting like my loyal follower? Did you get the wrong script, big sis?

Right now, Su Chen really wanted to peer into Lin Qingyan's mind to find out what she was thinking. As the two of them conversed, Zhang Li, who was nearby, remained silent. However, her attention was fully on them, and she found it particularly amusing after hearing Su Chen's thoughts.

According to what Su Chen had said, his behavior should have infuriated Lin Qingyan. Yet, it seemed Lin Qingyan was behaving oddly. Su Chen then glanced at Zhang Li, recalling that she wasn't mad at all after he kissed her that day. He figured the same approach wouldn't work on Lin Qingyan either.

On closer thought, it seemed the method wasn't disgusting enough. He then lowered his gaze and saw Lin Qingyan in a short skirt, revealing her fair skin to the air, presenting a striking view. Without hesitation, Su Chen reached out and placed his hand on her thigh, and to ensure she would get angry, he intentionally pinched her a few times.

Missing out on taking advantages is for fools; after all, what I'm doing is in line with my character. The system shouldn't consider me a failure. This was the insight Su Chen had gradually derived.

As expected, Lin Qingyan suddenly raised her head, her beautiful eyes widened as she stared at Su Chen.

"Don't do that."

That's it?

"It's fine, it was bound to happen sooner or later," Su Chen said deliberately using such cheeky words.

"Remove your hand; even though we have an engagement, I don't want this."

Although Lin Qingyan didn't seem furious, she was mildly irritated. As long as you're angry, it indicates you detest this action. Given that, there's even less reason for me to retract my hand.

Su Chen, observing a slightly irritated Lin Qingyan, continued to rest his hand on her thigh. Get mad, berate me, call me a toad trying to eat swan meat. Go on, berate me to your heart's content, but remember your role, lead actress.

However, Lin Qingyan didn't make any subsequent moves; her face grew redder. Su Chen, staring in disbelief at Lin Qingyan, said, "Aren't you mad?"

"Why should I be? After all, it's only a matter of time. I understand you."

Pfft! Zhang Li, eating nearby, almost choked. She nearly died laughing. In truth, she realized Lin Qingyan didn't detest Su Chen as much as the rumors suggested. Su Chen was just deceiving himself.

"Zhang Li, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, just ate a bit too eagerly." Holding back her laughter, Zhang Li decided to lend Su Chen a hand.

"I heard you went to have dinner with Yang Yuxin today, is that true?" Upon hearing this, Su Chen was elated. This was it; Zhang Li was going to play her role. If I admit to it, I believe you, Lin Qingyan, would detest me, the prodigal son, even more.

"Just dinner? You're underestimating me, we also..." Su Chen pretended to have let something slip, hastily explaining to Lin Qingyan, "Qingyan, I'm sorry, I couldn't resist." This should do it. I've directly admitted it to you.

Lin Qingyan, get angry! Call me vile, despicable, then storm off. "It's okay, I understand. Just stay safe," Lin Qingyan calmly responded. She believed that Su Chen wasn't that kind of person. The reason he said those things was to make her despise him. In her past life, she made this mistake and ultimately persecuted Su Chen. Reliving her life, she would never allow it to happen again.

Staring in disbelief, Su Chen seemed as if he had heard something incredible. "You really don't mind?" "Why should I? Like I said, I understand. It's normal for men to be lustful, especially for an outstanding man like you," Lin Qingyan replied seriously.

However, her heart was indeed stirred. With tightly clenched fists, visibly pale knuckles, Lin Qingyan felt lost and anxious. Was this considered a confession?

I give in; women are conceding to you. Su Chen almost fainted on the spot; he had heard such a phrase before. At the time, he had questioned Lin Qingyan about the male lead being fickle and having many women, and she had responded this way.

Su Chen was indignant and increased both the range and force of his grip. After a period of tension, her delicate body had become somewhat stiff, involuntarily leaning towards the dining table, which caused her chest to press against it. "Such a pronounced figure," Su Chen couldn't help but marvel inwardly. He averted his gaze, after all, when you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes back into you. And this abyss, Su Chen was not yet ready to explore.

While Su Chen was deep in thought, Qin Yu arrived at the restaurant from the hospital. Although he had just been resuscitated, after being enhanced by the Kunlun jade pendant, he had fully recovered and decided to take a walk. Unexpectedly, Qin Yu noticed the exquisitely featured face of Lin Qingyan. Joy instantly surged in his heart, as if all worries had evaporated. However, as he approached, he suddenly spotted Su Chen beside Lin Qingyan. Anger rose in his eyes.

Although he was unsure why Su Chen hadn't been apprehended by the police, the fact that Su Chen dared to touch the woman he had set his sights on intensified Qin Yu's rage. "Remove your hand from her." A familiar voice, a familiar scene. Everything suddenly made sense to Su Chen.

Main character, you've finally shown up.

As expected, every time I, the villainous side character, try to take advantage of the female lead, you always appear persistently. No wonder Lin Qingyan didn't stop my sleazy actions earlier; otherwise, Qin Yu wouldn't have had the opportunity to show off and put me in my place.

"You jerk, daring to shout in my ear."

Qin Yu looked angrily at Su Chen's hand. "Idiot, let go of her already. She clearly doesn't like you."

"How do you know she doesn't like me? We're already engaged. I'll hold her however I like." Su Chen continued to mock Qin Yu, not believing that Qin Yu, with his personality, could hold back.

Quietly, Lin Qingyan moved Su Chen's hand away. While Lin Qingyan didn't mind Su Chen touching her, she didn't want outsiders to see. However, in Qin Yu's eyes, this gesture was interpreted differently.

He believed Lin Qingyan surely liked him. He assumed that she had been coerced by Su Chen earlier and that she only pulled away from Su Chen's grasp upon seeing him. "Damn Su Chen," Qin Yu thought, clenching his fists, vowing not to let Su Chen go and even contemplating bringing downfall upon the entire Su family.

Joy surged in Su Chen's heart, thinking, "Lin Qingyan, you truly are the female lead. You didn't reject me earlier, but now that Qin Yu has appeared, you change your attitude faster than anyone else. That's right; this is exactly what a female lead should do." Even though the original story didn't contain this plot point, Su Chen didn't mind, thinking it was okay to improvise. Especially after seeing Qin Yu's arrival, Lin Qingyan's demeanor immediately seemed off, with clear discontent on her face.

Su Chen thought to himself, "Being the female lead, you can't possibly dislike the male protagonist, can you?" "Qingyan, you don't need to worry anymore. The Su family is in dire straits themselves right now. I know your company is currently developing, but there's no need to seek assistance from the Su family." "I've already transferred a large sum of money to your company."

After waking up, Qin Yu immediately provided a significant amount of capital to Lin Qingyan. This was actually his plan: firstly, to set up Su Chen and send him to prison, allowing Lin Qingyan an excuse to call off their engagement. Even though Su Chen hasn't been arrested yet, thanks to the influence of the Su family, in Qin Yu's eyes, Su Chen's reputation is already tarnished. The second step was to provide capital to Lin Qingyan. He had investigated and found out that Lin Qingyan urgently needed funds for her company's recent overseas expansion. So, he transferred a large sum of money to her.

In Qin Yu's mind, everything was clear. As long as he invited Lin Qingyan for a date one more time, all his plans would come to fruition.

[What an idiot! Is giving money the only method Qin Yu knows?]

[But one can't deny that it's effective. Lin Qingyan will surely be moved by Qin Yu's gesture, ensuring her safety.]

[Seems like Qin Yu has learned from his past mistakes with Zhang Li, directly transferring the money this time]

[Why didn't you realize this earlier? Given Zhang Li's character, she would have been charmed by you long ago.]

[Wait, why do I suddenly sense a murderous aura?]

Lin Qingyan glanced at Qin Yu and said with a frown, "I didn't ask for your money. Now that you've mentioned it, I saw the transaction. Let me return it to you." Return the money? Why would she do that? Su Chen twitched his already tense face.