Women's Competitive Nature

Yang Yuxin's pretty face radiated a joyful smile, leaning on Su Chen's shoulder. At the same time, Su Chen had come to a realization that Yang Yuxin, the female lead, was completely defeated. She had been entirely captivated by him, the villainous male side character, and she would definitely not help Qin Yu anymore.

Moreover, she expressed vehemently, "Su Chen, don't even think about getting rid of me in this lifetime. I'm sticking with you." Although Su Chen found it annoying, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. With a teasing tone, Su Chen said, "Yang Yuxin, can you stay away from me? I'm not falling for your tricks."

Yang Yuxin jokingly replied, "Little brother, let me give you a massage?" 

"Hmm, that's fine, but don't think about playing any tricks." 

"Get lost!" Yang Yuxin retorted, rolling her eyes. Soon after, she let go of Su Chen and said with a whine, "I considered you a friend, but you actually thought..." 

Before finishing her sentence, Yang Yuxin stood up and left, leaving only her silhouette for Su Chen.

Su Chen wasn't sure what she was up to, but he was certain she wasn't leaving. Who knows what mischief she might be planning? By evening, Su Chen realized that Zhang Li's invitation for dinner was actually a cocktail party. Inside Zhang Li's entertainment company, there was even a banquet hall like those in hotels.

Apart from the crew of this drama, there were other staff members as well. The whole hall instantly became lively. However, Su Chen was all alone, as he noticed that the three women were nowhere to be seen. He had no idea where they had gone. Su Chen was quite pleased, thinking that the female lead was too much trouble, and life is just like a drama - it's all about acting.

Taking a moment to relax once in a while is indeed a good thing. However, the gazes of those present were mostly fixated on Su Chen. The reputation of "Young Master Su" was just too prominent.

Many who hadn't seen him before were covertly sizing him up. Numerous female celebrities cast flirtatious glances his way. Although Su Chen played the antagonist, adhering to a personality that refuses to be taken advantage of, he too, appreciatively scanned over these female stars.

But being Su Chen, he could tell genuineness with just one look. As Su Chen was deep in thought, Lin Qingyan made an unexpected call. He was taken aback, thinking, Wow, the main female lead is actually calling me. What does this woman want? She wouldn't be harboring any ill intentions towards me, right? To be honest, Su Chen wanted to hang up immediately, but he realized that such an action wouldn't fit his image as the ultimate sycophant in the drama!

In the current plotline, Su Chen had already mostly moved on from his sycophantic stance towards Lin Qingyan. It was more of a transition from love to resentment. However, the time for that transformation hadn't come yet, so Su Chen needed to maintain his sycophantic image.

"Su Chen, what's the meaning of this? Why aren't you answering my calls? I specifically ran out of a meeting to call you!" 

Su Chen was perplexed. "What do you mean I didn't answer? Isn't this me answering right now? Don't make it seem like we're a married couple, okay?"

What on earth does Lin Qingyan mean by this? Su Chen felt like he was on the brink of insanity. His feelings for Lin Qingyan were different from those for Yang Yuxin; in his thirty-third reincarnation, he didn't share any significant ties with Lin. In fact, there was a hint of resentment — the anger of a former devoted admirer.

In any case, Su Chen wasn't willing for Lin Qingyan's character to break down, as it wouldn't be beneficial for him. Su Chen replied, "I was lost in thought just now and didn't react immediately." Lin Qingyan thought to herself, "Why hasn't Su Chen sought me out this lifetime? It seems I need to take the initiative."

She was initially preparing for a meeting. Under her leadership, the current Lin Corporation was thriving. It wouldn't be long before she had the power to confront the despicable Qin Yu. However, before she could rejoice, she learned about an incident involving Su Chen at a jewelry store, which sent her into a panic. For a prolonged period, Lin Qingyan felt overwhelmed and distracted. Even during her meeting, she couldn't regain her composure and abruptly left to call Su Chen.

Su Chen, ever the devoted admirer, asked with concern, "I was about to call and ask, what are you doing?" 

Lin Qingyan replied, "Of course, I was thinking about you." 

Su Chen responded, "Don't say that. I know you don't like me, but I can change!"

However, upon hearing this, Lin Qingyan's perception was skewed, especially considering Su Chen's recent actions with Qu Xiaoqi and Yang Yuxin. She was furious. "I've been contemplating when we can annul our marriage," she retorted. Ah, that familiar feeling is back. Su Chen finally showed a satisfied smile.

Lin Qingyan's voice came again, "Come see me tomorrow; I have something to tell you." Su Chen hesitated, "Hmm, doesn't Qin Yu work at your company?" 

In this lifetime, I haven't paid much attention to Lin Qingyan, but I remember from the original story that Qin Yu worked within Lin Qingyan's company.

"I'll say it one last time: I have no connection with Qin Yu whatsoever. It's all wishful thinking on his part. How could I possibly let him work at my company? If you bring this up again, I'll end my life right in front of you!" Lin Qingyan declared.

Come on, if you don't like Qin Yu, just say so. Why are you talking about life and death? If you die, what fun is left for me? Despite the drastic turn in the plot this time around, Su Chen admittedly still quite enjoyed it.

"I won't mention it anymore, okay? I'll definitely come to see you tomorrow," Su Chen assured. Lin Qingyan held back her laughter, thinking to herself, Su Chen is indeed still so adorable. She felt an urge to playfully mess with him.

"Say you love me right now, and I'll forgive you," Lin Qingyan cooed. At the same time, she felt a rush of anticipation. Although Su Chen had expressed his love for her multiple times, this time felt very different to her.

"Fine, I love you!" Su Chen conceded.

"Remember to come see me tomorrow. I have something special for you," Lin Qingyan teased. Su Chen promptly hung up the call. Damn it, this Lin Qingyan is driving me crazy. What use is it being so beautiful, Lin Qingyan, when not a single female lead gives me peace? All I want is to sleep with you.

Meanwhile, as Su Chen was grappling with his emotions, Zhang Li was facing her own challenges. She took out all the clothes she had recently purchased, contemplating the best way to dress in the most alluring manner. Zhang Li recognized that compared to Yang Yuxin, she didn't have many advantages. The only significant edge she might have is her age. The allure of a thirty-year-old woman holds significant appeal for men.

At the same time, another voice chimed in, "Qu Xiaoqi, this is the gown I bought for you. You should wear this later."

Saying this, Yang Yuxin handed over a purple dress to Qu Xiaoqi. She had deliberately sent someone to buy a bunch of dresses, over a dozen, all luxurious brands.

"Is this really suitable for me?" Qu Xiaoqi questioned, though she still tried it on. "Sister Yang Yuxin, what do you think? Does it look good on me?"

"It's decent, quite nice!" Yang Yuxin remarked, letting out an inward sneer. After all, it's often said that clothes make the person, and Yang Yuxin certainly wouldn't provide Qu Xiaoqi with the best attire. She remembered a time when Su Chen had told her that girls in purple dresses didn't look good. For herself, Yang Yuxin had chosen a white dress, exuding an ethereal beauty. It transformed her from a sultry diva to an enchanting, innocent girl.

"Sister Yuxin, is this really all we're wearing? Seems a bit conservative, doesn't it?" Qu Xiaoqi inquired.

Yang Yuxin looked at Qu Xiaoqi with some astonishment, thinking she might have underestimated her. Contrary to her refined appearance, Qu Xiaoqi seemed to have another side to her. The perceived threat seemed to intensify. After some contemplation, Yang Yuxin advised, "Let's not be overly conservative, but keep it modest. Behind closed doors, do as you please!" She saw potential in partnering with Qu Xiaoqi. From the start, she always considered Lin Qingyan her biggest rival.

After selecting their outfits, both women took the time to apply makeup in front of the mirror. While they seemed harmonious on the surface, behind closed doors, the dynamic was different. Women naturally have a competitive streak, especially when faced with another of similar caliber. They would never allow the other to outshine them in beauty.

However, when the two of them stepped outside, they encountered Zhang Li. Both silently sighed in their hearts, admitting to themselves that this woman had outshone them.

Zhang Li looked at them triumphantly. Ever since Su Chen had mentioned her, she had prepared many sultry outfits but hadn't had the opportunity to wear them until now.

Yang Yuxin sneered and mockingly said, "I didn't expect you to look so stunning in such a revealing dress at your age, Sister Zhang Li." While Yang Yuxin's words seemed like a compliment, they were dripping with sarcasm.

Zhang Li responded without missing a beat, "Would you like to join me in the banquet hall, dear?"

As expected, Yang Yuxin gritted her teeth, "No need, Sister Zhang Li. Please go ahead."

Nodding her head, Zhang Li, with a smile on her face and in her high heels, walked away. She already knew Yang Yuxin wouldn't accompany her because, in the current situation, Yang Yuxin would only serve as a foil.

Judging by their outfits, Zhang Li had clearly won this round.

"Insufferable woman!" Both Yang Yuxin and Qu Xiaoqi exclaimed in unison, watching Zhang Li's graceful figure.

With Zhang Li's entrance, the banquet officially began.

Upon entering, all eyes were immediately drawn to Zhang Li. These people worked for Zhang Li's company, yet it seemed none had ever seen her in such a dazzling form.

However, they only dared to sneak glances, fearing any repercussions.

But Su Chen was unabashed. His fervent gaze remained fixed on Zhang Li. To be honest, he was somewhat taken aback. Not only did Zhang Li show off her long legs, but she had also put on makeup, completely altering his perception of her.

Particularly, the aura emanating from a thirty-year-old woman, an enchanting yet dignified presence, was so overwhelming that it was hard to look away.

Of course, Su Chen believed that the more dignified someone appeared, the more fun they would be to tease.

Zhang Li approached Su Chen, whispered into his ear, "What do you think? Isn't it beautiful?"

Instead of replying verbally, Su Chen responded with a discreet action. Zhang Li blushed and shot Su Chen an annoyed look, feeling quite uneasy.

Even though Su Chen's move was covert, she was worried others might have noticed, making her feel embarrassed.

The aloof and cold CEO image she had carefully cultivated was on the verge of collapsing.

Soon after, Yang Yuxin and Qu Xiaoqi made their entrance, similarly drawing the attention of many.

Their beauty was distinct from Zhang Li's. In comparison to Su Chen, more people were drawn to the allure of these younger girls.

It can be said that both Yang Yuxin and Qu Xiaoqi left an indelible mark of beauty in everyone's minds.

However, when they noticed both ladies approaching Su Chen, their courage to admire such beauty waned.

Many female celebrities felt as though they looked like clowns in comparison. How ridiculous! Seeing the two gradually approaching, Su Chen was stunned.

It was like a riot of blooming flowers! But something seemed amiss. He, the supposed antagonist, was enjoying the attention typically reserved for the protagonist.

Su Chen couldn't help but wonder where things had gone wrong. Forget it, he thought, no need to overthink it. If the plot hadn't been deemed a failure and there were benefits to reap - why not seize them?

Seeing Yang Yuxin in white and Qu Xiaoqi in a purple dress, he was reminded of his childhood. Yang Yuxin, wearing purple, enthusiastically approached him, asking if she looked good.

In Su Chen's opinion, the dress wasn't flattering. So, he shook his head.

Slightly frustrated, Yang Yuxin asked, "Then what color do you think would look good?"

Not wanting to share his true thoughts, he subtly expressed, "White. The whiter, the more exciting!"

Su Chen thought Yang Yuxin would understand, but after all these years, she still didn't get it!