Zhang Li: I Feel Like I've Forgotten Something

The purpose of this banquet was a wrap-up party for the movie. The film mainly tells the story of the first empress of China. Su Chen remembered that just this movie alone brought in tens of billions for Zhang Li's company. As one of the investors in the company, he, of course, profited handsomely. As for Qin Yu, the guy is simply repugnant, devoid of any intelligence, even Zhang Li has him wrapped around her finger. 

[Qin Long is such a fool, giving up so much equity. Does the Qin family have no sane person? Such a family should go bankrupt!] 

When Zhang Li heard Su Chen's thoughts, she almost burst into laughter. Of course, Qin Long wouldn't just easily give up his shares. She had employed some tactics to transfer the equity to Su Chen.

Although it was a wrap-up banquet, most eyes were still focused on Su Chen. 

Many were thinking, 'Why isn't that me? Why does Su Chen receive such treatment? It's unfair.' 

Several attendees were trying to console themselves. Su Chen, on the other hand, couldn't care less. Finally free from the storyline, he was ready to enjoy himself. 

However, before he could relish the moment for long, he began to feel uneasy. Why are you women fighting? What on earth are you doing? There's no need for this!

Yang Yuxin was intently staring at Zhang Li, and in an instant, the two entered a drinking duel. Zhang Li, not one to back down, immediately competed with Yang Yuxin. Clearly, Yang Yuxin had shifted her animosity onto Zhang Li. 

The result was quite predictable: Yang Yuxin couldn't hold her liquor and was making a scene. In the end, she just lay in Su Chen's arms, fast asleep.

Zhang Li remained clear-headed, clearly outlasting Yang Yuxin in their drinking bout. Su Chen glanced at the sleeping beauty in his arms, a hint of delight flashing in his eyes. Qu Xiaoqi wasn't faring any better; whether she had never drunk before or whatever, she became dizzy after a sip and ended up in Su Chen's embrace as well.

Now, with one beauty cradled in each arm, he certainly couldn't eat anymore. Looking at the two unconscious beauties, Su Chen recalled a saying, Girls who love to drink always have a vibrant aura. 

He coughed lightly, "Sister Zhang Li, in that case, I'll take them home now."

Su Chen didn't want to linger any longer. Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, enjoying such fortune made him feel uneasy. These women, recklessly drinking to such excess! Eventually, Su Chen had to hoist each lady over a shoulder and leave the banquet.

As Su Chen pondered how he would get them home, a group of burly men in black and a mature, graceful woman approached. "Young Master Su, our young lady is drunk. We'll take her home." These men were Qu Xiaoqi's guards. After hearing about a potential dispute between Qu Xiaoqi and Su Chen, they had urgently mobilized. However, seeing that Qu Xiaoqi and Su Chen were getting along, these guards from the Qu family stayed in the shadows, merely providing secret protection.

Since the Qu family's people had arrived, Su Chen could only return their young lady. Among the characters in the original story, there were few that made a deep impression on Su Chen. However, the Qu family's head housekeeper was quite memorable. And so, Qu Xiaoqi was taken home.

Although he was down one beauty, with Yang Yuxin still there, Su Chen's mood remained high. However, soon after, another breathtaking beauty appeared, panting delicately, and she was Yang Yuxin's elder sister, Yang Danxuan. "Su Chen, let me take Yuxin home," she said.

Yang Danxuan's face, which could easily stir a man's heart, still wore an angelic smile. Yet, her inner thoughts were far from serene. I'm glad I came early, otherwise Su Chen might have taken you away. Sister, don't blame me. I'm doing this for your own good!

Yang Danxuan was the female lead that the male protagonist, Qin Yu, liked the most. Gentle and kind, Su Chen didn't want to provoke her too much. If Yang Danxuan's character collapsed, it would be trouble. However, on second thought, this could be a good thing. United sisters can break any force!

Ultimately, Su Chen let Yang Danxuan take Yang Yuxin away. In an instant, his status as the victor in life seemed to diminish. As Yang Danxuan, supporting Yang Yuxin's delicate body, approached the car, she suddenly stopped. "So, Yuxin, you weren't really drunk!"

Yang Danxuan's mischievous smile, coupled with her captivating eyes which hinted at a touch of flirtation, contradicted her innocent girl image. Indeed, after her words, Yang Yuxin, who seemed to have lost consciousness, suddenly opened her eyes, not even glancing at her beloved sister, and directly sat in the back seat. As I suspected, Yang Danxuan also likes Su Chen, otherwise she wouldn't have come to sabotage me. Hmph!

Yang Yuxin considered offering Yang Danxuan to Su Chen.

But Yang Yuxin could consider that only if Yang Danxuan didn't have feelings for Su Chen. Yang Yuxin thought, He's my man. Only if I give him to you can you have him; if I don't, you can't just take him.

On the other side, Su Chen, who had sent off the two femme fatales, was planning to head home. However, Zhang Li suddenly appeared on the scene and grabbed him forcefully. When Su Chen tried to pull his hand away, she clung onto his hair. No matter how he tried, he couldn't shake her off.

"Su Chen, I'm drunk. You have to take me home," she pleaded. Su Chen, exasperated, pinched the soft 'hat' on Zhang Li's outfit and remarked, "There's a price to pay if you come with me!"

"Fine, take me with you," she responded.

"It's late. I'm not too keen on it," Su Chen covered his face, trying his best not to reveal his true emotions.

"It's nighttime! That's when we should be out having fun!"

Alright then.

In the end, out of sheer resignation, Su Chen carried Zhang Li on his back, leisurely strolling down the streets, looking every bit like a couple deeply in love. Su Chen mused, "Being a celebrity and shooting commercials must be quite profitable, right? Since it's the most lucrative gig apart from filming."

Zhang Li hummed in agreement.

"What's the matter, thinking of becoming a star? Aren't you afraid of the unspoken rules?"

"I'm a man, not a woman!"

Zhang Li rolled her eyes, thinking, "So you believe men are immune?"

"Oh! If the company ever has any lingerie advertisements, I'd recommend you try it out," Su Chen said, feeling the softness on his back, immediately visualizing Zhang Li's alluring figure. Such a physique would be a lingerie brand's dream.

"That's actually a pretty good suggestion!" Zhang Li whispered into Su Chen's ear, her face pressed against his back, "Tell me, why do we have to live such tiring lives?"

"And act out stories we didn't choose!"

Su Chen paused, feeling as if he had heard that phrase somewhere before. "I don't know about others, but I'm never tired, it's impossible for me to be," he remarked. Trying to console her, Su Chen added cheekily, "I hope the only thing that leaves you breathless in the future isn't life but me."

Zhang Li pinched Su Chen's waist hard, teasing, "Maybe you'd like a visit to a German orthopedic doctor?" Puffing up her cheeks, she decided to give Su Chen the silent treatment.

"You crazy ladies and your impromptu drinking contests! I'm off to get something to eat now," Su Chen voiced his genuine feelings, as his stomach was truly rumbling and he felt famished. If he waited any longer, he might've been tempted to "eat" Zhang Li instead.

Zhang Li remained silent, which Su Chen took as an agreement. However, for some reason, she felt like she was forgetting something crucial. Even though she wasn't drunk, she had had a fair share of alcohol and felt a bit dizzy. Figuring it wasn't that important if she could forget it so easily, she dismissed the thought.

On the other hand, even though Su Chen had left with Zhang Li, the banquet continued. After all, it was a significant gathering in the entertainment circle. Many glamorous actresses began discussing scripts with the directors. Amidst the laughter and conversations, a young man dressed sharply in a suit walked in, capturing the attention of many.

Ye Haotian!

Regarded as the top figure among the younger generation in the capital, his face bore a confident smile. Since his return to the country, he had devised several strategies to woo Zhang Li.

Ye Haotian wanted Zhang Li to become his wife. He believed that their first encounter was crucial, and after much thought, he hadn't figured out how to pursue Zhang Li. To his surprise, Zhang Li had taken the initiative to send him an invitation, expressing her wish for him to attend the banquet.

Thus, Ye Haotian, looking his best, arrived at the party hosted by Zhang Li's company. Yet, as he scanned the room, he couldn't spot his dream woman.

Ye Haotian thought that she might be handling some urgent matters. He reminded himself to stay patient and maintain an impeccable demeanor, covering up any hint of impatience or irritation. But as minutes passed – three, then five, then ten – Ye Haotian's patience wore thin. He abruptly grabbed a waiter serving drinks, "Where has your Boss Zhang gone?"

The aura of rage around Ye Haotian was palpable, and his commanding presence left the waiter trembling, unable to form words. "I'll give you ten seconds to answer, or else," Ye Haotian growled, gripping the waiter's throat, implying he might snap it if not answered promptly.

"Mr. Ye, he's just a waiter. How would he know where Boss Zhang is? Let me inform you instead," intervened Zhang Li's junior secretary, sensing the escalating tension. She too was fearful. Ye Haotian's reputation was fearsome, unlike Su Chen's notorious reputation. This man in front of her was known to commit violent acts. Zhang Li had once mentioned that Ye Haotian was cunning, calculative, and truly the most outstanding of the younger generation.

"Speak!" Ye Haotian's voice dripped with restrained fury.

Considering the other party was Zhang Li's secretary, Ye Haotian didn't want to fall out with her just yet. "Boss Zhang went out with Su Chen, probably to discuss some business matters," she informed.

"Su Chen?" Ye Haotian echoed. "Why would Zhang Li go out with him?"

Upon hearing that Zhang Li had left with another man, a flash of murderous intent crossed Ye Haotian's eyes. But he quickly suppressed it. Su Chen was a notorious playboy of the capital, well-known for his flirtatious ways. The thought of Zhang Li with someone like that made Ye Haotian feel as if he had a meadow growing on his head, a Chinese metaphor for feeling cuckolded. His fists clenched so tightly that blood could've dripped.

This small detail didn't go unnoticed. The onlookers were petrified, hardly daring to breathe. Everyone could see that Ye Haotian's obsession with Zhang Li bordered on the pathological. Su Chen internally commented, Such a lack of insight. The villain in 'The Return of the War God' is just like this, no wonder the protagonist, Qin Yu, always gets the upper hand. Blame the author, I guess!

"The young Master Su is now a shareholder of our company. Boss Zhang must be discussing work-related matters," the young secretary quickly explained, fearing that Ye Haotian might fly into a rage.

Without lingering, Ye Haotian turned and left the banquet. The secretary tried calling Zhang Li immediately but found her phone switched off, which left her pacing anxiously.

After leaving the banquet, Ye Haotian promptly made a call. "Young Master, how may I assist?" An elderly voice responded.

"Send me all the information on Su Chen," Ye Haotian ordered. "And, no matter what it takes, ensure that a certain waiter never speaks again for the rest of his life."

Ye Haotian wasn't one to let those who defied him lead peaceful lives. Especially the waiter who had just humiliated him. If he didn't wish to speak, then he shouldn't be able to for the rest of his life.