The Villain Becomes the Protagonist

"Wow, there are so many people!" Given that it's precisely 8 pm, dinnertime, it's natural for the restaurant to be crowded.

Zhang Li rarely goes out to eat due to her work, and coming out now, especially with Su Chen, provides a different experience altogether. "I'll go get a queue number; you wait here," Zhang Li said, squinting her eyes, looking especially delighted, though it's unclear what she's thinking.

[Queue? Queuing is indeed a commendable behavior, but it's clearly impossible for someone of my young master status.] 

[Hmm, even though I feel guilty about bypassing these people in line, I need to maintain my public image.]

Su Chen figures that if the female lead can't uphold her image, then he needs to maintain his own. Moreover, he believes a significant reason the plot hasn't collapsed until now is because his young master character remains deeply entrenched in people's minds.

As soon as Su Chen reveals his identity, the restaurant's manager rushes out to greet him with a beaming smile. "Young master Su, please follow me upstairs. Our VIP room is free today. It's quite a coincidence that you're here," said the manager, bending over slightly in a show of respect.

Su Chen feels a sense of familiarity with this manager, as if he's seen him somewhere before, but he can't pinpoint where. Sensing Su Chen's puzzlement, the manager hurriedly explains, "This restaurant belongs to Young Master Fang."

Ah, it's owned by that kid Fang Han.

In that case, "Bring out the most expensive dishes you have. Also, I won't be paying," Su Chen declares.

Since it's Fang Han's restaurant, he's not going to hold back. While he plays the role of the antagonist, he usually pays for his meals. However, since it's Fang Han's place, he doesn't need to pay and can fully display his young master's demeanor.

"Understood, I'll get everything ready," the manager responded, about to turn and leave but quickly remembered something and added, "Uh, Young master Su, since Miss Zhang is also here, would you like something romantic, like roses? Even though we aren't a couple-themed restaurant, we can still arrange something for you."

"Couple?" Su Chen was a bit confused, not quite grasping what the manager was hinting at.

Are you kidding me? How did you figure out we're a couple? Don't you know my reputation? I'm just a loyal admirer of Lin Qingyan. Plus, considering Zhang Li's outstanding looks, background, and capabilities, being with someone like me, a notorious young master, seems implausible.

"Young master Su, we understand. Even our Young Master Fang has mentioned that your skills in courting ladies have significantly improved." The manager was continuously singing praises for Su Chen. He also knew that by bringing up Fang Han, Su Chen wouldn't get mad.

Su Chen has become quite famous these days. He rescued the nation's beloved idol from a blazing fire and instantly became an internet sensation. Moreover, Su Chen's investment in Zhang Li's Starlight Entertainment Company only enhanced his good reputation.

"Don't listen to Fang Han's nonsense; I'm not that close with Miss Zhang." Su Chen, of course, wouldn't admit to it. Darn it, such treatments are for the main character. As an antagonist, he doesn't care for them.

However, Su Chen only thought of himself, neglecting to consider Zhang Li's feelings. "Damn it, Su Chen, after eating your fill, you're denying it now?" Zhang Li wasn't about to let Su Chen get away with his thoughts. Trying to downplay our relationship? Impossible. With so many witnesses, Zhang Li believed that the news would spread. She would become the main female lead, especially if it reached Ye Haotian's ears. This way, she could alter Su Chen's antagonist persona.

As expected, after she voiced her thoughts, the expressions of those present seemed to convey a shared understanding. Especially the experienced manager, who seemed to grasp the similarities in their tones and expressions.

"They aren't even together." However, since Su Chen denied it, the manager didn't dare to say much and simply led Su Chen and Zhang Li to a private room.

But Su Chen felt tormented inside! If rumors about his relationship with Zhang Li were to spread, wouldn't he be done for? Would the antagonist's script be transformed into a protagonist's storyline? Drawing envy from others? Damn it, it's completely over. Zhang Li must have fallen for me, Su Chen thought, his face showing defeat.

As Su Chen left, the atmosphere among the remaining people gradually relaxed. The rumor that the young master of the Su family and the beautiful CEO of Starlight Entertainment held a scandalous secret was sensational news.

"What's happening? How did someone like Su Chen win Zhang Li's affection?"

"Wasn't he only in love with Lin Qingyan?"

"I'm not sure, but in my opinion, Su Chen doesn't seem as terrible as the rumors suggest." Although Su Chen rarely made public appearances, and few of them had many chances to encounter him, his reputation as a debauched and evil young master was deeply ingrained. Many had a negative impression of him. But meeting him in person, they realized he was not at all like the notorious young master he was portrayed to be. His behavior, especially when mocking Fang Han, reminded them of their college days, calling dorm mates "sons"; it was quite apt.

However, some still disapproved of Su Chen's behavior, "I don't understand what you all see in him. To me, he's the epitome of a spoiled young master."

"Have you forgotten how he cut the line earlier? Such behavior shows a lack of upbringing."

"Also, didn't Starlight Entertainment face difficulties a while ago, and then Su Chen invested in it? In my opinion, he's the one behind the troubles, aiming to get Zhang Li. I've seen this kind of thing many times before."

The man spoke with clear disdain. However, his words carried weight and convinced many in the room. After a short while, a man in a tailored suit entered the restaurant. With sharp eyebrows and an intense look, he exuded an aggressive aura. Moreover, outside stood a group of men in black, signaling that this newcomer meant business.

This man was none other than Ye Haotian, who had been searching for Zhang Li. Upon hearing that Su Chen had taken Zhang Li away, he could not remain calm. Using his vast network of connections, he quickly pinpointed their location. With a single command, everyone dining in the restaurant was forced to leave.

There were dozens of them, and some naturally resisted, questioning why they were being kicked out mid-meal. However, those who dared to defy were swiftly beaten severely and thrown out onto the street. After witnessing this display, no one else dared to utter a word. Observing Ye Haotian's actions, they realized that compared to him, Su Chen seemed like a decent person. Su Chen was just a spoiled young master, while Ye Haotian was truly ruthless.

Inside the private dining room, Su Chen remained oblivious to the chaos outside. VIP rooms like these had advanced soundproofing features. No noise from the outside penetrated, and likewise, any loud noises inside would not be heard outside. It's worth noting that, alone with Zhang Li, Su Chen could now truly appreciate the beauty before him. While Zhang Li had always been portrayed as a more forward woman in his mind, upon closer observation, he noticed her cool and elegant demeanor.

Su Chen was somewhat mesmerized. She was incredibly beautiful.

Zhang Li noticed Su Chen's intense gaze and a faint smile formed on her previously expressionless face. She gracefully lifted the hem of her dress, revealing more of her fair thigh, an image that deeply imprinted itself in Su Chen's mind. Caught off guard, Su Chen accidentally knocked over the tableware and quickly bent down to pick it up.

Zhang Li seemed to realize something, her face taking on a rosy hue. Su Chen was completely transfixed. 

[Damn, why does Zhang Li act so provocatively around me?]

[You've never behaved this way around the male lead, Qin Yu. Are you really sacrificing so much for a minor antagonist like me?] 

Su Chen internally justified his actions, otherwise, he'd feel guilty.

"Li, what brings you here? Mind if I join?" Just as Su Chen emerged from under the table, a confident-looking man walked in. The moment he spotted Su Chen, a fleeting murderous intent flashed in his eyes, though it was quickly concealed. However, Su Chen noticed. He immediately recognized the man before him: Ye Haotian, a prodigious figure comparable to the male lead. 

The only difference was Ye Haotian's more extreme personality. He was essentially the primary rival of the male lead, Qin Yu, and clearly out of Su Chen's league. In the previous 33 cycles, Su Chen had seldom encountered Ye Haotian, as he seemed to have gone abroad. Therefore, Su Chen was somewhat surprised by his premature return. "Su Chen, it's been a long time. I never expected you to become so influential."

At this moment, Ye Haotian's face was adorned with a bright smile, thoroughly concealing his previous ruthlessness.

[What an idiot, do you think I don't see through your act? We're both villains here; do you think I don't know what you're truly like?]

[Gambling, drugs, debauchery – there's nothing corrupt you haven't touched. You're literally the scum of society!]

[Do you genuinely believe you've covered all your tracks perfectly?]

Su Chen definitely wasn't going to let Ye Haotian have it easy. However, now wasn't the right time. Zhang Li, on the other hand, was pleasantly surprised, her heart filled with elation. It turned out that Su Chen held evidence of Ye Haotian's wrongdoings. The primary reason Zhang Li had arranged for Ye Haotian to meet Su Chen was to see if Su Chen had the means to confront Ye Haotian. 

She was well aware of all the nefarious deeds Ye Haotian had been involved in behind the scenes. Yet, she felt powerless against someone like him. However, Su Chen was different. Indeed, he genuinely had evidence against Ye Haotian.

"Ye Haotian, why are you here? I have some matters to deal with right now. Let's catch up some other time," Zhang Li feigned inconvenience. Firstly, she wasn't worried about Su Chen getting the wrong impression, since he had a reputation to uphold. 

Plus, this could divert Ye Haotian's animosity towards Su Chen. In this way, Su Chen might be more inclined to take action against Ye Haotian. Having discerned Su Chen's thoughts these past few days, Zhang Li had come to understand the kind of person he was. She believed that Su Chen certainly wouldn't let Ye Haotian off the hook.

"Su Chen, I heard you helped Zhang Li's company through a tough time. Being overseas, I wasn't aware of this situation. Thanks for taking care of it," Ye Haotian said, seemingly ignoring Zhang Li's previous statement and turning his attention directly to Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't want to offend Ye Haotian at the moment, so he remained silent. However, Zhang Li couldn't stand by and immediately stepped in on Su Chen's behalf: "Ye Haotian, what do you mean by that? We're just ordinary friends!"

"That's right. I just felt that since we're friends, when Su Chen helped you, he also helped me." Su Chen found it amusing to see that Ye Haotian wanted to get angry but held back due to Zhang Li. He felt a bit concerned for his fellow antagonist.

"Su Chen, since I'm back now, I'd like you to sell me your shares in Starlight Entertainment," Ye Haotian said with an undeniable dominance in his voice. "Don't worry, I'll offer you double the price." Ye Haotian didn't want any man to have a connection with Zhang Li. If it weren't for Su Chen's identity, Ye Haotian would probably not let him see the light of day again.

However, before Su Chen could respond, Zhang Li interjected anxiously, "Ye Haotian, this has nothing to do with you. It's between Su Chen and me. Stay out of it." She was genuinely worried. If Su Chen really sold his shares to Ye Haotian, she would be in trouble. She hadn't anticipated that after all her plans, she'd put herself in such an awkward position.

Unbeknownst to her, her words had further angered Ye Haotian. Zhang Li had always been known for her bad temper. But lately, whenever she looked at Su Chen, a hint of tenderness flashed in her eyes, which infuriated Ye Haotian even more.

"Triple. I'll pay triple the price for the shares!" he declared.

Su Chen was taken aback.

Ye Haotian, who do you think you are? Even if you were the male lead, I'd put you in your place.What a joke, you lowlife.

Su Chen scoffed, "Do you even understand the situation? Do you want to compare wealth with me? Let's not even mention that you're just one of the heirs of the Ye family. Even if you emptied the entire Ye family's assets, trying to buy something from me would be a delusional thought."

Of course, Su Chen wasn't about to be polite. Apart from the fact that these shares were given to him by Zhang Li, trying to act this way was equivalent to pushing Zhang Li into a dangerous situation.

[What an idiot! You're just an antagonist like me. What gives you the right to act so arrogant in front of me? Are you seeking praise or something?]

[While Zhang Li might be a bit annoying, the more I see her, the better she seems.]

[Furthermore, even if we aren't childhood sweethearts, we grew up together playing around.]

Zhang Li smiled. It was the same sweet smile, seemingly symbolic of happiness. Then, all of a sudden, she grabbed Su Chen's arm and wrapped it around her soft waist.

"Ye Haotian, I called you here today to tell you to stop bothering me. I have someone I like." Zhang Li spoke with dominance, and Su Chen's inner thoughts had given her a sense of security.

"Zhang Li, remember what you said today," Ye Haotian said angrily, no longer able to hide his murderous intent. He glared at Su Chen, wishing he could kill him on the spot. As for Zhang Li, he didn't hold much animosity towards her but directed all his anger at Su Chen.

Ye Haotian is someone who values his reputation, so of course, he wouldn't want to continue losing face here. But as Su Chen watched him leave in a huff, he felt something was off.

Isn't this kind of scene supposed to belong to the protagonist? How did it become mine? Is this a mistake? This is so strange. Being with these heroines, I don't see any good happening.

It's just so ridiculous.

But of course, Su Chen wasn't afraid of Ye Haotian. If push came to shove, he'd simply kill him. What's he acting so high and mighty for? He's not the protagonist.

At that moment, Su Chen realized that maybe something good was happening to him! Because he was still holding onto Zhang Li, he suddenly felt more alive and had some mischievous thoughts.

Should I take advantage of the situation?

Zhang Li's outfit was rather unique, and with a simple move, Su Chen could easily take advantage.

Suddenly, Su Chen remembered Beethoven's famous quote about how fast the fingers move reflecting the pitch of the sound. He thought it might be worth trying it out.