A Phone Call from Su Xian'er

The atmosphere was somewhat eerie. Both of them could feel the warmth emanating from each other's bodies. 

"Let go, you rascal!" 

Zhang Li certainly wouldn't give Su Chen an inch to take a mile. Even though she admitted to being somewhat moved, the idea of immediately getting intimate was out of the question. However, Su Chen's stealthy advances had improved her previously gloomy mood. Beneath her brash tone, her ears had turned completely red.

Su Chen felt an emptiness in his hand, which he wasn't used to. He sighed internally, thinking, this must be what love feels like. Some things, once you've got a hold of them, shouldn't be easily let go of; they should be gripped tightly. 

Zhang Li pretended to calmly return to her seat, but her large, watery eyes had already betrayed her. At that moment, she resembled a pure and playful young girl, not at all like the domineering female CEO.

Su Chen glanced down at the floor and noticed that water was seeping through the cracks, even in such a high-end restaurant. He raised an eyebrow, appearing deep in thought. 

"Su Chen, it's all my fault. I inadvertently brought that man here," Zhang Li looked at Su Chen with an apologetic and aggrieved expression. However, Su Chen couldn't sense any remorse from her. Instead, he had a strong feeling that she had done it on purpose. 

"Don't worry, he won't be hopping around for much longer." Pushing all plots and character setups aside, Su Chen genuinely detested Ye Haotian. Not just for his arrogance, but for being a deceitful backstabber.

"You seem so confident. Do you have some sort of plan?" Zhang Li was curious about what evidence Su Chen might have in hand. But in the end, Su Chen neither spoke of it nor gave it any thought.

"By the way, how has your sister been recently? Has there been anything unusual about her?" Zhang Li would, of course, not pass up the opportunity to be alone with Su Chen. Especially to inquire about Su Xian'er, so she could feel a bit more at ease. At the same time, she wanted to discreetly find out if Su Xian'er had noticed her recent closeness to Su Chen.

"How could there be anything? She's eating well every day and there's no major issue." Su Chen felt a bit nervous hearing Zhang Li mention Su Xian'er, especially considering Zhang Li and Su Xian'er have a decent relationship. 

However, he believed Su Xian'er wouldn't disclose anything since he had given her explicit instructions. Given Su Xian'er's current situation, even if she's being capricious, Su Chen is confident he can control the situation. Su Chen recalled a saying: 'I was born a hunter with a gun, don't act recklessly in front of the muzzle.'

The two continued chatting happily, and soon after, something seemed to occur to Zhang Li, making her hurry out to answer a phone call. In actuality, she suddenly thought of the possibility of Ye Haotian attending a company banquet. 

Fearing unexpected complications, she rushed to call her secretary, Chen Yan. Watching Zhang Li's alluring and mature figure, Su Chen felt a tinge of joy. However, it's unfortunate he couldn't have her right now. Reluctantly, Su Chen started reminiscing about the events of the previous night. 

Or perhaps, because of Zhang Li's earlier words, he began to miss Su Xian'er. Thinking of her delicately structured face, her prominent nose, and those tempting cherry-red lips, Su Chen pondered if he should give her a call. Just as he was about to dial, coincidentally, his phone rang. Glancing at the caller ID, it was indeed a call from Su Xian'er.

Su Chen obviously couldn't answer the call immediately; he had to play a little hard to get. A moment later, "Why are you calling me at this time?" There was silence; no sound came from the other end of the call, making Su Chen a bit anxious. Could there be something unusual going on? Perhaps it was his mother using Su Xian'er's phone to call him?

An idea popped into Su Chen's mind. "Honey, why aren't you speaking?" A cheeky move indeed. If it really was his mother on the other end, he was in big trouble. Not only would his reputation be tarnished, but he might also get kicked out of the Su family. Then he'd see how these women would mess up the storyline.

However, from the other side of the call, there was a soft, shy breathing that sounded like Su Xian'er's. Even though she felt embarrassed hearing Su Chen's words, she was overjoyed. While she still remained silent, Su Chen recognized her mood. 

He realized that it was just Su Xian'er on the other end. But something felt off about Su Xian'er's state today. Why would she call and remain silent for so long? Could transitioning from a young girl to a young married woman really lead to such a significant change?

Suddenly, Su Chen detected some noise from the other side. The sound was peculiar; upon closer listening, it seemed like the flowing of river water.

Something wasn't right. Su Chen quickly realized that the sound seemed to be that of water coming into contact with a body. He was immediately bewildered. What's going on? What on earth is Su Xian'er doing? Is she trying to tempt me into wrongdoing? I have to take control of this situation; with all my years of experience, I must stay composed.

After a brief pause, unable to resist, he asked with anticipation, "Su Xian'er, what exactly are you doing? Answer me quickly or I might block you."

Sure enough, after hearing Su Chen's words, Su Xian'er's soft, adorable voice finally came through, slightly raspy, like a feather brushing across Su Chen's heart, bringing a peculiar sense of comfort. "My dear Chen, can't you tell? I'm taking a bath." "I was so exhausted today; I rested on the bed for most of the day before finally recovering."

Having guessed the situation and with heightened anticipation, Su Chen, upon hearing Su Xian'er's enticing voice and the sound of her supple, tender skin touching the water, immediately stood up, straightening his back.

Su Chen wasn't one to let his imagination run wild. Yet, merely hearing the sound of the flowing water, he couldn't help but vividly imagine Su Xian'er's near-perfect figure immersed in the bathtub, her long, flawless legs gracefully moving and causing splashes. 

She seemed like a gorgeous lotus emerging from the water, an epitome of beauty. Just thinking about such a scene left Su Chen breathless, prompting him to pick up his glass and gulp down its contents. The imagery was too tempting.

Regaining his composure, he asked, "What do you want, you smelly woman? Speak up if you have something to say."

"Don't you already know whether I smell good or not?" Su Xian'er's melodious voice came through again, deliberately elongating her words in a coquettish manner, which only intensified the desire in Su Chen's heart that had been ignited by Zhang Li.

Su Chen replied, "Of course, I know."

Tsk! Su Chen felt that something was amiss. If this continued, he feared he might lose control. After pondering for a moment, he said with a tone of regret, "Su Xian'er, I'll hang up now. When I'm back, we can chat at leisure." The images in his mind could easily form a movie. Su Chen believed there was nothing unusual about it; every normal man has such fantasies.

On the other end of the line, accompanied by the sound of water, Su Xian'er's voice, tinted with a hint of playfulness, said, "When are you coming back? I've been waiting for you all day, and it's already so late. Please come back soon!"

Su Chen was taken aback. Was she missing him this much? The flirtatious undertone in Su Xian'er's words was so evident that Su Chen even doubted his hearing for a moment. This wasn't like the ruthless "female demon" he remembered. How did she turn into such a girlish figure?

Taking a sip of water to calm himself, Su Chen responded, "I can't come back for now, and I might not make it tonight either."

"Huh?" Su Xian'er, who was soaking in the bath, sounded noticeably upset upon hearing Su Chen's words, and she bit her red lip in irritation. This darned brother of hers. She had given such obvious hints, so why couldn't he understand? If he wasn't coming back, what was he up to? Seeing another woman?

Su Xian'er felt a twinge of anger. In truth, she wasn't very aware of Su Chen's activities outside. It wasn't that she lacked the capability to investigate, but she chose to trust.

Zhang Li had told her that when you like a man, you should never snoop into his affairs, or it might backfire. Thus, Su Xian'er never inquired about what Su Chen was truly up to.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. After what he had done to her last night, making her feel so exposed, he had the audacity to be indifferent! However, very soon, a seductive smile crept onto Su Xian'er's lips. 

"Brother, I'm taking a bath right now, completely naked. And, I haven't picked out any clothes yet. Will you come back and help me?"

Su Chen was stunned. Good heavens! Where had this woman learned such tactics?

Of course, Su Chen didn't know that Su Xian'er had prepared extensively for him. He took another sip of water to compose himself. 

"Su Xian'er, don't tease me like this. Be serious. I probably won't be able to come back for now."

He needed to maintain his composure. He had experienced 33 cycles of reincarnation; there was nothing he hadn't seen. He couldn't let himself be tempted by Su Xian'er. 

"Why are you constantly drinking water? Is your mouth dry? Are you thinking of something...inappropriate?"

She seemed determined. Their relationship had already reached this point. She was willing to use any means to tease and coax him into returning sooner. Su Xian'er truly trusted her intuition. If Su Chen didn't return tonight, she feared he might be with another woman. Even though she wasn't sure who that could be, she was determined not to let her win.

Hearing Su Xian'er's tantalizing voice, Su Chen's expression changed dramatically. He was certain she was trying to seduce him.

That insidious woman. If he went back now, wouldn't that mean he'd be giving up the upper hand in the future?

Beep beep!

Su Chen directly hung up the call. Ah, this way, everything is perfect. This wretched woman thought she could seduce me? She's thinking too highly of herself. I won't fall for it.

Su Chen wanted to maintain his strong and imposing image in Su Xian'er's heart. On the other end, Su Xian'er wasn't upset by Su Chen's abrupt hang-up. Instead, she laughed heartily and genuinely. This meant that Su Chen was somewhat restless.

Su Xian'er thought she should intensify her tactics. With that thought, a triumphant smile spread across her delicate face as she started tapping away on her phone screen.

After hanging up, Su Chen felt a sense of emptiness. He glanced towards the entrance and noticed that Zhang Li was still on a call. Just as he was about to take another sip of water and head to the restroom, his phone buzzed again.

Su Chen thought, that little witch Su Xian'er must be up to something mischievous again. He couldn't just answer her call so easily. Picking up his phone, ready to reject the call, he was stunned to see that Su Xian'er was trying to video call him.

Images he favored flashed through Su Chen's mind. Forget what I said earlier. Without any hesitation, Su Chen decisively chose to accept.