Did I Recognize the Wrong Person?

In the midst of the mist, Su Xian'er fully displayed her stunning figure, as captivating as a lotus emerging from water. Not only that, her skin, soft and petal-like, was also exposed to the air. Her slender neck and supple shoulders were indeed enticing. But all of this was just Su Chen's imagination.

The reality was, as Su Chen accepted the video call, his heart raced. He stared intently at the phone screen, fearing he'd miss any detail. Su Chen was so engrossed, he almost wished he could jump through the screen to the other side. However, on the other end of the screen, there was no sign of Su Xian'er, only a plain white wall. Evidently, Su Xian'er hadn't aimed the camera at herself.

All of Su Chen's excitement felt like it was doused with cold water, his excitement from earlier was completely gone. "Su Xian'er, your phone is facing the wrong way, turn it around!" he said, quite discontented. Su Xian'er laughed. Su Chen's reaction pleased her immensely. 

"I can't, my phone's dying. Hurry back, I'm waiting for you." She promptly ended the short video call.

Su Chen was left dumbfounded. Did she really try to lure me back home? There's no way. I'm a grown man, there's no way I'd fall for such a trick. Just wait! 

"Zhang Li, I need to go. I'm full." Su Chen felt it was getting late and besides, he'd almost finished his meal. It was time to leave.

Zhang Li, who had finished her call a while ago, reentered the room. She had overheard Su Chen and Su Xian'er's conversation and stayed outside, eavesdropping. She had a good idea of what had transpired. Zhang Li's expression became slightly odd. Su Chen earnestly said, "It's really late; I'm kind of scared!"

Scared? Of what? Zhang Li saw through his bluff. "A gentleman is open and aboveboard, a villain is secretive. What are you afraid of?" She smirked, her neckline quite low. "I'll drive you home, or Ye Haotian might cause you trouble," she suggested.

Su Chen's gaze involuntarily shifted. The conclusion: it was alluringly creamy. Zhang Li rolled her eyes, "What are you staring at now?" 

Su Chen answered righteously, "I'm just looking at the seam!" Yep, he just misunderstood the situation!

Zhang Li pinched Su Chen's waist. Strangely, she was growing accustomed to treating him this way. But such actions didn't affect Su Chen at all. Not a pinch or even if Zhang Li sat on him would he mind.

In the end, Su Chen did drive Zhang Li home. The place where Zhang Li lived might not be as grand as the Su mansion, but it could still be described as opulent and magnificent.

As Su Chen drove to Zhang Li's residence, she promptly received another call. She took a quick glance and, with a flustered look, rushed out of the car to answer the call some distance away. Su Chen's eyes lit up. Was she hiding a secret? Why did she look so anxious?

In fact, Su Chen had already seen the contact name on Zhang Li's phone: 'Mom!' His curiosity was piqued. He knew about Zhang Li's strained relationship with her family; they barely communicated. He wondered about her current standing with them. 

Were they still in a cold war, or had they reconciled? Even a slight improvement would be good. Su Chen was tempted to eavesdrop, but he reconsidered out of respect for her privacy.

A short distance away, under the moonlight, Zhang Li stood, her fragrant scent filling the air. "Mom? What's up?" Her tone was even, seemingly unaffected. 

"Zhang Li, your grandfather is ill," a gentle voice responded from the other end. "How is grandpa?" Zhang Li asked, her concern evident. They had grown up together, so her worry was natural. "The doctor said it's nothing serious, but he needs some time to recuperate," her mother paused as if weighing her words. 

"Should I come to see him?" Zhang Li asked, hesitating. She really didn't want to return to the cold environment of the Zhang family, but for her grandfather, she would endure.

Her mother seemed to echo her thoughts, "Come back. Your grandfather really misses you."

Biting her lip, Zhang Li replied, "I'll come to see grandpa." 

Her mother sighed, "Are you still mad at your father? He's doing all this for the sake of our family. He misses you, even if he doesn't say it." Zhang Li remained silent. 

Not wanting to push her further, her mother changed the subject, "Bring your boyfriend for us to meet." 

Stunned, Zhang Li stuttered, "Mom! What are you talking about? I don't have a boyfriend." 

She sneaked a glance behind her, relieved to see that Su Chen hadn't gotten out of the car. But, she couldn't help feeling guilty. Considering all that had happened between her and Su Chen recently, suspicions were warranted.

"Don't you think we'd know about your bold moves? Not only do I know, but the entire Zhang family and even the whole city are talking about you and Su Chen," her mother informed her. With trepidation, Zhang Li inquired, 

"What does the Zhang family think?" 

Her mother didn't hold back, "What can they think? They wouldn't dare to say much about the young master of the Su family. Publicly, they praise you, but behind your back, it's a different story."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Li felt satisfied. She enjoyed the thought of the older generation of the Zhang family, who despised her and wished her harm, being helpless against her. 

"But I also heard that you seem quite taken with this Su family heir," her mother continued, "competing with Yang Yuxin, being desperately in love, crying, begging him not to leave you, and insisting he should like you."

The rumors about Zhang Li were spread by that young master from the Fang family, Fang Han. He claimed that the entire city was buzzing with gossip about the stories between Yang Yuxin, Lin Qingyan, Zhang Li, and Su Chen.

"Don't take this the wrong way," Zhang Li's mother began, "but this seems rather embarrassing. However, don't worry. If it comes to it, I'll personally help you." Cold sweat broke out on Zhang Li's forehead. 

How would you help me? Seduce Su Chen? What a joke! Zhang Li, being astute, knew that Fang Han must have added his own exaggerations to the story. Was this perhaps under Su Chen's instructions?

"Why aren't you speaking?" her mother probed. 

"This sort of thing is normal, isn't it? There's nothing to be embarrassed about, especially since you're already thirty." 

"There's no reason to be embarrassed," 

Zhang Li replied softly. "Mom, rest assured, I'll come home when I find the time. For now, I need to verify something." With that, Zhang Li ended the call. She noticed that Su Chen's car was no longer there, and she felt a surge of irritation. 

He was just here moments ago, where did he go? Surely he must be feeling guilty about something, she thought, clenching her fists in the direction where Su Chen had left.

Su Chen, however, was speeding down the open road in his luxury car, eager to get home. He simply missed it. But when he arrived home, the first woman he saw was the former assassin, Zhao Menghan, who was now, surprisingly, dressed as a maid! 

Even though Zhao Menghan was dressed in a maid outfit and wearing the white stockings Su Chen loved, he wasn't excited as he would be around Su Xian'er. This was because Zhao Menghan exuded an aura of a seasoned killer from years on the battlefield. Her icy demeanor made it impossible to approach her casually.

Zhao Menghan had been with the male lead, Qin Yu, for the longest time. Even though there were cracks in their relationship, Su Chen didn't believe Zhao Menghan would know the truth about her father's death. 

Therefore, she was likely still Qin Yu's undercover agent planted by his side. Still, through their recent interactions, Su Chen believed that Zhao Menghan might have developed some fondness for him. He didn't want to ponder too much about her feelings, only wanting to maintain his "good guy" persona.

The scene of Su Xian'er in the bathroom flashed across Su Chen's mind. What if I asked Zhao Menghan to join me in the shower? She would definitely get angry, right? She might even get physical. 

But before he could utter a word Zhao Menghan said: 

"Hug me!" 

To Su Chen's astonishment, the usually icy Zhao Menghan reached out, arms wide open, and approached him. Her fragrance enveloped him. Zhao Menghan walked straight into Su Chen's embrace, and what he saw next was even more surprising. 

The design of her maid outfit was rather risqué, revealing her fair, pristine back. It was almost criminal how enticing it looked. Su Chen was completely dumbfounded.

Isn't this unnecessary? Even if it's to gain my trust, do you really need to go this far? Does the male lead know you're doing this? Have you asked him if he approves? But, having such a beauty in my embrace feels genuinely wonderful!

Zhao Menghan, sensing Su Chen's heated gaze, readily cooperated. While Su Chen genuinely liked what he was feeling, he couldn't help but complain internally. Such temptation, who the hell could resist it? 

"Master, do you not like it?" 

Su Chen swallowed, then reached out and touched Zhao Menghan's smooth, jade-like cheek. 

"You're doing well!" 

Blushing slightly from the intimate contact with Su Chen, 

Zhao Menghan chastised herself, "Master, I've truly been negligent. I've been by your side for so long and haven't properly served you." Is this woman crazy? Being so direct? Su Chen felt it was essential to improve this situation. 

Zhao Menghan, unleash your fierce assassin personality, why are you acting so oddly? But he had to admit, even though Zhao Menghan was somewhat cold, she was quite beautiful. Are such good things even possible? 

He suppressed his laughter, realizing having many girls around indeed had its benefits, providing daily entertainment.

Just as Su Chen was feeling proud, a spine-chilling voice echoed around him. 

"Zhao Menghan, what do you think you're doing?" 

Su Xian'er rushed out of her room with an imposing aura, even barefoot, clearly very anxious. She had just finished her bath and was waiting in her room for Su Chen's return, draped only in a nightgown, certain he would come back. 

As expected, the moment she heard Su Chen's hurried footsteps, Su Xian'er pretended to close her eyes, slowly began to undo her nightgown, and waited for Su Chen to enter.

But time went by. Su Xian'er didn't see Su Chen even though she kept hearing noises outside. Eventually, unable to bear her curiosity, she got up and went out, only to find Zhao Menghan nestled in Su Chen's embrace.

This instantly infuriated Su Xian'er. She rushed forward and pulled Zhao Menghan away from Su Chen. "Zhao Menghan, why are you clinging to my brother? What do you want?"

She had always been hostile towards Zhao Menghan. In their previous life, Su Chen was betrayed by Zhao Menghan, leading to certain consequences. And now, in this life, she dares to compete with Su Xian'er for Su Chen's affections, which Su Xian'er could never tolerate.

"Su Xian'er, mind your own business. I'm not afraid of you!" Zhao Menghan retorted, even though she indeed couldn't win against Su Xian'er, she wasn't scared either. Because of Su Chen, the two didn't come to blows; they just engaged in a competitive standoff, seeing who had more advantages.

Su Chen chose to ignore the situation. He then submerged himself into a bathtub filled with warm water, relaxing comfortably.

  Feeling he should intervene in the argument outside, Su Chen said, "Zhao Menghan, come in and help me with my bath."

Overall, Su Chen was quite pleased with Zhao Menghan. He constantly gave her challenging tasks to test her. Yet, she always took them seriously and managed every situation, which was entirely different from their past life. 

Su Chen concluded that, given the repeated failures of Qin Yu, Zhao Menghan must've set aside her pride, aiming to gain his trust. And it has to be said, aside from her perfect figure, being a female assassin means she learns fast. Under Su Chen's guidance, her skills had become exquisite.

However, Zhao Menghan didn't come in immediately. There was a delay before he heard footsteps. As Su Chen enjoyed the warm water's embrace, feeling utterly relaxed, he closed his eyes and began to rejuvenate. 

"Help me wash up; I'm a bit tired." 

The person behind him hesitated briefly, her breathing soft and gentle, seemingly a bit shy, before she began to help Su Chen.

But after a moment, Su Chen felt something was off, "What's with the poor technique today? It seems I'll have to teach you again." 

While complaining, he opened his eyes to look. However, to his surprise, he found a blushing Su Xian'er in front of him. Truthfully, a red-faced Su Xian'er looked particularly attractive, reminiscent of a ripe apple, incredibly tempting.