
"Su Xian'er?"

Upon seeing who it was, Su Chen was immediately puzzled. "What's going on? Why are you here? Where's Zhao Menghan?"

Even though Su Chen and Su Xian'er had engaged in deep conversations before, after all, they had spent a considerable amount of time together. He had thought about letting Su Xian'er help him bathe, but when the situation really arose, he found it somewhat uncomfortable. Su Xian'er felt the same.

When Su Chen turned to look at her, she wished she could hide. She even began to regret coming in, thinking she shouldn't have if she knew it would end up this way. Su Xian'er mumbled, "It's all because of Su Chen's tempting body."

Although Su Xian'er was flustered now, she said defiantly, "Why are you acting shy? I promised Mom I'd take good care of you and wouldn't let you suffer. Besides, can Zhao Menghan be better than me? Let me help you bathe today!"

Despite her turmoil, she tried to appear relaxed and proactive. However, her true feelings couldn't be hidden from Su Chen.

Indeed, having women who've been with him since childhood, like Yang Yuxin and Su Xian'er, proves reliable. As for Zhao Menghan, she's still an outsider after all. She must be thrilled not to have to bathe him.

But it's not that Zhao Menghan doesn't want to serve Su Chen. She's eager. The outfit she specially prepared already conveyed her determination. She was only knocked unconscious by Su Xian'er.

Even though Zhao Menghan's strength has greatly increased in this life, compared to Su Xian'er, it's still weak. She was knocked out with just one blow and laid unconscious on the couch.

Su Xian'er chuckled, thinking, "Only the strong can serve Su Chen."

Thus, she took over Zhao Menghan's job of attending to Su Chen. In truth, she was always jealous. Why should Zhao Menghan get to serve Su Chen every day? Previously, Su Xian'er didn't dare voice her thoughts, but now she has every right to.

With these thoughts, Su Xian'er blushingly scrubbed Su Chen's back. Her movements were stiff, but they brought a unique sensation to Su Chen. In short, he felt incredibly comfortable.

At this moment, he suddenly recalled the video call Su Xian'er had made to him earlier and got an idea. "Su Xian'er, didn't you enjoy bathing in front of me? How about we do it together now?"


Su Xian'er was taken aback and raised her eyebrows. Her demeanor switched instantly from being sweet to being aloof. She even clenched her fists, clearly getting angry.

It's understandable. Anyone would be upset hearing such words. But Su Chen wasn't scared of Su Xian'er's anger anymore. He didn't mind at all and even provocatively touched her burning face.

"Su Xian'er, watch your attitude."

Su Chen's words left Su Xian'er somewhat taken aback, as if she might have misheard him. In her memory, Su Chen had never acted this way before.

"Su-Su Chen, what are you trying to do?"

Her beautiful eyes swept over Su Chen. Though she wanted to be angry, she somehow couldn't muster the feeling.

"Su Xian'er, don't forget the position from which I'm speaking to you."

She dared to address him so informally? Su Chen decided he needed to reestablish his authority, lest this woman not understand his significance.

Su Xian'er narrowed her eyes slightly, "Su Chen, are you itching for a lesson?"

From Su Xian'er's tone and expression, it was hard to tell whether she was genuinely angry or just teasing.

Of course, I am, thought Su Chen, confident in his stance. After all, she was the one who had entered and initiated the video call.

Chuckling internally, Su Chen firmly believed she wouldn't dare take things too far. She wouldn't risk it. Standing tall, Su Chen voiced thoughts he had harbored for a long time.

He had long wanted to properly "educate" Su Xian'er. 

"Wait for me in the room tonight."


This feeling was truly exhilarating. Su Xian'er, you always act so dominant. What will you say now? This was the culmination of Su Chen's long-suppressed anger. As a reborn individual, he had endured much, always appearing to take the high road when others took advantage of him.

But in private, he felt equally powerless against this woman, Su Xian'er.

In the past, he had been too afraid to confront Su Xian'er. Now, he felt empowered to finally teach her a lesson, and the sensation was indescribably delightful.

Su Xian'er's beautiful eyes blinked, and she appeared completely stunned. Her gaze was vacant. This wasn't what she had expected at all!

She had assumed that Su Chen was the one being teased by her. Only if he met her challenge would she reward him. But now, was she to serve Su Chen without any condition?

Joy rose in Su Chen's heart. The fact that he could make Su Xian'er, this little witch, so obedient was something he hadn't even dared to think about before. However, Su Chen often wondered about her. This woman was known to be ruthless and cold-hearted in the original story. Why was she so submissive now?

Had her character changed? If Su Chen were to step out now and see Zhao Menghan, who had been beaten up, he wouldn't have thought this way.

Of course, Su Xian'er wouldn't simply submit so easily. She was just a little surprised. She hadn't expected Su Chen to be so assertive. Now she needed to regain her composure, at the very least she had to look intimidating.

"Never mind, if you're not willing, then so be it. I was just joking earlier. Could you call Menghan in for me?"

"Shut up! I'm your younger sister. If I don't help you, who will?"

While feeling smug inside, Su Chen kept a straight face and said, "Enough, you pinched me and it hurt a bit. Your technique is lacking."

"Shut up, I'll learn to do it right."

"No, you won't. After all, you're the distinguished Miss Su Xian'er."

"Don't move, let me do it!" Su Xian'er cast Su Chen a reproachful glance. She then immediately got to work. Su Chen experienced the service of Su Xian'er, a highly regarded woman.

It felt a bit unfamiliar to him. Though physically it wasn't like the sensation Zhao Menghan gave him, mentally, the feeling of turning the tables was exhilarating. "Do you feel comfortable now?"

"Use more force, didn't you eat? Also, call me 'big brother'!" Of course, it wasn't the usual sense of 'big brother' but more intimate, with feelings involved.

Upon hearing Su Chen's words, Su Xian'er's beautiful face froze in place. How dare he take advantage of me! Realizing she couldn't handle Su Chen now, she maximized her feminine wiles.

"Do you really think I won't tell mom? She won't let you off easily when she knows." Su Chen stared at her lovely face. He knew Su Xian'er was desperate and had no other way out. Yet, she didn't know that Su Chen wished she would tell Chen Qing.

"Are you stupid? Is this all you know, scrubbing my back?" "Bastard, wash yourself!" Su Xian'er couldn't stand it any longer. She stopped abruptly and stormed back to her room.

Engulfed in the thrill of teasing Su Xian'er, Su Chen was jolted back to reality by her angry outburst. He remembered the days he was dominated by her. Damn it! Su Chen's instinct was to back off, but he noticed that Su Xian'er didn't take any action and simply returned to her room.

Although he had angered Su Xian'er and even though her gentle service had been very comfortable, It still made Su Chen feel uncomfortable. Once she left, he felt relieved. His only regret was that he would have to sleep peacefully tonight.

But as Su Chen was getting dressed to leave the bathroom, Su Xian'er barged in again. Her face was still puffed up with anger. Because of Su Chen's mental tease earlier, her normally fair and tempting skin was now flushed, making her look ripe and fragrant. She bit her red lips and left him with a message before returning to her room, "Come find me tonight!"


Hearing this, Su Chen couldn't help but get goosebumps. He had countless thoughts in his mind. Well, in the end, you still surrendered. He'll never forget this feeling.

Contentedly, Su Chen returned to his room and lay down. Of course, he wasn't going to visit Su Xian'er immediately. He wanted to play a slow game, ensuring she'd willingly fall into his trap. He wanted to make her anxious.

But, in truth, he didn't wait for long before his patience wore thin.

"What are you joking about? If this continues, won't it be chaotic?" 

Su Chen provided a satisfactory answer to himself. He then wanted to stealthily open his room door and sneak into Su Xian'er's room, ready to enjoy a feast. Unexpectedly, the door was locked from the outside.

What's going on? Su Chen was baffled, trying to figure out what had happened. Why was the door locked? His first thought was trying to recall who could've done it. Was it Su Xian'er? It was highly likely. If he forced the door open, he might fall into a trap. 

Damn it! Su Chen just lay back down on his bed. If he broke out now, he might have a delightful night, but what about the days after that? Then he wouldn't have the upper hand anymore. This won't do. So, Su Chen simply returned to his bed. 

Damn this door; I'll tear it apart tomorrow!

On the other hand, Su Xian'er, lying on her bed, still had a blush covering her cheeks. In the brief half hour, many images had crossed her mind. 

"Su Chen has really grown up; he wasn't like this as a kid." Su Xian'er opened her mouth in surprise, evidently shocked by the recent events. Yet she also wore a pleased smile. 

"He'll come back later, right? I left the door open for him. He surely will." 

"I might not get any sleep tonight." Su Xian'er thought, her face reddening slightly.

Elsewhere, in the hallway, two graceful figures were discussing something. 

"Sister Yuxin, your method really works! Young Master really isn't coming out." 

Zhao Menghan looked at Chen Yuxin with delight. She alone couldn't handle Su Xian'er. Thankfully, Chen Yuxin came back at the right time. And even thought of this strategy. Otherwise, Su Xian'er would have succeeded.

Chen Yuxin snorted coldly, "That cunning woman, Su Xian'er, has too many tricks up her sleeve. Su Chen simply can't resist her." 

"What should we do then?" 

Zhao Menghan knew too well how formidable Su Xian'er was. 

"Don't worry. I've already teamed up with an ally to deal with her. Do you want to join us?" The ally Chen Yuxin was referring to was Yang Danxuan. Zhao Menghan nodded. Judging the situation, she understood that with her abilities, she couldn't take on Su Xian'er alone. 

And just like that, a new alliance was formed.