Chen Tong accompanies Su Chen to the restroom

At the banquet, as Lin Qingyan made her entrance, all eyes in the room were immediately drawn to her. Despite the absence of representatives from the ten major families, the room was still filled with elites from various industries. Yet, no matter how outstanding these individuals were, they all seemed overshadowed by Lin Qingyan's presence.

Not a single person in the room dared to harbor any ulterior thoughts about Lin Qingyan. Such a perfect existence was simply beyond their reach. All they hoped for was to earn her recognition, as it would immensely benefit them in business and other fields. Furthermore, the latest news had spread that the primary purpose of this banquet was to establish Lin Qingyan's position of authority. These factors combined made Lin Qingyan the center of attention at the gathering.

As for Su Chen, who was walking slightly ahead of her, he went largely unnoticed. Although they were close, no one seemed to associate him with Lin Qingyan. Su Chen felt somewhat frustrated; after all, he was the young master of the Su family. How could these people not recognize him? However, he understood that at this moment, it would be best for him to find a quiet spot to hide and then reappear when the timing was right. After all, the spotlight should be reserved for the protagonist.

With these thoughts, after noticing that no one recognized him, Su Chen hid in a corner, sipping his drink. In contrast, the well-dressed attendees all gathered in the center of the venue, engrossed in conversations, flaunting their prestige. The area where Su Chen was had fewer people, creating a stark contrast within a short distance. Lin Qingyan, surrounded by so many, didn't feel particularly joyous. She had deliberately let Su Chen walk ahead, hoping to give him some attention as a prelude to her subsequent plans. However, it seemed as though these attendees were oblivious to Su Chen. Frustrated, Lin Qingyan thought, "How could they not recognize the young master of the Su family?"

Elsewhere, Shen Zhiran and her mother, Lin Yueru, observed Lin Qingyan, who stood under the spotlight, each displaying different emotions. Shen Zhiran was evidently disdainful, refusing to believe that Lin Qingyan was superior to her. Glancing at Su Chen in the corner, Shen Zhiran's captivating eyes narrowed, and she whispered, "Mom, is Grandfather really planning to annul Lin Qingyan's engagement with Su Chen? He's the young master of the Su family; Lin Qingyan won't easily give up on such a valuable connection."

Lin Yueru knew what her daughter was hinting at and replied softly, "The information I've received suggests that Grandfather has found an even better match for Lin Qingyan. There's no reason for her to disagree, especially since everyone knows she despises Su Chen." Suddenly realizing something, Lin Yueru looked anxiously at her daughter, "You don't have feelings for Su Chen, do you? We must not offend him. He's a profligate and we can't afford to cross him."

Lin Yueru was deeply worried Shen Zhiran might make an irrational move. After the early death of her husband, she felt isolated in the Lin family. Her daughter was her only support. Whatever happened, she couldn't afford to see her daughter make any mistakes. Otherwise, she wouldn't know what reason she would have to continue living.

Shen Zhiran shook her head and stated, "Su Chen is definitely not as simple as he appears on the surface."

Surely enough, upon hearing those words, Lin Yueru's complexion changed drastically. Su Chen was a man with a notorious reputation. Moreover, she was aware of the crucial reason the elder had chosen to annul the engagement between Lin Qingyan and Su Chen.

That's because the Su family now had another heir apart from him. No matter how profligate Su Chen was, his younger sister, Su Xian'er, was immensely powerful. It's highly probable that the Su family's future would be handed over to Su Xian'er. Thus, if Shen Zhiran tried to get close to Su Chen, it might end in tragedy. Offending Su Xian'er would be an even worse idea.

However, Lin Yueru was also aware that once Shen Zhiran had made up her mind about something, it was nearly impossible to deter her. Pressing her further might only cause Shen Zhiran to become resentful. Of course, Lin Yueru believed in Shen Zhiran's capabilities, confident that she was in no way inferior to Lin Qingyan. With this in mind, Lin Yueru looked at Shen Zhiran reassuringly, saying, "You've grown up now and can pursue what you desire. I will always protect you, regardless of the cost."

Shen Zhiran nodded in agreement. Of course, she didn't believe Lin Yueru could provide much assistance. Although she harbored resentment towards Lin Yueru's actions, she knew that her mother's love was genuine. Instead of focusing on Lin Qingyan, who was at the center of attention, her gaze settled on Su Chen in the corner. "What are you thinking?" Shen Zhiran murmured to herself, sparking Lin Yueru's curiosity. "Who?" she inquired. 

"Su Chen!" The mention of Su Chen left Lin Yueru startled.

Logically speaking, Su Chen shouldn't have attended the Lin family banquet, especially since representatives from the ten major families weren't present. If Su Chen was here, he was breaking the rules. "Could it be because of Lin Qingyan?" Lin Yueru speculated.

Shen Zhiran snorted coldly and turned to leave. However, Lin Yueru stayed, intently watching Su Chen. She needed to understand the kind of person her daughter was going to confront. She also sought a way to aid Shen Zhiran, and the answer seemed to lie with Su Chen.

Of course, Su Chen noticed Lin Yueru's gaze. Internally, he felt somewhat flustered. Lin Yueru was dressed in a pink blouse and a pale yellow skirt that reached her knees, exposing her slender legs. While her youthful looks had faded, her figure was still incredibly alluring. As a voluptuous and attractive woman, that peculiar stare seemed like she wanted to devour him. Su Chen couldn't help but feel it spelled trouble, and not the good kind. That gaze, which appeared predatory, made even someone as experienced as Su Chen shudder.

"If I remember correctly, Qin Yu from the original story should be making his appearance about now. Why haven't I seen him yet?" Su Chen pondered, recalling the plot and scanning the banquet hall. However, he failed to spot Qin Yu. Lost in thought for a moment, he continued observing.

A captivating voice sounded by his ear, " Young Master Su, why are you sitting in such a corner? This doesn't quite fit the image people have of you!" Chen Tong directly walked over and sat down opposite Su Chen, scrutinizing him with her gaze. Su Chen was left speechless. He had chosen such a secluded spot and yet was still noticed.

As for why Chen Tong recognized him, Su Chen didn't care. After all, she wasn't a minor character in the original story, having defeated even the male lead, Qin Yu. Well, considering the events of this life, perhaps defeating Qin Yu wasn't such a big deal after all. Su Chen looked at Chen Tong and noticed she had changed her outfit. Instead of the previous formal dress, she was now wearing a white shirt that showcased her figure attractively.

"Why does where I sit concern you?" Su Chen wasn't in the mood to be friendly to Chen Tong. This woman was somewhat dangerous. Her character wasn't even in the original story, so Su Chen wanted to avoid contact with her. Chen Tong had sought out Su Chen with a purpose in mind. After receiving his help, not only was the poison within her removed, but her powers had also significantly increased. If she could engage more deeply with Su Chen, she was certain there would be numerous benefits. Initially, she didn't intend to approach him so hastily. Yet, her inner excitement made her impatient.

"I apologize. I'm just curious if you genuinely like Lin Qingyan," Chen Tong asked, suppressing her excitement and wearing a smile. Su Chen looked at her thin dress, noticing how her delicate figure trembled subtly as she spoke, seemingly trying to seduce him. While others might have been utterly entranced by Chen Tong's allure, Su Chen was acutely aware of her danger.

Therefore, he chose not to respond. Chen Tong wasn't offended; in fact, she became even more convinced that there was more to Su Chen than met the eye. She planned to test the waters. Su Chen was frustrated. He assumed that by showing a cold front, someone with her aloof nature wouldn't get angry, but she shouldn't still be hanging around him! Growing more irritated, Su Chen downed his glass of wine.

"Young Master Su, wine shouldn't be drunk that way," Chen Tong said playfully, flipping her hair. She too lifted her glass, taking a sip. However, she seemed to do it deliberately, puffing up her red lips and acting very seductive. Su Chen sneakily glanced at her antics and was reminded of the time he fed water to Zhang Li. Chen Tong differed from other female leads. While her figure wasn't his ideal type, she greatly resembled the leggy, seductive older woman of his fantasies.

"Su Chen, it seems Lin Qingyan is quite fond of you. Unlike the rumors, why haven't you made her yours yet?" She teased. "Mind your words," Su Chen replied, growing slightly agitated by Chen Tong's insinuations. Seeing that Su Chen wasn't engaging with her, Chen Tong felt oddly irritated. While her original intent was to slowly lure Su Chen into her trap, an inner voice compelled her to converse with him.

Sure enough, when the captivating voice reached his ears, Su Chen was taken aback. "Young Master Su, why are you sitting in such a corner? It's not very fitting to the image people have of you!" Chen Tong walked over and sat directly opposite Su Chen, observing him intently.

Su Chen was speechless. Even in this secluded spot, he still managed to catch attention. He didn't care how Chen Tong knew who he was; after all, she was not some insignificant character. In the original story, she had even defeated the male lead, Qin Yu.

However, upon further thought, defeating Qin Yu in this lifetime didn't seem that impressive. Su Chen turned his attention to Chen Tong, noticing she had changed into a different outfit. Instead of the previous formal dress, she now wore a white blouse. Even if it wasn't as dazzling as before, the outfit perfectly highlighted her figure, making her all the more tempting.

"Why are you concerned about where I sit?" Su Chen had no intention of being cordial with Chen Tong. She was a potential danger. The original plot didn't involve her, and he preferred to avoid interactions with her.

Chen Tong indeed had an agenda for approaching Su Chen. After receiving his help, not only was her poison cured, but her strength also improved significantly. While she hadn't intended to approach Su Chen so soon, her excitement was palpable. "I'm just curious if you truly like Lin Qingyan," she said with a smile, trying to suppress her exhilaration.

Seeing Chen Tong lean forward on the table, Su Chen got a strategic view of her décolletage. "What's wrong with her?" he thought. "Why waste time on me when she's allied with Qin Yu?" Both remained in their respective positions, a game between predator and prey.

Meanwhile, the original story's protagonist, Qin Yu, entered the banquet hall with Chen Fan. "I didn't expect the small Lin family to have such a long lineage. This banquet hall is truly magnificent!" exclaimed Chen Fan, impressed.

Qin Yu, however, sneered. He believed everything in the Lin family, including Lin Qingyan, would be his one day. Upon entering, his attention was immediately on Lin Qingyan, who was breathtakingly beautiful, enough to captivate anyone. Initially, he wasn't that interested in her but just wanted to use her against the Su family. Yet, as time went on, his fascination with her deepened.

He soon noticed that Lin Qingyan's gaze was constantly drifting to another side of the hall, revealing her dissatisfaction. Seeing this, Qin Yu believed helping her might win her favor. His surprise grew when he followed her gaze to find Su Chen, and beside him was Chen Tong. The intimate posture between the two was clear to see.

"Why is Chen Tong with Su Chen?" Memories of distressing times resurfaced in Qin Yu's mind. Refusing to let history repeat itself, he walked over angrily, leaving a confused Chen Fan behind.

"Where is Brother Qin going?" As Chen Fan followed Qin Yu's gaze, he was equally shocked to see his sister, Chen Tong, flirting with Su Chen. The realization that Chen Tong was genuinely approaching Su Chen and allowing him such liberties dumbfounded him. "What on earth?!"

Is this the same sister I used to know, the one who seemed capable of anything? Both Su Chen and Chen Tong noticed Qin Yu's entrance. Chen Tong straightened up, changing her previously sultry pose. Just then, her gaze met with Su Chen's intense stare, a sudden shyness enveloping her.

It struck Chen Tong as odd; she didn't have strong feelings for Su Chen, so why did she keep feeling embarrassingly shy around him? Her already charming face flushed slightly. Her recent actions were already the most daring she had ever undertaken, and she intended to push even further.

Chen Tong's motive was clear: she wanted to stir up conflict between Qin Yu and Su Chen. The tactic was simple: as long as she appeared subservient to Su Chen, Qin Yu, being the type of person he was, would certainly get riled up. However, what she didn't realize was that Su Chen had his own agenda. With Qin Yu's arrival, he decided to play the part of a privileged, young playboy. And he was going to start by "bullying" Chen Tong.

Before he could act, Chen Tong, trembling slightly, offered, "Young Master Su, may I pour you a drink?" She then filled his glass to the brim, leaving him momentarily speechless. He internally groaned, thinking, 'Is such cooperation really necessary? Even Su Xian'er doesn't cooperate this much unless she's coaxed into it.' He mechanically sipped the drink Chen Tong poured for him. Chen Tong's face wore a look of grievance as she poured herself a glass as well. The scene looked like a classic trope: a debauched young master forcing a pure maiden to drink.

Su Chen was elated. The familiar sensation was back, and everything seemed to be progressing in the right direction.

Of course, Qin Yu was furious and wanted to take action. To him, Chen Tong was his last lifeline. Was he once again going to lose her to Su Chen? No matter what, he refused to believe that Su Chen was capable of orchestrating all this. There must be a crafty figure pulling the strings behind the scenes. Qin Yu could not accept the idea that Su Chen might be superior to him. However, heeding lessons from previous encounters, he held back, waiting for the right moment. Waiting for Chen Fan to take action.

After all, Chen Fan was Chen Tong's younger brother. A brother would undoubtedly be furious seeing his sister mistreated and would confront the culprit. Although Chen Fan was also an influential figure, challenging Su Chen on Su family's turf in the capital city was not likely. Qin Yu planned to take his chance when the situation presented itself.

What Qin Yu didn't anticipate was that Chen Fan had no intention of rescuing Chen Tong. He knew his sister all too well. The idea that some wastrel from the Su family could bully her was laughable. Even if it were the formidable Su Long, Chen Fan considered him inconsequential compared to Chen Tong. Clearly, Chen Tong was orchestrating the entire scenario, all to give Qin Yu a chance to play the hero.

Their relationship would quickly heat up. Chen Tong would have an excuse to help Qin Yu against Su Chen. "It's a pity that Su Chen is about to become an unfortunate pawn," Chen Fan sneered as he watched Su Chen.

Thus, Chen Fan and Qin Yu were both waiting for the other to make a move. At this point, Su Chen and Chen Tong were nearly sharing drinks. Su Chen, seizing the moment, began to run his hands over her delicate hands without restraint. Chen Tong even shot him a glare. It was as if she was thinking, 'How dare you just touch my hand? Given the wicked reputation of the Su family's young master and me, a delicate beauty, in front of you?'

By now, Su Chen realized the implications of Chen Tong's strange behavior. She probably wanted a conflict to arise between him and Qin Yu, so she could benefit from the fallout. Such a cunning woman. Su Chen was left speechless; if that's the case, it means Chen Tong doesn't really like Qin Yu. So, after all this effort, Qin Yu still hadn't fostered any strong alliances. What a useless protagonist; if it weren't for Su Xian'er, his little witchy sister, Qin Yu would have been eliminated in an instant.

The more Su Chen thought, the angrier he became, and his interest in the delicate beauty in his grasp waned. Having had too much to drink, Su Chen excused himself with a curt comment and pretended to stumble towards the restroom.

Chen Tong flashed a smile, wiping away a drop of wine from her lips with a napkin. She too got up to follow Su Chen. But Qin Yu stopped her, questioning loudly, "Chen Tong, what's the meaning of this? How can you be with that bastard Su Chen?" Instead of an answer, he received an eye roll from Chen Tong. Without acknowledging him, she headed towards the restroom. With every step, she swayed her slender waist and her ample hips moved enticingly, drawing the attention of those nearby.

Of course, the most aggrieved of all was Qin Yu. Watching Chen Tong's enchanting figure, he felt a rising fury deep within. Blood rushed to his head, but he forced it down.

Chen Fan approached him, "Big Brother Qin, why are you still here? Go after her!"

Perhaps irritated by his feelings for Chen Tong, Qin Yu gave Chen Fan a cold look and snorted, "Why should I chase after her? I, Qin Yu, won't fall for such games!" He had his pride.

Chen Fan wasn't offended and replied earnestly, "Big Brother Qin, you don't understand my sister. Think about it, how could she possibly be forced by Su Chen? She's a terrifying woman." "This is all a setup for you to play the hero and save her. But you didn't act, so naturally, she's upset."

A light bulb went off in Qin Yu's mind. Chen Fan's words awakened a realization in him. Indeed, Chen Tong was no ordinary person. Not even he, let alone Su Chen the prodigal, could force her into anything. This was all just a test.

"So, what should I do now?" Qin Yu asked anxiously.

"Do I even need to spell it out? Of course, you should follow her. She's probably gone to the restroom," Chen Fan offered advice, prompting Qin Yu to hurriedly follow.

Meanwhile, on the other side, another figure quietly trailed behind. Arriving at the restroom, Su Chen walked into a stall and was about to unbuckle his pants when suddenly, Chen Tong entered. She forcefully pushed Su Chen, causing him to sit on the toilet, and quickly locked the door. At the same time, she surprisingly brought her face close to Su Chen's. The distance between them was less than ten centimeters, and Su Chen could clearly sense the aroma emanating from every detail of Chen Tong's delicate body.

Such a bold move instantly startled Su Chen. "Has she gone mad?" He was familiar with Chen Tong's character; she was described in the original story as domineering. Thus, he feared what Chen Tong might do to him in such a story-filled location like the restroom.