Qin Yu, the Male Protagonist, in Love?

Su Chen thought Yang Yuxin was the boldest among these female leads. Unexpectedly, Chen Tong was even more audacious. She even pursued him straight into the restroom, with dubious intentions. What did she want to do? Thinking it over, something wasn't right. According to his analysis, this woman likely wanted to incite hatred between him and Qin Yu, so it made no sense for her to follow him inside. She must have had some scheme in mind.

Feeling relieved he hadn't removed his trousers, Su Chen muttered, "Chen Tong, what are you trying to do? This is a men's restroom, understand? Get out now!" Su Chen was genuinely afraid of what she might do next. Would he have to push her away? Foolish! Given the confined space, he felt trapped.

Chen Tong smirked, "Impressive, Young Master Su, you even know my name!" 

Su Chen responded with a stiff expression, "Of course, I heard it from your father, Chen Dalong. I heard your entire conversation." Chen Tong dismissed his explanation with a wave of her hand. 

Su Chen grew impatient, "Can you just leave?"

Teasingly, Chen Tong replied, "Are you worried Lin Qingyan will find out? Relax, I know women well. The way she looks at you is full of love. Even if she knew you were with another woman, she wouldn't do anything. She might even fall deeper in love with you." Due to the close proximity, Su Chen could feel her warm breath as she spoke. "Damn it, the worst part is she might actually be speaking the truth," Su Chen thought.

"Enough, if you have something to say, then say it. Stop beating around the bush," Su Chen urged. He had considered calling for help, so Lin Qingyan would witness this compromising scene. She'd naturally be upset. However, after hearing Chen Tong's words, he doubted if Lin Qingyan would even get angry upon seeing them together. If so, he wouldn't know what to do. Instead, it might be better to follow the plan he originally set to successfully play the role of the villain. Thus, Su Chen chose to compromise.

Chen Tong smirked, "Tell me, who do you think is prettier, me or Lin Qingyan?" Su Chen was taken aback. What kind of question was this? As Lin Qingyan's loyal admirer, he'd obviously find her more attractive. "You, it's definitely you, Chen Tong. You're far more beautiful than Lin Qingyan." 

Since no one else was around and Chen Tong seemed to be aware of his relationship with Lin Qingyan, there was no need to hide the truth. The most important thing was that Su Chen still had a will to live. With arrogant women like Chen Tong and Yang Yuxin, the more you deny their beauty, the more they'd strive to prove otherwise. He worried she might do something even more outrageous.

Su Chen grew fearful at the thought and quickly resorted to flattery. As expected, upon hearing his compliments, Chen Tong couldn't help but flash a satisfied smile. She found herself somewhat taken aback, not expecting to display such an emotion. During their brief interaction, it seemed like she held Su Chen's fate in her hands, yet Chen Tong constantly felt an underlying sensation of being tightly controlled by him.

"Well, well, didn't expect such sweet words from you. Since you've praised me, I should naturally reward you in kind," Chen Tong remarked, extending her tongue to delicately lick her lips before slowly leaning in closer. "I've been standing for a long time, and my legs are tired. How about you give them a rub?" Reacting to her proposition, Su Chen instinctively shifted back slightly, only for Chen Tong's long legs, revealed from beneath her slit skirt, to sway enticingly before him. 

He involuntarily glanced at his waist. Then, to his alarm, Chen Tong audaciously raised a leg and positioned it on the narrow space left by the toilet. The already cramped space seemed to shrink further. Making matters worse, she even took off her high heels. Su Chen felt that any rash movement could lead him to accidentally touch the tips of her feet.

This woman, Chen Tong, was undeniably bold. Su Chen felt trapped; any attempt to move back was met with Chen Tong advancing even more assertively. Contrary to her confident exterior, Chen Tong's inner turmoil reached its peak. This was her first time engaging in such antics. In her past, dominated by her killer instincts and countless years in an alternate world, no man had dared to even glance at her for more than a fleeting moment. 

Deep down, she resisted such interactions. Yet, as if a voice in her mind controlled her actions, she felt disturbed and acted so outlandishly. She refused to believe it came from the heart. Unsure of the real reason, she merely attributed her behavior to a desire to return to her peak of power.

[System: All thanks to me.]

This innate desire to survive led Su Chen to make the right decision. After all, it was merely a leg massage, a trivial task. Without hesitation, he reached out, and the two made intimate contact. Massaging wasn't a challenge for Su Chen; he often rubbed Su Xian'er's stomach and simply replicated the technique. 

Chen Tong wasn't wearing stockings, allowing Su Chen to feel the silky smooth texture of her leg. At such a close distance, he could even detect the faint fragrance emanating from her. He grew even bolder, unabashedly gazing at her exposed legs, and subsequently placed his other hand on them too.

Perhaps even Chen Tong hadn't anticipated Su Chen's audacity. The moment she felt his sturdy palms, her body noticeably trembled. Su Chen took note of it all. Indeed, she was just like Yang Yuxin. Their outward pride and assertiveness were all a façade. They were genuinely fearful, and their previous actions were all but a mask.

Feeling triumphant, Su Chen confidently looked up at Chen Tong. However, just as he raised his head and due to Chen Tong's current posture combined with her short skirt, Su Chen caught a mesmerizing sight. "Look down, what are you trying to do?" Chen Tong's voice came out a little breathless, her breathing uneven, and her face flushed with embarrassment. She was clearly overwhelmed; never before had she been treated this way by a man.

He chuckled to himself, thinking, "Regretting it now, aren't you? Too late." Her earlier actions were risky, and now she must pay the price. Instead of responding, Su Chen greeted her with a cryptic smile. He then proceeded to gently caress her fair-skinned legs. This was his retaliation. Women shouldn't jest carelessly.

As Su Chen's fingers glided over her skin, Chen Tong reacted as if she had been electrocuted. Her delicate body trembled, and she tried to retract her leg, but Su Chen firmly held it in place. "Did you think it would end so easily?" Su Chen teased, continuing his action on her leg. This time, Chen Tong's reaction was even more intense as she squirmed and wriggled. "Let go, or I swear I'll make you pay later!"

Chen Tong was genuinely furious. Her eyes, filled with anger and surprise, locked onto Su Chen, yet she seemed utterly drained and defeated by him. Truthfully, she regretted her earlier actions. She had just wanted Su Chen to make a small move, thinking it could enhance her power, never anticipating his audacity. 

She wished to resist, but her strength failed her. Therefore, her only choice was to resort to threats. However, Su Chen was indifferent to them, even deriving some pleasure from the situation. He yearned for Chen Tong to be angry, hoping to provoke her to the utmost.

With that in mind, Su Chen hoisted her leg up and cradled her foot with his other hand, intending to further infuriate her. Such humiliation would undoubtedly be unbearable for a proud woman like Chen Tong. 

After setting his plan in motion, Su Chen got to work. As time progressed, Chen Tong's demeanor shifted dramatically, from her earlier domineering and anger to ultimately pleading desperately. The ticklish sensation on the soles and calves of her feet almost made her lose her balance. If an outsider witnessed this scene, they'd likely be shocked.

The once-dominant and authoritative Chen Tong now bore a pleading expression in front of Su Chen. "Su Chen, I was wrong, please let me go," she implored, almost on the verge of tears. Seeing her pitiful state, Su Chen decided to release her. 

The scene before him was far removed from his expectations. Instead of anger, she looked as if she would burst into tears. Finally, Su Chen let go of her foot and decided not to tease her further.

After being released, Chen Tong hurriedly put on her high heels, glaring angrily at Su Chen in the process.

Su Chen was no longer afraid of her, asserting, "Woman, you'd better behave. Don't play any tricks in front of me, or I won't be as polite as before." After he finished speaking, Su Chen deliberately raised his hand in a provocative manner that he had used to tease Chen Tong earlier. To his surprise, she instinctively stepped back, clearly still traumatized by his previous actions.

The sight of Chen Tong looking panicked with a pale face was unexpectedly beautiful. Especially her instinctive protective gesture, which was so captivating. Given her usual dominant demeanor, this vulnerable side of her was even more pronounced. Indeed, female protagonists like Chen Tong are truly enchanting when their usual personas collapse.

"Fine, leave now," Su Chen declared, feeling victorious, "if you dare to act like this again, I won't spare you so easily." He believed that someone as prideful as Chen Tong would never forget today's humiliation. Although he couldn't immediately get her to fully support Qin Yu, sowing the seeds of hatred was enough for now. After this incident, Chen Tong would surely think twice before repeating such provocative actions in front of him.

"Su Chen, you bastard! How dare you humiliate and threaten me!" she exclaimed. "Threats don't work on me!" Su Chen was perplexed, not understanding what was going on in her mind. Before he could figure it out, Chen Tong suddenly reached out, firmly grasping his head, and then plunged herself into his embrace. 

Su Chen could feel the softness of her body; she was light as a feather. At this moment, Chen Tong appeared regretful, her breath quickened, her face flushed, completely lost in her emotions. Su Chen's first thought was that this woman had gone mad.

It seemed Chen Tong was provoked by Su Chen. Without any hesitation, she pulled Su Chen closer, challenging him, "What's the matter? You seemed to enjoy it just now. Why are you scared now?" Chen Tong's competitive nature couldn't tolerate Su Chen's earlier arrogance. Su Chen was startled by her words, never imagining she could be so spiteful. 

He intentionally moved, feeling the pleasure of her body pressed against his. Of course, his main intention was to make Chen Tong back off, but she showed no signs of fear. She moved her alluring face closer to Su Chen, their noses touching, and he found himself staring at her enticing lips. Just as he was about to lean in...

"Su Chen, why are you taking so long!" A voice from outside interrupted him. Su Chen instantly recognized it as Fang Han's. Startled, he wondered how Fang Han could be here. What was going on? Su Chen also realized the implications of being caught with Chen Tong in his arms. If Fang Han saw them, it would surely lead to trouble. Given Fang Han's propensity for gossip, the news would spread. How would his mother react to such news?

What about Yang Yuxin? On top of that, Su Chen's carefully cultivated image as Lin Qingyan's devoted admirer was now shattered. The more he thought about it, the more fearful he became, anticipating potential unforeseen twists and turns.

Realizing his position, Su Chen knew he could no longer continue with Chen Tong in his embrace. However, Chen Tong seemed undeterred and whispered in Su Chen's ear, "Is that your friend outside? How exciting!" Su Chen was left speechless. This woman was literally playing with fire, didn't she care about her reputation? "Do you still dare to threaten me?"

"When did I ever threaten you? Are you out of your mind?" 

"Not anymore."

"Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?" "Of course, it's you. You're the most beautiful woman in the world." Su Chen didn't feel guilty saying this, as Chen Tong was truly attractive. But right now, the most crucial thing was to quickly placate her.

Yet, Chen Tong was relentless. Adjusting her position, she moved from leaning into Su Chen's embrace to sitting directly on his lap. "Since I'm the most beautiful woman, shouldn't you be holding me?" They were so close that every time Chen Tong spoke, Su Chen could sense her fragrant breath, utterly enticing. With no other option, Su Chen gently placed his hands on her slender waist. Truth be told, the feeling was not bad, although a bit risky. Such actions might easily cross a line.

"Su Chen, what the hell are you doing inside? Speak up!" Fang Han's voice echoed once more. Su Chen quickly composed himself to appear normal. "What's with the nagging, Fang Han? Can't a man use the restroom without being rushed? Tell me, why are you at the Lin family's banquet?"

Fang Han replied sarcastically, "Isn't it obvious? The Lins invited our Fang family, and of course, we sent a representative." Su Chen found this explanation reasonable. After all, the Lin family, with its growing influence comparable to the top ten families, deserved respect. It was only natural for the Fang family to pay their respects.

Fang Han continued, "I'm surprised you actually attended. I don't see what's so special about Lin Qingyan. I heard from auntie that they're considering arranging your marriage with Yang Yuxin again! Yang Yuxin is quite nice. She probably likes you the most. Yang Yuxin is also competent. She can help you deal with Su Xian'er. It's a win-win." 

Fang Han spoke as if he were a life coach, imparting wisdom. However, all Su Chen wanted to do was give Fang Han a good beating. He realized this guy had been successfully coerced by his mother to spy on him! But now was not the time to act on it.

As for Su Xian'er, he wasn't worried. He had already won her over, and she posed no threat. "Alright, enough with your nonsense. You can leave now." All Su Chen wanted was for Fang Han, that annoying guy, to depart. Dammit, his desires were stirred up, but he had no outlet for them. He was going to explode from frustration.

"Why are you so eager to get rid of me?" Fang Han suddenly let out a mischievous laugh, "Do you know who that woman beside you earlier was? She's so beautiful, there's something about her that's just so alluring. Do you have her contact information?"

Su Chen understood immediately. Fang Han's main intention for coming in was to find out about the woman. The woman Fang Han referred to was Chen Tong. Su Chen glanced at the stunning woman he held closely in his arms. 

Perhaps due to the gossip and the present situation, Chen Tong's earlier assertiveness had waned. Her eyes were evasive, darting around, and she appeared uncharacteristically shy. Su Chen noticed all these changes.

Suddenly, Su Chen tightened his grip on Chen Tong's waist, pulling her close against his chest. Perhaps startled, Chen Tong's lips parted slightly, almost as if she were about to scream, but Su Chen silenced her with a forceful kiss. Chen Tong felt as if her mind had gone blank. How dare he? 

She felt utterly humiliated, her forehead covered with beads of sweat. But, in that moment, Chen Tong seemed to be in a daze, not resisting. Finally, Su Chen, with some reluctance, pushed her away. Seeing Chen Tong's flushed face, Su Chen couldn't help but smirk.

"Su Chen, why aren't you speaking again? Are you reminiscing about that beauty?" Fang Han teased when Su Chen didn't reply. Su Chen was speechless. What was there to reminisce? "Forget about it, don't think about her. Her background isn't ordinary. In any case, it's no weaker than our Su family." 

"Seriously?" Fang Han was taken aback. He was well aware of the Su family's influence in the capital, their power overshadowing many. And this woman was from a background comparable to the Su's. 

"You were so audacious with her just now, touching her all over. Be careful, you could get in serious trouble." Despite everything, Su Chen appreciated Fang Han's genuine concern. But the reality was, his actions had gone far beyond mere touching.

"Alright, hurry up. I'm leaving first." With that, Fang Han left. Su Chen didn't need to think twice; Fang Han was probably off to inform Chen Qing. At least, Su Chen could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

But Chen Tong didn't seem to have any intention of letting things go so easily. She reached out and pinched Su Chen hard on his waist. However, Su Chen quickly caught her hand. "What's your problem? It was you who initiated everything! I had no choice, it was all accidental." The undertone of Su Chen's words suggested he felt he was the one at a disadvantage.

Chen Tong was quite annoyed. To her, Su Chen seemed like someone who had taken advantage and was now playing the victim. Who was she, Chen Tong? In the otherworld, she was an empress, untouchable in the eyes of billions. 

Even on the Blue Star, her mere selfies posted online could stir great commotion. Now, this beautiful woman had been held, kissed, and so much more by him, and yet he acted as if he was the one at a disadvantage. Chen Tong gave Su Chen a menacing glare.

Su Chen sighed, pretending to let go, "Fine, if you don't want a hug, just move." As he expected, Chen Tong quickly grew agitated upon hearing his words. 

She held onto his hand firmly, demanding, "Who told you to let go? You've taken advantage without paying the price. Hold me tight." Seeing her flustered yet tsundere demeanor, Su Chen was rather pleased, thinking he must be quite charming to have such an effect on a beauty like her in such a short time.

[System: Can you be a bit more serious?] 

"Didn't expect you to enjoy my embrace so much, did you?" After the tease, Chen Tong's proud face turned shy, clearly in a dilemma. Su Chen wasn't foolish. With her current demeanor, she surely wouldn't assist Qin Yu anymore. Damn. Another good plan about to fail. I've had enough. Su Chen thought that, at this rate, there was no need to stick to the script. However, this plot revolved around Lin Qingyan, so...

Su Chen glanced at the visibly irritated Chen Tong and quickly formed a new plan that he believed was foolproof. Whispering, he said, "You need to do me a favor." 

"No! Only if you beg me," she retorted. After being taken advantage of by Su Chen, Chen Tong felt greatly wronged. How could this woman be so different from the original story? But admittedly, having a beautiful girl be coquettish with you feels great. 

"Chen Tong, do you want to experience what happened earlier again?" Su Chen asked, holding her hands and smirking mischievously.

"You tell me!" Chen Tong admitted her apprehension. She feared that she might get caught up in the moment. 

Su Chen was taken aback. 

"No way. That's the weirdest request I've ever heard," Chen Tong said with a cold glance, firmly refusing. 

"Enough talking. You'll agree whether you want to or not," Su Chen declared assertively. He was eager to complete his task of getting rid of Lin Qingyan; otherwise, she might seriously propose to him. As for Chen Tong, Su Chen felt he could easily handle her.

"Fine, I'll help. But you'll owe me big time, or I won't let you off easy," she finally agreed. With that, she stood up, clearly upset. She nearly stumbled as she walked out, which Su Chen attributed to her weak legs. 

The sight of a delicate beauty like Chen Tong leaving the men's restroom was absurd. Luckily, she seemed to exit unnoticed, and Su Chen sighed in relief. After collecting himself, he too left the restroom.

Returning to the banquet hall, Su Chen was brimming with confidence. With Chen Tong's assistance, he believed it would be much easier to annul the engagement. Of course, the key character in all of this was the male lead, Qin Yu. Curiously, Su Chen looked around the room.

Yet, Qin Yu was nowhere to be found. "Where the hell did you go?" he muttered to himself.

On the other side, at the women's restroom, Qin Yu, after much inner conflict, finally decided to enter. He locked the door behind him to prevent anyone from coming in. Inside, only one stall was locked. Qin Yu deduced that Chen Tong must be inside. After all, Chen Tong couldn't possibly have gone to the men's restroom. Qin Yu sincerely wanted to apologize to her.

"To the beautiful lady inside, do you know? I've liked you for a long time. I came here specifically to confess to you. Can you hear me?" Qin Yu's emotions poured out genuinely as he spoke.

"Okay!" A melodious voice answered from within the stall. Hearing this, joy uncontrollably spread across Qin Yu's face. Even though Chen Tong's voice sounded a bit odd, not quite like her usual self, Qin Yu believed that only a beauty like Chen Tong could have such a clear and crisp voice. 

"I love you, every part of you. Though I might not be able to give you the happiness you want right now, rest assured, once I defeat Su Chen and crush the Su family, I will definitely marry you. Will you accept?"

While Qin Yu was genuinely captivated by Chen Tong's allure, he wasn't keen on committing to a relationship with her at the moment. His primary mission was to acquire Lin Qingyan and the Lin family. Of course, he wasn't worried. Qin Yu was confident that he could make these women loyal to him.

"I do!"

Hearing the positive response from the lovely voice inside, Qin Yu was overjoyed. "Excellent. I've finally won over Chen Tong." It was the first time since his return to the country that he felt this elated. With a crooked smile that only a warrior could wear, he was once again filled with hope for winning over Lin Qingyan. 

Now that Chen Tong had agreed, it signified that he had the backing of a force as formidable as the Su family, which meant most of his plan for the evening was already successful. He started to imagine Su Chen begging for mercy.

"Shout out your name loudly and say you love me. Only then will I truly want to be with you," the voice teased. 

Qin Yu's grin grew even wider. He was so eager to hear this melodic voice sing for him. "I, Qin Yu, swear to the heavens that I'm deeply in love with you!"

Laughter echoed from the stall, clearly amused by Qin Yu's proclamation. Raising an eyebrow, he smiled, "You can come out now. I want to see you."

"No, I'm using the toilet and will feel embarrassed. You should leave first," came the coquettish reply. Nodding, Qin Yu wasn't in a rush. On the contrary, he believed this was good news. Chen Tong must have truly fallen for him. Feeling on top of the world, he let out a hearty laugh as he exited the restroom.

Meanwhile, inside the stall, a rather plump woman's face was filled with a smile. However, her eyes revealed an undeniable ferocity, contrasting starkly with her pleasant demeanor, making for a rather unique expression.

"Who would have thought that I, Ye Lanxiang, would find true love one day?" Ye Lanxiang's voice was sweet, and had Su Chen been present, he would've certainly greeted her with a, "Hey, Princess Qiao." Remembering the recent confession, her smile widened even more, causing the flesh on her face to tighten up.

She then picked up her phone and made a call. As soon as it connected, her eyes were filled with a murderous look, and her face turned ferocious as she yelled, "Ye Ling'er, you wretched woman, hurry up and do something for me. I'm giving you three minutes, or I'll have Ye Haotian chop off your father's hand."

"Yes, yes, yes," a distressed female voice responded from the other end before the call was abruptly cut off. She immediately set out to do the task. In less than three minutes, a message came through on Ye Lanxiang's phone with the information she wanted.

Looking at Qin Yu's photo, seeing his handsome and captivating face, Ye Lanxiang became increasingly satisfied. "From now on, this is my destined prince. Anyone who dares to snatch him from me will pay in blood."

Seemingly riled up by her own thoughts, Ye Lanxiang angrily punched the stall door. With a loud bang, the previously solid metal door now had a massive dent from her blow. Yet, Ye Lanxiang still seemed unsatisfied as she muttered, "Especially that wretched Ye Ling'er. Once I get back, I'll ruin her face."