Complete Chaos

The story in the living room was beautiful and profound in its implication. Su Chen found himself increasingly entranced, but in the end, he merely indulged his tactile curiosities. Nevertheless, he recognized the latent threats from the other side. Now, after bathing with the help of Zhao Menghan, Su Chen lay on his bed, relishing a massage from the obedient maid. The touch of Zhao Menghan's hands was exceptional. Coupled with her delicate face and perfect figure, simply observing her was a pleasure.

Eyes closed, Su Chen felt a tickling sensation, as if being teased. It was an odd feeling. Moments later, opening his eyes slightly, he realized that the source of the tickling on his thigh was Zhao Menghan's hair. At this instant, Zhao Menghan was squatting in front of him, her throat occasionally betraying her by making swallowing noises. She coughed softly, trying to hide her emotions. Concerned, Su Chen remarked, "You might be sick. You don't need to serve me now. Go and rest."

Zhao Menghan hesitated, not wanting to leave. "Young master, I'm fine. I can keep going!" But Su Chen, with a firm tone, said, "Didn't you hear me? Go rest now." There was no room for negotiation in his voice. Naturally, Zhao Menghan wouldn't defy Su Chen and promptly exited. To her, Su Chen's actions felt caring, touching her deeply. She was convinced that he still had a special place for her in his heart.

Once Zhao Menghan had left, Su Chen finally felt a sense of relaxation. His thoughts wandered, pondering how to navigate the unfolding storyline. But it seemed as though his part in the story had ended, an inconvenient truth. And yet, his story couldn't end just yet; there were so many threads still left hanging. Just as boredom started to set in, a message pinged on his phone. Picking it up, he saw it was from Chen Tong. Only out of sheer reluctance had he accepted her friend request.

Curiosity piqued. It was late; what could she possibly want? His eyes widened in shock upon viewing the content she sent. A mixture of emotions crossed his face: confusion, surprise, elation, and a hint of trepidation. Chen Tong had sent a picture, featuring a pair of legs clad in silver-white high heels and black stockings. Before Su Chen could process this, another image flashed on the screen. A stunning woman in a uniform, her body's enticing curves prominently displayed. The seductive allure of her stocking-clad legs was undeniable.

Although her face wasn't visible, Su Chen instantly recognized her. It was Chen Tong, unmistakably. He had recently engaged in a related game. Bemused and speechless, he wondered about her intent. Why was she sending such images unprovoked? What was she trying to convey?

She's up to no good! However, recalling the enticing figure that had lounged in his arms for a considerable amount of time today, Su Chen couldn't help but smile genuinely. Suddenly, the door to his room swung open.

"What are you laughing at?" Su Xian'er intruded unexpectedly, her eyes scrutinizing Su Chen as she assessed the situation. Startled by her abrupt entrance, he quickly turned off his phone's screen. Looking up, he found himself gazing upon Su Xian'er's even more pronounced and alluring silhouette.

Unfortunately, she was only in her nightgown. Yet, it was precisely this attire that accentuated the perfection of her figure. Su Xian'er shot him a glare, "You pervert, what are you looking at?" Ignoring her accusatory tone, Su Chen stood up and removed his jacket. He chuckled, "I'm going to take a shower. It'll be quick, so just wait." With that, he headed straight for the bathroom.

Once inside, he could faintly hear Su Xian'er's hurried footsteps outside. Did she become shy? Surely not, given how long they've known each other, he mused. Immersed in his thoughts, he made his way to the bathtub. "Why would Su Xian'er come to see me so suddenly? There must be some sort of scheme," he pondered. "Even if I'm aware of a trap, I'd still jump in. However, the way I choose to do it matters. I'm no longer the naive boy who rushes in blindly."

As Su Chen let his thoughts wander, he suddenly heard muted sounds from the bedroom. Though the noises were faint and suppressed, they were oddly enticing. Without further hesitation, Su Chen threw open the door, immediately met by a fragrant aroma that filled the room. Though only ten minutes had passed since Su Xian'er had entered the bedroom, the atmosphere was already heavily scented, a testament to her intoxicating presence. Perhaps out of shyness, the room was pitch-dark, but Su Chen, with his keen vision, could discern every subtle movement of hers.

She lay on the plush bed, her figure all the more tantalizing beneath her loose clothing. Su Chen's gaze wandered over her. Every exposed part of her skin was incredibly fair, especially her beautifully shaped feet, which were so exquisite that he couldn't resist the urge to grasp them. He hoped to have Su Xian'er assist him in reviewing something in the future, especially the things Yang Yuxin had done for him. Lost in his thoughts, his eyes didn't remain idle. They trailed from the nape of her neck, which he'd observed countless times, to her face, which he couldn't help but want to caress.

Clearly feeling a bit bashful, Su Xian'er's cheeks flushed a rosy hue. Even from a distance, the fragrance of her cascading hair was unmistakable. "What are you up to?" Su Chen teased. Burying her heated face deeper into the pillow, Su Xian'er responded in a soft, almost whisper-like tone, "Should I go and change into something else? Perhaps something you'd prefer?" 


"What I like?" Su Chen contemplated. Even if the clothing looks good, it's not as if... "Are you going to sleep or not? You said you couldn't sleep, and wanted me to comfort you. How about this? I'll play a movie for you. That way, you might feel sleepy sooner," Su Chen proposed seriously. 

However, by this point, Su Xian'er was barely conscious and didn't seem to register his words. As time passed, she became still, her eyes tightly shut, seemingly asleep. This rendered Su Chen momentarily speechless.

What's going on? Did she just fall asleep? Did she even consider how I'd feel? Su Chen felt a bit trapped. Even though they had mutual feelings, it's tough when only one person is making an effort. Well, it doesn't matter. Su Xian'er isn't very knowledgeable about these things. I'll just take the lead, he thought. Without further hesitation, he reached for his phone and started watching a movie with the volume turned up.

It became evident that Su Xian'er's body quivered slightly. Simultaneously, her lovely face reddened visibly. She's pretending. It seems she's deliberately waiting, Su Chen realized. Everyone has their interpretation of "passivity" and "initiative." Why not just say it out loud? Su Chen mused internally, acknowledging that Su Xian'er was one of the top-tier female leads in this story. She certainly had her pride and restraint.

But she didn't realize that this only made Su Chen more delighted. Just as he was about to make his move, his arm was suddenly caught by Su Xian'er's hand. She had opened her eyes and was gazing at him intently. Seeing her ambivalence, Su Chen softly reassured her, "Don't be afraid; I'll be gentle." Feeling a bit cold, he eventually chose to cover himself with a blanket.

In the next three hours, there seemed to be an intense argument inside the blanket. At one point, a piece of clothing got tossed out from under it. The tussle continued, resembling a physical struggle. Soon, various garments - both male and female - littered the floor by the bed.

Having finished the movie, Su Chen felt exhausted, his eyelids heavy. Su Xian'er, on the other hand, turned her body away, seemingly avoiding his gaze. Unsatisfied, he wrapped his arms around her waist, savoring the fragrance of her hair. They remained silent, maintaining a pattern of action over words.

However, Su Xian'er grew restless. She used her smooth foot to kick Su Chen's leg, expressing her displeasure. Ignoring her, Su Chen feigned sleep. It was a game of patience; the first to break would lose.

As time passed, Su Xian'er grew restless, affected by her volatile mood. "Stop messing around. Continue. I don't want to fall asleep just yet." Dropping the pretense, Su Xian'er turned to face Su Chen, her cheeks flushed even redder. Her eyes expressed a mix of dissatisfaction, anger, and a hint of plea, but they lacked their usual assertiveness.

"I can't help it. It's been three hours. My phone's dead, so I can't play any more movies," Su Chen paused briefly, then continued, "The charging cable is with me. You take the initiative; take the phone and plug it in."

"Fine," Su Xian'er responded, sounding less than pleased.

Deep into the night, the beauty beside him was silent, and judging by her state, she probably wouldn't wake up until noon the next day. Oddly, Su Chen felt a weight lifted off his shoulders, a sense of relaxation. He truly didn't want to play the role of a villain anymore.

Currently, nothing significant seemed to be happening. The system seemed dead; there was no response from it. Sleeping beside someone feels genuinely pleasant. Maybe he should just stay home from now on.

Hmm? At that moment, Su Chen suddenly felt something was off, as if someone had stealthily entered. He first hid Su Xian'er, then pretended to be asleep, peeking out slightly. To his surprise, someone familiar sneaked in.

Just as Su Chen had suspected, it was Chen Tong. What was she doing here? Su Chen was taken aback. She wouldn't be here to steal something, would she? Probably not; this woman wouldn't think of such things. Su Xian'er next to him seemed to have noticed as well. She reacted noticeably, but thanks to Su Chen's intervention, she regained her composure.

Chen Tong walked up to him and scrutinized him closely. "You jerk, you don't even reply to my messages. I had to come find you in person." The more Chen Tong thought about it, the angrier she became. She had initially hoped to stir Su Chen's desires with the photos and then lure him out. But he didn't react at all. The proud Chen Tong couldn't tolerate this. Especially when she thought of Su Chen's face, she couldn't help but get angry.

"You took advantage of me tonight. So, I'm here to settle the score!" Chen Tong licked her lips and was about to take action when she suddenly noticed another figure outside the window. With her exceptional perception, she sensed the intruder's presence.

Frowning, she was curious to see what this new individual wanted. Chen Tong then sneaked into Su Chen's blanket. Now, he had someone on both sides of him.

Su Chen was utterly speechless. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have chosen such a big bed. Of all places to hide, why under the blanket? As for the intruder, without guessing, Su Chen knew who it was.

Zhao Menghan! Well, what's happening? Why did my little maid come too? The woman on his right had been a challenge to soothe into sleep, and the one on his left was still quite spirited. Now there's another one who had been eyeing him for quite some time.

Su Chen felt like crying. Everything had turned into a complete mess.