I am the Eldest Young Master of the Su Family, Who Dares to Touch Me?

With a close shave, Su Chen finally managed to carry Yang Yuxin downstairs. By the time they reached the parking lot, Su Chen felt completely drained, as if he'd been working non-stop for five hours. Completely exhausted, he remarked, "Yang Yuxin, you drive."

However, Yang Yuxin coquettishly responded, "I don't feel like driving. Can you do it for me? I trust your driving skills." Su Chen felt uneasy about her statement. Although it sounded like a compliment, the underlying meaning was uncertain. 

[Is it just me, or is this protagonist script too easy to play? Everything is going too smoothly.]

Yang Yuxin nearly laughed, "Of course it's smooth. I've been cooperating with your performance." Without further ado, Su Chen pulled Yang Yuxin into the car and sped away. Meanwhile, a mysterious group of people emerged in the underground parking lot, discussing Su Chen and Yang Yuxin. "What are CEO Su and CEO Yang up to?" one asked. "Don't meddle in adults' affairs!" another replied.

One individual sighed, "I envy him. While we're all just men, I can only amuse myself. What's the point?" Another added, "I don't ask for much. If I could have a wife with just one of Yang Yuxin's qualities - either her wealth or beauty - I'd be satisfied." Someone teased, "I've heard Ye Lanxiang is seeking a partner. She definitely has one of those qualities."

In reality, the distance between the hotel and the company wasn't far. Within minutes, they arrived at their destination. But, upon reaching the hotel, they encountered an unexpected issue: there were no private dining rooms available. As the current protagonist, Su Chen couldn't just kick someone out, nor could the kind-hearted and justice-driven Yang Yuxin, who was known for assisting elderly people even without a camera around. So, the pair had to dine in the main dining area.

After placing their orders, their meal was quickly served. The impressive service of the upscale hotel was evident. As they ate, Su Chen accidentally touched Yang Yuxin's leg, which reminded him of a rather inappropriate incident from before. He was immediately flustered, thinking, "She wouldn't dare, not here, in public." Yang Yuxin noticed Su Chen's reaction but chose not to address it. Instead, she shyly lowered her head and asked, "Su Chen, can you promise me something?"

"You must promise me, okay?" Yang Yuxin said with a hint of plea. Su Chen was taken aback. Such words from any other female lead might sound normal, but coming from Yang Yuxin, they felt oddly out of place.

How embarrassing. Why would someone like her be so fond of someone like me? Seeing Su Chen's silence, Yang Yuxin began to show signs of impatience, her eyes filled with frustration. Su Chen decided to change the subject, "Alright, but you have to promise me something in return."

"What is it?" she inquired.

"Actually, it's not much. I just want a secretary," Su Chen hesitated for a moment before adding, "A female secretary." Clearly, he was trying to tease her.

"Okay!" Yang Yuxin agreed immediately, surprising Su Chen. What's going on? Is she not playing by the rules?

Yang Yuxin revealed a triumphant smile. In her view, as long as Su Chen wasn't won over by Lin Qingyan, any female secretary wouldn't be a problem. She particularly disliked Lin Qingyan's arrogant demeanor and was more than happy to throw Su Chen for a loop.

Yang Yuxin continued, "It's nothing major, just thinking of going on a trip with you, a honeymoon trip!"

Honeymoon? Is our current relationship even close to a honeymoon phase? Su Chen was utterly speechless. However, since he had agreed earlier, he could only nod in approval.

"Great," Yang Yuxin said cheerfully, grabbing Su Chen's arm, embodying the innocent and sweet female character trope. "Where do you think we should go, Su Chen?" After a moment's thought, she added, "Let's go in three days; now isn't a good time."

Oh no, Yang Yuxin's current behavior indeed fits the typical naive and sweet female lead in novels. The slightest move from the male lead would make her swoon. But isn't he going back to his antagonist script in three days? Going on a trip alone with Yang Yuxin might be risky. Pondering this, a smirk crept onto Su Chen's face. A honeymoon trip? She never mentioned a limit to the number of people joining!

Throughout the evening, Yang Yuxin continued to chat with Su Chen, asking various questions, to which he casually responded. She seemed genuinely happy, and seeing her so cheerful made Su Chen momentarily forget about the script, engaging in the conversation.

"Su Chen, do you think I'm pretty?" Suddenly, Yang Yuxin posed a serious question.

Suddenly, Su Chen was snapped back to reality. He remembered that he was currently playing the role of the male lead. He initially wanted to say, "Yang Yuxin, you're quite unattractive," but then thought better of it. After all, he was currently in the male lead's role.

"Xin'er, you're so beautiful, especially that chubby face of yours; it's absolutely charming," Su Chen commented. "And your personality, I never expected you'd like me for so long. Actually, I..."

"You what?" Yang Yuxin asked impatiently, unable to contain herself any longer. Was she finally going to get a clear answer? Although she suspected this might be part of the script, when you're infatuated with someone, everything they do seems perfect. And right now, that's precisely how Yang Yuxin viewed Su Chen.

With a mix of genuine and feigned shyness, Yang Yuxin looked at Su Chen, "Can you not declare such things in public? It makes me feel embarrassed."

Su Chen sighed with relief. Damn, I almost spilled the beans. No, I know Yang Yuxin too well; it's more fun to let her take the lead. At this moment, Su Chen noticed a hint of moisture in Yang Yuxin's eyes.

What's gotten into her? Was she inexplicably moved? Was it because of something I did or was it due to Yang Yuxin's character? Or maybe it's because of my current identity.

Is this how the male lead is treated? Without saying much, the female lead becomes this emotional? Just how inept was Qin Yu, the original male lead? At this moment, the two locked eyes, and a mysterious magnetic field seemed to form between them. Su Chen was all too familiar with this urban fantasy storyline. The next scene would likely involve Yang Yuxin kissing him.

Is she really going to do it? They had kissed before, but the circumstances were different now. Just as Su Chen grappled with the situation, an ear-piercing voice suddenly interrupted.

"Scumbag!" An angry voice filled with rage echoed.

While Su Chen wasn't sure who the intruder was, it was clear that this was the antagonist. Su Chen thought: I've played the villain for so long; it's finally time to feel the thrill of being the protagonist. It's time for a showdown.

Both Su Chen and Yang Yuxin turned their heads. Seeing who it was, Yang Yuxin couldn't help but frown. Anger rose on her face. It seemed another confrontation was on the horizon.

It was unexpectedly interrupted. In frustration, Yang Yuxin's utensils were suddenly bent in her grip. She finally understood why villains were so detestable.

This was truly infuriating. Seeing Yang Yuxin's aggressive gesture, Su Chen quickly held her back. Su Chen was worried that if Yang Yuxin acted impulsively, it might derail the storyline in which he was the protagonist.

"Xin'er, who is this person?" Su Chen inquired with genuine curiosity. He was certain he didn't know the man. He had no recollection of him, and if he was a mere antagonist, Su Chen wouldn't be bothered.

Before Yang Yuxin could reply, the man confidently introduced himself, "I am the young master of this hotel, Ye Zongtao." He continued, "To be honest, Ye Haotian is my cousin. If you don't want to get hurt, you better leave now."

Su Chen was taken aback. If this man was related to Ye Haotian, then by opposing Ye Zongtao, wasn't he also offending Ye Haotian? Ye Haotian was the primary villain in the original story. By crossing such a character, did it mean he truly embodied the protagonist role now?

Of course, Su Chen wasn't afraid of offending him. But he had to admit, in terms of playing the role of an arrogant young master, Ye Zongtao was impressive. His brash manner of speaking and ruthless demeanor made it understandable why he was so disliked. But now that Su Chen was the protagonist, it was a different story. Unlike the imbecile Qin Yu, Su Chen would not tolerate someone being arrogant in front of him.

Technically, Ye Zongtao should have recognized him, but the script was designed in a way that Ye Zongtao didn't. This setting was created for Su Chen to have the upper hand. As Su Chen pondered, Ye Zongtao sneered and uttered a chilling threat, "Kid, it was this hand that touched Yuxin, right? If so, be prepared to lose it."

Yang Yuxin barely held back her laughter. He truly was a pitiable figure. In a short while, he might end up being so beaten that he wouldn't even recognize his own mother. At this moment, Ye Zongtao was genuinely displeased. He couldn't believe Yang Yuxin would be with someone like Su Chen. If he couldn't have something, no one else should either.

Ye Zongtao perfectly embodied the traits of the Ye family - extremely aggressive. He couldn't stand the thought of others having what he desired. He had a history of maiming others out of envy. Glaring at Su Chen, Ye Zongtao bellowed, "Bastard, there's no escaping a beating today. No one can save you now, not even Jesus."

Su Chen was rendered speechless. How could someone utter such a memorable line?

He nearly burst into laughter. Just how messed up is this world? People are always so quick to resort to violence.

Su Chen wanted to share a piece of wisdom with them: Sometimes, using words can be more satisfying. However, at Ye Zongtao's command, a large group of bodyguards quickly surrounded Su Chen. Yet, Su Chen remained unflustered. In fact, he felt a hint of amusement.

Yang Yuxin, standing beside him, could hardly hold back. "Su Chen, stop wasting time talking. Just take action and teach this man a lesson." In Yang Yuxin's eyes, Su Chen seemed jealous, and all of this was for her sake.

She despised Ye Zongtao. Yang Yuxin had investigated and found evidence of his numerous crimes. The number of girls he had ruined was countless. He was the epitome of scum. But Ye Zongtao's influence and power made it risky even for someone with Yang's family backing to offend him lightly. But Su Chen was different. Yang Yuxin wanted him to be thrown into this whirlwind and come out triumphant.

"Why aren't you taking action yet?" Yang Yuxin became anxious. She decided to add fuel to the fire. Wrapping her arm around Su Chen's, she snuggled close, cooing, "Darling, let's just drop it. We shouldn't bother with people like him. Don't be angry, let's go home, take a bath, and relax. We have a large bathtub at home!"

Su Chen was baffled. Seriously? Playing the seductress now? He thought, "Why weren't you like this when I played the antagonist?"

Ye Zongtao fumed, "Today, I'm taking your life." He commanded, "Everyone, attack! Show no mercy. If anything goes wrong, I'll handle it." The henchmen seemed eager to engage.

Su Chen smirked. Classic face-slapping moments like these were about to unfold. He was all too familiar with it. All he had to do was make a few moves and everyone would be down. Ye Zongtao would then kneel and beg, reiterating the fact about his relationship with Ye Haotian. Such a protagonist was simply an idiot. Su Chen would never resort to such antics. After all, they were in a society governed by laws. Assaulting someone was a crime.

Thus, Su Chen declared, "I am the eldest young master of the Su family. I'd like to see who dares to lay a hand on me."

Yang Yuxin was left speechless.