Mysterious Setting, No Men Beside the Female Lead

The prestige of being the young master of the Su family was immense. The scene, which was previously filled with murderous intent, instantly calmed down. Moreover, Su Chen's words left Yang Yuxin astonished.

She hadn't expected Su Chen to diverge from the original script. Yet, Su Chen seemed satisfied. After his statement, the bodyguards who had wanted to aid Ye Zongtao in teaching Su Chen a lesson were all stunned, momentarily unsure of how to act.

Being the young master of the Su family meant being a genuine influential figure. Crossing such a figure had repercussions, which these bodyguards were well aware of. Therefore, they dared not move.

This even applied to Ye Zongtao, who was previously enraged. Although he was an arrogant young master who thought highly of himself, he fully understood how daunting Su Chen's reputation was. Even in the presence of his cousin, Ye Haotian, confronting Su Chen directly would likely not be wise.

Furthermore, Ye Zongtao had heard about Su Chen's recent undertakings in the capital. By this point, it seemed evident that the man beside Yang Yuxin was none other than Su Chen. Ye Zongtao regretted not having thought about this before.

He had considered Qin Yu to be a formidable individual, who, in a short time, had built a vast business empire and was even regarded by Ye Haotian as a rival. But even such a formidable figure as Qin Yu was nothing compared to Su Chen's might. One could only imagine the extent of Su Chen's power.

Upon realizing who he was confronting, Ye Zongtao's legs weakened, and he quickly pleaded, "Young Master Su, I failed to recognize the mountain in front of me. I was impulsive and offended you. Please show mercy and spare me!"

Seeing Ye Zongtao begging for mercy, the bodyguards became even more hesitant. "Young Master Su, we were just following orders. We have families to care for. Please spare us!" They pleaded, echoing, "Spare us!"

Su Chen was quite pleased with the outcome. See, this was the best way to handle situations in the world of novels – through mere misunderstandings. Though Su Chen held immense power, there wasn't a need to resort to violence or take extreme measures for such trivial matters.

Furthermore, Ye Zongtao was also a pampered young master of a multi-billion fortune. While he might pale in comparison to the Su family, he wasn't weak, and dealing with him could prove troublesome. However, if Ye Zongtao genuinely angered Su Chen to the point of needing to be eliminated, Su Chen wouldn't hesitate.

That was the nonsensical aspect of the novel. However, the more such scenarios unfolded, the more Su Chen grew concerned. After defeating one antagonist, another would soon emerge. Once his protagonist script ended, the antagonist's script would await. If he then faced troubles from the primary antagonist, Ye Haotian, things would turn dire.

Above all, what Su Chen really wanted to complain about was this narrative setup. Damn it.

Why is it that after defeating one antagonist, another one immediately pops up? This is ridiculously absurd, especially when Su Chen thinks of Su Long. Such thoughts make Su Chen feel a sense of helplessness.

Waving his hand, Su Chen said, "All of you can leave. If you ever dare to provoke me again..." He originally intended to deliver a potent threat. However, realizing his protagonist's persona, he suddenly shifted his tone, "Given you all are just following orders, just leave!"

At his words, the bodyguards immediately scattered. Of course, Ye Zongtao remained since Su Chen hadn't granted him permission to leave. Su Chen glanced at Ye Zongtao. To be honest, such scum probably committed countless wrongdoings. Punishing him might be somewhat justified. But Su Chen decided to let it be, thinking he'd deal with Ye Zongtao alongside Ye Haotian later on. Waving his hand, he indicated that Ye Zongtao could depart.

Ye Zongtao, standing by, felt immense relief. He was indeed tense, as his wrongdoings were numerous. With Su Chen's influence, uncovering his dark secrets would be a straightforward task, leading to his ultimate downfall. But now that Su Chen had allowed him to leave, he naturally felt elated.

However, just as Ye Zongtao was about to leave, Yang Yuxin suddenly slapped him hard across the face. The loud smack resonated, and Yang Yuxin, seemingly still unsatisfied, slapped him once more with full force. This left Ye Zongtao completely disoriented, collapsing to the ground. Yang Yuxin then picked up a dish and threw it directly at his face, shouting, "Scum! You dare to disturb our meal! If you have grievances, take it up with Su Chen and see who's more formidable!" After venting her anger with a few more kicks, she seemed a bit relieved.

Of course, she wouldn't easily let Ye Zongtao off the hook. Having finally gotten an opportunity, she wanted to vent her frustrations thoroughly on such a worthless person. With Su Chen backing her, Yang Yuxin wasn't afraid. Ideally, Ye Zongtao would rashly seek revenge on Su Chen, giving her a perfect excuse to take him down. The primary reason, however, was that Yang Yuxin was assisting Su Chen in fulfilling the protagonist's storyline. The male lead is supposed to teach the antagonist a lesson. Since Su Chen was too kind and didn't act, she decided to step in for him. Yang Yuxin also hoped that by fulfilling the task entirely, even if Su Chen's protagonist script ended, she would break free from the rules.

Meanwhile, Su Chen looked on, completely taken aback. "Damn," he thought, "Yang Yuxin's true nature is indeed ruthless." At the same time, he understood precisely what Yang Yuxin intended.

But one had to admit, Yang Yuxin looked exceptionally pretty when she was angrily hitting someone, too cute for words. This made Su Chen have the fleeting urge to spar with her. Remembering his protagonist role, Su Chen expressed concern, "Xinxin, are you okay? Does your hand hurt? Let me massage it for you."

Chills ran down Su Chen's spine. He was feeling overwhelmed. The mission seemed essentially complete at this point. Su Chen felt he couldn't go on with the act and was eager to leave as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Yang Yuxin appeared delighted. Even though everything Su Chen did was scripted, she was inexplicably moved. However, Su Chen wasn't keen on lingering. He quickly took Yang Yuxin by the hand and left. Being the protagonist was truly challenging. Being the antagonist seemed easier in comparison.

Su Chen hastily planned to drop Yang Yuxin off at her company. Once inside the vehicle, Yang Yuxin immediately kicked off her high heels, exposing her long, swaying legs right in front of him. While Su Chen appeared dismayed, Yang Yuxin was full of zest, asking, "Su Chen, where are we dining tonight?"

Intervening, Su Chen said, "Are you joking? We've just had lunch, and you're already thinking about dinner?" Yang Yuxin laughed heartily, "Isn't it better to be prepared?" She added, "You know, going out to dine seems too risky. We always end up in these bizarre situations." Su Chen thought to himself, 'Well, that's the price you pay for being a female lead.'

Wait a minute. Yang Yuxin wouldn't say such things without a reason. Sure enough, before Su Chen could make sense of it all, Yang Yuxin, with a bashful look, lowered her head, saying, "It's all my fault. How about I invite you over for dinner at my place tonight?"

Visiting her place seemed like entering the lion's den. Considering she's someone who might resort to spiking drinks, the risk factor was too high. Thinking of this, Su Chen's face went pale as he said, "No, I prefer dining at home!" Without skipping a beat, Yang Yuxin chirped, "Alright then, I'll come over to your place!"

Su Chen was somewhat caught off guard by her train of thought and retorted, "Don't even think about it." Regardless of whatever Yang Yuxin said afterward, he chose not to respond.

"Su Chen, be honest. In the past few years when we rarely met, did you miss me?" Yang Yuxin pressed. "Why won't you speak?" "Stop giving me the silent treatment, okay?" "Su Chen, you jerk, I'm ignoring you now!" After saying this, Yang Yuxin turned her head away. Her pouting expression was incredibly adorable. She crossed her arms, but her sultry demeanor was unmistakable.

Su Chen maintained his silence. "Su Chen, you won't even comfort me? I'll tell your mom!" When Yang Yuxin spoke, her round face, paired with her somewhat naive eyes, looked rather innocent. Seeing that Su Chen still showed no intention of acknowledging her, she felt even more aggrieved, and her eyes began to glisten with tears.

I'm speechless. It's like I'm the dry ground, and only when you're moist can I absorb the water. Near the office, at the last traffic light, Su Chen stopped the car and looked at the still sulking Yang Yuxin. "Do you want to hang out with me in the next few days?" This was Su Chen's trick – whenever Yang Yuxin was upset, he'd mention something she looked forward to, which would instantly cheer her up.

However, this time, Yang Yuxin merely glanced at him and scoffed, "Why would I want to go out with you? I'm considered one of the top beauties in the capital, and countless men want to be with me." Su Chen nonchalantly replied, "That's a pity. I was thinking of visiting some romantic spots, considering how stressed you've been recently. But if you're not interested, maybe I'll ask Lin Qingyan."

"You dare!" Yang Yuxin's face changed instantly, but she quickly recovered with a smile, "When are we going?" Su Chen looked at her, "Let's discuss it after I've settled some matters."

Yang Yuxin didn't respond further, understanding that Su Chen might be tied up for now. Meanwhile, Su Chen was feeling increasingly embarrassed about the comments he had made earlier. He wished he could find a hole and hide. After a while, they finally returned to the company. Though Su Chen didn't follow her in, he did escort her to the building before leaving.

To his horror, the supposedly exclusive elevator, which had been malfunctioning earlier, was now suddenly working perfectly, as if nothing had happened. When Su Chen and Yang Yuxin boarded the elevator again, he was extremely anxious. Who knew if it might suddenly break down again? The idea of being stuck in a cramped elevator for a long time was terrifying.

Thankfully, no such clichéd incident occurred. Back in her office, Yang Yuxin laid back on her plush sofa, her long, fair legs swaying. The slight upward curve of her lips gave away her true feelings. "I'm so happy! The role-play has finally ended. I wonder what the scores will be. I'm so excited!" She continued, "But seriously, today was so cathartic. Ye Zongtao will get his comeuppance one day. But for now, let me focus on deepening my bond with my 'husband'."

[Finally got through to Yang Yuxin, and it's all thanks to our familiarity.] 

[If it were another woman, making me utter such embarrassing lines...] 

[So disgusting!] 

[The protagonist's script is too dumb.] 

[My little antagonist role is way better.] [Hehe, but Yang Yuxin is great. Now, she only has eyes for me.]

Yang Yuxin was taken aback. What does he mean by "she only has eyes for me"? Does he think I, Yang Yuxin, have to be into him? How infuriating! It's all about the character setting, okay? Otherwise, how could someone as exceptional as me ever fall for you?

Would I be given away that easily? I'm so mad, Su Chen, I've decided to ignore you. 

[What I find most intriguing is that, besides me, it seems that Yang Yuxin hasn't had any other male figures in her life from childhood.] 

[Even the darn police dog she had during a case was female, how hilarious.]

Yang Yuxin, who was still upset, suddenly heard these remarks. She paused for a moment. Thinking it over, what Su Chen said seemed to have some merit. Indeed, from childhood to adulthood, not only her but even her elder sister, Yang Danxuan, had the same situation. They hardly had any males around them. She was a bit better, having Su Chen during her childhood. Even their father was rarely home. She wasn't in touch with any male relatives from her family. Upon reflection, it was indeed terrifying.

If that's the case, and Su Chen doesn't marry me, would I end up lonely forever? Are other female protagonists in the same situation? Does that mean the competition is fierce? Firstly, her sister Yang Danxuan is a big issue! No, she must work secretly when they're not paying attention and then stun them with her progress. With that in mind, Yang Yuxin dialed a number.

On the other end, just as Su Chen got home, he received a call from his mother. "Mom, you're not calling to urge me to marry again, are you? I'm only 25. There's no rush. Besides, I only love Lin Qingyan."

"Cut the chatter, come home for dinner tonight."

"Forget it."

"Stop the nonsense! I promise not to nag you about marriage anymore, so hurry back. Otherwise, mom might drug you, and then it won't be up to you."

What the hell? Why does my mother sound exactly like Yang Yuxin? He knew his mother, Chen Qing, too well. This wasn't like Yang Yuxin who just made empty threats. At home, his mother always held authority. She might actually go through with it.

But this was too coincidental. Just after Yang Yuxin mentioned having dinner at his place, his mother calls him. Just to be on the safe side, Su Chen decided to take Su Xianer with him.